< Job 10 >

1 Tædet animam meam vitæ meæ, dimittam adversum me eloquium meum, loquar in amaritudine animæ meæ.
I hate my life! Let me speak freely about my complaints—I can't keep my bitterness to myself.
2 Dicam Deo: Noli me condemnare: indica mihi cur me ita iudices.
I will tell God, “Don't just condemn me—tell me what you have against me.
3 Numquid bonum tibi videtur, si calumnieris me, et opprimas me opus manuum tuarum, et consilium impiorum adiuves?
Do you enjoy accusing me? Why do you reject me, someone you made with your own hands, and yet smile on the scheming of the wicked?
4 Numquid oculi carnei tibi sunt: aut sicut videt homo, et tu videbis?
Do you have human eyes? Do you see like human beings do?
5 Numquid sicut dies hominis dies tui, et anni tui sicut humana sunt tempora,
Is your life as short as mortal beings? Are your years as brief as those of humanity,
6 Ut quæras iniquitatem meam, et peccatum meum scruteris?
that you have to examine my wrongs and investigate my sins?
7 Et scias quia nihil impium fecerim, cum sit nemo qui de manu tua possit eruere.
Even though you know I'm not guilty, no one can save me from you.
8 Manus tuæ fecerunt me, et plasmaverunt me totum in circuitu: et sic repente præcipitas me?
You made me and shaped me with your own hands, and yet you destroy me.
9 Memento quæso quod sicut lutum feceris me, et in pulverem reduces me.
Remember that you shaped me like a piece of clay—are you now going to turn me back into dust?
10 Nonne sicut lac mulsisti me, et sicut caseum me coagulasti?
You poured me out like milk, you curdled me like cheese.
11 Pelle et carnibus vestisti me: ossibus et nervis compegisti me.
You clothed me with skin and flesh; you wove my body together with bones and muscles.
12 Vitam et misericordiam tribuisti mihi, et visitatio tua custodivit spiritum meum.
You granted me life and showed me your kindness; you have taken great care of me.
13 Licet hæc celes in corde tuo, tamen scio quia universorum memineris.
But you kept these things hidden in your heart. I know your purpose was
14 Si peccavi, et ad horam pepercisti mihi: cur ab iniquitate mea mundum me esse non pateris?
to watch me, and if I sinned, then you would not forgive my wrongs.
15 Et si impius fuero, væ mihi est: et si iustus, non levabo caput, saturatus afflictione et miseria.
If I'm guilty I'm in trouble, if I'm innocent I can't hold my head high because I'm totally disgraced as I look at my sufferings.
16 Et propter superbiam quasi leænam capies me, reversusque mirabiliter me crucias.
If I do hold my head high you hunt me down like a lion, showing how powerful you are in hurting me.
17 Instauras testes tuos contra me, et multiplicas iram tuam adversum me, et pœnæ militant in me.
You repeat your arguments against me, you pour out more and more of your anger against me, you send fresh armies against me.
18 Quare de vulva eduxisti me? qui utinam consumptus essem ne oculus me videret.
So why did you allow me to be born? I wish that I had died, and nobody had ever seen me!
19 Fuissem quasi non essem, de utero translatus ad tumulum.
It would have been better if I had never existed, taken straight from the womb to the grave.
20 Numquid non paucitas dierum meorum finietur brevi? dimitte ergo me, ut plangam paululum dolorem meum:
I only have a few days left, so why don't you leave me alone so I can have a little peace
21 Antequam vadam et non revertar, ad terram tenebrosam, et opertam mortis caligine:
before I go to where I shall never return from, the land of darkness and the shadow of death—
22 Terram miseriæ et tenebrarum, ubi umbra mortis, et nullus ordo, sed sempiternus horror inhabitat.
the land of total darkness where death's shadow lies, a place of chaos where light itself is darkness.”

< Job 10 >