< Josoa 16 >

1 Ary ny faritry ny tany azon’ ny taranak’ i Josefa tamin’ ny filokana dia hatrany Jordana tandrifin’ i Jeriko, dia tao amin’ ny ranon’ i Jeriko atsinanana, ka hatramin’ ny efitra izay fiakarana avy any Jeriko, mamaky ny tany havoan’ i Betela,
And it went out the lot of [the] descendants of Joseph from [the] Jordan of Jericho to [the] waters of Jericho east-ward the wilderness going up from Jericho in the hill country Beth-el.
2 dia hatrany Betela ka hatrany Lozy, ka nandroso hatramin’ ny fari-tanin’ ny Arkita hatrany Atarota,
And it goes out from Beth-el Luz towards and it passes on to [the] border of the Arkite[s] Ataroth.
3 dia nidina niankandrefana nahazo ny tanin’ ny Jafletita ka hatramin’ ny fari-tanin’ i Bedhorona ambany sy Gazera ka dia nihatra tamin’ ny ranomasina.
And it goes down west-ward to [the] border of the Japhletite[s] to [the] border of Beth Horon lower and to Gezer and they are (extremities its *Q(K)*) [the] sea towards.
4 Dia azon’ i Manase sy Efraima, taranak’ i Josefa, ny lovany.
And they received their inheritance [the] descendants of Joseph Manasseh and Ephraim.
5 Ary ny amin’ ny fari-tanin’ ny taranak’ i Efraima araka ny fokony, ny fari-taniny atsinanana amin’ ny lovany dia hatrany Atarot-adara ka hatrany Beti-horona ambony.
And it was [the] territory of [the] descendants of Ephraim to clans their and it was [the] border of inheritance their east-ward Ataroth Addar to Beth Horon upper.
6 Ary ny fari-taniny dia nandroso niankandrefana hatrany avaratr’ i Mikmeta, dia niolaka niantsinanana hatrany Tanata-silo ka nihoatra eo atsinanany hatrany Janoha,
And it goes out the border the sea towards Micmethath [is] from [the] north and it turns the border east-ward Taanath Shiloh and it passes by it from [the] east Janoah.
7 dia nidina hatrany Janoha ka hatrany Atarota sy Narata, dia nipaka tamin’ i Jeriko ary dia nihatra tany Jordana.
And it goes down from Janoah Ataroth and Naarah towards and it touches Jericho and it goes out the Jordan.
8 Ary hatrany Tapoa dia niankandrefana ny fari-tany hatramin’ ny lohasahan-driak’ i Kana, ka dia nihatra tamin’ ny ranomasina. Izany no lovan’ ny firenena taranak’ i Efraima araka ny fokony,
From Tappuah it goes the border west-ward [the] wadi of Kanah and they are extremities its the sea towards this [was] [the] inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Ephraim to clans their.
9 mbamin’ ny tanàna natokana ho an’ ny taranak’ i Efraima teo amin’ ny lovan’ ny taranak’ i Manase koa, dia ny tanàna rehetra mbamin’ ny zana-bohiny.
And the cities the separate places for [the] descendants of Ephraim [are] in [the] midst of [the] inheritance of [the] descendants of Manasseh all the cities and villages their.
10 Ary tsy nandroaka ny Kananita izay nonina tany Gazera izy; fa monina eo amin’ i Efraima ny Kananita mandraka androany ka ampanaovina fanompoana.
And not they dispossessed the Canaanite[s] who dwelt in Gezer and he has dwelt the Canaanite[s] in [the] midst of Ephraim until the day this and he became a slave gang of laboring.

< Josoa 16 >