< Salamo 43 >

1 Omeo rariny aho, Andriamanitra ô, ary alaharo ny teniko haharesy ny firenena tsy misy famindram-po; Vonjeo aho ho afaka amin’ ny lehilahy mpamitaka sy mpanao meloka.
Bring me justice, God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation.
2 Fa Hianao no Andriamanitry ny heriko; Nahoana no manary ahy Hianao? Nahoana no mandeha mijoretra aho noho ny fampahorian’ ny fahavaloko?
For you are the God of my strength. Why have you rejected me? Why do I go about in mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?
3 Ampandehano ny fahazavanao sy ny fahamarinanao; aoka hitarika ahy ireo ka hitondra ahy ho any an-tendrombohitrao masìna, dia ho any amin’ ny tabernakelinao.
Oh, send out your light and your truth, let them lead me. Let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling.
4 Dia hankany amin’ ny alitaran’ Andriamanitra aho, dia any amin’ Andriamanitry ny fifaliako indrindra; ary hidera Anao amin’ ny lokanga aho, ry Andriamanitra ô, dia Andriamanitro.
Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy. I will praise you with the harp, God, my God.
5 Nahoana no mitanondrika ianao ry fanahiko? ary nahoana no mitoloko ato anatiko ianao? manantenà an’ Andriamanitra, fa mbola hidera Azy ihany aho. Izy no famonjena ny tavako sady Andriamanitro.
Why are you bowed down, my soul? Why are you upset within me? Hope in God, for again I will praise him who is my salvation and my God.

< Salamo 43 >