< Korohe 2 >

1 E mea ana hoki ahau kia mohio koutou ki te nui o toku uaua mo koutou, mo te hunga ano hoki o Raorikia, a mo te hunga katoa hoki kahore nei i kite noa i toku mata i te kikokiko;
For I want you to know the kind of solicitude that I have for you, and for those who are at Laodicea, as well as for those who have not seen my face in the flesh.
2 Kia whakamarietia o ratou ngakau, kia tuhonohonoa i runga i te aroha, kia taea ai nga taonga katoa o te tino whakaunga o te ngakau mahara, kia matau ai ratou ki te mea ngaro a te Atua, ara ki a te Karaiti;
May their hearts be consoled and instructed in charity, with all the riches of a plenitude of understanding, with knowledge of the mystery of God the Father and of Christ Jesus.
3 Kei roto nei i a ia nga taonga katoa o te mahara, o te matauranga e huna ana.
For in him are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
4 Na i korero ai ahau i tenei, kei kumea ketia koutou e te korero reka a te tangata.
Now I say this, so that no one may deceive you with grandiose words.
5 No te mea ahakoa kei tawhiti toku kikokiko, kei a koutou na toku wairua, e hari ana, e titiro ana ki a koutou ritenga tika, ki te u ano hoki o to koutou whakapono ki a te Karaiti.
For though I may be absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit. And I rejoice as I gaze upon your order and its foundation, which is in Christ, your faith.
6 Na, kua riro na te Ariki, a Karaiti Ihu i a koutou, kia pena ano ta koutou haere i roto i a ia;
Therefore, just as you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, walk in him.
7 Kia whai pakiaka, ano he whare i hanga ki runga ki a ia, whakapumau rawa ki runga ki to koutou whakapono, kia pera me koutou i whakaakona ra, kia hira rawa ai te whakawhetai.
Be rooted and continually built up in Christ. And be confirmed in the faith, just as you have also learned it, increasing in him with acts of thanksgiving.
8 Kia tupato kei roro parau koutou i to te tangata whakaaro mohio, i te tinihanga huakore, e rite nei ki te whakarerenga iho a te tangata, ki nga mea timatanga o te ao, a kahore ki a te Karaiti.
See to it that no one deceives you through philosophy and empty falsehoods, as found in the traditions of men, in accord with the influences of the world, and not in accord with Christ.
9 Kei roto katoa hoki i a ia te tino o te Atua e noho a tinana ana.
For in him, all the fullness of the Divine Nature dwells bodily.
10 A kua tino tangata ano koutou i roto i a ia, ko te nei ia o nga rangatiratanga, o nga mana katoa;
And in him, you have been filled; for he is the head of all principality and power.
11 He mea kokoti koutou i roto i a ia, he kotinga kihai i meatia e te ringaringa, i te unuhanga atu i te tinana o nga hara o te kikokiko, i to te Karaiti kotinga;
In him also, you have been circumcised with a circumcision not made by hand, not by the despoiling of the body of flesh, but by the circumcision of Christ.
12 He mea tanu tahi koutou me ia i te iriiringa, he mea whakaara ngatahi ano hoki me ia i reira, no te mea ka whakapono nei ki te mahi a te Atua, nana nei ia i whakaara ake i te hunga mate.
You have been buried with him in baptism. In him also, you have risen again through faith, by the work of God, who raised him up from the dead.
13 He tupapaku na hoki koutou i nga he, i te kotingakore hoki o to koutou kikokiko, na, whakaorangia ngatahitia ana koutou me ia, he mea whakarere noa atu nana o koutou he katoa;
And when you were dead in your transgressions and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he enlivened you, together with him, forgiving you of all transgressions,
14 Murua ake e ia nga tikanga i tuhituhia e te ringaringa, nga tikanga i hoariri ki a tatou, i tu ke mai i a tatou; tangohia ake e ia ki rahaki, he mea titi nana ki te ripeka;
and wiping away the handwriting of the decree which was against us, which was contrary to us. And he has taken this away from your midst, affixing it to the Cross.
15 Pauhua ake e ia ki raro nga rangatiratanga me nga mana, whakakitea nuitia ana e ia, a waiho ana e ia taua ripeka hei mea whakataka mana i a ratou.
And so, despoiling principalities and powers, he has led them away confidently and openly, triumphing over them in himself.
16 Na, kaua tetahi e whakawa i a koutou mo te kai, mo te inu, mo nga meatanga ki te hakari, ki te kowhititanga marama, ki nga hapati;
Therefore, let no one judge you as concerns food or drink, or a particular feast day, or feast days of new moons, or of Sabbaths.
17 He atarangi enei no nga mea i kiia e puta ana i muri; no te Karaiti ia te tinana.
For these are a shadow of the future, but the body is of Christ.
18 Kei riro ta koutou taonga i te maminga a te tangata e mea ana ki te whakaiti i a ia, ki te karakia ki nga anahera, ka noho i roto i nga mea e kitea ana e ia, ka whakapehapeha kau noa, he mea na tona ngakau kikokiko;
Let no one seduce you, preferring base things and a religion of Angels, walking according to what he has not seen, being vainly inflated by the sensations of his flesh,
19 A kahore e mau ki te Upoko, no roto nei i a ia te tinana katoa, he mea atawhai, he mea tuhonohono e nga hononga, e nga here, ka tupu ai, he tupu na te Atua.
and not holding up the head, with which the whole body, by its underlying joints and ligaments, is joined together and grows with an increase that is of God.
20 Ki te mea kua tupapaku ngatahi koutou ko te Karaiti ki nga mea timatanga o te ao, he aha koutou, ano e ora ana ki te ao, ka pupuri tonu ai i nga tikanga,
So then, if you have died with Christ to the influences of this world, why do you still make decisions as if you were living in the world?
21 Kei pa ringaringa, kei pa kai, kei rahurahu;
Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle these things,
22 He mea pirau katoa nei aua mea i te meatanga iho ano, he whakahau, he ako na te tangata?
which all lead to destruction by their very use, in accord with the precepts and doctrines of men.
23 Ko te ahua o aua mea i whakaritea ki to te whakaaro nui, he karakia pokano, he whakaiti i a ia ake, he atawhaikore i te tinana; otira kahore he painga hei pehi i te kikokiko e torere ana kia makona ia.
Such ideas have at least an intention to attain to wisdom, but through superstition and debasement, not sparing the body, and they are without any honor in satiating the flesh.

< Korohe 2 >