< Waiata a Horomona 1 >

1 Ko te waiata o nga waiata, ko ta Horomona.
The Song of Songs, that [is] Solomon's.
2 Kia kihia ahau e ia ki nga kihi a tona mangai: he pai atu hoki tou aroha i te waina.
Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth, For better [are] thy loves than wine.
3 He kakara pai to ou hinu; ko tou ingoa ano he hinu kua oti te riringi; na reira i aroha ai nga wahine ki a koe.
For fragrance [are] thy perfumes good. Perfume emptied out — thy name, Therefore have virgins loved thee!
4 Kumea ahau; ka rere atu matou, ka whai i a koe: kua oti ahau te kawe e te kingi ki ona ruma: ka koa matou, ka hari ki a koe; engari tou aroha i te waina hei maharatanga atu ma matou: e tika ana to ratou aroha ki a koe.
Draw me: after thee we run, The king hath brought me into his inner chambers, We do joy and rejoice in thee, We mention thy loves more than wine, Uprightly they have loved thee!
5 He mangu ahau, otiia he ataahua ano, e nga tamahine o Hiruharama, rite tonu ano ki nga teneti o Kerara, ki nga kakahu tauarai o Horomona.
Dark [am] I, and comely, daughters of Jerusalem, As tents of Kedar, as curtains of Solomon.
6 Kaua e titiro mai ki ahau, no te mea he parauri ahau, no te mea kua tahuna ahau e te ra. I riri nga tama a toku whaea ki ahau, meinga ana ahau e ratou hei kaitiaki mo nga mara waina; ko taku mara ia, ko taku ake, kihai i tiakina e ahau.
Fear me not, because I [am] very dark, Because the sun hath scorched me, The sons of my mother were angry with me, They made me keeper of the vineyards, My vineyard — my own — I have not kept.
7 Whakaaturia mai ki ahau, e ta toku wairua e aroha nei, ko hea koe whangai ai, ko hea koe mea ai i tau kahui kia takoto i te poutumarotanga; kia rite ahau hei aha ki te mahunga taupoki i te taha o nga kahui a ou hoa?
Declare to me, thou whom my soul hath loved, Where thou delightest, Where thou liest down at noon, For why am I as one veiled, By the ranks of thy companions?
8 Ki te kore koe e mohio, e te mea ataahua rawa o nga wahine, haere atu i runga i nga takahanga o nga hipi, ka whangai i au kuao koati i te taha o nga nohoanga o nga hepara.
If thou knowest not, O fair among women, Get thee forth by the traces of the flock, And feed thy kids by the shepherds' dwellings!
9 Kua whakaritea koe e ahau, e taku e aroha nei, ki tetahi o nga hoiho o nga hariata a Parao.
To my joyous one in chariots of Pharaoh, I have compared thee, my friend,
10 He ataahua ou paparinga i nga whiri o nga makawe, tou kaki i nga tautau o nga mea whakapaipai.
Comely have been thy cheeks with garlands, Thy neck with chains.
11 Ka hanga e matou etahi mekameka koura mou, he mea tia ki te hiriwa.
Garlands of gold we do make for thee, With studs of silver!
12 I te kingi e noho ana i tona tepu, ka puta te kakara o toku nara.
While the king [is] in his circle, My spikenard hath given its fragrance.
13 Ko te rite ki ahau o taku e aroha nei kei te paihere maira, e takoto nei i waenganui i oku u.
A bundle of myrrh [is] my beloved to me, Between my breasts it lodgeth.
14 He tautau hena ki ahau taku e aroha nei, i nga mara waina o Enekeri.
A cluster of cypress [is] my beloved to me, In the vineyards of En-Gedi!
15 Nana, he ataahua koe, e taku e aroha nei; nana, he purotu koe; ko ou kanohi kei te kukupa.
Lo, thou [art] fair, my friend, Lo, thou [art] fair, thine eyes [are] doves!
16 Nana, he ataahua koe, e taku kaingakau, ae ra, he ahuareka: matomato tonu ano hoki to taua moenga.
Lo, thou [art] fair, my love, yea, pleasant, Yea, our couch [is] green,
17 He hita nga kurupae o to taua whare, he kauri nga heke.
The beams of our houses [are] cedars, Our rafters [are] firs, I [am] a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys!

< Waiata a Horomona 1 >