< Abahluleli 15 >

1 Kwathi emva kwezinsuku ezithile, ngesikhathi sokuvuna ingqoloyi, uSamsoni wethekelela umkakhe elezinyane lembuzi. Wathi: Kangingene kumkami endlini. Kodwa uyise kamvumelanga ukungena.
And it came to pass after a time, in the days of wheat harvest, that Sampson visited his wife with a kid, and said, I will go in to my wife even into the chamber: but her father did not suffer him to go in.
2 Uyise wasesithi: Isibili ngakhuluma ukuthi usumzonda lokumzonda; ngakho ngamnika umkhaphi wakho. Umnawakhe kamuhle kulaye yini? Ngiyacela, kabe ngowakho esikhundleni sakhe.
And her father spoke, saying, I said that you did surely hate her, and I gave her to one of your friends: [is] not her younger sister better than she? let her be to you instead of her.
3 USamsoni wasesithi kubo: Khathesi angilacala mayelana lamaFilisti nxa ngiwenzela okubi.
And Sampson said to them, Even for once am I guiltless with regard to the Philistines, in that I do mischief among them.
4 Ngakho uSamsoni wahamba, wabamba amakhanka angamakhulu amathathu, wathatha izihlanti, wafulathelisa umsila uqondana lomsila, wafaka isihlanti phakathi kwemisila emibili phakathi laphakathi.
And Sampson went and caught three hundred foxes, and took torches, and turned tail to tail, and put a torch between two tails, and fastened it.
5 Kwathi esethungele umlilo ezihlantini, wawayekela ahamba emabeleni emiyo amaFilisti, watshisa kusukela ezinqunjini zamabele kusiya emabeleni emiyo kusiya lezivinini lezihlahla zemihlwathi.
And he set fire to the torches, and sent [the foxes] into the corn of the Philistines; and every thing was burnt from the threshing floor to the standing corn, and even to the vineyard and olives.
6 AmaFilisti asesithi: Ngubani owenze lokhu? Bathi: USamsoni, umkhwenyana womThimina; ngoba uthethe umkakhe, wamnika umkhaphi wakhe. AmaFilisti asesenyuka, amtshisa yena loyise ngomlilo.
And the Philistines said, Who [has done] these things? and they said, Sampson the son-in-law of the Thamnite, because he has taken his wife, and given her to one of his friends; and the Philistines went up, and burnt her and her father's house with fire.
7 USamsoni wasesithi kuwo: Lanxa lenze njalo, kanti ngizaphindisela kini, emva kwalokho ngiyekele.
And Sampson said to them, Though you may have dealt thus with her, verily I will be avenged of you, and afterwards I will cease.
8 Wasebatshaya, umlenze phezu kwethangazi, ukubulala okukhulu. Wasesehla wahlala ebhalwini lwedwala leEtamu.
And he struck them leg on thigh [with] a great overthrow; and went down and lived in a cave of the rock Etam.
9 AmaFilisti asesenyuka amisa inkamba koJuda, asabalala eLehi.
And the Philistines went up, and encamped in Juda, and spread themselves abroad in Lechi.
10 Amadoda akoJuda asesithi: Lenyukeleleni ukumelana lathi? Athi: Senyukelele ukubopha uSamsoni, ukuze senze kuye njengalokho akwenze kithi.
And the men of Juda said, Why are you come up against us? and the Philistines said, We are come up to bind Sampson, and to do to him as he has done to us.
11 Kwasekusehla amadoda azinkulungwane ezintathu akoJuda aya ebhalwini lwedwala leEtamu, athi kuSamsoni: Kawazi yini ukuthi amaFilisti ayasibusa? Pho, kuyini lokhu okwenze kithi? Wasesithi kibo: Njengokwenza kwawo kimi ngenze njalo kuwo.
And the three thousand men of Juda went down to the hole of the rock Etam, and they said to Sampson, Know you not that the Philistines rule over us? and what [is] this [that] you have done to us? and Sampson said to them, As they did to me, so have I done to them.
12 Basebesithi kuye: Sehlele ukukubopha ukuze sikunikele esandleni samaFilisti. USamsoni wasesithi kibo: Fungani kimi ukuthi lina kaliyikungihlasela.
And they said to him, We are come down to bind you to deliver you into the hand of the Philistines: and Sampson said to them, Swear to me that you will not fall upon me yourselves.
13 Basebekhuluma kuye bathi: Hatshi, kodwa sizakubopha lokukubopha, sikunikele esandleni sawo, kodwa oqotho kasiyikukubulala. Basebembopha ngamagoda amabili amatsha, bamenyusa edwaleni.
And they spoke to him, saying, Nay, but we will only bind you fast, and deliver you into their hand, and will by no means kill you: and they bound him with two new ropes, and brought him from that rock.
14 Kwathi esefikile eLehi, amaFilisti aklabalala emhlangabeza. UMoya weNkosi wasefika ngamandla phezu kwakhe, lamagoda ayesengalweni zakhe aba njengefilakisi etshiswe ngomlilo, lezibopho zakhe zancibilika zasuka ezandleni zakhe.
And they came to Lechi: and the Philistines shouted, and ran to meet him: and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and the ropes that were upon his arms became as tow which is burnt with fire; and his bonds were consumed from off his hands.
15 Wasethola umhlathi omutsha kababhemi, welula isandla sakhe wawuthatha, watshaya ngawo amadoda ayinkulungwane.
And he found the jaw-bone of an ass that had been cast away, and he put forth his hand and took it, and struck with it a thousand men.
16 USamsoni wasesithi: Ngomhlathi kababhemi, inqumbi phezu kwezinqumbi, ngomhlathi kababhemi ngitshaye amadoda ayinkulungwane.
And Sampson said, With the jaw-bone of an ass I have utterly destroyed them, for with the jaw-bone of an ass I have struck a thousand men.
17 Kwasekusithi eseqedile ukukhuluma wawulahla umhlathi esandleni sakhe, wayibiza leyondawo ngokuthi iRamathi-Lehi.
And it came to pass when he ceased speaking, that he cast the jaw-bone out of his hand; and he called that place the Lifting of the jaw-bone.
18 Wayesomile kakhulu, wakhala eNkosini wathi: Wena unikile lokhukukhululwa okukhulu ngesandla senceku yakho; khathesi-ke sengizakufa ngokoma, ngiwele esandleni sabangasokanga yini?
And he was very thirsty, and wept before the Lord, and said, You have been well pleased to grant this great deliverance by the hand of your servant, and new shall I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised?
19 UNkulunkulu waseqhekeza igodi elaliseLehi, kwaphuma amanzi kilo. Kwathi esenathile, umoya wakhe wabuya waqaqabuka. Ngalokho wabiza ibizo lawo ngokuthi yiEni-Hakore, oseLehi kuze kube lamuhla.
And God broke open a hollow place in the jaw, and there came thence water, and he drank; and his spirit returned and he revived: therefore the name of the fountain was called 'The well of the invoker,' which is in Lechi, until this day.
20 Wasesahlulela uIsrayeli ensukwini zamaFilisti iminyaka engamatshumi amabili.
And he judged Israel in the days of the Philistines twenty years.

< Abahluleli 15 >