< ULevi 21 >

1 INkosi yasisithi kuMozisi: Tshono kubapristi, amadodana kaAroni, uthi kubo: Kakungabi khona ozingcolisayo ngofileyo phakathi kwabantu bakibo,
And the Lord seide to Moyses, Speke thou to preestis, the sones of Aaron, and thou schalt seie to hem, A preest be not defoulid in the deed men of hise citeseyns,
2 ngaphandle kwesihlobo sakhe, esiseduze laye, ngonina, langoyise, langendodana yakhe, langendodakazi yakhe, langomfowabo,
no but oneli in kynesmen and niy of blood, that is, on fadir and modir, and sone and douyter,
3 langodadewabo intombi emsulwa, eseduze laye, engazange ibe ngeyendoda; angazingcolisa ngayo.
and brother and sister, virgyn, which is not weddid to man;
4 Kayikuzingcolisa, eyisikhulu phakathi kwabantu bakibo, ukuzingcolisa.
but nether he schal be defoulid in the prince of his puple.
5 Kabayikwenza impabanga ekhanda labo, bangageli igumbi lodevu lwabo, bangacabi inhlanga enyameni yabo.
Preestis schulen not schaue the heed, nether beerd, nether thei schulen make keruyngis in her fleischis; thei schulen be hooli to her God,
6 Bazakuba ngcwele kuNkulunkulu wabo, bangeyisi ibizo likaNkulunkulu wabo. Ngoba banikela iminikelo yeNkosi eyenziwe ngomlilo, ukudla kukaNkulunkulu wabo. Ngakho bazakuba ngcwele.
and thei schulen not defoule his name; for thei offren encense of the Lord, and the looues of her God, and therfore thei schulen be hooli.
7 Kabayikuthatha owesifazana oyisifebe kumbe ongcolileyo, njalo kabayikuthatha owesifazana olahlwe yindoda yakhe; ngoba ungcwele kuNkulunkulu wakhe.
A preest schal not wedde a wijf a corrupt womman, and a `foul hoore, nether he schal wedde `hir that is forsakun of the hosebonde, for he is halewid to his God,
8 Ngakho uzamngcwelisa, ngoba unikela ukudla kukaNkulunkulu wakho. Uzakuba ngcwele kuwe, ngoba mina Nkosi elingcwelisayo ngingcwele.
and offrith the looues of settyng forth; therfor be he hooly, for `Y am the hooli Lord that halewith you.
9 Lendodakazi yaloba nguwuphi umpristi, uba izingcolisa ngokuphinga, iyamngcolisa uyise; izatshiswa ngomlilo.
If the `doutir of a preest is takun in defoulyng of virgynite, and defoulith the name of hir fadir, sche schal be brent in flawmes.
10 Lompristi omkhulu phakathi kwabafowabo, okuthelwe ekhanda lakhe amafutha okugcoba, lowehlukaniselwa ukuthi embathe izembatho, kayikuvumela ukuthi ikhanda lakhe lembulwe, angadabuli izembatho zakhe;
The bischop, that is the moost preest among hise britheren, on whose heed the oile of anoyntyng is sched, and whose hondis ben sacrid in preesthod, and he is clothid in hooli clothis, schal not diskyuere his heed, he schal not tere hise clothis,
11 angayi lakusiphi isidumbu, angazingcolisi ngoyise loba ngonina;
and outirli he schal not entre to ony deed man; and he schal not be defoulid on his fadir and modir,
12 angaphumi endlini engcwele, angangcolisi indlu engcwele kaNkulunkulu wakhe, ngoba umqhele wamafutha okugcoba kaNkulunkulu wakhe uphezu kwakhe. NgiyiNkosi.
nether he schal go out of hooli thingis, lest he defoule the seyntuarie of the Lord, for the oile of hooli anoyntyng of his God is on hym; Y am the Lord.
13 Njalo yena uzathatha umfazi ebuntombini bakhe.
He schal wedde a wijf virgyn;
14 Umfelokazi, kumbe olahliweyo, loba isifebe esingcolisiweyo, laba kangabathathi. Kodwa uzathatha intombi emsulwa ebantwini bakibo ibe ngumkakhe,
he schal not take a widewe, and forsakun, and a foul womman, and hoore, but a damesele of his puple;
15 njalo angangcolisi inzalo yakhe phakathi kwabantu bakibo. Ngoba ngiyiNkosi emngcwelisayo.
medle he not the generacioun of his kyn to the comyn puple of his folk, for Y am the Lord, that `halewe hym.
16 INkosi yasikhuluma kuMozisi isithi:
And the Lord spak to Moyses,
17 Khuluma kuAroni usithi: Loba ngubani owenzalo yakho ezizukulwaneni zabo okulesici kuye kangasondeli ukunikela ukudla kukaNkulunkulu wakhe.
and seide, Speke thou to Aaron; a man of thi seed, bi meynes, that hath a wem, schal not offre breed to his God,
18 Ngoba loba nguwuphi umuntu okulesici kuye angasondeli, umuntu oyisiphofu, kumbe oyisiqhuli, kumbe olimele ebusweni, kumbe olesitho eselulekileyo,
nethir schal neiy to his seruyce;
19 kumbe umuntu okulokwephuka konyawo kuye, kumbe ukwephuka kwesandla,
if he is blind; if he is crokid; if he is ether of litil, ether of greet, and wrong nose; if he is `of brokun foot, ethir hond;
20 kumbe olesifumbu, kumbe ongumuthwa, kumbe olomntwana elihlweni lakhe, kumbe olentembuzane, kumbe oloqweqwe olulumayo, loba olimele emasendeni.
if he hath a botche; ether if he is blereiyed; if he hath whijt colour in the iye, that lettith the siyt; if he hath contynuel scabbe; if he hath a drye scabbe in the bodi; ethir `is brokun `in the pryuy membris.
21 Kakulamuntu owenzalo kaAroni umpristi okukuye isici ozasondela ukunikela iminikelo yeNkosi eyenziwe ngomlilo; kulesici kuye, angasondeli ukunikela ukudla kukaNkulunkulu wakhe.
Ech man of the seed of Aaron preest, which man hath a wem, schal not neiye to offre sacrifices to the Lord, nether `to offre looues to his God;
22 Angadla ukudla kukaNkulunkulu wakhe, ezintweni ezingcwelengcwele lezintweni ezingcwele,
netheles he schal ete the looues that ben offrid in the seyntuarie,
23 kodwa angezi kulo iveyili, angasondeli elathini, ngoba kulesici kuye, ukuze angangcolisi izindlu zami ezingcwele. Ngoba ngiyiNkosi ebangcwelisayo.
so oneli that he entre not with ynne the veil; he schal not neiye to the auter, for he hath a wem, and he schal not defoule my seyntuarie; Y am the Lord that halewe hem.
24 UMozisi wasekhuluma lokho kuAroni, lakumadodana akhe, lakubo bonke abantwana bakoIsrayeli.
Therfor Moises spak to Aaron, and to hise sones, and to al Israel, alle thingis that weren comaundid to hym.

< ULevi 21 >