< Amahubo 80 >

1 Melusi kaIsrayeli, beka indlebe, okhokhela uJosefa njengomhlambi, ohlezi phakathi kwamakherubhi, khanyisa.
To victorie; this salm is witnessing of Asaph for lilies. Thou that gouernest Israel, yyue tent; that leedist forth Joseph as a scheep. Thou that sittist on cherubym; be schewid bifore Effraym,
2 Phambi kukaEfrayimi loBhenjamini loManase vusa amandla akho, uze ube lusindiso lwethu.
Beniamyn, and Manasses. Stire thi power, and come thou; that thou make vs saaf.
3 Siphendule, Nkulunkulu, wenze ubuso bakho bukhanye, ngakho sizasindiswa.
God of vertues, turne thou vs; and schewe thi face, and we schulen be saaf.
4 Nkosi Nkulunkulu wamabandla, koze kube nini uthukuthelela umkhuleko wabantu bakho?
Lord God of vertues; hou longe schalt thou be wrooth on the preier of thi seruaunt?
5 Ubenze badla isinkwa sezinyembezi, wabanathisa izinyembezi ngesilinganiso.
Hou longe schalt thou feede vs with the breed of teeris; and schalt yyue drynke to vs with teeris in mesure?
6 Usenza sibe yingxabano kubomakhelwane bethu, lezitha zethu ziyahlekisana ngathi.
Thou hast set vs in to ayenseiyng to oure neiyboris; and oure enemyes han scornyde vs.
7 Siphendule, Nkulunkulu wamabandla, wenze ubuso bakho bukhanye, ngakho sizasindiswa.
God of vertues, turne thou vs; and schewe thi face, and we schulen be saaf.
8 Waliletha ivini livela eGibhithe, wazixotsha izizwe, walihlanyela lona.
Thou translatidist a vyne fro Egipt; thou castidist out hethene men, and plauntidist it.
9 Walungisa indawo phambi kwalo, wagxilisa impande zalo, laze lagcwala umhlaba.
Thou were leeder of the weie in the siyt therof; and thou plauntidist the rootis therof, and it fillide the lond.
10 Izintaba zembeswa ngomthunzi walo, lezingatsha zalo zinjengemisedari kaNkulunkulu.
The schadewe therof hilide hillis; and the braunchis therof filliden the cedris of God.
11 Lanabisela ingatsha zalo elwandle, lamahlumela alo emfuleni.
It streiyte forth hise siouns til to the see, and the generacioun ther of `til to the flood.
12 Uyibhobozeleni imiduli yalo, ukuze balikhe bonke abadlula ngendlela?
Whi hast thou destried the wal therof; and alle men that goen forth bi the weie gaderiden awei the grapis therof?
13 Ingulube yasehlathini iyalihlikiza, lenyamazana yeganga iyalidla.
A boor of the wode distriede it; and a singuler wielde beeste deuouride it.
14 Nkulunkulu wamabandla, akubuyele, ukhangele phansi usemazulwini, ubone, wethekelele lelivini,
God of vertues, be thou turned; biholde thou fro heuene, and se, and visite this vyne.
15 ngitsho isivini isandla sakho sokunene esasihlanyelayo, lendodanaowaziqinisela yona.
And make thou it perfit, which thi riythond plauntide; and biholde thou on the sone of man, which thou hast confermyd to thee.
16 Sitshisiwe ngomlilo, saqunyelwa phansi; bayabhubha ngokukhuza kobuso bakho.
Thingis brent with fier, and vndurmyned; schulen perische for the blamyng of thi cheer.
17 Isandla sakho kasibe phezu komuntu wesandla sakho sokunene, phezu kwendodana yomuntu, oziqinisele yona.
Thin hond be maad on the man of thi riythond; and on the sone of man, whom thou hast confermed to thee.
18 Ngakho kasiyikubuyela emuva sisuke kuwe; sivuselele, khona sizabiza ibizo lakho.
And we departiden not fro thee; thou schalt quykene vs, and we schulen inwardli clepe thi name.
19 Nkosi, Nkulunkulu wamabandla, siphendule, wenze ubuso bakho bukhanye, ngakho sizasindiswa.
Lord God of vertues, turne thou vs; and schewe thi face, and we schulen be saaf.

< Amahubo 80 >