< Matendu 21 >

1 Patumaliliti kumgambira kwaheri, tukweniti meli tugenda mpaka kosi. Shirawu yakuwi tusokiti Rodi, na kulawa aku tugenditi patara.
When we had torn ourselves away and had set sail, we ran before the wind to Cos; the next day we came to Rhodes, and from there to Patara,
2 Aku, tuwoniti meli yaiweriti yankugenda Foiniki, hangu tukweniti, tugenda mwanja.
where we found a ship crossing to Phoenicia, and went on board and set sail.
3 Patusokiti kala pahala peni tuweziti kuwona kupiru, tupitiriti uwega wakuwi wa kushana tugenda Siriya. Tupumliriti mulushi lwa Tiru peni meli ilii iweriti wankusulusiya visanka vyakuwi.
After sighting Cyprus and leaving it on the left, we sailed to Syria, and put into Tyre, where the ship was to discharge her cargo.
4 Tuwoniti waumini wamu aku, na tulivaga pamwera nawomberi kwa lijuma limu. Kwa likakala lya Rohu, wamgambira Paulu kotukugenda Yerusalemu.
There we found the disciples and stayed a week with them. Speaking under the influence of the Spirit, they warned Paul not to set foot in Jerusalem.
5 Kumbiti shipindi shetu pashiperiti tuwukiti woseri pamuhera na wadala na wana wawu watupelekiti mpaka kunja ya lushi. Patusokiti kumbwani, twawoseri tusundamaliti na tumluwa Mlungu.
However, when we had come to the end of our visit, we went on our way, all the disciples with their wives and children escorting us out of the city. We knelt down on the beach, and prayed,
6 Shakapanu patulongiti kwaheri, twenga tukwena meli, nawomberi wawuya ukaya kwawu.
and then said goodbye to one another; after which we went on board, and they returned home.
7 Twenga twendereyiti na mwanja gwetu kulawa Tiru tusoka Tolemaisi kweni tuwalamsiya wawumini, tulikaliti nawomberi lishaka limu.
After we had made the run from Tyre, we landed at Ptolemais, and exchanged greetings with the followers there, and spent a day with them.
8 Shirawu yakuwi tuwukiti na tusoka Kaisariya. Aku tulikaliti ukaya kwa Mwinjilisti Filipi yomberi kaweriti yumu gwa walii saba wawasyaguliti kutanga Yerusalemu kulii.
The next day we left, and reached Caesarea, where we went to the house of Philip, the missionary, who was one of the Seven, and stayed with him.
9 Kaweriti na wahinga wamsheshi weni waweriti na shipaji sha kutakulira ujumbi wa Mlungu.
He had four unmarried daughters, who had the gift of prophecy.
10 Pawalikaliti aku mashaka ng'o, mbuyi yumu wamshema Agabu kiziti kulawa Yudeya.
During our visit, which lasted several days, a prophet, named Agabus, came down from Judea.
11 Katuyiziriti, katola Mkanda gwa Paulu, kalitawa mumawoku na mumagulu Kalonga, “Rohu Mnanagala katakula hangu, ‘Wayawudi Yerusalemu wamtawi ntambu ayi muntu kana mkanda agu na wantu wa maisi wamkamli.’”
He came to see us, and, taking Paul’s belt, and binding his own feet and hands with it, said, “This is what the Holy Spirit says – ‘The man to whom this belt belongs will be bound like this by the religious authorities in Jerusalem, and they will give him up to the Gentiles’.”
12 Patupikiniriti aga, twenga na wantu wamonga walii wawaweriti panu tumluwiti Paulu kotukugenda Yerusalemu.
When we heard that, we and the people of the place began to entreat Paul not to go up to Jerusalem.
13 Kumbiti Paulu kankuliti, “Mfira kutenda shishi? Mfira kugumega moyu gwangu kwa masozi? Neni nwera kala hera ndiri kutatilwa mnumba kulii Yerusalemu, ila ata kuhowa kwajili ya Mtuwa Yesu.”
It was then that Paul made the reply, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart like this? For my part, I am ready not only to be bound, but even to suffer death at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
14 Patusinditi kumuzyangazyanga tunyamala, tulonga hera, “Shakafira Mtuwa shitendeki!”
So, as he would not be persuaded, we said no more to him, only adding – “The Lord’s will be done.”
15 Pawatamiti palii kwa katepu, tuyopiti visanka vyetu, twendereyiti na mwanja kugenda Yerusalemu.
At the end of our visit, we made our preparations, and started on our way up to Jerusalem.
16 Wamu wa wafundwa walii wa Kaisariya wagenditi pamuhera natwenga, watujega ukaya kwa Mnasoni yomberi tuweriti twankugenda kulikala nayomberi kwa katepu. Mnasoni kaweriti mwenikaya gwa kupiru na kaweriti muwumini gwa mashaka gavuwa.
Some of the disciples from Caesarea went with us, and brought Mnason with them, a Cypriot disciple of long standing, with whom we were to stay.
17 Patuyingiriti Yerusalemu, walongu wawumini watuyangiti weri nentu.
On our arrival at Jerusalem, the followers of the Lord there gave us a hearty welcome;
18 Shirawu yakuwi Paulu kagenditi pamwera natwenga kumlamusiya Yakobu, na wazewi na shipinga sha wantu wawamjimira Yesu Kristu waweriti viraa.
and the next day Paul went with us to see James, and all the church elders were present.
19 Pawamlamsiyiti kala, Paulu kawayupiti shisoweru kamili kuusu goseri Mlungu gakaweriti kagatenda pakati pa wantu wa maisi kwa njira ya lihengu lyakuwi.
After greeting them, Paul related in detail all that God had done among the Gentiles through his efforts;
20 Pawapikiniriti aga, wamkwisa Mlungu. Shakapanu kamgambira Paulu, “Mlongu, guweza kuwona handa kwana Wayawudi maelufu weni vinu wawera wajimira na woseri awa wagatenda weri malagaliru.
and, when they had heard it, they began praising God, and said to Paul: “You see, brother, that those of our people who have become believers in Christ may be numbered by tens of thousands, and they are all naturally earnest in upholding the Jewish Law.
21 Wapata visoweru vyakuwi handa guweriti gwanguwafunda Wayawudi yawalikala muwamu mwa wantu wa maisi gamonga nawagashera ndiri malagaliru ga Musa, kotukuwayigiziya jandu wananguta wawu na kotukuzifata mila za Wayawudi.
Now they have heard it said about you, that you teach all of our people in foreign countries to forsake Moses, for you tell them not to circumcise their children or even to observe Jewish customs.
22 Nakaka wapikinira handa kasoka kala panu. Tutendi hashi, shakapanu?
Well now, as they are certain to hear of your arrival, do what we are going to suggest.
23 Su, gutendi handa ntambu yatukugambiziyiti. Twa panu wantu msheshi weni watula nazili.
We have four men here, who have of their own accord put themselves under a vow.
24 Gwingiri pamuhera na womberi, gulipungi pamuhera na womberi na gulipi na shyasi shashiwusika kwa womberi shakapanu wamogi viri zawu. Su kila muntu hakavimani kuwera visoweru vyoseri vilii vyawagambiritwi kuusu gwenga vyahera mana, kumbiti gwenga gumweni gwendereya weri na kugajimira malagiliru ga Musa.
Join these men, share their purification, and bear their expenses, so that they may shave their heads; and then all will see that there is no truth in what they have been told about you, but that, on the contrary, you yourself rule your life in obedience to the Jewish Law.
25 Kuusu wantu walii wa maisi gamonga wantu yawamjimira Yesu, tuwajegera kala luhamba twankuwagambira vitwatira vyatuamuwiti, waleki kuliya shoseri shawatambikiriti kwa milungu, nawalanda mwazi ama nawaliya vinofu vya shigongolu yawaminduwitwi na waleki uhumba.”
As to the Gentiles who have become believers in Christ, we have sent our decision that they should avoid food offered to idols, and blood, and the flesh of strangled animals, and impurity.”
26 Su lishaka lyalifatiti Paulu kawatoliti wantu walii na kalipunga pamuhera nawu. Shakapanu kingira Mnumba nkulu ya Mlungu, pakabwera visoweru vya upeleru wa mashaka ga kulipunga na tambiku meitendwi kwa kila muntu.
Paul joined the men, and the next day shared their purification, and went into the Temple, and gave notice of the expiration of the period of purification when the usual offering should have been made on behalf of each of them.
27 Shipindi mashaka saba aga pagiziti kupera, Wayawudi waweriti walawa pamkoa gwa Asiya wamwoniti Paulu Mnumba nkulu ya kumluwa Mlungu. Su, wasonguziya maya mushipinga shoseri sha wantu, wamkamula Paulu.
But, just as the seven days were drawing to a close, some of the Jewish people from Roman Asia caught sight of Paul in the Temple, and caused great excitement among all the people present, by seizing Paul and shouting,
28 “Wanaisi wa Israeli, wabotanga Mtutangi! Ayu ndomweni ulii muntu yakawafunditi wantu kila pahala shitwatira shawashilema wantu wa Israeli, yagalema Malagaliru ga Musa na pahala panu pananagala. Ata vinu kawayingiziya wantu wa maisi gamonga Mnumba nkulu ya Mlungu na kupatula uhumba pahala panu pananagala.”
“People of Israel! Help! This is the man who teaches everyone everywhere against our people, our Law, and this place; and, what is more, he has actually brought Greeks into the Temple and defiled this sacred place.”
29 Toziya ya kutakula hangu ndo kuwera waweriti wamwona Tirofimu, mwenikaya gwa Efesu, kaweriti pamuhera na Paulu mlushi, womberi walisheriti kuwera Paulu kaweriti kamwingiziya Mnumba nkulu ya Mlungu.
(For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian in Paul’s company in the city, and were under the belief that Paul had taken him into the Temple.)
30 Lushi loseri lwingira ndewu, wantu wiza kulawa wega zoseri, wamlaviyiti Paulu kunja Kunumba nkulu ya Mlungu, na palaa panu milyangu itatwa ya Numba nkulu ya Mlungu.
The whole city was stirred, and the people quickly collected, seized Paul, and dragged him out of the Temple, when the doors were immediately shut.
31 Waweriti kala kumlaga kumbiti visoweru vimwizira mkulu gwa wanjagila wa shiroma kuwera Yerusalemu yoseri iweriti imema ndewu.
They were bent on killing him, when it was reported to the officer commanding the garrison, that all Jerusalem was in commotion.
32 Kamu kamu mkulu gwa njagira kawatola wanjagila na mkulu gwa wanjagila, kashigendera shipinga sha wantu. Nawomberi pawamwoniti mkulu gwa njagira na wanjagila, waleka kumkoma Paulu.
He instantly got together some officers and soldiers, and charged down on the crowd, who, when they saw the commanding officer and his soldiers, stopped beating Paul.
33 Mkulu gwa jeshi kamgenderiti Paulu, kambata na kuamuwa wamtawi minyololu mushimba. Shakapanu kawakosiiti, “Ndo muntu gaa ayu, na katenda shishi?”
Then he went up to Paul, arrested him, ordered him to be doubly chained, and proceeded to inquire who he was, and what he had been doing.
34 Wamonga mshipinga sha wantu shilii waweriti wankubwera shintu ashi na wamonga shintu shilii. Toziya ya ndewu ayi. Mkulu gwa wanjagila kapofola kulimana shawuli kamili. Hangu, kaamuwiti wantu wakuwi wamjegi Paulu kuliboma.
Some of the crowd said one thing, and some another; and, as he could get no definite reply because of the uproar, he ordered Paul to be taken into the barracks.
35 Paulu pakasokiti palukweneru, wanjagila wampapiti toziya ya ndewu ya wantu.
When Paul reached the steps, he was actually being carried by the soldiers, owing to the violence of the mob;
36 Toziya wantu mushipinga shikulu wamfatiti pawabotanga, “gumlagiri patali!”
for the people were following in a mass, shouting out, “Kill him!”
37 Pawaweriti wankumwingiziya muboma, Paulu kamluwiti mkulu gwa wajengeni kalonga, “Weza kutakula shintu?” Mkulu gwa njagira ulii kamwankula, “Hashi, gushimana shigiriki?”
Just as he was about to be taken into the Fort, Paul said to the commanding officer, “May I speak to you?” “Do you know Greek?” asked the commanding officer.
38 “Kwani gwenga ndo ulii Mmisri ulii mashana hera kayanjishiti ungondu na kawalonguziya majahili elufu msheshi mpaka kushiwala?”
“Aren’t you, then, the Egyptian who some time ago raised an insurrection and led the four thousand Bandits out into the wilderness?”
39 Paulu kankula, “Neni ndo Myawudi, mwiwuka gwa Tarisu pa Kilikiya, neni ndo mwiwuka gwa lushi lwalumanikana. Shondi nukuluwa, gunekeziyi ntakuli na wantu.”
“No,” said Paul, “I am a Jew of Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of a city of some note. I beg you to give me permission to speak to the people.”
40 Mkulu ulii gwa wanjagila kamjimira. Hangu Paulu kagolokiti panani pa lukweneru, kawapungira mawoku wantu walii, na pawalikaliti jiii, kanja kuyowera nawomberi kwa Shiebraniya.
The commanding officer gave his permission, and Paul, standing on the steps, made signs with his hand to the people, and, when comparative silence had been obtained, he said to them in Hebrew:

< Matendu 21 >