< Первая книга Царств 24 >

1 И бысть егда возвратися Саул вспять от иноплеменник, и возвестиша ему, глаголюще: се, Давид в пустыни Енгадстей.
After Saul [and his soldiers] returned [home] after fighting against the Philistia army, someone reported to Saul that David [and his men] had gone into the desert near En-Gedi.
2 И взя Саул с собою три тысящы мужей избранных от всего Израиля и иде искати Давида и мужей его прямо лицу саддеем:
[When] Saul [heard that, he] chose 3,000 men from various areas in Israel, and they went to search for David and his men at a place named Rocks of Wild Goats.
3 и прииде до стад пасомых на пути, и бе тамо вертеп: и Саул вниде испразднитися, Давид же и мужие его во внутренних вертепа седяху.
At a place where the road was alongside some sheep pens, Saul [left the road and] entered a cave to defecate [EUP]. [He did not know that] David and his men were hiding further inside that same cave!
4 И реша мужие Давидовы к нему: се, день сей, о немже рече Господь тебе предати врага твоего в руце твои, и сотвориши ему якоже угодно пред очима твоима. И воста Давид, и отреза воскрилие одежды Саули отай.
David’s men [saw Saul and] whispered to David, “Today is the day that Yahweh spoke about when he said, ‘I will enable you to defeat your enemy.’ You can do to him whatever you want to!” So David crept toward the entrance of the cave and [with his knife] he cut off a piece of Saul’s robe.
5 И бысть по сих, и вострепета Давиду сердце его, яко отреза воскрилие одежды Саули:
[And then he returned to his men]. But then David felt guilty for having cut off a piece of Saul’s robe.
6 и рече Давид к мужем своим: никакоже ми от Господа, аще сотворю глагол сей господину моему христу Господню, еже нанести руку мою нань, яко христос Господень есть сей.
He said to his men, “I should not have done that to the king! I hope/desire that Yahweh will never allow me to attack the one whom God has appointed, because Yahweh is the one who chose him [to be the king].”
7 И увеща Давид мужы своя словесы и не даде им воставшым убити Саула. И воста Саул, и сниде на путь.
By saying that, David restrained his men, and did not allow them to kill Saul.
8 И изыде Давид вслед его из вертепа: и возопи Давид вслед Саула, глаголя: господине царю. И озреся Саул вслед себе, и преклонися Давид лицем своим до земли, и поклонися ему.
After Saul left the cave and started to walk on the road again, David came out of the cave and shouted to Saul, “King Saul!” Saul turned around and looked, and David bowed down with his face touching the ground.
9 И рече Давид к Саулу: почто слушаеши словес людий глаголющих: се, Давид ищет души твоея?
Then he said to Saul, “(Why do you pay attention to people when they say ‘David wants to harm you’?/You should not pay attention to people when they say ‘David wants to harm you’.) [RHQ]
10 Се, днесь видеста очи твои, яко предаде тя Господь днесь в руце мои в вертепе, и не восхотех убити тебе, и пощадех тя, и рех: не нанесу руки моея на господа моего, яко помазанник Господень сей есть:
Today you can see with your own eyes that [what they say is not true]. Yahweh put you in a place where my men and I could have killed you when you were in this cave. Some of my men told me that I should do that, but I did not do that. I said to them, ‘I will not harm my master, because he is the king whom Yahweh appointed.’
11 и се, воскрилие одежды твоея в руце моей, аз отях воскрилие одежды твоея, и не убих тебе: и уразумей, и виждь днесь, яко несть злобы в руце моей, ниже нечестия и презорства, ниже согреших к тебе, а ты ищеши души моея изяти ю:
Your majesty, look at this piece of your robe that is in my hand! I cut it from your robe, but I did not kill you. So now you should be able to understand that I am not planning to do anything evil to you. I have not done anything wrong to you, but you are searching for me to kill me.
12 да судит Господь между мною и тобою, и да защитит мя Господь от тебе: рука же моя не будет на тя,
I hope/desire that Yahweh will judge and decide which of us ([is doing what is right/pleases him]). And I hope/desire that he will punish you for the wrong things that you have done to me. But I will not try to harm you.
13 якоже глаголется притча древняя: от беззаконник изыдет преступление: рука же моя не будет на тя:
There is a proverb that has the words, ‘Evil things are done by evil people.’ But [I am not evil, so] I will not do evil things to you.
14 и ныне ты, царю Израилев, вслед кого исходиши? Кого ты гониши? Вслед ли пса умерша и вслед блохи единыя?
“You are the king of Israel. So (why are you pursuing me?/you should not be pursuing me.) [RHQ] I am [as harmless as] [MET] a dead dog or a flea.
15 Да будет Господь судия и отмститель между мною и тобою, да видит Господь и судит суд мой, и осудит мя от руки твоея.
I hope/desire that Yahweh will judge which of us [is doing what (he wants/is right)]. I trust that he will [act like a lawyer and] judge (my case/what I have done), and that he will rescue me from your power [MTY].”
16 И бысть, егда сконча Давид глаголы сия, глаголя к Саулу, и рече Саул: твой ли глас сей, чадо Давиде? И воздвиже Саул глас свой и восплакася.
When David finished speaking, Saul [called out to him and] asked, “My son David, is that your voice [that I am hearing]?” Then he began to cry loudly.
17 И рече Саул к Давиду: праведен еси ты паче мене, яко ты воздал ми еси благая, аз же тебе воздах злая:
He said, “You are a better man than I am. You have done something very good to me when I tried to do something very bad to you.
18 и ты возвестил ми еси днесь, яже сотворил ми благая, яко заключи мя Господь в руки твоя днесь, и не убил мя еси:
When Yahweh put me in a place [in that cave] where you could have easily killed me, you did not do that.
19 и якоже аще кто обрел бы врага своего в печали, и отпустил бы его в путь благ, и Господь воздаст ему благая, якоже ты сотворил еси днесь:
(Who else would/No one else would) find his enemy and allow his enemy to escape [when he could kill him instead] [RHQ]. I hope/desire that Yahweh will reward you for being kindly to me today.
20 и ныне се, аз вем, яко царюя царствовати имаши, и стати имать в руце твоей царство Израилево:
I know that [some day] you will surely become the king, and that your kingdom will prosper as you rule the Israeli people.
21 и ныне кленися ми Господем, яко не искорениши семене моего по мне и не погубиши имене моего от дому отца моего.
Now while Yahweh is listening, solemnly promise to me that you will not kill my family and get rid of all my descendants.”
22 И клятся Давид Саулу. И отиде Саул на место свое, Давид же и мужие его взыдоша в мессеру тесную.
David solemnly promised Saul that he would not [harm Saul’s family]. Then Saul went back home, and David and his men went back up into the place where they had been hiding.

< Первая книга Царств 24 >