< Книга Есфири 3 >

1 И по сих прослави царь Артаксеркс Амана сына Амадафуина Вугеанина и вознесе его, и председяше вышше всех другов его:
Some time after this, King Xerxes honored Haman, son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, giving him a position higher than all his fellow officials.
2 и вси, иже во дворе (цареве), покланяхуся Аману: сице бо повеле царь творити. Мардохей же не кланяшеся ему.
All the officials in royal employment bowed down and showed respect to Haman, for this is what the king had commanded. But Mordecai would not bow down and show respect to him.
3 И глаголаша сущии во дворе цареве Мардохею: мардохее, чесо ради не слушаеши глаголемых от царя?
The king's officials asked Mordecai, “Why are you disobeying the king's command?”
4 По вся же дни глаголаху ему, и не послушаше их. И возвестиша Аману, яко Мардохей сопротивляется повелению цареву, и поведа им Мардохей, яко Иудеанин есть.
They talked to him about it day after day, but he refused to listen. So they told Haman about it to see if he would put up with what Mordecai was doing, for Mordecai had told them he was a Jew.
5 И уведав Аман, яко не кланяется ему Мардохеи, разгневася зело
Haman was furious when he saw that Mordecai did not bow down and show respect to him.
6 и умысли погубити вся Иудеи, иже в царстве Артаксерксове:
Having found out who Mordecai's people were, he dismissed the idea of just killing Mordecai. He decided to kill every Jew in the whole Persian Empire—all of Mordecai's people!
7 и сотвори совет в лето второенадесять царства Артаксерксова, и меташе жребия день от дне и месяц от месяца, яко погубити во един день род Мардохеев: и паде жребий на четвертыйнадесять день месяца, иже есть Адар.
In the twelfth year of King Xerxes, in the first month, the month of Nisan, “pur” (meaning a “lot”) was cast in Haman's presence to choose a day and month, taking each day and each month one at a time. The lot fell on the twelfth month, the month of Adar.
8 И рече (Аман) ко царю Артаксерксу, глаголя: есть язык разсеянный во языцех во всем царстве твоем: законы же их странни паче всех язык, и законов царских не слушают, и не пользует царю оставити их:
Haman went to King Xerxes and said, “There's a particular people living among others in many different places throughout the provinces of your empire who cut themselves off from everybody else. They have their own laws which are different to those of any other people, and what's more, they don't obey the king's laws. So it's not a good idea for Your Majesty to ignore them.
9 и аще годе есть цареви, да повелит погубити я: аз же запишу в сокровище царево десять тысящ талант сребра.
If it please Your Majesty, issue a decree to destroy them, and I will personally contribute 10,000 silver talents to those who carry out the king's business to be placed in the royal treasury.”
10 И снем царь перстень (с руки своея), даде в руце Аману, да запечатает писания написанная на Иудей.
The king took off his signet ring and handed it to Haman, son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews.
11 И рече царь Аману: сребро убо имей ты себе, людем же твори, якоже хощеши.
The king told Haman, “You can have the money, and do to the people whatever you want.”
12 И призвани быша писцы царевы в третийнадесять день месяца перваго, и написаша, якоже повеле Аман, к воеводам и началником по всем странам, от Индийския области даже и до Ефиопии, сто двадесяти седми странам, началствующым над языки по их языку, именем Артаксеркса царя.
On the thirteenth day of the first month the king's secretaries were summoned. A decree was issued in accordance with everything Haman demanded and sent to the king's chief officers, the governors of the different provinces and the nobles of the various peoples in the provinces. It was sent in the script of each province and in the language of every people, with the authorization of King Xerxes and sealed with his signet ring.
13 И посла с писмоносцы писания в царство Артаксерксово, да побиют род Жидовский в день един месяца вторагонадесять, иже есть Адар, и да расхитят имения их.
Letters were sent by messenger to all the provinces in the king's empire with orders to destroy, kill, and annihilate all Jews, young and old, women and children, and confiscate their possessions, all in one day—the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar.
14 Списания же епистолии посылахуся по странам, и повелено бысть всем языком готовым быти в нареченный день.
A copy of the decree was to be issued as law in every province and publicized to the people so that they would be ready for the day.
15 Приспе же дело и в Сусы: и царь убо и Аман пирующа наслаждастася, град же (Сусы) мятяшеся.
By order of the king the messengers hurried on their way. The decree was also issued in the fortress of Susa. The king and Haman sat down for a drink while the people in city of Susa were very disturbed.

< Книга Есфири 3 >