< Книга пророка Исаии 13 >

1 Видение на Вавилона, еже виде Исаиа сын Амосов.
[I], Isaiah, the son of Amoz, received [from Yahweh] this message about Babylon [city]:
2 На горе польней воздвигните знамение, вознесите глас им, не бойтеся, поущайте рукою, отверзите, князи.
Lift up a flag on the bare [top of a] hill, to signal [that an army should come to attack Babylon]. Shout to them and wave your hand [to signal to them] that they should march through the city gates into the palaces of the proud [rulers of Babylon]!
3 Аз повелеваю, освященни суть: и Аз веду их, исполини идут исполнити ярость Мою радующеся, вкупе и укаряюще.
[Yahweh says], “I have commanded those soldiers to do that; I have summoned the warriors whom I have chosen to punish [the people of Babylon] because of my being very angry with them, and those soldiers will be very proud [when they do that].”
4 Глас языков многих на горах, подобен языков многих, глас царей и языков собравшихся: Господь Саваоф заповеда языку оружеборцу
Listen to the noise on the mountains, which is the noise of a huge army marching! It is the noise made by people of many people-groups shouting. The Commander of the armies of angels has summoned this army to gather together.
5 приити от земли издалеча, от края основания небесе, Господь и оружеборцы Его, растлити всю вселенную.
They come from countries that are far away, from the most remote places [IDM] on the earth. They are [like] [SIM] weapons that Yahweh will use [to punish the people with whom] he is very angry, and to destroy the entire country [of Babylonia].
6 Рыдайте: близ бо день Господень, и сокрушение от Бога приидет:
[You people of Babylon] will scream because you will be terrified, because it will be the time that Yahweh [has determined/chosen], the time for the all-powerful [God] to destroy [your city].
7 сего ради всяка рука разслабеет, и всяка душа человеча убоится,
All of your people will be very afraid [DOU], with the result that they will be unable even to lift their arms.
8 и смятутся послы, и болезни приимут я яко жены раждающия: и поскорбят друг ко другу, и ужаснутся, и лице свое яко пламень изменят.
All of you will be terrified. You will have [PRS] severe pains like [SIM] a woman has when she is giving birth to a baby. You will look at each other helplessly, and it will show on your faces that you feel horror.
9 Се бо, день Господень грядет неизцельный, ярости и гнева, положити вселенную (всю) пусту и грешники погубити от нея.
Listen to this: The day that Yahweh has appointed/chosen is near, the day that he will furiously and fiercely [punish you] because he is very angry [with you]. He will cause your land [of Babylonia] to be desolate/barren, and he will destroy [all] the sinners in it.
10 Звезды бо небесныя и орион и все украшение небесное света своего не дадят, и помрачится солнце возсиявающее, и луна не даст света своего.
[When that happens], none of the stars will shine. When the sun rises, it will be dark, and there will be no light from the moon [at night].
11 И заповем всей вселенней злая и нечестивым грехи их, и погублю укоризну беззаконных и укоризну гордых смирю:
[Yahweh says], “I will punish [everyone in] the world for the evil things that they do; I will punish the wicked people for the sins that they have committed. I will stop arrogant/proud people from being proud, and I will stop ruthless people from acting cruelly.
12 и будут оставшии честнии паче, нежели злато нежженое, и человек честен будет паче, нежели камень, иже от Суфира.
[And because I will cause most people to die], people will be harder to find than gold, harder to find than fine gold from Ophir [in Arabia].
13 Разярится бо небо, и земля потрясется от оснований своих, за ярость гнева Господа Саваофа в день, в оньже приидет ярость Его.
I will shake the sky, and the earth will [also] move out of its place. That will happen when [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, punish [wicked people], when [I show them that] I am extremely angry [with them].
14 И будут оставшии яко серна бежащая и яко овца заблудившая, и не будет собираяй, яко человеку в люди своя возвратитися, и человек во страну свою побегнет.
And all [the foreigners in Babylon will run around] like [SIM] deer that are being hunted, like sheep that do not have a shepherd. They will try to find other people from their countries, and [then] they will escape [from Babylon] and return to their own countries.
15 Иже бо аще пленится, поразится, и иже собрани суть, мечем падут.
Anyone who is captured [in Babylon] will be killed by [their enemies’] swords [DOU].
16 И чада их пред ними разбиют, и домы их пленят, и жены их поймут.
Their little children will be dashed to pieces on the rocks while [their parents] watch; [their enemies] will steal everything valuable from their houses and will rape their wives.
17 Се, Аз возбуждаю на вы Мидов, иже сребра не вменяют, ниже злата требуют:
Look! I am going to incite the people of Media to attack Babylon. The [army of Media] will attack Babylon, even if they are offered [DOU] silver or gold [if they promise to not attack it].
18 стреляния юношеская сокрушат, и чад ваших не помилуют, ниже пощадят чад твоих очи их.
[With] their arrows, the [soldiers of Media] will shoot the young men [of Babylon]; they will not [even] act mercifully [DOU] toward infants or children!”
19 И будет Вавилон, иже нарицается славный от царя Халдейска, якоже разсыпа Бог Содому и Гоморру,
Babylon has been a very beautiful [MTY] city; [all] the people of Babylonia have been very proud of Babylon, [their capital city]; [but] God will destroy Babylon, like [SIM] he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
20 не населится в вечное время, и не внидут в онь чрез многия роды, ниже пройдут его Аравляне, ниже пастуси почиют в нем.
No one will ever live in Babylon again. It will be deserted forever. (Nomads/People who travel from place to place to live) will refuse to set up their tents there; shepherds will not bring their flocks of sheep to rest there.
21 И почиют тамо зверие, и наполнятся домове шума, и почиют ту сирини, и беси тамо воспляшут,
Instead, animals that live in the desert will be there; jackals/wolves will live in [the ruins of] the houses. Owls (OR, Ostriches) will live in [the ruins], and wild goats will romp/jump around [there].
22 и онокентавры тамо вселятся, и вогнездятся ежеве в домех их.
Hyenas will howl in the [ruined] towers, and jackals/wolves will make their dens in [the ruins of] the palaces that [were previously] very beautiful. The time when [Babylon will be destroyed] is very near; Babylon will not exist much longer.

< Книга пророка Исаии 13 >