< Книга пророка Исаии 39 >

1 В то время посла Меродах Валадан сын Валаданов, царь Вавилонский, писания и послы и дары Езекии: слыша бо, яко болел есть до смерти и воста.
At the time that he sent Merodach-Baladan [the] son of Baladan [the] king of Babylon letters and a gift to Hezekiah and he had heard that he had been sick and he was strong.
2 И обрадовася о них Езекиа радостию великою, и показа им дом ароматов и мира, и стакти и фимиама, и сребра и злата, и вся домы сосудов сокровищных, и вся елика бяху во сокровищих его: и не оста ничтоже, егоже не показа им Езекиа в дому своем и во всей области своей.
And he was pleased on them Hezekiah and he showed them [the] house of (treasure his *Q(K)*) the silver and the gold and the spices and - the oil good and all [the] house of weapons his and all that it was found in storehouses his not it was anything which not he showed them Hezekiah in house his and in all realm his.
3 И прииде Исаиа пророк ко Езекии царю и рече к нему: что глаголют сии мужие, и откуду приидоша к тебе? И рече Езекиа: от земли далекия приидоша ко мне, от Вавилона.
And he came Isaiah the prophet to the king Hezekiah and he said to him what? did they say - the men these and from where? are they coming to you and he said Hezekiah from a land distant they have come to me from Babylon.
4 И рече Исаиа: что видеша в дому твоем? И рече Езекиа: вся, елика в дому моем, видеша, и несть в дому моем, егоже бы не видели, но и яже в сокровищих моих.
And he said what? did they see in house your and he said Hezekiah all that [is] in house my they saw not it was anything which not I showed them in storehouses my.
5 И рече ему Исаиа: послушай словесе Господа Саваофа:
And he said Isaiah to Hezekiah hear [the] word of Yahweh of hosts.
6 се, дние грядут, глаголет Господь, и возмут вся, яже в дому твоем, и елика собраша отцы твои даже до дне сего, в Вавилон прейдут, и ничесоже оставят:
Here! days [are] coming and it will be carried off - all that [is] in house your and that they stored up ancestors your until the day this Babylon not it will remain anything he says Yahweh.
7 рече Господь, яко и от чад твоих, ихже родил еси, поймут и сотворят каженики в дому царя Вавилонска.
And some of own descendants your who they will come forth from you whom you will father people will take and they will be eunuchs in [the] palace of [the] king of Babylon.
8 И рече Езекиа ко Исаии: благо слово Господне, еже глагола: да будет ныне мир и правда бо дни моя.
And he said Hezekiah to Isaiah [is] good [the] word of Yahweh which you have spoken and he said that it will be peace and stability in days my.

< Книга пророка Исаии 39 >