< Книга пророка Исаии 51 >

1 Послушайте Мене, гонящии правду и взыскающии Господа, воззрите на твердый камень, егоже изсекосте, и в юдоль потока, юже ископасте.
Listen to me O [those who] pursue righteousness [those who] seek Yahweh look to [the] rock [which] you were dug and to [the] excavation of [the] pit [which] you were dug out.
2 Воззрите на Авраама отца вашего и на Сарру породившую вы: яко един бе, и призвах его, и благослових его, и возлюбих его, и умножих его.
Look to Abraham ancestor your and to Sarah [who] she gave birth to you if one [person] I called him and I blessed him and I multiplied him.
3 И тебе ныне утешу, Сионе, и утеших вся пустыни его, и поставлю пустыню его яко рай, и яже ко западом его аки рай Господень: радость и веселие обрящут в нем, исповедание и глас хваления.
For he will comfort Yahweh Zion he will comfort all waste places its and he made wilderness its like Eden and desert plain its like [the] garden of Yahweh joy and gladness it will be found in it thanksgiving and [the] sound of music.
4 Послушайте Мене, людие Мои, послушайте, и царие, ко Мне внушите: яко закон от Мене изыдет, и суд Мой во свет языком.
Pay attention to me O people my and O nation my to me give ear for law from with me it will go out and justice my a light of peoples I will make suddenly.
5 Приближается скоро правда Моя, и изыдет яко свет спасение Мое, и на мышцу Мою языцы надеятися будут: Мене острови ожидати и на мышцу Мою уповати будут.
[is] near Righteousness my it has gone out salvation my and arms my peoples they will judge to me islands they will wait and to arm my they will hope!
6 Воздвигните на небо очи ваши и воззрите на землю долу, понеже небо яко дым утвердися, и земля яко риза обетшает, живущии же на земли якоже сия изомрут, спасение же Мое во век будет, и правда Моя не оскудеет.
Lift up to the heavens eyes your and look to the earth beneath for [the] heavens like smoke they will be dispersed and the earth like garment it will wear out and inhabitants its like gnat[s] they will die! and salvation my for ever it will be and righteousness my not it will be broken.
7 Послушайте Мене, ведящии суд, людие Мои, имже закон Мой в сердцы вашем, не бойтеся укорения человеча и похулению их не покаряйтеся.
Listen to me O [those who] know righteousness a people [which] law my [is] in heart their may not you fear [the] reproach of humankind and from reviling words their may not you be dismayed.
8 Якоже бо риза снедена будет временем, и яко сукно изястся мольми, правда же Моя во веки будет и спасение Мое в роды родов.
For like garment it will eat them moth and like wool it will eat them clothes-moth and righteousness my for ever it will be and salvation my to a generation of generations.
9 Востани, востани, Иерусалиме, и облецыся во крепость мышцы твоея, востани яко в начале дне, яко род века: не ты ли еси победил гордаго и расторгнул змиа?
Awake awake put on strength O arm of Yahweh awake like days of antiquity generations of antiquiti ¿ not [are] you she who cut in pieces Rahab [who] pierced [the] sea monster.
10 Не ты ли еси опустошаяй море, воду бездны многу? Положивый глубины морския путь прохода изятым и избавленым?
¿ Not [are] you she who dried up [the] sea [the] water of [the] deep great who made [the] depths of [the] sea a way to pass over redeemed [people].
11 Господем бо возвратятся и приидут в Сион с радостию и со веселием вечным: на главе бо их веселие и хвала, и радость приимет я: отбеже болезнь и печаль и воздыхание.
And [the] [people] ransomed of Yahweh they will return! and they will come Zion with a shout of joy and gladness of perpetuity [will be] on head their joy and gladness they will overtake [them]! they will flee sorrow and sighing.
12 Аз есмь, Аз есмь Утешаяй тя: разумей, кто сый убоялся еси человека смертна и сына человеча, иже яко трава изсхоша,
I I [am] he [who] comforts you who? [are] you and you have been afraid from a person [who] he dies and from a child of humankind [who] grass he is made.
13 и забыл еси Бога Создавшаго тя, Сотворшаго небо и основавшаго землю: и боялся еси присно во вся дни лица ярости стужающаго тебе: како бо восхоте взяти тя, и ныне где ярость стужающаго тебе?
And you have forgotten Yahweh [who] made you [who] stretched out [the] heavens and [who] founded [the] earth and you have been in dread continually all the day of [the] anger of the oppressor when he has prepared to destroy and where? [is] [the] anger of the oppressor.
14 Внегда бо спастися тебе, не станет, ниже умедлит:
He will hasten [one who] stoops to be let loose and not he will die to the pit and not he will lack food his.
15 яко Аз Бог твой, возмущаяй море и творяй шум волнам его: Господь Саваоф имя Мне.
And I [am] Yahweh God your [who] stirs up the sea and they roared waves its [is] Yahweh of hosts name his.
16 Положу словеса Моя во уста твоя и под сению руки Моея покрыю тя, еюже поставих небо и основах землю: и речет Сиону: людие Мои есте вы.
And I have put words my in mouth your and with [the] shadow of hand my I have covered you to plant [the] heavens and to found [the] earth and to say to Zion [are] people my you.
17 Востани, востани, воскресени, Иерусалиме, испивый чашу ярости от руки Господни: чашу бо падения, фиал ярости испил и истощил еси,
Rouse yourself rouse yourself arise O Jerusalem who you have drunk from [the] hand of Yahweh [the] cup of anger his [the] bowl of [the] cup of staggering you have drunk you have drained.
18 и не бысть утешаяй тебе от всех чад твоих, яже родил еси, и не бысть подемлющаго руки твоея, ниже от всех сынов твоих, ихже вознесл еси.
There not [is one who] leads her of all [the] children [whom] she has borne and there not [is one who] takes hold on hand her from all [the] children [whom] she has brought up.
19 Два сия противна тебе, кто сожалеет тебе? Падение и сокрушение, глад и мечь, кто утешит тя?
Two [things] they [have] happened to you who? does he show sympathy to you the devastation and the destruction and the famine and the sword who? do I comfort you.
20 Сынове твои обнищавшии, седяще на краи всякаго исхода, яко свекла недовареная, исполнени ярости Господни, разслаблени Господем Богом.
Children your they have become faint they have lain down at [the] head of all [the] streets like an antelope of a net which [are] full [the] anger of Yahweh [the] rebuke of God your.
21 Сего ради слыши, смиренный и упивыйся не вином:
Therefore hear please this O afflicted [one] and O drunken [one] and not from wine.
22 тако глаголет Господь Бог судяй людем Своим: се, взях от руки твоея чашу падения, фиал ярости Моея, и не приложиши ксему пити ея:
Thus he says lord your Yahweh and God your [who] he conducts a case for people his here! I have taken from hand your [the] cup of staggering [the] bowl of [the] cup of anger my not you will repeat to drink it again.
23 и вложу ю в руце преобидевших тя и смиривших тя, иже рекоша души твоей: преклонися, да минем: и положил еси равно земли плещы твоя отвне мимоходящым.
And I will put it in [the] hand of [those who] torment you who they said to self your lie down so let us pass over [you] and you made like the ground back your and like the street for [those who] pass over.

< Книга пророка Исаии 51 >