< Левит 26 >

1 Не сотворите себе (образов) рукотвореных, ниже изваяных, ниже столпа поставите себе, ниже камене поставите в земли вашей во знамение, ко еже покланятися ему: Аз есмь Господь Бог ваш.
Not you must make for yourselves worthless idols and an idol and a sacred pillar not you must set up for yourselves and a stone of a carved image not you must make in land your to bow down to it for I [am] Yahweh God your.
2 Субботы Моя сохраните, и от святых Моих убойтеся: Аз есмь Господь.
Sabbaths my you will keep and sanctuary my you will fear I [am] Yahweh.
3 Аще в повелениих Моих ходите, и заповеди Моя сохранитеи сотворите я:
If in statutes my you will walk and commandments my you will keep and you will do them.
4 и дам дождь вам во время свое, и земля даст плоды своя, и древеса селная отдадят плод свой:
And I will give rains your at time their and it will give the land produce its and [the] tree[s] of the field it will give fruit its.
5 и постигнет вам млачение (жит) обрание вина, и обрание вина постигнет сеятву, и снесте хлеб ваш в сытость, и вселитеся с твердостию на земли вашей, и рать не пройдет сквозе землю вашу:
And it will reach of you threshing grape harvest and grape harvest it will reach seed and you will eat bread your to abundance and you will dwell to security in land your.
6 и дам мир в земли вашей, и уснете, и не будет устрашаяй вас: и погублю звери лютыя от земли вашея:
And I will give peace in the land and you will lie down and there not [will be one who] terrifies and I will cause to cease animal[s] wild from the land and a sword not it will pass in land your.
7 и рать сквозе землю вашу не пройдет, и поженете враги вашя, и падут пред вами убиением:
And you will pursue enemies your and they will fall before you to the sword
8 и поженут от вас пять сто, и сто вас поженет тмы, и падут врази ваши пред вами мечем:
and they will pursue of you five one hundred and one hundred of you ten thousand they will pursue and they will fall enemies your before you to the sword.
9 и призрю на вас и благословлю вас, и возращу вас и умножу вас, и поставлю завет Мой с вами:
And I will turn to you and I will make fruitful you and I will multiply you and I will establish covenant my with you.
10 и снесте ветхая и ветхая ветхих, и ветхая от лица новых изнесете:
And you will eat old harvest growing old and old harvest from before [the] new [harvest] you will bring out.
11 и поставлю завет Мой в вас, и не возгнушается душа Моя вами:
And I will put dwelling place my in midst of you and not it will abhor self my you.
12 и похожду в вас, и буду вам Бог, и вы будете Ми людие:
And I will walk about in midst of you and I will become for you God and you you will become for me a people.
13 Аз есмь Господь Бог ваш, изведый вас из земли Египетския, сущым вам рабом: и сокруших узы ярма вашего, и изведох вас со дерзновением.
I [am] Yahweh God your who I brought out you from [the] land of Egypt from being to them slaves and I broke [the] bars of yoke your and I made walk you upright.
14 Аше же не послушаете Мене, ниже сотворите повелений Моих сих,
And if not you will listen to me and not you will do all the commandments these.
15 но ни покоритеся им, и о судбах Моих вознегодует душа ваша, яко не творити вам всех заповедий Моих, яко разорити завет Мой,
And if statutes my you will reject and if judgments my it will abhor self your to not to do all commandments my to break you covenant my.
16 и Аз сотворю сице вам, и наведу на вас скудость и красту, и желтяницу вреждающую очи ваша и душы вашя истаевающую: и посеете вотще семена ваша, и поядят я супостаты вашя:
Also I I will do this to you and I will appoint on you sudden terror consumption and fever [which] cause to fail [the] eyes and [which] make pine away [the] life and you will sow to emptiness seed your and they will eat it enemies your.
17 и утвержу лице Мое на вас, и падете пред враги вашими, и поженут вы ненавидящии вас, и побегнете ни комуже гонящу вас.
And I will set face my on you and you will be defeated before enemies your and they will rule over you [those who] hate you and you will flee and there not [is one who] pursues you.
18 И аще до сего не послушаете Мене, и приложу наказати вы язвами седмижды за грехи вашя:
And if up to these [things] not you will listen to me and I will repeat to discipline you sevenfold on sins your.
19 и сокрушу досаждение гордыни вашея, и положу небо вам аки железно, и землю вашу аки медяну:
And I will break [the] pride of strength your and I will make heavens your like iron and land your like bronze.
20 и будет вотще крепость ваша, и не даст земля ваша семене своего, и древа села вашего не дадут плода своего.
And it will be consumed to emptiness strength your and not it will give land your produce its and [the] tree[s] of the land not it will give fruit its.
21 И аще по сих пойдете страною и не восхощете послушати Мене, приложу вам язв седмь по грехом вашым,
And if you will walk with me contrariness and not you will be willing to listen to me and I will add to you a blow sevenfold according to sins your.
22 и послю на вы звери лютыя земныя, и изядят вы и потребят скоты вашя, и умалены сотворю вы, и пусты будут путие ваши.
And I will send among you [the] animal[s] of the field and it will make childless you and it will cut off livestock your and it will diminish you and they will be desolate roads your.
23 И аще сими не накажетеся, но пойдете ко Мне страною,
And if by these [things] not you will let yourself be disciplined by me and you will walk with me contrariness.
24 пойду и Аз с вами в ярости страною, и поражу вы и аз седмижды грех ради ваших,
And I will walk also I with you in contrariness and I will strike down you also I sevenfold on sins your.
25 и наведу на вы мечь мстяй месть завета, и вбегнете в грады вашя: и послю на вы смерть, и предани будете в руце враг ваших:
And I will bring on you a sword [which will] avenge vengeance of a covenant and you will gather to cities your and I will send a pestilence in midst of you and you will be given in [the] hand of an enemy.
26 внегда скорбети вам скудостию хлебов, и испекут десять жен хлебы вашя в пещи единей, и отдадят хлебы вашя весом, и ясти будете, и не насытитеся.
When break I of you staff of bread and they will bake ten women bread your in an oven one and they will bring back bread your by weight and you will eat and not you will be satisfied.
27 Аще же в сих не послушаете Мене и пойдете ко Мне страною,
And if in this not you will listen to me and you will walk with me in contrariness.
28 и Аз пойду с вами в ярости страною, и накажу вы аз седмижды по грехом вашым:
And I will walk with you in anger of contrariness and I will discipline you also I sevenfold on sins your.
29 и ясти будете плоти сынов ваших, и плоти дщерей ваших ясти имате,
And you will eat [the] flesh of sons your and [the] flesh of daughters your you will eat.
30 и сотворю пустая капища ваша и потреблю древяная рукотворения ваша, и положу трупы вашя на трупех кумир ваших, и возненавидит вас душа Моя:
And I will destroy high places your and I will cut down incense altars your and I will put corpses your on [the] corpses of idols your and it will abhor self my you.
31 и сотворю грады вашя пусты, и опустошу святая ваша, и не обоняю вони жертв ваших:
And I will make cities your a waste place and I will devastate sanctuaries your and not I will smell [the] odor of soothing your.
32 и сотворю пусту аз землю вашу, и удивятся о ней врази ваши, живущии на ней:
And I will devastate I the land and they will be appalled on it enemies your who dwell in it.
33 и разсыплю вы в языки, и потребит вы находяй мечь, и будет земля ваша пуста, и грады ваши будут пусты.
And you I will scatter among the nations and I will draw after you a sword and it will be land your a desolation and cities your they will be a waste place.
34 Тогда возблаговолит земля субботы своя, во вся дни запустения своего, и вы будете в земли враг ваших: тогда воспразднует земля и возблаговолит субботы своя:
Then it will accept the land sabbaths its all [the] days of (being made desolate it *L(a+bh)*) and you [will be] in [the] land of enemies your then it will cease the land and it will accept sabbaths its.
35 во вся дни опустения своего воспразднует, яже не празднова в субботах ваших, егда живясте на ней.
All [the] days of being made desolate it it will cease which not it ceased in sabbaths your when dwelt you on it.
36 И оставльшымся от вас вложу страх в сердца их в земли враг их, и поженет их глас листа летяща, и побегнут яко бежащии от рати, и падут ни кимже гоними.
And those [who] remain among you and I will bring despair in heart their in [the] land of enemies their and it will pursue them [the] sound of a leaf driven about and they will flee a flight of a sword and they will fall and there not [is one who] pursues.
37 И презрит брат брата аки на рати, ни кому нападающу, и не возможете противустати врагом вашым:
And they will stumble each over brother his as from before a sword and [is one who] pursues there not and not it will belong to you power to stand before enemies your.
38 и погибнете в языцех, и потребит вас земля враг ваших.
And you will perish among the nations and it will consume you [the] land of enemies your.
39 И оставльшиися от вас истлеют за грехи своя и за грехи отец своих, в земли враг своих истают,
And those [who] remain among you they will rot away in iniquity their in [the] land of enemies your and also in [the] iniquities of ancestors their with them they will rot away.
40 и исповедят грехи своя и грехи отец своих, яко преступиша и презреша Мя, и яко ходиша предо Мною страною:
And they will confess iniquity their and [the] iniquity of ancestors their by unfaithfulness their which they acted unfaithfully against me and also that they walked with me in contrariness.
41 и Аз пойду с ними в ярости страною и погублю их в земли врагов их: тогда усрамится сердце их необрезаное и тогда познают грехи своя:
Also I I will walk with them in contrariness and I will bring them in [the] land of enemies their or then it will humble itself heart their uncircumcised and then they will accept iniquity their.
42 и помяну завет Иаковль и завет Исааков, и завет Авраамль помяну,
And I will remember covenant of my Jacob and also covenant of my Isaac and also covenant of my Abraham I will remember and the land I will remember.
43 и землю помяну, и земля останется от них. Тогда приимет земля субботы своя, внегда опустети ей их ради: и они приимут своя беззакония, ихже ради презреша судбы Моя, и о повелениих Моих вознегодова душа их:
And the land it will be forsaken from them and it may accept sabbaths its when is made desolate it from them and they they will accept iniquity their because and by cause judgments my they rejected and statutes my it abhorred self their.
44 обаче сущым им в земли врагов своих, не презрех их, ниже вознегодовах о них, яко потребити я и разорити завет Мой иже к ним: Аз бо есмь Господь Бог их.
And also also this when are they in [the] land of enemies their not I will reject them and not I will abhor them to make an end of them to break covenant my with them for I [am] Yahweh God their.
45 И помяну завет их первый, егда изведох их из земли Египетския, из дому работы пред языки, еже быти Мне Богу их: Аз есмь Господь.
And I will remember to them [the] covenant of [the] forefathers whom I brought out them from [the] land of Egypt to [the] eyes of the nations to become for them God I [am] Yahweh.
46 Сия судбы Моя и повеления Моя, и закон, егоже даде Господь между Собою и между сыны Израилевы, на горе Синайстей, рукою Моисеовою.
These [are] the statutes and the judgments and the legal [procedures] which he gave Yahweh between himself and between [the] people of Israel on [the] mountain of Sinai by [the] hand of Moses.

< Левит 26 >