< Baxniintii 12 >

1 Oo Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse iyo Haaruun kula hadlay dalka Masar, oo ku yidhi,
The LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
2 Bishanu waxay idiin noqonaysaa tii bilaha ugu horraysay; oo waxay idiin noqonaysaa sannadda bisheedii kowaad.
“This month shall be to you the beginning of months. It shall be the first month of the year to you.
3 Shirka reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan la hadla oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaan, Maalinta tobnaad oo bishan waa in nin waluba wan qaataa sida reeraha aabbayaashood yihiin, qoys waluba wan ha qaato;
Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, ‘On the tenth day of this month, they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers’ houses, a lamb for a household;
4 oo haddii qoys uusan wada qaadan karin wan, de markaas waa in isaga iyo deriskiisa oo ah kan qoyskiisa ku xiga ay mid wada qaataan oo ay u qaybsadaan sida tirada dadku tahay; nin walba sida cuntadiisu tahay waa inaad u tirisaan kalaqaybinta wanka.
and if the household is too little for a lamb, then he and his neighbour next to his house shall take one according to the number of the souls. You shall make your count for the lamb according to what everyone can eat.
5 Wankiinnu waa inuu ahaadaa mid aan iin lahayn, waana inuu ahaadaa mid lab oo sannad jiray, waana inaad wananka ama orgiyada ka bixisaan,
Your lamb shall be without defect, a male a year old. You shall take it from the sheep or from the goats.
6 oo waa inaad gooni u xidhaan ilaa bisha maalinteeda afar iyo tobnaad; oo ururka shirka reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu waa inay makhribkii qalaan.
You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at evening.
7 Oo waa inay dhiigga wax ka qaataan, oo ay mariyaan fayaaradda albaabka labadeeda dhinac iyo meesheeda sare oo ah guryaha ay wax ku dhex cuni doonaan.
They shall take some of the blood, and put it on the two door posts and on the lintel, on the houses in which they shall eat it.
8 Oo habeenkaas waa inay cunaan hilibka oo dab lagu dubay, iyo kibis aan khamiir lahayn, oo ha ku cuneen caleemo qadhaadh.
They shall eat the meat in that night, roasted with fire, with unleavened bread. They shall eat it with bitter herbs.
9 Ha cunina isagoo ceedhiin ama biyo lagu kariyey, laakiin waxaad cuntaan isagoo dab lagu dubay, oo qaba madaxiisa iyo mijihiisa iyo waxa gudihiisa ku jira qaba.
Don’t eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire; with its head, its legs and its inner parts.
10 Oo waa inaydnaan waxba ka reebin ilaa subaxda, laakiin waxa ka hadha markuu waagu beryo waa inaad dab ku gubtaan.
You shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; but that which remains of it until the morning you shall burn with fire.
11 Oo sidan waa inaad u cuntaan, idinkoo guntan, oo kabihiinnu cagaha idiinku jiraan, ushiinnuna gacanta idiinku jirto; oo waa inaad degdeg u cuntaan; waayo, waa Rabbiga Kormariddiisa.
This is how you shall eat it: with your belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD’s Passover.
12 Waayo, habeenkaas waxaan dhex mari doonaa dalka Masar, oo waxaan wada layn doonaa curadyada dalka Masar oo dhan, kuwa dadka iyo kuwa duunyadaba, oo ilaahyada Masar oo dhan waxaan ku soo dejin doonaa xukummo. Anigu waxaan ahay Rabbiga.
For I will go through the land of Egypt in that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and animal. I will execute judgements against all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD.
13 Oo dhiiggu wuxuu idiin noqon doonaa calaamo kor taal guryaha aad ku jirtaan; oo markii aan dhiigga arko, waan iska kiin kor mari doonaa, belaayo idin baabbi'isaana idinkuma dhici doonto, markaan wax ku dhufto dhulka Masar.
The blood shall be to you for a token on the houses where you are. When I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
14 Oo maalintanu waa inay xusuus idiin noqotaa, oo waa inaad Rabbiga u iiddaan. Waa inaad ka ab ka ab weligiin ku dhawrtaan iid amar ahaan.
This day shall be a memorial for you. You shall keep it as a feast to the LORD. You shall keep it as a feast throughout your generations by an ordinance forever.
15 Toddoba maalmood waxaad cuntaan kibis aan khamiir lahayn; weliba maalinta kowaad waa inaad khamiirka ka saartaan guryihiinna; waayo, ku alla kii cuna kibis khamiir leh maalinta kowaad ilaa maalinta toddobaad, qofkaas waa laga gooyn doonaa reer binu Israa'iil.
“‘Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; even the first day you shall put away yeast out of your houses, for whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.
16 Maalinta kowaad waxaa idiin ahaan doona shir quduus ah, maalinta toddobaadna shir quduus ah. Wax shuqul ah maalmahaas waa inaan la qaban, waxa qof kastaaba cuno mooyaane, taas oo keliya baa la samayn karaa.
In the first day there shall be to you a holy convocation, and in the seventh day a holy convocation; no kind of work shall be done in them, except that which every man must eat, only that may be done by you.
17 Oo idinku waa inaad dhawrtaan iidda kibista aan khamiirka lahayn, waayo, maalintaas qudheeda ayaan dadkiinna badnaantiisii ka soo bixiyey dalkii Masar; sidaas daraaddeed amar ahaan waa inaad ka ab ka ab weligiin ku dhawrtaan maalintaas.
You shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this same day I have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt. Therefore you shall observe this day throughout your generations by an ordinance forever.
18 Bisha kowaad, maalinteeda afar iyo tobnaad, markay fiidkii tahay waa inaad cuntaan kibis aan khamiir lahayn, ilaa laga gaadho maalinta koob iyo labaatanaad oo bisha, markay fiidkii tahay.
In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty first day of the month at evening.
19 Toddoba maalmood waa inaan guryihiinna khamiir laga helin; waayo, ku alla kii wax khamiir leh cuna, qofkaas waa laga gooyn doonaa shirka reer binu Israa'iil, hadduu yahay qariib iyo hadduu waddanka ku dhex dhashayba.
There shall be no yeast found in your houses for seven days, for whoever eats that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a foreigner, or one who is born in the land.
20 Wax khamiir leh waa inaydnaan cunin; guryihiinna oo dhan waa inaad ku cuntaan kibis aan khamiir lahayn.
You shall eat nothing leavened. In all your habitations you shall eat unleavened bread.’”
21 Markaasaa Muuse wuxuu u wada yeedhay waayeelladii reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan, oo wuxuu iyagii ku yidhi, La baxa wanan oo qoys, qoys u qaata, oo qala wanka Kormaridda.
Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said to them, “Draw out, and take lambs according to your families, and kill the Passover.
22 Waxaad qaadataan xidhmo geed husob ah, oo waxaad dartaan dhiigga ku jira xeedhada, oo albaabka fayaaraddiisa sare iyo labada dhinac oo fayaaradda ah ku taabsiiya dhiiga ku jira xeedhada; oo midkiinna ilaa waagu ka beryo yuusan albaabka gurigiisa dibadda uga bixin.
You shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two door posts with the blood that is in the basin. None of you shall go out of the door of his house until the morning.
23 Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu dhex mari doonaa dalka, oo wuxuu layn doonaa Masriyiinta, oo markuu arko dhiigga ku yaal albaabka fayaaraddiisa sare iyo labada dhinac oo fayaaradda ah ayaa Rabbigu kor mari doona albaabka, oo u oggolaan maayo in baabbi'iyuhu guryihiinna soo galo oo idin laayo.
For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when he sees the blood on the lintel, and on the two door posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to strike you.
24 Oo waxan amar ahaan waa inaad weligiin u dhawrtaan idinka iyo carruurtiinnuba.
You shall observe this thing for an ordinance to you and to your sons forever.
25 Oo markii aad timaadaan dalka Rabbigu idin siin doono, oo uu idiinku ballanqaaday, waa inaad dhawrtaan u adeegiddan Ilaah.
It shall happen when you have come to the land which the LORD will give you, as he has promised, that you shall keep this service.
26 Oo markii carruurtiinnu idinku yidhaahdaan, Maxaad ula jeeddaan u-adeegiddan Ilaah?
It will happen, when your children ask you, ‘What do you mean by this service?’
27 waxaad ku odhan doontaan, Waa allabarigii Rabbiga Kormariddiisii, kii kor maray guryihii reer binu Israa'iil markay Masar joogeen, oo samatabbixiyey reerahayagii, Masriyiintiise laayay. Markaasaa dadku madaxa u foororiyey oo u sujuuday.
that you shall say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the LORD’s Passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he struck the Egyptians, and spared our houses.’” The people bowed their heads and worshipped.
28 Markaasaa reer binu Israa'iil tageen oo sidaas yeeleen; sidii Rabbigu Muuse iyo Haaruun ku amray ayay yeeleen.
The children of Israel went and did so; as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did.
29 Oo waxaa dhacday in habeenbadhkii Rabbigu laayay curadyadii dalkii Masar oo dhan, inta laga bilaabay curadkii Fircoon oo carshigiisii ku fadhiyey ilaa la gaadhay curadkii maxbuuska godxabsiga ku jiray, iyo curadyadii xoolaha oo dhan.
At midnight, the LORD struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of livestock.
30 Markaasaa habeenkaas waxaa kacay Fircoon, iyo addoommadiisii oo dhan, iyo Masriyiintii oo dhan; oo oohin aad u weyn baa Masar ka dhacday, waayo, ma jirin guri aan meyd oollin.
Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was not one dead.
31 Markaasuu Muuse iyo Haaruun u yeedhay habeennimadii, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Kaca, oo dadkayga ka dhex baxa, idinka iyo reer binu Israa'iilba; taga oo Rabbiga u adeega, sidaad u tidhaahdeen.
He called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, “Rise up, get out from amongst my people, both you and the children of Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as you have said!
32 Oo adhyihiinna iyo lo'diinnaba kaxaysta, sidaad u tidhaahdeen, iina soo duceeya.
Take both your flocks and your herds, as you have said, and be gone; and bless me also!”
33 Oo Masriyiintuna waxay dadka ku deddejiyeen inay dhaqso uga saaraan dalka; waayo, waxay yidhaahdeen, Kulligeen waxaynu nahay dad go'ay.
The Egyptians were urgent with the people, to send them out of the land in haste, for they said, “We are all dead men.”
34 Markaasaa dadkii waxay qaateen cajiinkoodii intaanu khamiirin, iyo weelashoodii ay wax ku dhex cajiimi jireen, oo intay maryahoodii ku xidheen ayay garbaha saarteen.
The people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneading troughs being bound up in their clothes on their shoulders.
35 Oo reer binu Israa'iilna waxay yeeleen sidii Muuse eraygiisu ahaa; oo waxay Masriyiintii weyddiisteen alaab lacag ah iyo alaab dahab ah iyo dhar;
The children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they asked of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and clothing.
36 oo Rabbiguna Masriyiintii ayuu dadkii raalli uga dhigay, oo sidaas daraaddeed way u daayeen inay qaataan wixii ay weyddiisteenba. Oo iyana Masriyiintii way dheceen.
The LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have what they asked. They plundered the Egyptians.
37 Oo reer binu Israa'iilna waxay ka sodcaaleen Racmeses oo waxay tageen Sukod, tiradooduna waxay ku dhowayd lix boqol oo kun oo nin oo lugaynaya oo aan carruurta lagu tirin.
The children of Israel travelled from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot who were men, in addition to children.
38 Oo waxaa kaloo raacay dad faro badan oo isku darsan, iyo adhyihii, iyo lo'dii, oo ahaa xoolo aad u badan.
A mixed multitude went up also with them, with flocks, herds, and even very much livestock.
39 Oo cajiinkii ay Masar kala yimaadeen ayay ka dubteen kibis aan khamiir lahayn, waayo, ma ay khamiirin; maxaa yeelay, dalkii Masar degdeg bay kaga soo bexeen, oo ma aanay sii joogi karin, mana ay diyaarsan sahay.
They baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought out of Egypt; for it wasn’t leavened, because they were thrust out of Egypt, and couldn’t wait, and they had not prepared any food for themselves.
40 Reer binu Israa'iil intay dalka Masar qariib ku ahaayeen waxay ahayd afar boqol iyo soddon sannadood.
Now the time that the children of Israel lived in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years.
41 Oo markii afartii boqol iyo soddonkii sannadood dhammaadeen, isla maalintaas ayaa Rabbiga dadkiisii badnaa oo dhammu ka baxay dalkii Masar.
At the end of four hundred and thirty years, to the day, all of the LORD’s armies went out from the land of Egypt.
42 Habeenkaasu waa habeen aad Rabbiga loogu dhawro, bixintii uu iyaga Masar ka soo bixiyey aawadeed; kaasu waa habeenkii Rabbiga oo ay reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu ka ab ka ab aad u dhawraan.
It is a night to be much observed to the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt. This is that night of the LORD, to be much observed by all the children of Israel throughout their generations.
43 Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse iyo Haaruun ku yidhi, Kanu waa amarkii iidda Kormaridda; shisheeyuhuna yuusan wax ka cunin;
The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “This is the ordinance of the Passover. No foreigner shall eat of it,
44 laakiinse nin kasta addoonkiisa uu lacagta ku iibsaday, markaad guddo dabadeed waa inuu wax ka cunaa.
but every man’s servant who is bought for money, when you have circumcised him, then shall he eat of it.
45 Kii qariib ah iyo midiidinka la soo kiraystay toona midkoodna waa inuusan wax ka cunin.
A foreigner and a hired servant shall not eat of it.
46 Oo waa in isku guri lagu cuno; oo waa inaadan hilibka waxba dibadda uga bixin; lafna waa inaydnaan ka jebin.
It must be eaten in one house. You shall not carry any of the meat outside of the house. Do not break any of its bones.
47 Oo shirka reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu waa inuu dhawro.
All the congregation of Israel shall keep it.
48 Oo haddii mid qariib ahu idinla dego, oo uu doonayo inuu Rabbiga u dhawro iidda Kormaridda, de waa in intiisa lab oo dhan la wada gudaa, oo markaas ha soo dhowaado oo ha dhawro, oo markaas wuxuu noqon doonaa sidii mid dalka ku dhashay; laakiinse qof buuryoqab ahu waa inuusan wax ka cunin.
When a stranger lives as a foreigner with you, and would like to keep the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it. He shall be as one who is born in the land; but no uncircumcised person shall eat of it.
49 Kan waddanka ku dhashay iyo kan qariibka ah oo idin dhex degganu waa inay isku sharci ahaadaan.
One law shall be to him who is born at home, and to the stranger who lives as a foreigner amongst you.”
50 Sidaasay reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu yeeleen; sidii Rabbigu Muuse iyo Haaruun ku amray ayay yeeleen.
All the children of Israel did so. As the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did.
51 Oo isla maalintaasaa Rabbigu reer binu Israa'iil uga bixiyey dalkii Masar, siday guutooyinkoodii ahaayeen.
That same day, the LORD brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.

< Baxniintii 12 >