< Ishacyaah 45 >

1 Rabbigu wuxuu ku leeyahay kan uu subkaday oo ah Kuuros, oo uu gacantiisa midig hayay inuu hortiisa quruumo ku hoosaysiiyo, oo uu boqorro dhexdooda guntiga ka furo, inuu hortiisa albaabbada ka furo, albaabbadaasna aanay mar dambe xidhmin:
The Lord seith these thingis to my crist, Cirus, whos riythond Y took, that Y make suget folkis bifor his face, and turne the backis of kyngis; and Y schal opene yatis bifore hym, and yatis schulen not be closid.
2 Anigu waan ku hor socon doonaa, oo meelaha sarsarena waan simi doonaa, waanan kala burburin doonaa albaabbada naxaasta ah, oo qataarrada birta ahna waan kala googooyn doonaa,
Y schal go bifore thee, and Y schal make lowe the gloriouse men of erthe; Y schal al to-breke brasun yatis, and Y schal breke togidere irun barris.
3 oo waxaan ku siin doonaa khasnadaha gudcurka iyo maal qarsoon oo meelo sir ah ku jira, inaad ogaatid inaan ahay Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil oo magacaa kuugu yeedha.
And Y schal yyue hid tresours to thee, and the priuy thingis of priuytees, that thou wite, that Y am the Lord, that clepe thi name, God of Israel,
4 Addoonkaygii Yacquub oo ah Israa'iilkii aan doortay daraaddiis ayaan magacaa kuugu yeedhay, waanan ku magacaabay in kastoo aadan i aqoon.
for my seruaunt Jacob, and Israel my chosun, and Y clepide thee bi thi name; Y licnyde thee, and thou knewist not me.
5 Waxaan ahay Rabbiga, oo mid kale ma jiro, aniga mooyaane Ilaah kale ma jiro. Anigaa guntiga kuu xidhay in kastoo aadan i aqoon,
Y am the Lord, and ther is no more; with out me is no God. Y haue gird thee, and thou knewist not me.
6 in qorrax ka soo bax iyo galbeedba laga ogaado inaan aniga mooyaane mid kale jirin. Anigaa Rabbiga ah, mid kalena ma jiro.
That thei that ben at the risyng of the sunne, and thei that ben at the west, know, that with out me is no God.
7 Iftiinka anigaa sameeya, oo masiibadana anigaa abuura. Anigoo Rabbiga ah ayaa waxyaalahan oo dhan sameeya.
Y am the Lord, and noon other God is; fourmynge liyt, and makynge derknessis, makynge pees, and fourmynge yuel; Y am the Lord, doynge alle these thingis.
8 Samooyinkow, xagga sare ka soo tiftifqa, oo daruuruhuna xaqnimo ha soo shubeen, dhulkuna ha furmo, oo badbaadada iyo xaqnimaduna ha isla soo wada baxaan. Aniga Rabbiga ah ayaa uumay.
Heuenes, sende ye out deew fro aboue, and cloudis, reyne a iust man; the erthe be openyde, and brynge forth the sauyour, and riytfulnesse be borun togidere; Y the Lord haue maad hym of nouyt.
9 Waxaa iska hoogay ka Uumihiisa la dirira! Wuxuu la mid yahay dheri jabkiis oo ka mid ah jajabka dhulka! Dhoobadu miyey kan sameeya ku tidhaahdaa, War maxaad samaynaysaa? Amase shuqulkaaguu miyuu yidhaahdaa, Gacmo ma leh?
Wo to hym that ayen seith his maker, a tiel stoon of erthe of Sannys. Whether clei seith to his pottere, What makist thou, and thi werk is withouten hondis?
10 Waxaa iska hoogay kii aabbe ku yidhaahda, War maxaad dhalaysaa? Amase naag ku yidhaahda, Na maxaad ku foolanaysaa?
Wo to hym that seith to the fadir, What gendrist thou? and to a womman, What childist thou?
11 Rabbiga ah Kan Quduuska ah ee reer binu Israa'iil, oo ah Uumihiisu wuxuu leeyahay, Waxyaalaha iman doona ma i weyddiinaysaan, oo wax ku saabsan wiilashayda, iyo shuqulka gacmahayga ma igu amraysaan?
The Lord, the hooli of Israel, the fourmere therof, seith these thingis, Axe ye me thingis to comynge on my sones, and sende ye to me on the werkis of myn hondis.
12 Dhulka anigaa abuuray, oo dad baan ku dul uumay. Aniga qudhayda ayaa samooyinka gacmahayga ku kala bixiyey, oo ciidankooda oo dhanna anigaa amray.
Y made erthe, and Y made a man on it; myn hondis helden abrood heuenes, and Y comaundide to al the knyythod of tho.
13 Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Boqor Kuuros ayaan xaqnimo ku sara kiciyey, oo jidadkiisa oo dhanna waan toosin doonaa. Magaaladayduu dhisi doonaa, oo maxaabiistaydana wuu sii dayn doonaa, mana aha iib aawadiis amase laaluush aawadiis toona.
Y reiside hym to riytfulnesse, and Y schal dresse alle hise weies; he schal bilde my citee, and he schal delyuere my prisoneris, not in prijs, nether in yiftis, seith the Lord of oostis.
14 Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Hawsha Masar, iyo baayacmushtariga Itoobiya, iyo reer Saabaa'iim oo ah dad sarajoog dheer idinkay idiin soo gudbi doonaan, oo kuwiinnay ahaan doonaan. Iyagu way idin daba socon doonaan, oo waxay idiin soo gudbi doonaan iyagoo silsiladaysan, oo way idiin sujuudi doonaan, wayna idin baryi doonaan, iyagoo leh, Sida xaqiiqada ah Ilaah dhexdiinnu jiraa, oo mid kalena ma jiro, oo isaga mooyaane Ilaah kale ma jiro.
The Lord God seith these thingis, The trauel of Egipt, and the marchaundie of Ethiopie, and of Sabaym; hiy men schulen go to thee, and schulen be thine; thei schulen go aftir thee, thei schulen go boundun in manyclis, and schulen worschipe thee, and schulen biseche thee. God is oneli in thee, and with out thee is no God.
15 Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil oo ah Badbaadiyahow, sida runta ah waxaad tahay Ilaah isqariya.
Verili thou art God hid, God, the sauyour of Israel.
16 Iyagu dhammaantood way ceeboobi doonaan oo giddigoodna way sharafjabi doonaan, oo kuwa sanamyo sameeya oo dhammu way wada qasmi doonaan.
Alle makeris of errours ben schent, and weren aschamed; thei yeden togidere in to confusioun.
17 Laakiinse Rabbigu wuxuu reer binu Israa'iil ku badbaadin doonaa badbaado daa'im ah, oo idinku weligiin iyo weligiinba ma aad ceeboobi doontaan, mana aad sharafjabi doontaan.
Israel is sauyde in the Lord, bi euerlastynge helthe; ye schulen not be schent, and ye schulen not be aschamed, til in to the world of world.
18 Waayo, Rabbiga samooyinka uumay oo ah Ilaaha dhulka uumay, oo sameeyey, oo dhisay, oo aan si aan waxba tarayn u uumin, laakiinse u uumay in la degganaado wuxuu leeyahay, Anigaa Rabbiga ah mid kalena ma jiro.
For whi the Lord makynge heuenes of nouyt, seith these thingis; he is God fourmynge erthe, and makinge it, he is the makere therof; he made it of noyt, not in veyn, but he formyde it, that it be enhabitid; Y am the Lord, and noon other is.
19 Anigu kuma hadlin qarsoodi iyo meel gudcur ah oo dhulka ka mid ah. Farcanka Yacquub kuma odhan, Si aan waxba tarin ii doondoona. Aniga Rabbiga ahu waxaan ku hadlaa xaqnimo, oo waxaan sheegaa waxyaalo qumman.
Y spak not in hid place, not in a derk place of erthe; I seide not to the seed of Jacob, Seke ye me in veyn. Y am the Lord spekynge riytfulnesse, tellynge riytful thingis.
20 Kuwiinna quruumaha ka baxsadayow, soo shira, oo dhammaantiin kaalaya, kulligiin soo wada dhowaada. Kuwa sanamyadooda qoriga ah sita oo ilaah aan waxba badbaadin karin barya aqoon ma leh.
Be ye gaderid, and come ye, and neiye ye togidere, that ben sauyd of hethene men; thei that reisen a signe of her grauyng, knewen not, and thei preien a god that saueth not.
21 Sheega oo soo saara, iyagu ha isla wada tashadeen. Bal yaa waxyaalahan waa hore muujiyey? Oo bal yaa wakhti hore sii sheegay? Sow ma aha aniga Rabbiga ah? Oo aniga mooyaane Ilaah kale ma jiro. Waxaan ahay Ilaah xaq iyo Badbaadiye ah, oo aniga mooyaane mid kale ma jiro.
Telle ye, and come ye, and take ye councel togidere. Who made this herd fro the bigynnyng? fro that tyme Y bifor seide it. Whether Y am not the Lord, and no God is ferthere with out me? God riytful and sauynge is noon, outakun me.
22 Dhulka darafyadiisa oo dhammow, i soo eega, oo kulligiin badbaada, waayo, anigaa Ilaah ah, oo aniga mooyaane mid kale ma jiro.
Alle the coostis of erthe, be ye conuertid to me, and ye schulen be saaf; for Y am the Lord, and noon other is.
23 Waxaan ku dhaartay nafsaddayda, oo eray baa afkayga xaqnimo uga baxay, soona noqon maayo, waxaana weeye, Jilib waluba anuu ii sujuudi doonaa, carrab walubana waa igu dhaaran doonaa.
Y swoor in my silf, a word of riytfulnesse schal go out of my mouth, and it schal not turne ayen; for ech kne schal be bowid to me, and ech tunge schal swere.
24 Waxaa laygu odhan doonaa, Rabbiga uun ayaa xaqnimo iyo xoogba leh. Isagaa loo iman doonaa, oo kuwii isaga u cadhaysnaa oo dhammuna way wada ceeboobi doonaan.
Therfor thei schulen sei in the Lord, Riytfulnessis and empire ben myne; alle that fiyten ayens hym schulen come to hym, and schulen be aschamed.
25 Farcanka Israa'iil oo dhammu Rabbiga bay xaq ku noqon doonaan, wayna faani doonaan.
Al the seed of Israel schal be iustified and preysid in the Lord.

< Ishacyaah 45 >