< Xaakinnada 2 >

1 Markaasaa malaa'igtii Rabbigu waxay ka soo kacday Gilgaal oo Bokiim timid, oo waxay tidhi, Anigaa idinka soo bixiyey dalkii Masar, oo waxaan idin keenay dalkii aan ugu dhaartay awowayaashiin, oo waxaan idhi, Anigu weligay jebin maayo axdigayga aan idinla dhigtay.
Yahweh [appeared in the form of] an angel [and] went up from Gilgal to [a place that was later called] Bokim. He said [to the Israeli people], “I brought your [ancestors] up here from Egypt. I led them into this land that I solemnly promised to give to your ancestors. I said to them, ‘The agreement that I made with you, as for me, I will never (break it/say that it is ended).
2 Idinkuna waa inaydnaan axdi la dhigan dadka dalkan deggan; oo waa inaad jejebisaan meelahooda allabariga. Laakiinse idinku ma aydnaan dhegaysan codkaygii. De haddaba maxaad sidan u yeesheen?
But as for you, you must never make a peace agreement with the people who live in this land. You must tear down the altars [where they make sacrifices to idols].’ But you have not obeyed me.
3 Sidaas daraaddeed waxaa kaloo aan idhi, Hortiinna kama eryi doono iyaga, laakiinse waxay idinku noqon doonaan sida qodxan dhinacyada idinkaga jirta, oo ilaahyadooduna waxay idinku noqon doonaan dabin.
So now, I am telling you that I will not expel [your enemies] as you advance. They will be like thorns in your sides. And [they] will try to trap you [by making you worship] their idols.”
4 Oo markay malaa'igtii Rabbigu erayadan kula hadashay reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan ayay dadkii codkoodii kor u qaadeen oo ooyeen.
After he told that to all the Israelis, the people cried loudly.
5 Oo meeshaas magaceedii waxay u bixiyeen Bokiim; oo halkaasay allabari Rabbiga ugu bixiyeen.
They called that place Bokim, [which means ‘weeping’]. There they offered sacrifices to Yahweh.
6 Haddaba markii Yashuuca dadkii diray ayaa reer binu Israa'iil mid waluba u kacay dhaxalkiisii inuu hantiyo dalka.
After Joshua sent the Israeli people away, each group went to possess the land that had been allotted to them.
7 Oo dadkuna Rabbigay u adeegeen wakhtigii Yashuuca noolaa oo dhan, iyo wakhtigii odayaashii Yashuuca ka nolol dambeeyey oo dhan, kuwaasoo wada arkay kulli shuqulkii weynaa oo Rabbigu u sameeyey reer binu Israa'iil.
They served Yahweh as long as Joshua was alive, and as long as the elders, those who had seen all the great things that Yahweh had done for Israel, were alive.
8 Yashuuca oo ahaa ina Nuun oo addoonkii Rabbiga ahaa wuxuu dhintay isagoo boqol iyo toban sannadood jira.
Then Yahweh’s servant Joshua died. He was 110 years old when he died.
9 Oo waxay ku aaseen dalkii uu dhaxalka u helay oo ahaa Timnad Xeres, oo ku tiil dalkii buuraha lahaa oo reer Efrayim, oo xagga woqooyi ka xigta buurta Gacash.
They buried his body in the area he had received [from Moses], at Timnath-Serah, in the area where the descendants of Ephraim lived, north of Gaash Mountain.
10 Oo weliba dadkii qarnigaas oo dhammu waxay ku darmadeen awowayaashood; oo waxaa ka daba kacay kuwo qarni kale ah oo aan aqoon Rabbiga, ama shuqulkii uu u sameeyey reer binu Israa'iil.
After all the people died who lived at the same time as Joshua [EUP], a group of people grew up who did not know Yahweh, and did not know what great things he had done for the Israeli people.
11 Oo reer binu Israa'iil waxay sameeyeen wax Rabbiga hortiisa ku xun, oo waxay u adeegeen Bacaliimka.
They did things that Yahweh said were very evil. They worshiped [idols that represented the god] Baal and the goddess Astarte. They worshiped [DOU] the various gods that the people-groups around them worshiped. They stopped worshiping Yahweh, the God their ancestors worshiped, the one who had brought their ancestors out of Egypt. That caused Yahweh to be very angry.
12 Wayna ka tageen Rabbigii ahaa Ilaahii awowayaashood oo iyaga ka soo bixiyey dalkii Masar, oo waxay raaceen ilaahyo kale, kuwaasoo ahaa ilaahyadii dadkii iyaga ku wareegsanaa, wayna u sujuudeen; oo Rabbigana way ka xanaajiyeen.
13 Oo intay Rabbiga ka tageen ayay u adeegeen Bacal iyo Cashtarod.
14 Markaasaa cadhadii Rabbigu aad ugu kululaatay reer binu Israa'iil, oo wuxuu iyagii ku riday kuwii iyaga dhacay gacmahoodii, oo wuxuu ka iibiyey gacmihii cadaawayaashoodii ku wareegsanaa, sidaas daraaddeed mar dambe ma ay hor istaagi karin cadaawayaashooda.
So he allowed people from other groups to raid them and steal their crops and animals. They were no longer able to resist their enemies, and Yahweh allowed all their enemies around them to defeat them.
15 Oo meel kasta oo ay tageenba gacanta Rabbigu dhib bay u ahayd, sidii Rabbigu ku hadlay, iyo sidii Rabbigu iyaga ugu dhaartay; oo iyana aad bay u dhibaataysnaayeen.
Whenever the Israelis went to fight [their enemies], Yahweh [MTY] was opposing them, and allowed their enemies to defeat them, just as he had promised he would do. So the Israelis were greatly distressed.
16 Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu kiciyey xaakinno iyaga ka badbaadiyey gacantii kuwii dhacayay.
Then Yahweh gave leaders to them. These leaders rescued the Israelis from the people who were raiding them.
17 Oo weliba xaakinnadoodiina ma ay dhegaysan, maxaa yeelay, ilaahyo kalay raaceen sidii naag ninkeedii ka dhillowday, wayna u sujuudeen; oo haddiiba gees bay uga leexdeen jidkii ay awowayaashood mareen iyagoo addeecaya amarradii Rabbiga; laakiinse iyagu sidaas ma ay yeelin.
But the Israelis still would not pay attention to their leaders. Instead, they went to the idols, [acting like] prostitutes [who gave themselves to men who were not their husbands] [MET], and they worshiped those idols. They were not like their ancestors. Their ancestors obeyed what Yahweh commanded, but their descendants quickly stopped behaving as their ancestors had behaved.
18 Oo markii Rabbigu iyaga u kiciyey xaakinno ayuu Rabbigu la jiray xaakinkii, oo wakhtigii xaakinkii noolaa oo dhan wuxuu iyagii ka badbaadiyey gacantii cadaawayaashooda; waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu ka qoomamooday taahiddii ay ka taahayeen kuwii iyaga dulmay oo caddibay.
Whenever Yahweh gave a leader to them, he helped that leader and enabled him to rescue the people from their enemies. He helped them like that as long as that leader was alive. Yahweh pitied them as they groaned because they were being oppressed and caused to suffer.
19 Oo haddana markii xaakinkii dhintay ayay dib u noqdeen, oo waxay ku kaceen wax ka sii xun wixii awowayaashood ay ku kici jireen, oo waxay raaceen ilaahyo kale inay u adeegaan oo ay u sujuudaan. Kama ay joogsan falimahoodii, iyo madax adkaantoodii.
But after that leader died, the people went back to behaving in ways even more evil than their ancestors had behaved. They worshiped other gods and bowed down to them and did all [LIT] the things that they thought those gods wanted them to do.
20 Oo cadhadii Rabbigu aad bay ugu kululaatay reer binu Israa'iil, oo wuxuu yidhi, Quruuntanu way ku xadgudbeen axdigii aan ku amray awowayaashood, oo codkaygiina ma ay dhegaysan;
So Yahweh was very angry with the Israeli people. He said, “These people have disobeyed the agreement I made with their ancestors. They have not done what I told them to do.
21 sidaas daraaddeed hadda ka dib ka eryi maayo hortooda mid ka mid ah quruumihii Yashuuca ka tegey markuu dhintay;
So I will no longer expel the people-groups that Joshua left in this land when he died.
22 si aan iyaga ugu tijaabiyo reer binu Israa'iil bal inay xajiyaan oo ku socdaan jidka Rabbiga, sidii ay awowayaashood u xajiyeen iyo in kale.
I will use them to test the Israeli people to see whether they will do what I want them to do, as their ancestors did.”
23 Sidaas daraaddeed Rabbigu wuu daayay quruumahaas, oo degdegna uma eryin; oo weliba iyagii sooma uu gelin gacantii Yashuuca.
Yahweh had allowed those people-groups to stay in that land. He did not expel them by allowing Joshua [and his men] to defeat them.

< Xaakinnada 2 >