< 1 Corintios 3 >

1 Yo, hermanos, no he podido hablaros como a espirituales, sino como a carnales, como a niños en Cristo.
And the teaching I gave you, my brothers, was such as I was able to give, not to those who have the Spirit, but to those who are still in the flesh, even to children in Christ.
2 Leche os di a beber, no manjar ( sólido ), porque no erais capaces todavía, y ni aun ahora sois capaces;
I gave you milk and not meat, because you were, then, unable to take it, and even now you are not able;
3 siendo como sois todavía carnales; puesto que mientras hay entre vosotros celos y discordias ¿no sois acaso carnales y vivís a modo de hombres?
Because you are still in the flesh: for when there is envy and division among you, are you not still walking after the way of the flesh, even as natural men?
4 Cuando uno dice: “yo soy de Pablo”; y otro: “yo soy de Apolo”, ¿no es que sois hombres?
For when one says, I am of Paul; and another says, I am of Apollos; are you not talking like natural men?
5 ¿Qué es Apolo? Y ¿qué es Pablo? Servidores, según lo que a cada uno dio el Señor, por medio de los cuales creísteis.
What then is Apollos? and what is Paul? They are but servants who gave you the good news as God gave it to them.
6 Yo planté, Apolo regó, pero Dios dio el crecimiento.
I did the planting, Apollos did the watering, but God gave the increase.
7 Y así, ni el que planta es algo, ni el que riega, sino Dios que da el crecimiento.
So then the planter is nothing, and the waterer is nothing; but God who gives the increase.
8 El que planta y el que riega son lo mismo; y cada uno recibirá su galardón en la medida de su trabajo.
Now the planter and the waterer are working for the same end: but they will have their separate rewards in the measure of their work.
9 Nosotros somos los que trabajamos con Dios; vosotros sois la labranza de Dios, el edificio de Dios.
For we are workers with God: you are God's planting, God's building.
10 Según la gracia de Dios que me ha sido dada, yo, cual prudente arquitecto, puse el fundamento, y otro edifica sobre él. Pero mire cada cual cómo edifica sobre él.
In the measure of the grace given to me, I, as a wise master-builder, have put the base in position, and another goes on building on it. But let every man take care what he puts on it.
11 Porque nadie puede poner otro fundamento, fuera del ya puesto, que es Jesucristo.
For there is no other base for the building but that which has been put down, which is Jesus Christ.
12 Si, empero, sobre este fundamento se edifica oro, plata, piedras preciosas, ( o bien ) madera, heno, paja,
But on the base a man may put gold, silver, stones of great price, wood, dry grass, cut stems;
13 la obra de cada uno se hará manifiesta, porque el día la descubrirá, pues en fuego será revelado; y el fuego pondrá a prueba cuál sea la obra de cada uno.
Every man's work will be made clear in that day, because it will be tested by fire; and the fire itself will make clear the quality of every man's work.
14 Si la obra que uno ha sobreedificado subsistiere, recibirá galardón;
If any man's work comes through the test, he will have a reward.
15 si la obra de uno fuere consumida, sufrirá daño; él mismo empero se salvará, mas como a través del fuego.
If the fire puts an end to any man's work, it will be his loss: but he will get salvation himself, though as by fire.
16 ¿No sabéis acaso que sois templo de Dios, y que el Espíritu de Dios habita en vosotros?
Do you not see that you are God's holy house, and that the Spirit of God has his place in you?
17 Si alguno destruyere el templo de Dios, le destruirá Dios a él; porque santo es el templo de Dios, que sois vosotros.
If anyone makes the house of God unclean, God will put an end to him; for the house of God is holy, and you are his house.
18 Nadie se engañe a sí mismo. Si alguno entre vosotros cree ser sabio en este siglo, hágase necio para hacerse sabio. (aiōn g165)
Let no man have a false idea. If any man seems to himself to be wise among you, let him become foolish, so that he may be wise. (aiōn g165)
19 Porque la sabiduría de este mundo es necedad para Dios. Pues escrito está: “Él prende a los sabios en su misma astucia”.
For the wisdom of this world is foolish before God. As it is said in the holy Writings, He who takes the wise in their secret designs:
20 Y otra vez: “El Señor conoce los razonamiento de los sabios, que son vanos”.
And again, The Lord has knowledge of the reasonings of the wise, that they are nothing.
21 Así pues, que nadie ponga su gloria en los hombres. Porque todo es ciertamente vuestro;
So let no one take pride in men. For all things are yours;
22 sea Pablo, sea Apolo, sea Cefas, sea el mundo, sea la vida, sea la muerte, sea lo presente, sea lo porvenir, todo es vuestro,
Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours;
23 mas vosotros sois de Cristo, y Cristo es de Dios.
And you are Christ's; and Christ is God's.

< 1 Corintios 3 >