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1 Pablo, Silvano y Timoteo, a la iglesia de [los] tesalonicenses en Dios nuestro Padre y en el Señor Jesucristo:
[I], Paul, [am writing this letter]. Silas and Timothy [are with me. We are sending this letter] to [you]. You are the congregation [of God’s people] in Thessalonica [city]. You belong to God our Father, and you belong to Jesus Christ our Lord.
2 Gracia y paz a ustedes de Dios nuestro Padre y del Señor Jesucristo.
[We pray that] God our Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord, [will continue to] act kindly toward you and [will continue to cause you to have inner] peace.
3 Hermanos, tenemos que dar gracias a Dios siempre por ustedes como es apropiado, pues su fe crece maravillosamente y abunda el amor de cada uno de ustedes hacia los otros,
[Our] fellow believers, we thank God very frequently [HYP] for you because we believers ought [to thank God for each other, and] specifically it is appropriate/right [that we should thank God for you. We thank him] that you are trusting in [the Lord Jesus] more and more, and that each one of you is loving [each of] the others more and more.
4 tanto que nos enaltecemos por ustedes en las iglesias de Dios por su paciencia y fe en medio de todas las persecuciones y aflicciones que enfrentan,
As a result, we keep proudly telling about you to [other] congregations who [worship] God. [Specifically, we tell them] that you are being steadfast and that you [continue] believing [in the Lord Jesus], even though you are frequently suffering [DOU] as a result of people causing you trouble.
5 evidencia del justo juicio de Dios, para que ustedes sean considerados dignos del reino de Dios, por el cual también sufren.
[Your being steadfast] (shows/indicates to) [us] clearly that God will judge [all people] justly. [Specifically, he] will publicly declare that you are worthy [as his people to be in] that place where he will rule [forever, because] you also are suffering as a result of [telling others about letting] God rule your lives.
6 En verdad es justo que Dios retribuya aflicción a los que los afligen,
[God will certainly cause trouble for] those people who are troubling you, because he [considers] that it is just that he should punish such people for doing that to you.
7 y a ustedes, que son afligidos, les da reposo con nosotros en la manifestación del Señor Jesús desde el cielo con ángeles de su poder,
He also [considers] that it is the right thing to do to reward you who are being troubled, by (giving you relief/causing your suffering to end). He will do that for both you and us when our Lord Jesus will descend from heaven, together with his powerful angels and with blazing fire.
8 en llama de fuego para castigar a los que no conocieron a Dios, y a los que no obedecen a las Buenas Noticias de nuestro Señor Jesús.
[Then he will] punish those people who do not [want to] know him and [those] who refuse to heed the message about our Lord Jesus.
9 Éstos sufrirán pena de eterna ruina lejos de la presencia del Señor y de la gloria de su poder, (aiōnios g166)
[Our Lord Jesus] will forbid them from ever coming near to him and near to the glory which he has [because he is so] powerful (OR, the glory that is manifested by his power). He will cause those people to suffer forever. (aiōnios g166)
10 cuando venga en aquel día para ser glorificado en sus santos y ser admirado por todos los que creyeron, porque ustedes creyeron nuestro testimonio.
[The Lord Jesus] will do this when he comes [back from heaven] at the time [that God has decided]. As a result, all we who are his people will praise him because of [what he has done for his own] people, and all we believers will marvel at our Lord because of [what he has done. And you will be there, too], because you believed what we testified to you.
11 Por lo cual también hablamos con Dios siempre acerca de ustedes, para que nuestro Dios los considere dignos del llamamiento y cumpla con poder todo deseo de bondad y obra de fe,
In order that you might [praise Jesus like this], we are also praying very frequently [HYP] for you. We pray that [you will be able to show] our God that you are worthy [to receive] that which he chose [you to receive]. We pray also that he would powerfully enable you to do good in every way that you desire, and that he would also enable you to do powerfully every [good] thing [that you do because] you believe [in Jesus Christ].
12 para que el Nombre de nuestro Señor Jesús sea glorificado en ustedes, y ustedes en Él, según la gracia de nuestro Dios y del Señor Jesucristo.
[We pray this because we want] you to praise our Lord Jesus, and we want him to honor you. This will happen because God, whom we [worship/serve], and our Lord Jesus Christ will keep acting kindly [toward you] in ways that you do not deserve.

< 2 Tesalonicenses 1 >