< Lamentaciones 1 >

1 ¡Cómo está asentada sola la ciudad antes populosa! la grande entre las naciones es vuelta como viuda: la señora de provincias es hecha tributaria.
The city that once was full of people is now sitting all alone. She has become like a widow, though she was a mighty nation. She was a princess among the nations, but is now forced into slavery.
2 Llorando llorará en la noche, y sus lágrimas en sus mejillas: no tiene quien la consuele de todos sus amadores: todos sus amigos le faltaron, volviéronsele enemigos.
She weeps and wails in the night, and her tears cover her cheeks. None of her lovers comfort her. All her friends have betrayed her. They have become her enemies.
3 Judá pasó en cautividad a causa de la aflicción, y de la grandeza de servidumbre: ella moró entre las gentes, y no halló descanso: todos sus perseguidores la alcanzaron entre estrechuras.
After poverty and affliction, Judah has gone into exile. She lives among the nations and finds no rest. All her pursuers overtook her in her desperation.
4 Las calzadas de Sión tienen luto, porque no hay quien venga a las solemnidades: todas sus puertas son asoladas: sus sacerdotes gimen, sus vírgenes afligidas, y ella tiene amargura.
The roads of Zion mourn because none come to the appointed feasts. All her gates are desolate. Her priests groan. Her virgins are sorrowful and she herself is in complete distress.
5 Sus enemigos son hechos cabeza, sus aborrecedores fueron prosperados; porque Jehová la afligió por la multitud de sus rebeliones: sus niños fueron en cautividad delante del enemigo.
Her adversaries have become her master; her enemies prosper. Yahweh has afflicted her for her many sins. Her little children go into captivity to her adversary.
6 Fuése de la hija de Sión toda su hermosura: sus príncipes fueron como ciervos que no hallaron pasto; y anduvieron sin fortaleza delante del perseguidor.
Beauty has left the daughter of Zion. Her princes have become like deer that cannot find pasture, and they go without strength before their pursuer.
7 Jerusalem, cuando su pueblo cayó en la mano del enemigo, y no hubo quien le ayudase, entonces se acordó de los días de su aflicción, y de sus rebeliones, y de todas sus cosas deseables que tuvo desde los tiempos antiguos: miráronla los enemigos, y escarnecieron de sus sábados.
In the days of her affliction and her homelessness, Jerusalem will call to mind all her precious treasures that she had in former days. When her people fell into the hand of the adversary, no one helped her. The adversaries saw her and laughed at her destruction.
8 Pecado pecó Jerusalem, por lo cual ella ha sido removida: todos los que antes la honraban, la menospreciaron, porque vieron su vergüenza: ella también suspira, y es vuelta atrás.
Jerusalem sinned greatly, therefore, she has become scorned as something that is filthy. All who honored her now despise her since they have seen her nakedness. She groans and tries to turn away.
9 Sus inmundicias trajo en sus faldas, no se acordó de su postrimería: por tanto ella ha descendido maravillosamente, no tiene consolador. Mira, o! Jehová, mi aflicción, porque el enemigo se ha engrandecido.
She has become unclean beneath her skirts. She did not think about her future. Her fall was terrible. There was no one to comfort her. She cried out, “Look at my affliction, Yahweh, for the enemy has become too great!”
10 Extendió su mano el enemigo a todas sus cosas preciosas; y ella vio a las gentes entrar en su santuario, de las cuales mandaste que no entrasen en tu congregación.
The adversary has put his hand on all our precious treasures. She has seen the nations enter her sanctuary, even though you had commanded that they must not enter into your assembly place.
11 Todo su pueblo buscó su pan suspirando, dieron por la comida todas sus cosas preciosas para refocilar el alma. Mira, o! Jehová, y ve, que soy tornada vil.
All her people groan as they search for bread. They have given their precious treasures for food to restore their lives. Look, Yahweh, and consider me, for I have become worthless.
12 No os sea molesto todos los que pasáis por el camino, mirád, y ved, si hay dolor como mi dolor, que me ha venido; porque Jehová me ha angustiado en el día de la ira de su furor.
Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is anyone else's sorrow like the sorrow that is being inflicted on me, since Yahweh has tormented me on the day of his fierce anger.
13 Desde lo alto envió fuego en mis huesos, el cual se enseñoreó: extendió red a mis pies, tornóme atrás, púsome asolada, y entristecida todo el día.
It is from on high that he has sent fire into my bones, and it has conquered them. He has spread a net for my feet and turned me back. He has made me constantly desolate and weak.
14 El yugo de mis rebeliones está ligado en su mano, entretejidas han subido sobre mi cerviz: ha hecho caer mis fuerzas: háme entregado el Señor en manos de donde no podré levantarme.
The yoke of my transgressions is bound together by his hand. They are knit together and placed upon my neck. He has made my strength fail. The Lord has given me over into their hands, and I am not able to stand.
15 El Señor ha hollado todos mis fuertes en medio de mí: llamó contra mí compañía para quebrantar mis mancebos: lagar ha pisado el Señor a la virgen hija de Judá.
The Lord has tossed aside all my mighty men who defended me. He has called an assembly against me to crush my vigorous men. The Lord has trampled the virgin daughter of Judah in the winepress.
16 Por esta causa yo lloro: mis ojos, mis ojos fluyen aguas; porque se alejó de mí consolador que dé reposo a mi alma: mis hijos son destruidos, porque el enemigo prevaleció.
For these things I weep, my eyes overflow with tears; for a comforter is far from me, one who restores my life. My children are desolate because the enemy has conquered me.
17 Sión extendió sus manos, no tiene consolador: Jehová dio mandamiento contra Jacob, que sus enemigos le cercasen: Jerusalem fue en abominación entre ellos.
Zion has spread her hands wide; there is none to comfort her. Yahweh has commanded that those around Jacob should be his adversaries. Jerusalem is something unclean to them.
18 Jehová es justo, que yo contra su boca rebelé. Oíd ahora todos los pueblos, y ved mi dolor: mis vírgenes y mis mancebos fueron en cautividad.
Yahweh is righteous, for I have rebelled against his commandment. Hear, all you peoples, and see my sorrow. My virgins and my vigorous men have gone into captivity.
19 Di voces a mis amadores, mas ellos me han engañado: mis sacerdotes y mis ancianos, en la ciudad perecieron, buscando comida para sí con que entretener su vida.
I called for my friends, but they were treacherous toward me. My priests and my elders perished in the city, while they sought food to restore their lives.
20 Mira, o! Jehová, que estoy atribulada, mis entrañas rugen, mi corazón está trastornado en medio de mí; porque rebelé rebelando: de fuera me deshijó la espada, de dentro parece una muerte:
Look, Yahweh, for I am in distress; my stomach churns, my heart is disturbed within me, for I have been very rebellious. Outside, the sword bereaves a mother, inside the house there is only death.
21 Oyeron que gemía, y no hay consolador para mí: todos mis enemigos, oído mi mal, se holgaron, porque tú lo hiciste: trajiste el día que señalaste: mas serán como yo.
They have heard my groaning, but there is no one to comfort me. All my enemies have heard of my trouble and they are glad that you have done it. You have brought the day you promised; now let them become like me.
22 Entre delante de ti toda su maldad, y haz con ellos como hiciste conmigo por todas mis rebeliones; porque muchos son mis suspiros, y mi corazón está doloroso.
Let all their wickedness come before you. deal with them as you have dealt with me because of all my transgressions. My groans are many and my heart is faint.

< Lamentaciones 1 >