< 1 Krönikeboken 6 >

1 Levis söner voro Gerson, Kehat och Merari.
The sons of Levi were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
2 Kehats söner voro Amram, Jishar, Hebron och Ussiel.
The sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
3 Amrams barn voro Aron, Mose och Mirjam. Arons söner voro Nadab och Abihu, Eleasar och Itamar.
The children of Amram were Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. The sons of Aaron were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
4 Eleasar födde Pinehas, Pinehas födde Abisua.
Eleazar became the father of Phinehas, and Phinehas became the father of Abishua.
5 Abisua födde Bucki, och Bucki födde Ussi.
Abishua became the father of Bukki, and Bukki became the father of Uzzi.
6 Ussi födde Seraja, och Seraja födde Merajot.
Uzzi became the father of Zerahiah, and Zerahiah became the father of Meraioth.
7 Merajot födde Amarja, och Amarja födde Ahitub.
Meraioth became the father of Amariah, and Amariah became the father of Ahitub.
8 Ahitub födde Sadok, och Sadok födde Ahimaas.
Ahitub became the father of Zadok, and Zadok became the father of Ahimaaz.
9 Ahimaas födde Asarja, och Asarja födde Johanan.
Ahimaaz became the father of Azariah, and Azariah became the father of Johanan.
10 Johanan födde Asarja; det var han som var präst i det tempel som Salomo byggde i Jerusalem.
Johanan became the father of Azariah, who served in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem.
11 Asarja födde Amarja, och Amarja födde Ahitub.
Azariah became the father of Amariah, and Amariah became the father of Ahitub.
12 Ahitub födde Sadok, och Sadok födde Sallum.
Ahitub became the father of Zadok, and Zadok became the father of Shallum.
13 Sallum födde Hilkia, och Hilkia födde Asarja.
Shallum became the father of Hilkiah, and Hilkiah became the father of Azariah.
14 Asarja födde Seraja, och Seraja födde Josadak.
Azariah became the father of Seraiah, and Seraiah became the father of Jozadak.
15 Men Josadak måste gå med i fångenskap, när HERREN lät Juda och Jerusalem föras bort genom Nebukadnessar.
Jozadak went into captivity when Yahweh exiled Judah and Jerusalem by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.
16 Levis söner voro Gersom, Kehat och Merari.
The sons of Levi were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
17 Och dessa voro namnen på Gersoms söner: Libni och Simei.
The sons of Gershon were Libni and Shimei.
18 Och Kehats söner voro Amram, Jishar, Hebron och Ussiel.
The sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
19 Meraris söner voro Maheli och Musi. Dessa voro leviternas släkter, efter deras fäder.
The sons of Merari were Mahli and Mushi. These are the clans of the Levites listed according to their fathers.
20 Från Gersom härstammade hans son Libni, dennes son Jahat, dennes son Simma,
The descendants of Gershon: His son was Libni. Libni's son was Jahath. His son was Zimmah.
21 dennes son Joa, dennes son Iddo, dennes son Sera, dennes son Jeaterai.
His son was Joah. His son was Iddo. His son was Zerah. His son was Jeatherai.
22 Kehats söner voro hans son Amminadab, dennes son Kora, dennes son Assir,
The descendants of Kohath: His son was Amminadab. His son was Korah. His son was Assir.
23 dennes son Elkana, dennes son Ebjasaf, dennes son Assir,
His son was Elkanah. His son was Ebiasaph. His son was Assir.
24 dennes son Tahat, dennes son Uriel, dennes son Ussia och dennes son Saul.
His son was Tahath. His son was Uriel. His son was Uzziah. His son was Shaul.
25 Elkanas söner voro Amasai och Ahimot.
The sons of Elkanah were Amasai, Ahimoth,
26 Hans son var Elkana; hans son var Elkana-Sofai; hans son var Nahat.
And a son named Elkanah; Zophai his son, Nahath his son,
27 Hans son var Eliab; hans son var Jeroham; hans son var Elkana.
Eliab his son, Jeroham his son, and Elkanah his son.
28 Och Samuels söner voro Vasni, den förstfödde, och Abia.
The sons of Samuel were the firstborn, Joel, and Abijah, the second-born.
29 Meraris söner voro Maheli, dennes son Libni, dennes son Simei, dennes son Ussa,
The son of Merari was Mahli. His son was Libni. His son was Shimei. His son was Uzzah.
30 dennes son Simea, dennes son Haggia, dennes son Asaja.
His son was Shimea. His son was Haggiah. His son was Asaiah.
31 Och dessa voro de som David anställde för att ombesörja sången i HERRENS hus, sedan arken hade fått en vilostad.
These are the names of the men whom David put in charge of music in the house of Yahweh, after the ark came to rest there.
32 De gjorde tjänst inför uppenbarelsetältets tabernakel såsom sångare, till dess att Salomo byggde HERRENS hus i Jerusalem; de stodo där och förrättade sin tjänst, såsom det var föreskrivet för dem.
They served by singing before the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, until Solomon had built the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem. They fulfilled their duties according to the instructions given to them.
33 Dessa voro de som så tjänstgjorde, och dessa voro deras söner: Av kehatiternas barn: Heman, sångaren, son till Joel, son till Samuel,
These were those who served with their sons. From the clans of the Kohathites came Heman the musician. Here were his ancestors, going back in time: Heman was the son of Joel. Joel was the son of Samuel.
34 son till Elkana, son till Jeroham, son till Eliel, son till Toa,
Samuel was the son of Elkanah. Elkanah was the son of Jeroham. Jeroham was the son of Eliel. Eliel was the son of Toah.
35 son till Sif, son till Elkana, son till Mahat, son till Amasai,
Toah was the son of Zuph. Zuph was the son of Elkanah. Elkanah was the son of Mahath. Mahath was the son of Amasai. Amasai was son of Elkanah.
36 son till Elkana, son till Joel, son till Asarja, son till Sefanja,
Amasai was the son of Elkanah. Elkanah was the son of Joel. Joel was the son of Azariah. Azariah was the son of Zephaniah.
37 son till Tahat, son till Assir, son till Ebjasaf, son till Kora,
Zephaniah was the son of Tahath. Tahath was the son of Assir. Assir was the son of Ebiasaph. Ebiasaph was the son of Korah.
38 son till Jishar, son till Kehat, son till Levi, son till Israel;
Korah was the son of Izhar. Izhar was the son of Kohath. Kohath was the son of Levi. Levi was the son of Israel.
39 vidare hans broder Asaf, som hade sin plats på hans högra sida, Asaf, son till Berekja, son till Simea,
Heman's colleague was Asaph, who stood at his right hand. Asaph was the son of Berekiah. Berekiah was the son of Shimea.
40 son till Mikael, son till Baaseja, son till Malkia,
Shimea was the son of Michael. Michael was the son of Baaseiah. Baaseiah was the son of Malkijah.
41 son till Etni, son till Sera, son till Adaja,
Malkijah was the son of Ethni. Ethni was the son of Zerah. Zerah was the son of Adaiah.
42 son till Etan, son till Simma, son till Simei,
Adaiah was the son of Ethan. Ethan was the son of Zimmah. Zimmah was the son of Shimei.
43 son till Jahat, son till Gersom, son till Levi.
Shimei was the son of Jahath. Jahath was the son of Gershon. Gershon was the son of Levi.
44 Och deras bröder, Meraris barn stodo på den vänstra sidan: Etan son till Kisi, son till Abdi, son till Malluk,
At Heman's left hand were his colleagues the sons of Merari. They included Ethan son of Kishi. Kishi was the son of Abdi. Abdi was the son of Malluk.
45 son till Hasabja, son till Amasja, son till Hilkia,
Malluk was the son of Hashabiah. Hashabiah was the son of Amaziah. Amaziah was the son of Hilkiah.
46 son till Amsi, son till Bani, son till Semer,
Hilkiah was the son of Amzi. Amzi was the son of Bani. Bani was the son of Shemer.
47 son till Maheli, son till Musi, son till Merari, son till Levi.
Shemer was the son of Mahli. Mahli was the son of Mushi. Mushi was the son of Merari. Merari was the son of Levi.
48 Och deras bröder, de övriga leviterna, hade blivit givna till allt slags tjänstgöring vid tabernaklet, Guds hus.
Their associates, the Levites, were assigned to do all the work for the tabernacle, the house of God.
49 Men Aron och hans söner ombesörjde offren på brännoffersaltaret och på rökelsealtaret, och skulle utföra all förrättning i det allraheligaste och bringa försoning för Israel, alldeles såsom Mose, Guds tjänare, hade bjudit.
Aaron and his sons made the offerings on the altar for burnt offerings; and the offering on the incense altar for all the work on the most holy place. These offerings made atonement for Israel, according to all that Moses the servant of God had commanded.
50 Och dessa voro Arons söner: hans son Eleasar, dennes son Pinehas, dennes son Abisua,
Aaron's descendants are reckoned as follows: Aaron's son was Eleazar. Eleazar's son was Phinehas. Phinehas's son was Abishua.
51 dennes son Bucki, dennes son Ussi, dennes son Seraja,
Abishua's son was Bukki. Bukki's son was Uzzi. Uzzi's son was Zerahiah.
52 dennes son Merajot, dennes son Amarja, dennes son Ahitub,
Zerahiah's son was Meraioth. Meraioth's son was Amariah. Amariah's son was Ahitub.
53 dennes son Sadok, dennes son Ahimaas.
Ahitub's son was Zadok. Zadok's son was Ahimaaz.
54 Och dessa voro deras boningsorter, efter deras tältläger inom deras område: Åt Arons söner av kehatiternas släkt -- ty dem träffade nu lotten --
These are the locations where Aaron's descendants were assigned to live, that is, for the descendants of Aaron who were from the clans of the Kohathites (the first lot was theirs).
55 åt dem gav man Hebron i Juda land med dess utmarker runt omkring.
To them they gave Hebron in the land of Judah and its pasturelands,
56 Men åkerjorden och byarna som hörde till staden gav man åt Kaleb, Jefunnes son.
but the fields of the city and its villages they gave to Caleb son of Jephunneh.
57 Åt Arons söner gav man alltså fristäderna Hebron och Libna med dess utmarker, vidare Jattir och Estemoa med dess utmarker.
To the descendants of Aaron they gave: Hebron (a city of refuge), and Libnah with its pasturelands, Jattir, Eshtemoa with its pasturelands,
58 Hilen med dess utmarker, Debir med dess utmarker,
Hilen with its pasturelands, and Debir with its pasturelands.
59 Asan med dess utmarker och Bet-Semes med dess utmarker;
They also gave to the descendants of Aaron: Ashan with its pasturelands, Juttah, and Beth Shemesh with its pasturelands;
60 och ur Benjamins stam Geba med dess utmarker, Alemet med dess utmarker och Anatot med dess utmarker, så att deras städer tillsammans utgjorde tretton städer, efter deras släkter.
and from the tribe of Benjamin they were given Geba with its pasturelands, Alemeth with its pasturelands, and Anathoth with its pasturelands. All their cities numbered thirteen. These towns were distributed among the clans of the Kohathite, thirteen in all.
61 Och Kehats övriga barn fingo ur en stamsläkt, nämligen den stamhalva som utgjorde ena hälften av Manasse stam, genom lottkastning tio städer.
To the rest of clans of the Kohathites were allotted ten cities from the half tribe of Manasseh.
62 Gersoms barn åter fingo, efter sina släkter, ur Isaskars stam, ur Asers stam, ur Naftali stam och ur Manasse stam i Basan tretton städer.
To Gershon's descendants in their various clans were given thirteen cities from the tribes of Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and the half tribe of Manasseh in Bashan.
63 Meraris barn fingo, efter sina släkter, ur Rubens stam, ur Gads stam och ur Sebulons stam genom lottkastning tolv städer.
To Merari's descendants they gave twelve cities, clan by clan, from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Zebulun.
64 Så gåvo Israels barn åt leviterna dessa städer med deras utmarker.
So the people of Israel gave these cities with their pasturelands to the Levites.
65 Genom lottkastning gåvo de åt dem ur Juda barns stam, ur Simeons barns stam och ur Benjamins barns stam dessa städer, som de namngåvo.
They assigned by lot the towns mentioned earlier from the tribes of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin.
66 Och bland Kehats barns släkter fingo några följande städer ur Efraims stam såsom sitt område:
Some of the clans of the Kohathites were given cities from the territory of the tribe of Ephraim.
67 Man gav dem fristäderna Sikem med dess utmarker i Efraims bergsbygd, Geser med dess utmarker,
They gave them: Shechem (a city of refuge) with its pasturelands in the hill country of Ephraim, Gezer with its pasturelands,
68 Jokmeam med dess utmarker, Bet-Horon med dess utmarker;
Jokmeam with its pasturelands, Beth Horon with its pasturelands,
69 vidare Ajalon med dess utmarker och Gat-Rimmon med dess utmarker;
Aijalon with its pasturelands, and Gath Rimmon with its pasturelands.
70 och ur ena hälften av Manasse stam Aner med dess utmarker och Bileam med dess utmarker. Detta tillföll Kehats övriga barns släkt.
The half tribe of Manasseh gave the Kohathites Aner with its pasturelands and Bileam with its pasturelands. These became the possessions of the rest of the Kohathite clans.
71 Gersoms barn fingo ur den släkt som utgjorde ena hälften av Manasse stam Golan i Basan med dess utmarker och Astarot med dess utmarker;
To Gershon's descendants out of the clans of the half tribe of Manasseh, they gave Golan in Bashan with its pasturelands and Ashtaroth with its pasturelands.
72 och ur Isaskars stam Kedes med dess utmarker, Dobrat med dess utmarker,
The tribe of Issachar gave to Gershon's descendants Kedesh with its pasturelands, Daberath with its pasturelands,
73 Ramot med dess utmarker och Anem med dess utmarker;
Ramoth with its pasturelands, and Anem with its pasturelands.
74 och ur Asers stam Masal med dess utmarker, Abdon med dess utmarker,
Issachar received from the tribe of Asher: Mashal with its pasturelands, Abdon with its pasturelands,
75 Hukok med dess utmarker och Rehob med dess utmarker;
Hukok with its pasturelands, and Rehob with its pasturelands.
76 och ur Naftali stam Kedes i Galileen med dess utmarker, Hammon med dess utmarker och Kirjataim med dess utmarker.
They received from the tribe of Naphtali: Kedesh in Galilee with its pasturelands, Hammon with its pasturelands, and Kiriathaim with its pasturelands.
77 Meraris övriga barn fingo ur Sebulons stam Rimmono med dess utmarker och Tabor med dess utmarker,
The rest of Merari's descendants received from the tribe of Zebulun: Jokneam, Kartah, and Rimmono with its pasturelands and Tabor with its pasturelands;
78 och på andra sidan Jordan mitt emot Jeriko, öster om Jordan, ur Rubens stam Beser i öknen med dess utmarker, Jahas med dess utmarker,
and from the tribe of Reuben, across the Jordan on the east side of Jericho, they received Bezer in the desert, Jahzah,
79 Kedemot med dess utmarker och Mefaat med dess utmarker;
Kedemoth and its pasturelands, and Mephaath and its pasturelands.
80 och ur Gads stam Ramot i Gilead med dess utmarker, Mahanaim med dess utmarker,
The Levites received from the tribe of Gad: Ramoth in Gilead with its pasturelands, Mahanaim with its pasturelands,
81 Hesbon med dess utmarker och Jaeser med dess utmarker.
Heshbon with its pasturelands, and Jazer with its pasturelands.

< 1 Krönikeboken 6 >