< Luk 22 >

1 Vpap lwkmabv vtwng dvbamnam alu v nvchi toku, ho hum Vngbo dvmdvin vla minto.
Now the feast of unleavened bread was coming near, which is called Passover.
2 Nyibu butvnv vdwv okv Pvbv tamsarnv vdwv nyi vdwa busu nyato, vkvlvgabv bunu Jisunyi tosila mvkidubv vla lamtv makar nyato.
And the chief priests and the scholars sought how they might kill him, for they feared the people.
3 Vbvrikunamv lvbwlaksu nyidum vring gola anyi lokv Judas, Iskeriot vla minam gvlo Uyu ngv aatoku.
And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.
4 Vbvrikunamv Judas Nyibu butvnv vdwgv okv Pwknvyarnvnaam ha kaayanv vdwgv nyigam gv dookulo nw Jisunyi oguaingbv bunu gvlo kublwk nyuku sengvdw ho lvga nga mintebv vngtoku.
And having departed, he conversed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him to them.
5 Bunu mvngpula ninyia morko jidukubv mintoku.
And they were glad, and agreed together to give him silver.
6 Judas hum tolwk toku okv nw Jisunyi nyi chimpa madubv bunu gvlo laklwk dukubv vla alvnv dw marap toku.
And he consented and sought opportunity to betray him to them apart from the multitude.
7 Hoka vpap lwkmabv vtwng nga dvdw okv svlarkuu a vngbodvmin gv lvgabv palwkdw pumja alu v loolwk toku.
And the day of unleavened bread came during which it was necessary to kill the Passover.
8 Jisu Pitar okv Jonnyi svbv mingvrila vngmuto: “Vngnyika okv ngonugv lvgabv vngbo dvmin dvnam a dvdubv mvpvripv tvka.”
And he sent Peter and John, saying, After departing, prepare the Passover for us, that we may eat.
9 Bunu ninyia tvvkato, “No ngonua ogolo mvpvripv tvka vla mvngdunv?”
And they said to him, Where do thou want that we should prepare?
10 Nw mirwkto, “Nonu gv pamtv vlo arwnglo aarilo, nyiga ako isi opum bvngnv go nonua vngrwksire. Ninyia vngming gvla ninyigv naam arwngbv aakulo aaming gvlaka,
And he said to them, Behold, having entered into the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house where he enters.
11 okv naam atua minlaka: ‘Tamsarnv nam mindu, ngo okv ngoogv lvbwlaksu vdwgv vngbo dvmin dvnam dvjiku karchung ngv ogolo?’
And ye shall say to the house-ruler, The teacher says to thee, Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?
12 Nw nonua aolo kaapu dubv mvnam karchung go kaatamre, hoka nonu ogumvnwng nga mvpvripv dukubv kaapare.”
And he will show you a large upper room furnished. Prepare there.
13 Bunu vngtoku okv Jisu gv bunua minam aingbv ogumvnwngnga kaapa toku, okv bunu vngbo dvmin dvnam a mvpvripv toku.
And having gone, they found just as he said to them, and they prepared the Passover.
14 Vdwlo dw v aato kudw, Jisu Apostol vdwa lvkobv dvkulo dootoku.
And when the hour came, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.
15 Nw bunua minto, “Ngoogv hinching chingma dwbv ngo nonua lvkobv so vngbo dvmin dvnam sum dvnwng dunv!
And he said to them, With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before my suffering.
16 Ho lvga ngo nonua mindunv, Pwknvyarnv gv Karv lo so gv lvga nga alvbv rilin jima dvdvlo ngo vdwloka sum dvmare.”
For I say to you, that I will eat of it no more, no, not till when it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
17 Vbvrikunamv Jisu koobu a naarapto, Pwknvyarnvnyi umbonyikv vla minto, okv minto, “Sum naato okv nonugv apumlo nonu atu v ormisito.
And having taken a cup, having expressed thanks, he said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves.
18 Ngo nonua mindunv vjak lokv rila vdwlo Pwknvyarnv gv Karv ngv aama dvdvlo ngo vdwloka sum tvngnam sum tvngmare.”
For I say to you, that I will, no, not drink from the fruit of the grapevine till when the kingdom of God comes.
19 Vbvrikunamv nw vtwng ariap ha naato, okv Pwknvyarnvnyi umbonyikv vla minto, hum pintungpiungto, okv hum bunua jitola, minto, “Si ngoogv ayak adwn v, sum nonugv lvgabv jipvnv. Ngam mvngpa gvnvbv sum rito laka.”
And after taking bread, having expressed thanks, he broke in pieces, and gave to them, saying, This is my body that is given for you. Do ye this in my memory.
20 Ho apiabv, nw bunua dvnam dvro kochingbv koobu ha jitola, minto “So koobu si nonugv lvgabv ngoogv oyi sarlin kunamv si Pwknvyarnv gv anw bv milv jikunama mvu pvvku namv.”
Likewise also the cup after dining, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood being shed for you.
21 “Vbvritola, kaatoka! ngam koanv angv vjak ngoogv dookulo tvbul si lvkobv doodu!
Nevertheless behold, the hand of the man who betrays me is with me on the table.
22 Nyia Kuunyilo ngv Pwknvyarnv gv minam aingbv sire, vbvritola vdwgo mvngdwk rekudw nga koanv angv!”
And the Son of man indeed goes according to that which has been determined, nevertheless woe to that man through whom he is betrayed!
23 Vbvrikunamv bunugv apum lo tvvka minsu toku bunugv lokv yvvdw vbv ritv tvdunv vla.
And they began to question among themselves who then of them would be going do this thing.
24 Lvbwlaksu vdwv bunugv arwnglo larmi sinyato bunugv lokv yvv yadw kaiyachok nvgobv riji kunv vla.
And also a dispute develop among them, which of them is considered to be greater.
25 Jisu bunua minto, “Pwknvyarnvnyi chimanv vdwgv Dvbv ngv bunugv nyi vdwa kaiyadunv, okv dvbv vdwv ‘Nyi vdwgv ajin’ vla amina gakdu.
And he said to them, The kings of the Gentiles have dominion over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called Benefactors.
26 Vbvritola so gv rinam si nonu gvlo doomare; vmabvya, nonu gvlo kaiyachok jinv ngv mvnwngnga miangyachok nvgobv rire okv rigvnv gubv rijinv pakbu aingbv rirungre.
But ye are not this way. Rather, the greater among you, shall become as the newer, and he who leads, as he who serves.
27 Yvvla kainv, dvdubv vla dootungnv angv re vmalo ninyia jirianv angv re? Dootungnv angv, v rung. Vbvritola nonu gvlo ngo jirianv angv aingbv ridu.”
For who ranks higher, he who sits dining, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits dining? But I am in the midst of you as he who serves.
28 Ngo gv hirukaya kolo nonu nga lvkobv doomwng gvto;
But ye are those who have continued with me in my trials.
29 okv ngoogv Abu nga rigv dubv jinam aingbv ngo nonua jidunv.
And I appoint to you, just as my Father appointed to me a kingdom,
30 Nonu ngoogv Karv lo dvgianvnv lo doopv tvla dvriku okv tvngriku, okv Dvbv dogianvnv lo doopv tvla Israel gv nyi haalung vring gola anyia rigv reku.
that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
31 “Saimon, Saimon! Tvriato! Uyu hv nonu mvnwngnga rika dubv vla rinv nvnga naagv nyibv, alvmanv lokv alv nvnga naapin sidubv vla, rongo rinv nyi ako gv aam-tami a amsok-misok lokv naapin sunam aingbv.
And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you to sift you as wheat,
32 Vbvritola ngo nonugv lvgabv kumpvnv, Saimon, no gv mvngjwng ngv ngooma dubv. Okv vdwlo no nga dakrwk rikudw no noogv boru vdwa abwk mola kuka.”
but I prayed for thee, so that thy faith may not fail. And thou, when thou have returned, strengthen thy brothers.
33 Pitar mirwksito, “Ahtu, ngo nam lvkobv patwk tumjeka sida jeka reming gvdubv mvngpvla doodunv!”
And he said to him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee both to prison and to death.
34 “Pitar nam ngo mindunv,” Jisu minto, “Siyunyi rokpu v kokma dwbv no ngam chimapvnv vla lvomgo minre.”
And he said, I say to thee, Peter, a cock will, no, not sound today, before thou will thrice deny that thou know me.
35 Vbvrikunamv Jisu ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwa tvvkato, “Ngoogv nonua morko gvnvnv, gvgianvnv vmalo lvsup jimabv vnglin mori hoka ogu chiimanvgo doopire?” “Oguka ma” bunu mirwkto.
And he said to them, When I sent you without bag and pouch and shoes, did ye lack anything? And they said, Nothing.
36 “Vbvritola vjak,” Jisu minto, “Yvvdw morko gvnvnv vmalo gvgianvnv doodunv ung naarung toku laka; okv yvvdw riokse dooma dunv hv ninyigv vji laklwk a pioktola ako rvvla kuka.
Then he said to them, But now, he who has a bag, let him take it, and likewise a pouch. And he who has no sword, let him sell his cloak and buy.
37 Ngo nonua mindunv Darwknv Kitaplo mindu, ‘Nw rimur nvgv gungnying nga gvvria jito,’ vnam ngoogv lvga ngv jvjvbv aarung reku, ogulvgavbolo ngoogv lvga nga lvknam v jvjv bv rilin reku.”
For I say to you, that this that is written is still necessary to be completed in me, And he was counted with lawless men, for these things about me also have fulfillment.
38 Lvbwlaksu vdwv minto, “Kaatoka! Ahtu, So si riokse sonyi go doopv!” “Hv chipvku!” nw mirwk toku.
And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said to them, It is enough.
39 Jisu pamtv nga vngyula vngtoku, ninyigv kvvlo gv vngchingbv, Olib Moodw lo; okv lvbwlaksu vdwv ninyia lvkobv vngto.
And having come out, he proceeded according to his habit to the mount of Olives, and his disciples also followed him.
40 Vdwlo nw dooku hoka vngchi tokudw, nw bunua minto, “No pokayarka kolo ngoolwk madubv kumto laka.”
And when he came at the place, he said to them, Pray ye not to enter into temptation.
41 Vbvrikunamv nw bunua mego adubv vngyu dvla vlwng ngv kongchi dubv rikulo vngla nw lvbwng v kumpvto okv kumtoku.
And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's throw. And he knelt down and prayed,
42 “Abu” nw minto, “No mvngdu boloka, hinching gv koobu sam ngo gvlokv naapak jilabv. Ngoogv mvngnam bvma vbvritola noogv mvngnambv rilaka.”
saying, Father, if thou want, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.
43 Nyidomooku tolokv nyidogindung go ninyi gvlo aalwkto okv ninyia ridurto.
And an agent from heaven appeared to him, strengthening him.
44 Achialvbv mvngdwk laila nw kadwk yayabv kumto; ninyigv haar hv oyi jvbv kvdw lo sarluto.
And having become in agony he prayed more intensely, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling down to the ground.
45 Kumku lokv taprap lakula, nw lvbwlaksu vdwgv dookulo aakur toku okv bunua yupngakla doodubv kaapa toku, mvngdwk hv bunua dwkyup gvdubv.
And after rising up from his prayer, having come to the disciples, he found them sleeping from sorrow.
46 Nw bunua minto, “Ogubv nonu yupmin dunv? Gudungla kumla dootoka nonu gwngka kolo ngoolwk madubv.”
And said to them, Why sleep ye? Having risen, pray that ye may not enter into temptation.
47 Jisu gv raadung rilo nyipam go aalwkto, Judas, lvbwlaksu vring gola anyi lokv akonv aagvto. Nw Jisu gvlo chaato okv ninyia moopupto.
While he yet spoke, behold, a multitude, and the man called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them. And he came near to Jesus to kiss him.
48 Vbvritola Jisu minto, “Judas, moopup akolo no Nyia Kuunyilo nga koa duku nvri?”
But Jesus said to him, Judas, thou betray the Son of man with a kiss?
49 Vdwlo Jisunyi hoka lvkobv rinv vdwv ho gv ritv nama kaapa gvrila Jisunyi tvkato, “Ahtu ngonu ngonugv riokse lokv rirap svgo bri?”
And when those who were around him saw what would be, they said, Lord, shall we strike with the sword?
50 Okv bunugv lokv akonv nyibu Butvyachok nvgv nyira nga nyarung rungbik ha palu toku.
And a certain one of them struck the bondman of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.
51 Vbvritola Jisu minto, “So gotoku!” Nw nyi angv gv nyarung nga mvsit to okv ninyia mvpu toku.
But having answered, Jesus said, Allow ye as far as this. And having touched his ear, he healed him.
52 Vbvrikunamv Jisu nyibu butvnv vdwa okv Pwknvyarnvnaam lo dakria nvgv nyigam vdwa okv nyiga vdw yvv ninyia naabv aanv vdwa minto, “Nonuno ngam Pvbv agumlo rinv nyi aing gubv, riokse okv daadwng bvngla aapvi?
And Jesus said to the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and elders, who came to him, Have ye come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs?
53 Ngo Pwknvyarnvnaam lo loki a nonua lvkobv rebwngto, okv nonuno nga naatung dubv rikw mato. Vbvritola kanv gv gwlwk v rigvdogvri so, si nonugv ridw vku.”
When I was with you daily in the temple, ye did not stretch forth hands against me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.
54 Bunu Jisunyi naatung toku okv ninyia Nyibu Butvyachok nvgv naam lo vnggv toku; okv Pitar mego adubv vngming gvto.
And having seized him, they led him, and brought him into the high priest's house. But Peter followed from afar.
55 Kvba baaku naam gv adar lo vmv nga parto, okv Pitar hum dooyumnv vdwa doomwng gvto.
And having kindled a fire in the midst of the court, and having sat down together, Peter sat in the midst of them.
56 Vdwlo paknv akonv ninyia vmvlo doodubv kaapa tokudw, nw kaagap lalato ninyia okv minto, “So nyi angv si ka Jisu gv rikulo reming gvnv!”
But a certain servant girl having seen him sitting near the light, and having looked intently upon him, she said, This man was also with him.
57 Vbvritola Pitar hum miasuto, “Nyimv angv, ngo ninyia chimaka nvgo!”
But he denied him, saying, Woman, I do not know him.
58 Achukgo ayungjvma nga nyi akonv Pitarnyi kaachinto okv minto, “No ka bunugv lokv akonv!” Vbvritola Pitar mirwkto, “Nyi angv, ngo ma!”
And after a little while, another man having see him, said, Thou also are from them. And Peter said, Man, I am not.
59 Okv ayungjvma gv kochinglo nyi akonv ninyia minggap lala la minto, “Nw Jisunyi riming gvnv ngv vnam so mvngbwk masego kaama ogulvgavbolo nw ka Galili gv nyi go!”
And about one hour having passed, some other man insisted, saying, In truth this man was also with him, for he is also a Galilean.
60 Vbvritola Pitar mirwkto, “Nyi angv, no ogu gonyi mindudw ngo chima!” Vjakgobv, ninyigv vbv mindung rilo, rokpu v koktoku.
And Peter said, Man, I do not know what thou are saying. And immediately, while he still spoke, a cock sounded.
61 Ahtu kaitkarto okv Pitarnyi kaagapto, okv Pitar mvngpa toku Ahtu gv ninyia minam a, “Siyu gv ayulo rokpu v kokma dwbv no nga chima vla lvom go minre.”
And having turned, the Lord looked on Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he said to him, Before a cock sounds thou will deny me thrice.
62 Pitar agumbv vngtoku okv achialvbv mvngdwkla kaptoku.
And having gone outside, Peter wept bitterly.
63 Jisunyi kaayanv nyi vdwv ninyia minjikminbikto okv ninyia dvngto.
And the men who held Jesus mocked him, while striking him.
64 Bunu ninyia nyik a putumto okv ninyi tvkato, “Yvvla nam dvngnv ngv? Mvngjwk kaato!”
And having covered him, they struck his face, and demanded him, saying, Prophesy! Who is he who struck thee?
65 Okv bunu ninyia nyarjikau gaam vkv awgo minto.
And they spoke many other things against him, railing against him.
66 Vdwlo bunu aato kudw, nyiga vdwv, nyibu butvnv vdwv, okv Pvbv tamsarnv vdwv lvkobv kaarwksuto, okv Jisunyi kvba vdwgv kaagialo daklin motoku.
And when it became day, the eldership of the people, the chief priests, and the scholars, came together, and led him into their council, saying,
67 Bunu minto, “Ngonua mintamto, no Kristo rungre?” Nw mirwkto, “Ngo nonua mintam jvka, nonu ngam mvngjwng mare;
If thou are the Christ, tell us. And he said to them, If I tell you, ye will not believe,
68 Okv ngo nonua tvu sego tvka jvka nonu mirwk simare.
and if I also ask, ye will, no, not answer nor release.
69 Vbvritola vjak lokv Nyia Kuunyilo ngv kaiyachoknv Pwknvyarnv gv lakbiklo dooreku.”
From henceforth the Son of man will be sitting at the right hand of the power of God.
70 Bunu mvnwngngv mintoku, “Vbvrikunamv, no Pwknvyarnv gv Kuunyilo ngvre?” Nw bunua mirwkto, “Nonu gv minam hv ngo.”
And they all said, Therefore thou are the Son of God? And he said to them, Ye say that I am.
71 Okv bunu minto, “Ngonu kvvbi gungnying yago mvngkuma! Nw ogugo minpvdw ngonu tvvgap tokubv!”
And they said, What further need have we of testimony? For we have heard from his mouth.

< Luk 22 >