< Samu'il 1 21 >

1 Dawut ǝmdi Nobⱪa kelip Ahimǝlǝk kaⱨinning ⱪexiƣa bardi. Lekin Ahimǝlǝk Dawutni kɵrgǝndǝ titrǝp ⱪorⱪup uningƣa: — Nemixⱪa birimu sǝn bilǝn kǝlmǝy yalƣuz kǝlding? — dedi.
Then came Dauid to Nob, to Ahimelech the Priest, and Ahimelech was astonied at the meeting of Dauid, and saide vnto him, Why art thou alone, and no man with thee?
2 Dawut Ahimǝlǝk kaⱨinƣa: — Padixaⱨ manga mǝlum bir ixni buyrup: — Mǝn sanga buyruƣan ix yaki sanga tapilƣan yolyoruⱪ toƣrisidin ⱨeqkim birnemǝ bilmisun, degǝnidi. Ɵz ƣulamlirimni bolsa mǝlum bir jayƣa berixⱪa bekitip ⱪoydum.
And Dauid saide to Ahimelech the Priest, The King hath commanded mee a certaine thing, and hath sayd vnto me, Let no man know whereabout I sende thee, and what I haue commanded thee: and I haue appointed my seruants to such and such places.
3 Əmdi ⱪolungda nemǝ bar? Bǝx nan, yaki nemǝ bolsa, xuni manga bǝrgin, dedi.
Nowe therefore if thou hast ought vnder thine hande, giue me fiue cakes of bread, or what commeth to hand.
4 Kaⱨin Dawutⱪa jawab berip: — Ⱪolumda adǝttiki nan yoⱪ, pǝⱪǝt muⱪǝddǝs nan bar. Əgǝr ƣulamlar ayallarƣa yeⱪinlaxmiƣan bolsa yesǝ rawa bolidu, dedi.
And the Priest answered Dauid, and saide, There is no common bread vnder mine hande, but here is halowed bread, if the yong men haue kept themselues, at least from women.
5 Dawut kaⱨinƣa jawab berip: — Bǝrⱨǝⱪ, mǝn baxⱪa waⱪitlarda qiⱪⱪinimƣa ohxax, ayallar bizdin yiraⱪ bolƣili üq kün boldi. Mǝn [ⱨǝrⱪetim] qiⱪⱪanda, gǝrqǝ adǝttiki sǝpǝr bolsimu, ƣulamlarning ⱪaqiliri pak bolidiƣan yǝrdǝ, bügün ular wǝ ⱪaqiliri tehimu pak bolmamdu, dedi.
Dauid then answered the Priest, and sayde vnto him, Certainely women haue bene separarate from vs these two or three dayes since I came out: and the vessels of the yong men were holy, though the way were prophane, and how much more then shall euery one be sanctified this day in the vessell?
6 Xuning bilǝn kaⱨin uningƣa muⱪǝddǝs nandin bǝrdi, qünki bu yǝrdǝ «tǝⱪdim nan»din baxⱪa ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ nan yoⱪ idi. Bu nan Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱨuzuriƣa yengi issiⱪ nan ⱪoyulƣan küni almaxturulƣan nanlar idi
So the Priest gaue him halowed bread: for there was no bread there, saue the shewe bread that was taken from before the Lord, to put hote bread there, the day that it was taken away.
7 (lekin u küni Saulning hizmǝtkarliridin mǝlum birsi u yǝrdǝ Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱨuzurida ⱪaldurulƣanidi. Uning ismi Doǝg bolup Saulning padiqilirining qongi idi).
(And there was the same day one of the seruants of Saul abiding before the Lord, named Doeg the Edomite, the chiefest of Sauls heardmen)
8 Dawut Ahimǝlǝkkǝ: — Ⱪolungda nǝyzǝ yaki ⱪiliq yoⱪmu? Padixaⱨ tapxurƣan ix jiddiy bolƣaq yaki ⱪiliq yaki baxⱪa yaraƣlirimni elip kelǝlmidim, dedi.
And Dauid said vnto Ahimelech, Is there not here vnder thine hand a speare or a sworde? for I haue neither brought my sworde nor mine harnesse with me, because the Kings businesse required haste.
9 Kaⱨin: — Sǝn Elaⱨ jilƣisida ɵltürgǝn Filistiy Goliatning ⱪiliqi bu yǝrdǝ bar, u ǝfodning kǝynidǝ, bir parqǝ rǝhtkǝ oraⱪliⱪ ⱨalda turidu. Halisang alƣin, uningdin baxⱪisi yoⱪ, dedi. Dawut: — Bu tǝngdixi yoⱪ ⱪiliqtur, xuni manga bǝrgin, dedi.
And the Priest said, The sword of Goliath the Philistim, whom thou slewest in the valley of Elah, behold, it is wrapt in a cloth behinde the Ephod: if thou wilt take that to thee, take it: for there is none other saue that here: And Dauid sayd, There is none to that, giue it me.
10 Dawut u küni ⱪopup Sauldin ⱪeqip Gatning padixaⱨi Aⱪixning ⱪexiƣa bardi.
And Dauid arose and fled the same day from the presence of Saul, and went to Achish the King of Gath.
11 Lekin Aⱪixning hizmǝtkarliri uningƣa: — Bu zeminning padixaⱨi Dawut ǝmǝsmu? Uning toƣrisida ⱪiz-ayallar bir-birigǝ: — Saul minglap ɵltürdi, Wǝ Dawut on minglap ɵltürdi, — dǝp nahxa-ƣǝzǝl oⱪuxup ussul oyniƣan ǝmǝsmu, dedi.
And the seruants of Achish said vnto him, Is not this Dauid the King of the land? did they not sing vnto him in daunces, saying, Saul hath slayne his thousand, and Dauid his ten thousande?
12 Dawut bu sɵzlǝrni kɵngligǝ püküp Gatning padixaⱨi Aⱪixtin bǝk ⱪorⱪti.
And Dauid considered these wordes, and was sore afraide of Achish the King of Gath.
13 Xuning üqün ularning kɵz aldida ɵzining yürüx-turuxlirini ɵzgǝrtip, ularning ⱪolida turƣan waⱪtida ɵzini sarangdǝk kɵrsǝtti; u dǝrwazilarning ixiklirigǝ jijip, tükürükini saⱪiliƣa aⱪturatti.
And hee changed his behauiour before them, and fayned him selfe mad in their handes, and scrabled on the doores of the gate, and let his spettel fall downe vpon his beard.
14 Aⱪix hizmǝtkarliriƣa: — Mana bu adǝmning sarangliⱪini kɵrmǝmsilǝr? Uni nemixⱪa mening aldimƣa elip kǝldinglar?
Then said Achish vnto his seruants, Lo, ye see the man is beside him selfe, wherefore haue ye brought him to me?
15 Mǝndǝ saranglar kǝmqilmidi? Silǝr bu kixini aldimƣa sarangliⱪ ⱪilƣili elip kǝldinglarmu? Bu adǝm mening ɵyümgǝ kirixi kerǝkmu? — dedi.
Haue I neede of mad men, that ye haue brought this fellowe to play the mad man in my presence? shall he come into mine house?

< Samu'il 1 21 >