< Titus 3:8 >

8 This saying is faithful, and concerning these things I desire that you affirm confidently, so that those who have believed God may be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable for people;
ഇത് വിശ്വാസയോഗ്യമായ വചനമാണ്. ദൈവത്തിൽ വിശ്വസിച്ചവർ ഊർജസ്വലതയോടെ സൽപ്രവൃത്തികളിൽ വ്യാപൃതരാകാനായി ഇക്കാര്യങ്ങൾക്കെല്ലാം നീ പ്രാധാന്യം നൽകണമെന്ന് ഞാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു. ഇത് നല്ലതും മനുഷ്യർക്കെല്ലാം ഉപകാരപ്രദവുമാണ്.
Trustworthy [is]
Next word
Adjective Nominative Singular Masculine
DESCRIBING a male person or thing that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Adjective OR Adverb
πιστός, -ή, -όν (πείθω), [in LXX chiefly for אָמַן;] I. Pass, to be trusted or believed; 1) of persons, trusty, faithful : Mat.24:45 25:21, 23 Luk.12:42, Act.16:15, 1Co.4:2 4:17 7:25, Eph.1:1 6:21, Col.1:2, 7 4:7, 9, 1Ti.1:12, 2Ti.2:2, Heb.2:17 3:2, 5, 1Pe.5:12, Rev.2:13 19:11; of God, 1Co.1:9 10:13, 2Co.1:18, 1Th.5:24, 2Th.3:3, Heb.10:23 11:11, 2Ti.2:13, 1Jn.1:9, 1Pe.4:19; before ἐν, Luk.16:10-12 19:17, 1Ti.3:11; ἐπί, with accusative, Mat.25:23; ἄχρι θανάτου, Rev.2:10; ὁ μάρτυς ὁ π, Rev.1:5; id. καὶ ἀληθινός, Rev.3:14. 2) Of things, trustworthy, reliable, sure: Act.13:34, 1Ti.1:15 3:1 4:9, 2Ti.2:11, Tit.1:9 3:8, Rev.21:5 22:6. II. Act, believing, trusting, relying: Act.16:1, 2Co.6:15, Gal.3:9, 1Ti.4:10 5:16 6:2, Tit.1:6, Rev.17:14; pl, Act.10:45, 1Ti.4:3 4:12; opposite to ἄπιστος, Jhn.20:27; π. εἰς θεόν, 1Pe.1:21; π. ποιεῖν, III Jn 5. (On the difficulty of choosing in some cases between the active and the passive meaning, see Lft, Gal., 157.) (AS)
Greek Adjective OR Adverb
πιστός, ή, όν, (πείθω): B) passive, to be trusted or believed: B.I) of persons, faithful, trusty, ἑταῖρος [Refs 8th c.BC+]: comparative -ότερος [Refs 5th c.BC+]: superlative πιστότατος [Refs 8th c.BC+] a trusted friend of P, Ergias cited in [Refs 4th c.BC+]; οἱ πιστοί, in Persia, trusty councillors, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τάδε Περσῶν πιστὰ καλεῖται [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.2) trustworthy, worthy of credit, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. adverb, - τῶς καὶ ἀδόλως [Refs] B.I.3) genuine, π. Ἀταλάντης γόνος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Θηρικλέους π. τέκνον, of a cup, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; unmistakable, νόσοι πονηραὶ καὶ π. [LXX] B.II) of things, trustworthy, sure, ὅρκια π. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τέκμαρ τῶνδε, τεκμήρια, μαντεῖα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐκέτι πιστὰ γυναιξίν no longer can one trust women, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐκ ἔχοντες τὴν ἐλπίδα. πιστὴν ἔτι no longer having such hope as could be relied on, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὑπόληψις ἡ πιστοτάτη, of knowledge, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.II.2) deserving belief, credible, π. καὶ οἰκότα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πιθανὸν καὶ π. [Refs] B.III) πιστόν, τό, as substantive, pledge, security, warrant, τὸ π. τῆς ἀληθείας [Refs 5th c.BC+] its honesty, [Refs]; τὸ π. ἔχοντες. κἂν περιγενέσθαι feeling confidence that, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πιστὰ θεῶν, of oaths, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐδώκαμεν καὶ ἐλάβομεν πιστά we gave and received pledges, with future infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) active, believing, relying on, τινι [Refs 6th c.BC+]; trustful, τῆς ἐλευθερίας τὸ π. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) obedient, loyal, τὴν τῶν Ἀθηναίων χώραν οἰκείαν καὶ π. ποιήσασθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.3) faithful, believing, [NT] C) adverb πιστῶς with good faith, μὴ π. καταμαρτυρηθείς [Refs 5th c.BC+]; loyally, [Refs 4th c.BC+]: comparative -οτέρως [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) persuasively, in comparative, πιστότερον ἢ ἀληθέστερον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; credibly, demonstrably, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; unmistakably, κριθῆναι [Refs 2nd c.AD+] C.3) with disposition to believe, [Refs 4th c.BC+]: comparative, πιστότερον πρὸς ἐκείνους ἢ πρὸς ὑμᾶς αὐτοὺς διακείμενοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]
objectively, trustworthy; subjectively, trustful; believe(-ing, -r), faithful(-ly), sure, true; from g3982 (πείθω)

Next word
Definite article Nominative Singular Masculine
a SPECIFIC male person or thing that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Article
, ἡ, τό, the prepositive article (ἄρθρον προτακτικόν), originally a demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the Eng. definite article. I. As demonstr. pron. 1) As frequently in Hom, absol, he (she, it), his (etc.): Act.17:28 (quoted from the poet Aratus). 2) Distributive, ὁ μὲν. ὁ δέ, the one. the other: 1Co.7:7, Gal.4:22; pl, Act.14:4, 17:32, Php.1:16, al; οἱ μὲν. ἄλλοι δέ, Mat.16:14, Jhn.7:12; οἱ μεν̀. ὁδέ, Heb.7:21, 23. 3) In narration (without ὁ μὲν preceding), ὁ δέ, but he: Mat.2:14, Mrk.1:45, Luk.8:21, Jhn.9:38, al. mult. II. As prepositive article, the, prefixed, 1) to nouns unmodified: ὁ θεός, τὸ φῶς, etc; to abstract nouns, ἡ σοφία, etc, to pl. nouns which indicate a class, οἱ ἀλώπεκες, foxes, Mat.8:20, al; to an individual as representing a class, ὁ ἐργάτης, Luk.10:7; with nom. = voc. in addresses, Mat.11:26, Jhn.19:3, Jas.5:1, al; to things which pertain to one, ἡ χεῖρ, his hand, Mrk.3:1; to names of persons well known or already mentioned; usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), ἡ Ἰουδαία, etc. 2) To modified nouns: with of person(s) pron. genitive, μοῦ, σοῦ, etc; with poss. pron, ἐμός, σός, etc; with adj. between the art. and the noun, ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος, Mat.12:35; the noun foll, by adj, both with art, ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, Jhn.10:11 (on ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, Jhn.12:9, see M, Pr., 84); before adjectival phrases, ἡ κατ᾽ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις, Rom.9:11. 3) To Other parts of speech used as substantives; (a) neuter adjectives: τ. ἀγαθόν, etc; (b) cardinal numerals: ὁ εἶς, οἷ δύο, etc; (with) participles: ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ Βαπτιστής, Mat.14:2), Mrk.6:14; πᾶς ὁ, with ptcp, every one who, etc; (d) adverbs: τὸ πέραν, τὰ νῦν, ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος; (e) infinitives: nom, τὸ θέλειν, Rom.7:18, al; genitive, τοῦ, after adjectives, ἄξιον τοῦ πορεύεσθαι, 1Co.16:4; verbs, ἐλαχεν τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι, Luk.1:9; and frequently in a final sense, ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρειν, Mat.13:3 (on the artic. inf, see Bl, §71). 4) In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a quotation: τὸ Ἐι δύνῃ, Mrk.9:23; τὸ ἔτι ἅπαξ, Heb.12:27; τὸ ἀνέβη, Eph.4:9, al. 5) To prepositional phrases: οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας, Heb.13:24; οἱ ἐκ νόμου, Rom.4:14; neut. accusative absol, in adverbial phrases, τὸ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, daily, Luk.11:3; τὸ κατὰ σάρκα, as regards the flesh, Rom.9:5. 6) To nouns in the genitive, denoting kinship, association, etc: ὁ τοῦ, the son of (unless context indicates a different relationship), Mat.10:2, al; τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things that pertain to God, Mat.16:23; τὰ τῆς εἰρήνης, Rom.14:19 (cf. M, Pr., 81ff; Bl, §§46, 47). (AS)
Greek Article
, , τό, is, when thus written, A) demonstrative Pronoun. B ) in Attic dialect, definite or prepositive Article. C ) in Epic dialect, the so-called postpositive Article, = relative Pronoun, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.—The nominative masculine and feminine singular and plural, ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ, have no accent in codices and most printed books, except when used as the relative; but ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ differ only in writing from ὃ, ἣ, οἳ, α; the nominative forms of the article are said by Hdn.Gr.1.474 to be oxytone, and by [Refs 2nd c.AD+] in Aeolic dialect accusative to [Refs 8th c.BC+] genitive and dative dual τοῖιν [Refs 8th c.BC+]— In Doric dialect and all other dialects except Attic dialect and Ionic dialect the feminine forms preserve the old ᾱ instead of changing it to η, hence Doric dialect etc. ἁ, τάν, τᾶ; the genitive plural τάων contracts in many dialects to τᾶ; the genitive singular is in many places τῶ, accusative plural τώς, but Cretan dialect, etc, τόνς [Refs]; in Lesbian Aeolic dialect the accusative plural forms are τοὶς, ταὶς, [Refs]; dative plural τοῖς, ταῖς (or τοὶς, ταὶς, see above), [Refs]; ταῖσι as demonstrative, [Refs 7th c.BC+] Poets also used the Ionic dialect and _Epic dialect_ forms τοῖσι, ταῖσ; and in Trag. we find τοὶ μέν, τοὶ δέ, for οἱ μέν, οἱ δέ, not only in Lyric poetry, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but even in a trimeter, [Refs 5th c.BC+] {ὅ}; τὼ πόλεε Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in [Refs 4th c.AD+] functions as genitive dual feminine, μεσακόθεν τοῖς κράναιυν [Refs 4th c.BC+] —in Elean and _Boeotian dialect_ ὁ, ἡ (ἁ), τό, with the addition of -ί, ={ὅδε}, ἥδε, τόδε, _nominative_ _plural_ _masculine_ τυΐ the following men, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] cf. Sanskrit demonstrative pronoun sa, sā, Gothic sa, sō, ONorse sá, sú, Old Latin accusative sum, sam (Enn.): —with τό [from *τόδ] cf. Sanskrit tat (tad), Latin is-tud, Gothic pata: —with τοί cf. Sanskrit te, Lithuanian tĩe, O[Refs 5th c.BC+] pá, etc:—with τάων cf. Sanskrit tāsām, Latin is-tarum:— the origin of the relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (which see) is different.) A) ὁ, ἡ, τό, DEMONSTR. PRONOUN, that, the oldest and in [Refs 8th c.BC+] the commonest sense: frequently also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], and sometimes in Trag. (mostly in Lyric poetry, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῶν γάρ, τῆς γάρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; seldom in Attic dialect Prose, except in special phrases, see infr. VI, VII): A.I) joined with a substantive, to call attention to it, ὁ Τυδεΐδης he—Tydeus' famous son, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸν Χρύσην that venerable man Chryses, I.II: and so with appellative, Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων N.—thataged man, [Refs]; αἰετοῦ. τοῦ θηρητῆρος the eagle, that which is called hunter, [Refs]; also to define and give emphasis, τιμῆς τῆς Πριάμου for honour, namely that of Priam, [Refs]; οἴχετ᾽ ἀνὴρ ὤριστος a man is gone, and he the best, [Refs]:—different from this are cases [Refs 8th c.BC+] if he would help the Trojans, but drive those back to the ships—I mean the Achaeans, where Ἀχ. is only added to explain τούς, compare [Refs] A.II) frequently without a substantive, he, she, it, ὁ γὰρ ἦλθε [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.III) placed after its Noun, before the Relat. Prons, ἐφάμην σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, τῶν ὅσσοι Λυκίην ναιετάουσι far above the rest, above those to wit who, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷ᾽ οὔ πώ τιν᾽ ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν, τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν. Ἀχαιαί such as we have not heard tell of yet even among the women of old, those women to wit who, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —for the _Attic dialect_ usage see below A.IV) before a Possessive pronoun its demonstrative force is sometimes very manifest, φθίσει σε τὸ σὸν μένος that spirit of thine, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.V) for cases in which the Homeric usage approaches most nearly to the Attic, see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ. without a substantive, in all cases, genders, and numbers, [Refs 8th c.BC+] properly refers to the former, ὁ δέ to the latter; more rarely ὁ μέν the latter, ὁ δέ the former, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in Partition, the one, the other, etc.—The Noun with it is regularly in genitive plural, being divided by the ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ, into parts, ἠΐθεοι καὶ παρθένοι, τῶν δ᾽ αἱ μὲν λεπτὰς ὀθόνας ἔχον, οἱ δὲ χιτῶνας εἵατο [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but frequently the Noun is in the same case, by a kind of apposition, ἴδον υἷε Δάρητος, τὸν μὲν ἀλευάμενον τὸν δὲ κτάμενον [Refs 8th c.BC+]: so in Trag. and Attic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; if the Noun be collective, it is in the genitive singular, ὁ μὲν πεπραμένος ἦν τοῦ σίτου, ὁ δὲ ἔνδον ἀποκείμενος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.2) when a negative accompanies ὁ δέ, it follows δέ, e.g. τὰς γοῦν Ἀθήνας οἶδα τὸν δὲ χῶρον οὔ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.3) ὁ μέν τις, ὁ δέ τις. is used in Prose, when the Noun to which ὁ refers is left indefinite, ἔλεγον ὁ μέν τις τὴν σοφίαν, ὁ δὲ τὴν καρτερίαν, ὁ δέ τις καὶ τὸ κάλλος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.4) on τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, or τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs] A.VI.5) ὁ μέν is frequently used without a corresponding ὁ δέ, οἱ μὲν ἄρ᾽ ἐσκίδναντο, Μυρμιδόνας δ᾽ οὐκ εἴα ἀποσκίδνασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; by ἄλλος δέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.6) ὁ δέ following μέν sometimes refers to the subject of the preceding clause, τοῦ μὲν ἅμαρθ᾽, ὁ δὲ Λεῦκον. βεβλήκει [Refs 8th c.BC+]: rare in Attic dialect Prose, ἐπεψήφιζεν αὐτὸς ἔφορος ὤν· ὁ δὲ οὐκ ἔφη διαγιγνώσκειν τὴν βοήν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.7) ὁ δέ is frequently used simply in continuing a narrative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also used by [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.8) the opposition may be expressed otherwise than by μέν and δέ, οὔθ᾽ ὁ. οὔθ᾽ ὁ [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VII) the following usages prevailed in Attic dialect Prose, A.VII.1) in dialogue, after καί, it was usual to say in nominative singular masculine καὶ ὅ; in the other cases the usual forms of the Article were used (see. ὅς [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.I and cf. Sanskrit sas, alternatative form of sa); so, in accusative, καὶ τὸν εἰπεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VII.2) ὁ καὶ ὁ such and such, τῇ καὶ τῇ ἀτιμίᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: but mostly in accusative, καί μοι κάλει τὸν καὶ τόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνάγκη ἄρα τὸ καὶ τό it must then be so and so, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but τὰ καὶ τά now one thing, now another, of good and bad, τὸν δ᾽ ἀγαθὸν τολμᾶν χρὴ τά τε καὶ τὰ φέρειν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; so πάντα τοῦ μετρίου μεταβαλλόμενα ἐπὶ τὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τά, of excess and defect, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII) absolutely usages of single cases, A.VIII.1) feminine dative τῇ, of Place, there, on that spot, here, this way, that way, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also in Prose, τὸ μὲν τῇ, τὸ δὲ τῇ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.b) with a notion of motion towards, that way, in that direction, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —only poetry A.VIII.1.c) of Manner, τῇ περ τελευτήσεσθαι ἔμελλεν in this way, thus, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.d) repeated, τῇ μέν, τῇ δέ, in one way, in another, or partly, partly, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.e) relative, where, by which way, only Epic dialect, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2) neuter dative τῷ, therefore, on this account, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2.b) thus, so, [Refs 8th c.BC+] precedes, be translated, then, if this be so, on this condition, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.3) neuter accusative τό, wherefore, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τὸ δέ absolutely, but the fact is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even when the τό refers to what precedes, the contrast may lie not in the thing referred to, but in another part of the sentence (compare above[Refs 5th c.BC+]; φασὶ δέ τινες αὐτὸν καὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν γεγονέναι· τὸ δὲ οὐκ ἦν but he was not, [Refs 1st c.BC+] A.VIII.4) τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, partly, partly, or on the one hand, on the other, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; more frequently τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the first clause, τὸ δέ τι [Refs] several times. and finally, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5) of Time, sometimes that time, sometimes this (present) time, συνμαχία κ᾽ ἔα ἑκατὸν ϝέτεα, ἄρχοι δέ κα τοΐ (where it is possible, but not necessary, to supply ϝέτος) [Refs 6th c.BC+] from that time, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.b) πρὸ τοῦ, sometimes written προτοῦ, before this, aforetime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.c) in Thess. Prose, ὑππρὸ τᾶς yesterday, τὰ ψαφίσματα τό τε ὑππρὸ τᾶς γενόμενον καὶ τὸ τᾶμον the decree which was passed yesterday (literal before this [day]), and to-day's, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.VIII.6) ἐν τοῖς is frequently used in Prose with Superlatives, ἐν τοῖσι θειότατον a most marvellous thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖς πρῶτοι the very first, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖσι πρῶτος (πρώτοις codices) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [Ζεὺς] Ἔρωτά τε καὶ Ἀνάγκην ἐν τοῖς πρῶτα ἐγέννησεν first of all, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] the greatest number of ships, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with adverbs, ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in late Prose, also with Positives, ἐν τοῖς παράδοξον [Refs 1st c.BC+] B) ὁ, ἡ, τό, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, the, to specify individuals: rare in this signification in the earliest Gr, becoming commoner later. In [Refs 8th c.BC+] the demonstrative force can generally be traced, [Refs 4th c.BC+] I, but the definite Article must be recognized in places [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also when joined to an adjective to make it a substantive, αἰὲν ἀποκτείνων τὸν ὀπίστατον the hindmost man, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in τῶν ἄλλων [Refs]; also τὸ τρίτον[Refs]; τὸ μὲν ἄλλο for the rest,[Refs]—The true Article, however, is first fully established in 5th C Attic dialect, whilst the demonstrative usage disappears, except in a few cases, V. [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Chief usages, especially in _Attic dialect_ B.I) not only with common Appellats, adjectives, and Parts, to specify them as present to sense or mind, but also frequently where we use the Possessive pronoun, τὸ κέαρ ηὐφράνθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν κεφαλὴν κατεάγην my head was broken, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς φίλους ποιούμεθα we make our friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰς πόλεις ἔκτιζον they began founding their cities, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.b) omitted with proper nounsand frequently with Appellats. which require no specification, as θεός, βασιλεύς, see at {θεός} [Refs] III; ἐμ πόλει in the Acropolis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare Θράσυλος in [Refs]; or when the person spoken of is to be specially distinguished, Ζεύς, ὅστις ὁ Ζεύς whoever this Zeus is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and therefore properly omitted when a special designation follows, as Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος: seldom in Trag. with proper nouns, save to give peculiar emphasis, like Latin ille, ὁ Λάϊος, ὁ Φοῖβος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.c) Aristotle says Σωκράτης meaning the historical Socrates, as in [Refs] when he means the Platonic Socrates, as [Refs] B.I.d) for Σαῦλος ὁ καὶ Παῦλος, etc, see at {καί} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.2) in a generic sense, where the individual is treated as a type, οἷς ὁ γέρων μετέῃσιν. λεύσσει [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) frequently with abstract Nouns, ἥ τε ἐλπὶς καὶ ὁ ἔρως [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3) of outstanding members of a class, ὁ γεωγράφος, ὁ κωμικός, ὁ ποιητής, ὁ τεχνικός, see at {γεωγράφος}, κωμικός, ποιητής, τεχνικός. B.I.4) with infinitives, which thereby become Substantives, τὸ εἴργειν prevention, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ φρονεῖν good sense, [Refs 5th c.BC+]infinitive, τὸ θεοὺς εἶναι the existence of gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ μηδένα εἶναι ὄλβιον the fact or statement that no one is happy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.5) in neuter before any word or expression which itself is made the object of thought, τὸ ἄνθρωπος the word or notion man; τὸ λέγω the word λέγ; τὸ μηδὲν ἄγαν the sentiment 'ne quid nimis', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τῇ αὐτῇ the phrase τῇ αὐτῇ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the opinion about the question 'who ought to rule', [Refs]; τὸ ἐὰν μένητε παρ᾽ ἐμοί, ἀποδώσω the phrase 'I will give back, if. ', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὀλίγοι the term few, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.6) before relative clauses, when the Article serves to combine the whole relative clause into one notion, τῇ ᾗ φὴς σὺ σκληρότητι the harshness you speak of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἥμερον καρπόν, καὶ τὸν ὅσος ξύλινος (i.e. καὶ τὸν καρπὸν ὅσος ἂν ᾖ ξύλινος) [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.7) before Prons, B.I.7.a) before the person Prons, giving them greater emphasis, but only in accusative, τὸν ἐμέ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν. σὲ καὶ ἐμέ[Refs] B.I.7.b) before the interrogative pronoun (both τίς and ποῖος), referring to something before, which needs to be more distinctly specified, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῆς ποίας μερίδο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τοῖς ποίοις; [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.7.c) with τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, τηλικοῦτος, etc, the Article either makes the pronoun into a substantive, ὁ τοιοῦτος that sort of person, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or subjoins it to a substantive which already has an Article, τὴν ἀπολογίαν τὴν τοιαύτην [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.8) before ἅπας, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὸν ἕνα, τὸν ἕνα τοῦτον, [Refs 4th c.BC+] see entry; and on οἱ ἄλλοι, οἱ πολλοί, etc, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs] B.I.9) the Article with the comparative is rare, if ἤ follows, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) elliptic expressions: B.II.1) before the genitive of a proper name, to express descent, son or daughter, Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου (i.e. υἱός) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἑλένη ἡ τοῦ Διός (i.e. θυγάτηρ) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also to denote other relationships, e.g. brother, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ Σμικυθίωνος Μελιστίχη M.the wife of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Κλέαρχος καὶ οἱ ἐκείνου Cl. and his men, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τοῦ Ἀντιγένεος the slave of [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) generally, before a genitive it indicates a wider relation, as τὸ τῶν νεῶν, τὸ τῶν Ἑρμῶν, the matter of the ships, the affair of the Hermae, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου πράσσειν to promote the interests of Arrhibaeus, [Refs]; τὸ τῆς τύχης,=ἡ τύχη, [Refs]; τὰ τῆς τύχης accidents, chance events, [Refs]; τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος performance of the rites due to the dead befits the living, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τῶν θεῶν that which is destined by the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+] what regards me or thee, my or thy business or interests, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and with genitive of [Refs 5th c.BC+] is frequently also, a man's word or saying, as τὸ τοῦ Σόλωνος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου as Homer says, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τά τινος so-and-so's house, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3) very frequently with cases governed by Preps. αἱ ἐκ τῆς Ζακύνθου νῆες the ships from Zacynthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὰ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης the Thrace-ward district, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καταστρώματος matters on deck, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπ᾽ Ἀλκιβιάδου the proposals of Alcibiades, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης the incidents of fortune, [Refs] B.II.4) on μὰ τόν, μὰ τήν, etc, see at {μά} IV. B.II.5) in elliptical phrases, ἐπορευόμην τὴν ἔξω τείχους (i.e. ὁδόν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ αὔριον (i.e. ἡμέρα), see at {αὔριον}; ἡ Λυδιστί (i.e. ἁρμονία) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ οἴκαδε πλοῦς [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; but τό stands absolutely with Advs. of time and place, when one cannot (as in the preceding instances) supply a substantive, as κἀκεῖσε καὶ τὸ δεῦρο [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ μὲν τὸ κεῖθεν, ὁ δὲ τὸ κεῖθεν [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) as RELATIVE PRONOUN in many dialects; both in nominative singular masculine ὅ, as κλῦθί μοι, ὃ χθιζὸς θεὸς ἤλυθες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὃ ἐξορύξη he who banishes him, [Refs]; and in the forms beginning with τ, especially in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also in Ionic dialect Poets, ἐν τῷ κάθημαι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τό [Refs]; τῶν[Refs]—Never in Comedy texts or Attic dialect Prose:—Epic dialect genitive singular τεῦ [Refs 8th c.BC+] D) CRASIS OF ARTICLE: D.a) Attic dialect ὁ, ἡ, τό, with ᾰ make ᾱ, as ἁνήρ, ἁλήθεια, τἀγαθόν, τᾄτιο; so οἱ, αἱ, τά, as ἅνδρες, τἀγαθ; also τοῦ, τῷ, as τἀγαθοῦ, τἀγαθῷ: ὁ, τό, οἱ, before e gives ου, οὑξ, οὑπί, οὑμός, τοὔργον, οὑπιχώριοι, etc; also τοῦ, as τοὐμοῦ, τοὐπιόντο; but ἅτερος, θάτερον ([musical notation]), Ionic dialect οὕτερος, τοὔτερον (see. ἕτερος), Attic dialect feminine ἡτέρα, dative θητέρᾳ (see. ἕτερος); τῷ loses the iota, τὠμῷ, τὠπιόντι: ὁ, τό, before ο gives ου, as Οὁδυσσεύς, Οὑλύμπιος, τοὔνομα: ὁ, τό, etc, before αυ gives ᾱυ, αὑτός, ταὐτό, ταὐτῷ (frequently written ἁτός, etc. in Inscrr. and Papyrus); so τὰ αὐτά=ταὐτά, αἱ αὐταί=αὑταί: ἡ before εὐ gives ηὑ, as ηὑλάβεια: τῇ before ἡ gives θη, as θἠμέρᾳ: τὸ before ὑ gives θου, as θοὔδωρ for τὸ ὕδωρ. D.b) other dialects: in their treatment of crasis these follow the local laws of contraction, hence, e.g, Doric dialect ὡξ from ὁ ἐξ [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect ᾡσυμνήτης from ὁ αἰς-[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡυτή from ἡ αὐτή [Refs 1st c.AD+]
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom); the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc; the definite article

Next word
Noun Nominative Singular Masculine
a male PERSON OR THING that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Male
λόγος, -ου, ὁ (λέγω) [in LXX chiefly for דָּבָר, also for מִלָּה,אֵמֶר, etc;] I. Of that by which the inward thought is expressed, Lat. oratio, sermo, vox, verbum. 1) a word, not in the grammatical sense of a mere name (ἔπος, ὄνομα, ῥῆμα), but a word as embodying a conception or idea: Mat.8:8, Luk.7:7, 1Co.14:9, 19 Heb.12:19, al. 2) a saying, statement, declaration: Mat.19:22 (T om.), Mrk.5:36 7:29, Luk.1:29, Jhn.2:22 6:60, Act.7:29, al; with genitive attrib, Act.13:15, Rom.9:9, Heb.7:28, al; of the sayings, commands, promises, etc, of teachers, Mat.7:24 10:14, Mrk.8:38, Luk.9:4, Jhn.14:24, al; λ. κενοί, Eph.5:6; ἀληθινοί, Rev.19:9; πιστοί, Rev.22:6; esp. of the precepts, decrees and promises of God, ὁ λ. τ. θεοῦ, the word of God: Mrk.7:13, Jhn.10:35, Rom.13:9, 1Co.14:36, Php.1:14, al; absol, ὁ λ, Mat.13:21, 22 Mrk.16:[20], Luk.1:2, Act.6:4, Heb.4:12, al. 3) speech, discourse: Act.14:12, 2Co.10:10, Jas.3:2; opposite to ἐπιστολή, 2Th.2:15; disting, from σοφία, 1Co.2:1; ἀναστροφή, 1Ti.4:12; δύναμις, 1Co.4:19, 1Th.1:5; ἔργον, Rom.15:18; οὐδενὸς λ. τίμιον (not worthy of mention), Act.20:24; of the faculty of speech, Luk.24:19, 2Co.11:6; of the style of speech, Mat.5:37, 1Co.1:5; of instruction, Col.4:3, 1Pe.3:1; with genitive of person(s), Jhn.5:24 8:52, Act.2:41, al; ὁ λ. ὁ ἐμός, Jhn.8:31; with genitive obj. (τ.) ἀληθείας, 2Co.6:7, Col.1:5, Jas.1:18; τ. καταλλαγῆς, 2Co.5:19; τ. σταυροῦ, 1Co.1:18; of mere talk, 1Co.4:19, 2o, Col.2:23, 1Jn.3:18; of the talk which one occasions, hence, repute: Col.2:23. 4) subject-matter, hence, teaching, doctrine: Act.18:15, 2Ti.2:17, al; esp. of Christian doctrine: Mat.13:20-23, Mrk.4:14-20 8:32, Luk.1:2, Act.8:4, Gal.6:6, 1Th.1:6, al; with genitive of person(s), τ. θεοῦ, Luk.5:1, Jhn.17:6, Act.4:29, 1Co.14:36, I Jhn.1:10, Rev.6:9, al; τ. Κυρίου, Act.8:25, 1Th.1:8, al; τ. Χριστοῦ, Col.3:16, Rev.3:8; with genitive appos, Act.15:7; with genitive attrib, Heb.5:13. 5) a story, tale, narrative: Mat.28:15, Jhn.21:23, Act.1:1 11:22; before περί, Luk.5:15. 6) That which is spoken of (Plat, al; V. Kennedy, Sources, 124), matter, affair, thing: Mat.21:24, Mrk.1:45 11:29, Luk.20:3, Act.8:21; of a matter in dispute, as a case or suit at law, Act.19:38; pl. (1Ma.7:33, al.), Luk.1:4. II. Of the inward thought itself, Lat. ratio. 1) reason, (a) of the mental faculty (Hdt, Plat, al.): κατὰ λόγον, Act.18:14; (b) a reason, cause: τίνι λόγῳ, Act.10:29; παρεκτὸς λόγου πορνείας, Mat.5:32 19:9, WH, mg, R, mg. 2) account, (a) regard: Act.20:24, Rec; (b) reckoning: Php.4:15, 17; συναίρειν (which see) λ, Mat.18:23 25:19; in forensic sense, Rom.14:12, Heb.13:17, 1Pe.4:5; with genitive of thing(s), Luk.16:2; before περί, Mat.12:36, Act.19:40, 1Pe.3:15. 3) proportion, analogy: Php.2:16 (Field, Notes, 193 f.). III. ὁ λ, the Divine Word or Logos: Jhn.1:1, 14; τ. ζωῆς, 1Jn.1:1; τ. θεοῦ, Rev.19:13 (see Westc, Swete, CGT, in ll; reff. in Artt, Logos, DB, DCG). (AS)
Greek Noun Male
λόγος, ὁ, verbal noun of λέγω (B), with senses corresponding to λέγω (B) II and III (on the various senses of the word see [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 111, compareinfr. VI. 1 a: I) computation, reckoning (compare λέγω (B) II). I.1) account of money handled, σανίδες εἰς ἃς τὸν λ. ἀναγράφομεν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; συνᾶραι λόγον μετά τινος settle accounts with, [NT]; δεύτεροι λ. a second audit, [Refs 4th c.AD+]; ὁ τραπεζιτικὸς λ. banking account, Theo Sm.p.73 H: metaphorically, οὐκ ἂν πριαίμην οὐδενὸς λ. βροτόν [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.1.b) public accounts, i. e. branch of treasury, ἴδιος λ, in Egypt, [Refs]; also as title of treasurer, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; δημόσιος λ, = Latin fiscus, [Refs 1st c.AD+], etc. (but later, = aerarium, [Refs 4th c.AD+] I.2) generally, account, reckoning, μὴ φῦναι τὸν ἅπαντα νικᾷ λ. excels the whole account, i.e. is best of all, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δόντας λ. τῶν ἐποίησαν accounting for, i.e. paying the penalty for their doings, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λ. ὑπέχειν, δοῦναι, [NT+4th c.BC+]; λ. ἡ ἐπιστήμη, πολλὰ δὲ ὁ λ. the account is manifold, [Refs 3rd c.AD+]; ἔχων λόγον τοῦ διὰ τί an account of the cause, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐς λ. τινός on account of, ἐς χρημάτων λ. [LXX+5th c.BC+]; λόγῳ with genitive, by way of, [Refs]; κατὰ λόγον τοῦ μεγέθους if we take into account his size, [NT+4th c.BC+] I.3) measure, tale [Refs 1st c.AD+]; ἐς τούτου (i.e. γήραος) λ. οὐ πολλοί τινες ἀπικνέονται to the point of old age, [Refs 5th c.BC+].; ὁ ξύμπας λ. the full tale, [NT+5th c.BC+]; κοινῷ λ. νομίσαντα common measure, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; sum, total of expenditure, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ τῆς οὐσίας λ, = Latin patrimonii modus, [Refs 4th c.AD+] I.4) esteem, consideration, value put on a person or thing (compare infr. VI. 2 d), οὗ πλείων λ. ἢ τῶν ἄλλων who is of more worth than all the rest, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; βροτῶν λ. οὐκ ἔσχεν οὐδέν᾽ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λόγου οὐδενὸς γίνεσθαι πρός τινος to be of no account, repute with, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λόγου ποιήσασθαί τινα make one of account, [Refs]; ἐλαχίστου, πλείστου λ. εἶναι, to be highly, lowly esteemed, [Refs]; but also λόγον τινὸς ποιεῖσθαι, like Latin rationem habere alicujus, make account of, set a value on, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but also, have the reputation of, see below[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν οὐδενὶ λ. ἀπώλοντο without regard, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὑμεῖς οὔτ᾽ ἐν λ. οὔτ᾽ ἐν ἀριθμῷ Oracle texts cited in [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ἐν ἀνδρῶν λ. [εἶναι] to be reckoned, count as a man, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἰδιώτεω λόγῳ καὶ ἀτίμου reckoned as, [Refs 4th c.BC+] II) relation, correspondence, proportion, II.1) generally, ὑπερτερίης λ. relation (of gold to lead), [Refs 6th c.BC+]; κατὰ λόγον προβαίνοντες τιμῶσι in inverse ratio, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τἄλλα κατὰ λ. in like fashion, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare εὔλογος: sometimes with ὁ αὐτός added, κατὰ τὸν αὐτὸν λ. τῷ τείχεϊ in fashion like to, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; περὶ τῶν νόσων ὁ αὐτὸς λ. analogously, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς τὸν αὐτὸν λ. similarly, [Refs]; κατὰ τὸν αὐτὸν λ. in the same ratio, [Refs]; by parity of reasoning, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνὰ λόγον τινός, τινί, [Refs]; τοῦτον ἔχει τὸν λ. πρὸς. ὃν ἡ παιδεία πρὸς τὴν ἀρετήν is related to. as, [Refs 5th c.AD+] II.2) in Mathematics texts, ratio, proportion (ὁ κατ᾽ ἀνάλογον λ, λ. τῆς ἀναλογίας,[Refs 4th c.BC+]; λόγοι ἀριθμῶν numerical ratios, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τοὺς φθόγγους ἀναγκαῖον ἐν ἀριθμοῦ λ. λέγεσθαι πρὸς ἀλλήλους to be expressed in numerical ratios, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]Sect.Can. Proëm.: in Metre, ratio between arsis and thesis, by which the rhythm is defined, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἀνὰ λόγον analogically, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἀνὰ λ. μερισθεῖσα [ἡ ψυχή] proportionally, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸς λόγον in proportion, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] narrows uniformly, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] II.3) Grammars, analogy, rule, τῷ λ. τῶν μετοχικῶν, τῆς συγκοπῆς, by the rule of the participles, of syncopated ope, [Refs 4th c.AD+] III) explanation, III.1) plea, pretext, ground, ἐκ τίνος λ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατὰ τίνα λ; on what ground? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐδὲ πρὸς ἕνα λ. to no purpose, [Refs]; ἐπὶ τίνι λ; for what reason? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν λ. τοῦτον this ground of complaint, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τίνι δικαίῳ λ; what just cause is there? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίνι λ; on what account? [NT]; κατὰ λόγον ἂν ἠνεσχόμην ὑμῶν reason would that, [Refs]; λ. ἔχειν, with personal subject, εἶχον ἄν τινα λ. I (i.e. my conduct) would have admitted of an explanation, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ὀρθὸν λ. the true explanation, [Refs] III.1.b) plea, case, in Law or argument (cf. VIII. I), τὸν ἥττω λ. κρείττω ποιεῖν to make the weaker case prevail, [LXX+5th c.BC+]; ἐχειν λ. πρός τινα to have a case, ground of action against, [NT] III.2) statement of a theory, argument, οὐκ ἐμεῦ ἀλλὰ τοῦ λ. ἀκούσαντας probably in [Refs 1st c.AD+]; λόγον ἠδὲ νόημα ἀμφὶς ἀληθείης discourse and reflection on reality, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; δηλοῖ οὗτος ὁ λ. ὅτι. [Refs 3rd c.AD+]; οὐκ ἔχει λόγον it is not arguable, i.e. reasonable, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; personified, φησὶ οὗτος ὁ λ.[Refs]; ὡς ὁ λ. (i.e. λέγει) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λόγου τυγχάνειν to be explained, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; ὁ τὸν λ. μου ἀκούων my teaching, [NT]; ὁ προφητικὸς λ, collective, of [NT+5th c.BC+]; of arguments leading to a conclusion (ὁ λ.), [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λ. ἀπὸ τῶν ἀρχῶν, ἐπὶ τὰς ἀρχάς, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; συλλογισμός ἐστι λ. ἐν ᾧ τεθέντων τινῶν κτλ. [Refs]; λ. ἀντίτυπός τε καὶ ἄπορος, of a self-contradictory theory, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] III.2.b) ὁ περὶ θεῶν λ, title of a discourse by Protagoras, [Refs 3rd c.AD+]; ὁ Ἀχιλλεὺς λ, name of an argument,[Refs 1st c.AD+]; καταβάλλοντες (i.e. λόγοι), title of work by Protagoras, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐξωτερικοὶ λ, current outside the Lyceum, [Refs]; Δισσοὶ λ, title of a philosophical treatise (= [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Λ. καὶ Λογίνα, name of play of Epicharmus, quibble, argument, personified, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] III.2.c) in Logic, proposition, whether as premiss or conclusion, πρότασίς ἐστι λ. καταφατικὸς ἢ ἀποφατικός τινος κατά τινος [Refs 4th c.BC+] III.2.d) rule, principle, law, as embodying the result of λογισμός, [Refs 5th c.BC+], compare c; ἡδονὰς τοῖς ὀρθοῖς λ. ἑπομένας obeying right principles, [Refs]; προαιρέσεως [ἀρχὴ] ὄρεξις καὶ λ. ὁ ἕνεκά τινος principle directed to an end, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; of the final cause, ἀρχὴ ὁ λ. ἔν τε τοῖς κατὰ τέχνην καὶ ἐν τοῖς φύσει συνεστηκόσιν [Refs]; ἀποδιδόασι τοὺς λ. καὶ τὰς αἰτίας οὗ ποιοῦσι ἑκάστου[Refs]; ὀρθὸς λ. true principle, right rule, [Refs]; κατὰ λόγον by rule, consistently, ὁ κατὰ λ. ζῶν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ κατὰ λ. ζῆν, opposed to κατὰ πάθος, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κατὰ λ. προχωρεῖν according to plan, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] III.3) law, rule of conduct, ᾧ μάλιστα διηνεκῶς ὁμιλοῦσι λόγῳ [Refs 1st c.AD+]; δεῖ ὑπάρχειν τὸν λ. τὸν καθόλου τοῖς ἄρχουσιν universal principle, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ νόμος. ἔμψυχος ὢν ἑαυτῷ λ. conscience, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; τὸν λ. πρόχειρον ἔχειν precept, [Refs 1st c.BC+] III.4) thesis, hypothesis, provisional ground, ὡς ἂν εἰ λέγοι λόγον maintain a thesis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὑποθέμενος ἑκάστοτε λ. provisionally assuming a proposition, [Refs]; τὸν τῆς ὁμοιότητος λ. hypothesis of equivalence, [Refs 4th c.BC+] III.5) reason, ground, πάντων γινομένων κατὰ τὸν λ. τόνδε [Refs 1st c.AD+]; ἐκ λόγου, opposed to μάτην, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [ἐμπειρία] οὐκ ἔχει λ. οὐδένα ὧν προσφέρει has no grounds for, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μετὰ λόγου τε καὶ ἐπιστήμης θείας [Refs]; ἡ μετα λόγου ἀληθὴς δόξα (ἐπιστήμη) [Refs]; λόγον ζητοῦσιν ὧν οὐκ ἔστι λ. proof, [Refs 4th c.BC+] III.6) formula (wider than definition, but frequently equivalent thereto), term expressing reason, λ. τῆς πολιτείας [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ψυχῆς οὐσία τε καὶ λ. essential definition, [Refs]; τὸν λ. τῆς οὐσίας[Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐπὶ τῶν σχημάτων λ. κοινός generic definition, [Refs]; ἀκριβέστατος λ. specific definition, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; τὸ ᾠὸν οὔτε ἀρχῆς ἔχει λ. fulfils the function of, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; λ. τῆς μίξεως formula, i. e. ratio (compare supr. II) of combination, [Refs 4th c.BC+] III.7) reason, law exhibited in the world-process, κατὰ λόγον by law, κόσμῳ πάντα καὶ κατὰ λ. ἔχοντα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατ τὸν [αὐτὸν αὖ] λ. by the same law, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially in Stoic Philos, the divine order, τὸν τοῦ παντὸς λ. ὃν ἔνιοι εἱμαρμένην καλοῦσιν [Refs 4th c.BC+]; λόγος, ={φύσει νόμος}, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] III.7.b) σπερματικὸς λ. generative principle in organisms, ὁ θεὸς σπ. λ. τοῦ κόσμου [Refs 4th c.BC+] III.7.c) in Neo-Platonic Philos, of regulative and formative forces, derived from the intelligible and operative in the sensible universe, ὄντων μειζόνων λ. καὶ θεωρούντων αὑτοὺς ἐγὼ γεγέννημαι [Refs 3rd c.AD+]; opposed to ὅρος, [Refs 5th c.AD+]in R.1.18 K; τεχνικοὶ λ. [Refs] IV) inward debate of the soul [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ ἐν τῇ ψυχῇ, ὁ ἔσω λ. (opposed to ὁ ἔξω λ.), [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ἐνδιάθετος, opposed to ὁ προφορικὸς λ, [Refs 1st c.AD+] IV.1) thinking, reasoning, τοῦ λ. ἐόντος ξυνοῦ, opposed to ἰδία φρόνησις, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; κρῖναι δὲ λόγῳ. ἔλεγχον test by reflection, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; reflection, deliberation[Refs 5th c.BC+]; μὴ εἰδέναι. μήτε λόγῳ μήτε ἔργῳ neither by reasoning nor by experience, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτῷ μόνον τῷ λ. πιστεύειν (opposed to αἰσθήσεις), of Parmenides and his school, [Refs 4th c.AD+] in idea, in thought, τῷ λ. τέμνειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ λ. δύο ἐστίν, ἀχώριστα πεφυκότα two in idea, though indistinguishable in fact, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; λόγῳ θεωρητά mentally conceived, opposed to sensibly perceived, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; διὰ λόγου θ. χ.[Refs 1st c.BC+]; ὁ λ. οὕτω αἱρέει analogy proves, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ λ. or λ. αἱρέει reasoning convinces, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but, our argument shows, [Refs] as the whim took him, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἢν μὴ ἡμέας λ. αἱρῇ unless we see fit, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later ὁ αἱρῶν λ. ordaining reason, [Refs 4th c.BC+] since reason and understanding are in abeyance, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μετὰ λόγου τε καὶ ἐπιστήμης, opposed to αἰτία αὐτομάτη, of Nature's processes of production, [Refs]; τὸ μὲν δὴ νοήσει μετὰ λόγου περιληπτόν embraced by thought with reflection, opposed to μετ᾽ αἰσθήσεως ἀλόγου, [Refs]; λ. ἔχων ἑπόμενον τῷ νοεῖν [Refs]; ἐπιστήμη ἐνοῦσα καὶ ὀρθὸς λ. scientific knowledge and right process of thought, [Refs 5th c.BC+] as theory, abstract reasoning with outward experience, sometimes with depreciatory emphasis on the former, εἰς τοὺς λ. καταφυγόντα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἐν λόγοις σκοπούμενον τὰ ὄντα, opposed to τὸν ἐν ἔργοις (realities),[Refs 4th c.BC+]; γνωριμώτερα κατὰ τὸν λ, opposed to κατὰ τὴν αἴσθησιν, [Refs]; ἐκ τῶν λ. δῆλον, opposed to ἐκ τῆς ἐπαγωγῆς, [Refs]; ἡ τῶν λ. πίστις, opposed to ἐκ τῶν ἔργων φανερόν, [Refs]; ὁ μὲν λ. τοῦ καθόλου, ἡ δὲ αἴσθησις τοῦ κατὰ μέρος explanation, opposed to perception, [Refs]; ἔσονται τοῖς λ. αἱ πράξεις ἀκόλουθοι theory, opposed to practice, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; in Logic, of discursive reasoning, opposed to intuition, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; reasoning in general, [Refs]; πᾶς λ. καὶ πᾶσα ἀπόδειξις all reasoning and demonstration, [Refs 1st c.BC+], of mystical vision, opposed to reasoning, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] —Phrases, κατὰ λ. τὸν εἰκότα by probable reasoning, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρὰ λόγον, opposed to κατὰ λ, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; compare παράλογος (but παρὰ λ. unexpectedly, [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV.2) reason as a faculty, ὁ λ. ἀνθρώπους κυβερνᾷ [[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἄλλο τι παρὰ τὸν λ. πεφυκός, ὃ μάχεται τῷ λ.[Refs 4th c.BC+]; opposed to φύσις, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; τὸ τὸν λ. σχεῖν τὴν οἰκείαν ἀρετήν (i.e. εὐδαιμονίαν) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; also of the reason which pervades the universe, θεῖος λ. [[Refs 5th c.BC+] IV.2.b) creative reason, ἀδύνατον ἦν λόγον μὴ οὐκ ἐπὶ πάντα ἐλθεῖν [Refs 3rd c.AD+] V) continuous statement, narrative (whether fact or fiction), oration, etc. (compare λέγω (B) [Refs] V.1) fable, [Refs 5th c.BC+] V.2) legend, ἱρὸς λ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἱεροὶ λ, of Orphic rhapsodies, [Refs] V.3) tale, story, ἄλλον ἔπειμι λ. [Refs 6th c.BC+]; σπουδὴν λόγου urgent tidings, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἄλλος λ. 'another story', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁμολογούμενος ὁ λ. ἐστίν the story is consistent, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: plural, histories, ἐν τοῖσι Ἀσσυρίοισι λ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so in singular, a historical work, [Refs]: also in singular, one section of such a work (like later βίβλος), [Refs]; so in plural, ἐν τοῖσι Λιβυκοῖσι λ. [Refs]; ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ τῶν λ. [Refs]; ὁ πρῶτος λ, of St. Luke's gospel, [NT+5th c.BC+], as history to legend, [Refs] (argument) διεξελθεῖν [Refs 4th c.BC+] V.4) speech, delivered in court, assembly, etc, χρήσομαι τῇ τοῦ λ. τάξει ταύτῃ [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐπιτάφιος λ. funeral oration, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially of the body of a speech, opposed to ἐπίλογος, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; body of a law, opposed to proem, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; spoken, opposed to written word, τὸν τοῦ εἰδότος λ. ζῶντα καὶ ἔμψυχον οὗ ὁ γεγραμμένος εἴδωλόν τι [Refs]; ὁ ἐκ τοῦ βιβλίου ῥηθεὶς [λ.] speech read from a roll, [Refs]; published speech, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; rarely of the speeches in Tragedy (ῥήσεις), [Refs 4th c.BC+] VI) verbal expression or utterance (compare λέγω (B) [Refs]word, see below b, never in Grammars signification of vocable (ἔπος, λέξις, ὄνομα, ῥῆμα), usually of a phrase, cf. I[Refs 5th c.BC+] VI.a) plural, without Article, talk, τὸν ἔτερπε λόγοις [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ψευδεῖς Λ, personified, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὄψον δὲ λ. φθονεροῖσιν tales, [Refs]; σμικροὶ λ. brief words, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δόκησις ἀγνὼς λόγων bred of talk, [Refs] speak if thou delightest in talking, [Refs] VI.b) singular, expression, phrase, πρὶν εἰπεῖν ἐσθλὸν ἢ κακὸν λ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μακρὸς λ. rigmarole, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; λ. ἠρέμα λεχθεὶς διέθηκε τὸ πόρρω a whispered message, [Refs 3rd c.AD+]; ἑνὶ λόγῳ to sum up, in brief phrase, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; concisely, [Refs 4th c.BC+] (but also, ={ἁπλῶς, περὶ πάντων ἑνὶ λ}. [Refs] magic words, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; rarely of single words, λ. εὐσύνθετος οἷον τὸ χρονοτριβεῖν [Refs 4th c.BC+]; οὐκ ἀπεκρίθη αὐτῇ λ. answered her not a word, [NT] VI.c) coupled or contrasted with words expressed or understood signifying act, fact, truth, etc, mostly in a depreciatory sense, λ. ἔργου σκιή [Refs 6th c.BC+]; λόγῳ, opposed to ἔργῳ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λόγοις, opposed to ψήφῳ, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; opposed to νόῳ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λόγοισι εἰς τὸ πιθανὸν περιπεπεμμένα[Refs 4th c.BC+]; opposed to πρᾶγμα, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; opposed to βία, [Refs]; opposed to ὄντα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; opposed to γνῶσις, [NT]; λόγῳ in pretence, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λόγου ἕνεκα merely as a matter of words, ἄλλως ἕνεκα λ. ἐλέγετο [Refs]; λόγου χάριν, opposed to ὡς ἀληθῶς, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but also, let us say, for instance, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; λόγου ἕνεκα let us suppose, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἕως λόγου, μέχρι λ, = Latin verbo tenus, [NT+5th c.BC+]; ὅσα μὲν λόγῳ εἶπον, opposed to τὰ ἔργα τῶν πραχθέντων, [Refs 5th c.BC+] VI.2) common talk, report, tradition, ὡς λ. ἐν θνητοῖσιν ἔην [Refs 7th c.BC+]; νέον [λ.] tidings, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ μὲν αὐτοὶ ὡρῶμεν, τὰ δὲ λόγοισι ἐπυνθανόμεθα by hearsay, [Refs 5th c.BC+] traditions, [Refs 5th c.BC+] VI.2.b) rumour, ἐπὶ παντὶ λ. ἐπτοῆσθαι [Refs 1st c.AD+]; αὐδάεις λ. voice of rumour, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; περὶ θεῶν διῆλθεν ὁ λ. ὅτι. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λ. παρεῖχεν ὡς. [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; ἐξῆλθεν ὁ λ. οὗτος εῖς τινας ὅτι. [NT]; fiction, [NT] VI.2.c) mention, notice, description, οὐκ ὕει λόγου ἄξιον οὐδέν worth mentioning, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔργα λόγου μέζω beyond expression, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κρεῖσσον λόγου τὸ εἶδος τῆς νόσου beyond description, [Refs 5th c.BC+] VI.2.d) the talk one occasions, repute, mostly in good sense, good report, praise, honour [Refs 6th c.BC+]; Τροίαν. ἧς ἁπανταχοῦ λ. whose fame, story fills the world, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: less frequently in bad sense, evil report, λ. κακόθρους, κακός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] slanders, [Refs 5th c.BC+] VI.2.e) λ. ἐστί, ἔχει, κατέχει, the story goes, with accusative et infinitive, ἔστι τις λ. τὰν Ἀρετὰν ναίειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λ. μὲν ἔστ᾽ ἀρχαῖος ὡς. [Refs]; λ. alone, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅσον ὁ λ. κατέχει tradition prevails, [Refs 5th c.BC+] has the credit of, [NT+5th c.BC+] VI.3) discussion, debate, deliberation, πολλὸς ἦν ἐν τοῖσι λ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοῖς ἔξωθεν λ. πεπλήρωκε τὸν λ. [Plato] has filled his dialogue with extraneous discussions, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; μεταβαίνων ὁ λ. εἰς ταὐτὸν ἀφῖκται our debate, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; θεῶν ὧν νῦν ὁ λ. ἐστί discussion, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ λ. διελθεῖν, διϊέναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν λ. διεξελθεῖν conduct the debate, [Refs]; ξυνελθεῖν ἐς λόγον confer, [Refs 5th c.BC+] parley, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς λ. ἐλθεῖν τινι have speech with,[Refs 5th c.BC+] VI.3.b) right of discussion or speech, ἢ 'πὶ τῷ πλήθει λ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λ. αἰτήσασθαι ask leave to speak, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐ προυτέθη σφίσιν λ. κατὰ τὸν νόμον[Refs 4th c.BC+]: hence, time allowed for a speech, ἐν τῷ ἐμῷ λ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] VI.3.c) dialogue, as a form of philosophical debate, ἵνα μὴ μαχώμεθα ἐν τοῖς λ. ἐγώ τε καὶ σύ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: hence, dialogue as a form of literature, οἱ Σωκρατικοὶ λ. [Refs 4th c.BC+]; compare διάλογος. VI.3.d) section, division of a dialogue or treatise (compare see[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ πρόσθεν, ὁ παρελθὼν λ, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖς περὶ κινήσεως λ. in the discussion of motion (i. e. [Refs 1st c.BC+]; branch, department, division of a system of philosophy, τὴν φρόνησιν ἐκ τριῶν συνεστηκέναι λ, τῶν φυσικῶν καὶ τῶν ἠθικῶν καὶ τῶν λογικῶν [Refs 3rd c.BC+] VI.3.e) in plural, literature, letters, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but, also in plural, treatises, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; Λόγοι, personified, [Refs 6th c.AD+] VII) a particular utterance, saying: VII.1) divine utterance, oracle, [NT+5th c.BC+] VII.2) proverb, maxim, saying, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τόνδ᾽ ἐκαίνισεν λ. ὡς. [NT+5th c.BC+] VII.3) assertion, opposed to oath, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ψιλῷ λ. bare word, opposed to μαρτυρία, [Refs 4th c.BC+] VII.4) express resolution, κοινῷ λ. by common consent, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπὶ λ. τοιῷδε, ἐπ᾽ ᾧ τε. on the following terms, [Refs]; λ. ἔχοντες πλεονέκτην a greedy proposal, [Refs]: frequently in plural, terms, conditions, [Refs] VII.5) word of command, behest, [NT+5th c.BC+]; οἱ δέκα λ. the ten [LXX+1st c.AD+] VIII) thing spoken of, subject-matter (compare [Refs 6th c.BC+]; προπεπυσμένος πάντα λ. the whole matter, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἐόντα λ. the truth of the matter, [Refs]; μετασχεῖν τοῦ λ. to be in the secret,[Refs]; τίς ἦν λ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; περί τινος λ. διελεγόμεθα subject, question, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [τὸ προοίμιον] δεῖγμα τοῦ λ. case, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τέλος δὲ παντὸς τοῦ λ. ψηφίζονται the end of the matter was that, [NT+5th c.BC+]; οὐχ ὑπολείπει [Γοργίαν] ὁ λ. matter for talk, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸς λόγον to the point, apposite, οὐδὲν πρὸς λ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] VIII.2) plot of a narrative or dramatic poem, ={μῦθος}, [Refs 4th c.BC+] VIII.2.b) in Art, subject of a painting, ζωγραφίας λόγοι [Refs 2nd c.AD+] VIII.3) thing talked of, event, μετὰ τοὺς λ. τούτους [LXX+NT] IX) expression, utterance, speech regarded formally, τὸ ἀπὸ [ψυχῆς] ῥεῦμα διὰ τοῦ στόματος ἰὸν μετὰ φθόγγου λ, opposed to διάνοια, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; intelligent utterance, opposed to φωνή, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὅθεν (from the heart) ὁ λ. ἀναπέμπεται [Refs], compare 244; Protagoras was nicknamed λόγος, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in plural, eloquence, [Refs 5th c.BC+] see d. M; λ. ἀκριβής precise language, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡδυσμένος λ, of rhythmical language set to music, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐν παντὶ λ. in all manner of utterance, [NT]; ἐν λόγοις in orations, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; λ. γελοῖοι, ἀσχήμονες, ludicrous, improper speech, [Refs] IX.2) of various modes of expression, especially artistic and literary, ἔν τε ᾠδαῖς καὶ μύθοις καὶ λόγοις [Refs 5th c.BC+]; prose, opposed to ποίησις, [Refs]; opposed to ψιλομετρία, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῷ λ. τοῦτο τῶν μέτρων (i.e. τὸ ἰαμβεῖον) ὁμοιότατον εἶναι [Refs]; in full, ψιλοὶ λ. prose, [Refs]arguments without diagrams, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λ. πεζοί, opposed to ποιητική, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; opposed to ποιήματα,[Refs 1st c.BC+] IX.2.b) of the constituents of lyric or dramatic poetry, words, τὸ μέλος ἐκ τριῶν. λόγου τε καὶ ἁρμονίας καὶ ῥυθμοῦ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; opposed to πρᾶξις, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; dramatic dialogue, opposed to τὰ τοῦ χοροῦ, [Refs] IX.3) Grammars, phrase, complex term, opposed to ὄνομα, [Refs]; λ. ὀνοματώδης noun-phrase, [Refs]; expression, [Refs 4th c.BC+] IX.3.b) sentence, complete statement, ἄνθρωπος μανθάνει λόγον εἶναί φῃς. ἐλάχιστόν τε καὶ πρῶτον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ῥηθῆναι λόγῳ to be expressed in a sentence, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λ. ἔχειν to be capable of being so expressed,[Refs 4th c.BC+] IX.3.c) language, τὰ τοῦ λ. μέρη parts of speech, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] (but ἓν μέρος [τοῦ codex] λόγου one word, [Refs]; περὶ τῶν στοιχείων τοῦ λ, title of work by Chrysippus. X) the Word or Wisdom of God, personified as his agent in creation and world-government, ὁ παντοδύναμός σου λ. [LXX+1st c.AD+]; λ. θεοῦ δι᾽ οὗ κατεσκευάσθη [ὁ κόσμος] [Refs 1st c.AD+]; τὸν ἄγγελον ὅς ἐστι λ.[Refs] identified with the person of Christ, ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λ. [NT]
Noun Masculine
something said (including the thought); by implication, a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specially, (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ); account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work; from g3004 (λέγω)

Next word
Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
καί, conj., and I. Copulative. 1) Connecting single words; (a) in general: Mat.2:18, 16:1, Mrk.2:15, Luk.8:15, Heb.1:1, al. mult; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mat.23:23, Luk.14:21, Rom.7:12, 9:4, al. (b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jhn.2:20, Act.13:20; (with) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mat.8:33, 26:59, Mrk.16:17, Act.5:29, al. 2) Connecting clauses and sentences: Mat.3:12, Act.5:21, al. mult; esp. (a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss, LAE, 128ff.): Mat.1:21, 7:25, Mrk.9:5, Jhn.10:3, al; (b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Luk.3:14, Jhn.4:11, IIIJhn.10; (with) consecutive, and so: Mat.5:1, 23:32, Heb.3:19, al; after imperatives, Mat.4:19, Luk.7:7, al; (d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mat.3:14, 6:26, Mrk.12:12, Luk.18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), 1Co.5:2, al; (e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Luk.2:21, 7:12, Act.1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mrk.10:26, Luk.10:29, Jhn.9:36. 3) Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Luk.3:18, Jhn.1:16, Act.23:6, Rom.1:5, 1Co.3:5, al. 4) In transition: Mat.4:23, Mrk.5:1, 21, Jhn.1:19, al; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mrk.1:9 (cf. Luk.5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16). 5) καὶ. καί, both. and (for τε. καί, see: τε); (a) connecting single words: Mat.10:28, Mrk.4:41, Rom.11:33, al; (b) clauses and sentences: Mrk.9:13, Jhn.7:28, 1Co.1:22, al. II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mat.5:39, 40; Mrk.2:28, al. mult; esp. with pron, adv, etc, Mat.20:4, Jhn.7:47, al; ὡς κ, Act.11:17; καθὼς κ, Rom.15:7; οὑτω κ, Rom.6:11; διὸ κ, Luk.1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss, BS, 313ff.), Act.13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ. (Bl, §77, 7; Deiss, BS, 265f,), Php.4:3; τί κ, 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ, Luk.14:22, Jhn.5:18, al; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Act.17:27; καίπερ, Heb.5:8; κ. ἐάν, see: ἐάν. ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle, representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ with ind. (Bl, §65, 4; cf. Jhn.13:17, 1Co.7:36), if haply, if; 1) with subjc. (cl.); (a) pres: Mat.6:22, Luk.10:6, Jhn.7:17, Rom.2:25, 26 al; { (b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mat.4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Luk.9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mrk.3:24, Luk.14:34, Jhn.5:43, Rom.7:2, al; = cl. εἰ, with opt, Jhn.9:22 11:57, Act.9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jhn.12:32 14:3, I Jhn.2:28 3:2, Heb.3:7 " (LXX). 2) C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; see WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss, BS, 201f, LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl, §65, 4); (a) fut: Mat.18:19 T, Luk.19:40, Act.7:7; (b) pres: 1Th.3:8 (see Milligan, in l.). 3) With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl, §65, 6), Gal.6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl, l.with), with subjc. pres, Mat.10:13, 1Co.8:8, Jas.2:17, 1Jn.3:21; aor, Mat.6:15, Mrk.3:27, Jhn.3:3, Rom.10:15, Gal.1:8 2:16 (see Lft, Ellic, in ll.); ἐ. τε. ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם. אִם, Est.19:13, al,] Rom.14:8. 4) = cl. ἄν (which see) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf, Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f; Bl, §26, 4; Mayser, 152f; Deiss, BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ, Mat.5:19, Mrk.6:22, 23 Luk.17:32, 1Co.6:18, al; ὅπου ἐ, Mat.8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ, Rev.11:6; οὗ ἐ, 1Co.16:6; καθὸ ἐ, 2Co.8:12; ὅστις ἐ, Gal.5:10. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
καί, conjunction, copulative, joining words and sentences, A) and; also adverb, even, also, just, frequently expressing emphatic assertion or assent, corresponding as positive to the negative οὐ (μή) or οὐδέ (μηδέ). copulative, and, A.I) joining words or sentences to those preceding, ἦ, καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύσινεῦσε Κρονίων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: repeated with two or more Nouns, αἱ δὲ ἔλαφοι κ. δορκάδες κ. οἱ ἄγριοι οἶες κ. οἱ ὄνοι οἱ ἄγριοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; joining only the last pair, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ὄχλος πλείων κ. πλείων ἐπέρρει more and more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to add epithets after πολύς, πολλὰ κ. ἐσθλά [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) to addalimiting or defining expression, πρὸς μακρὸν ὄρος κ. Κύνθιον ὄχθον to the mountain and specially to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (sometimes in reverse order, πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς κ. μακρὸν Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; to add by way of climax, θεῶν. κ. Ποσειδῶνος all the gods, and above all. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently ἄλλοι τε καί, ἄλλως τε καί, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs]; ὀλίγου τινὸς ἄξια κ. οὐδενός little or nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταῦτα and this too. , γελᾶν ἀναπείθειν, κ. ταῦθ᾽ οὕτω πολέμιον ὄντα τῷ γέλωτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) at the beginning of a sentence, A.II.1) in appeals or requests, καί μοι δὸς τὴν Χεῖρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καί μοι λέγε, καί μοι ἀπόκριναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in Oratt, καί μοι λέγε. τὸ ψήφισμα, καί μοι ἀνάγνωθι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) in questions, to introduce an objection or express surprise, κ. τίς τόδ᾽ ἐξίκοιτ᾽ ἂν ἀγγέλων τάχο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. πῶς; pray how? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δὴ τί; but then what? [Refs]; κ. ποῖον; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς εἶδε πώποτε βοῦς κριβανίτα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κἄπειτ᾽ ἔκανε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς πώποτε Χαριζόμενος ἑτέρῳ τοῦτο εἰργάσατ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) ={καίτοι}, and yet, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) at the beginning of a speech, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) after words implying sameness or like ness, as, γνώμῃσι ἐχρέωντο ὁμοίῃσι κ. σύ they had the same opinion as you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἴσον or ἴσα κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἴσῳ (i.e. ἐστὶ) κ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) after words implying comparison or opposition, αἱ δαπάναι οὐχ ὁμοίως κ. πρίν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) to express simultaneity, ἦν ἦμαρ δεύτερον, κἀγὼ κατηγόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρέρχονταί τε μέσαι νύκτες κ. ψύχεται [τὸ ὕδωρ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι] οὐκ ἔφθασαν τὴν ἀρχὴν κατασχόντες κ. Θηβαίοις εὐθὺς ἐπεβούλευσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) joining an affirmative clause with a negative, ἀλλ᾽ ὥς τι δράσων εἷρπε κοὐ θανούμενος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) καί, καί. correlative, not only, but also. , κ. ἀεὶ κ. νῦν, κ. τότε κ. νῦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) by anacoluthon, ὣς φαμένη κ. κερδοσύνῃ ἡγήσατ᾽ Ἀθήνη, for ὣς ἔφη κ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔρχεται δὲ αὐτή τε. κ. τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, for κ. ὁ υἱός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) even, also, just, B.1) τάχα κεν κ. ἀναίτιον αἰτιόῳτο even the innocent, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόμεναι κ. μεῖζον ἄεθλον an even greater prize, [Refs]full five,[Refs 5th c.BC+] two or three, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) also, κ. ἐγώ I also, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. αὐτοί they also, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀγίας καὶ Σωκράτης κ. τούτω ἀπεθανέτην likewise died, [Refs]; in adding surnames, etc, Ὦχος ὁ κ. Δαρειαῖος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative ὁ κ. first in [Refs 1st c.BC+], frequently later, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; Ἰούδας ὁ κ. Μακκαβαῖος [NT+8th c.BC+]; εἴπερ τι κ. ἄλλο, ὥς τις κ. ἄλλος, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not only, but also. , see at {μόνος}; οὐδὲν μᾶλλον. ἢ οὐ καὶ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2.b) frequently used both in the antecedent and relative clause, where we put also in the antecedent only, εἰ μὲν κ. σὺ εἶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὧνπερ κ. ἐγώ [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.3) frequently in apodosi, after temporal Conjs, ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥα, κ. τότε δή. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also after εἰ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: as a Hebraism, κ. ἐγένετο. κ. [LXX+NT] B.4) with Advs, to give emphasis, κ. κάρτα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. λίην full surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πάλαι, κ. πάνυ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μάλα, κ. σφόδρα, in answers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5) with words expressing a minimum, even so much as, were it but, just, ἱέμενος κ. καπνὸν ἀποθρῴσκοντα νοῆσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷς ἡδὺ κ. λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίς δὲ κ. προσβλέψετα; who will so much as look at you? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) just, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ κ. νοσοῦμεν 'tis just that that ails me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with a relative, τὸ κ. κλαίουσα τέτηκα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and how long ago was the city sacked? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ποῦ καί σφε θάπτε; where is he burying her? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) even, just, implying assent, ἔπειτά με κ. λίποι αἰών thereafter let life e'en leave me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8) κ. εἰ even if, of a whole condition represented as an extreme case, opposed to εἰ κ. although, notwithstanding that, of a condition represented as immaterial even if fulfilled,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰ κ. ἠπιστάμην if I had been able, [Refs 5th c.BC+] each exert their force separtely, as εἴ περ ἀδειής τ᾽ ἐστί, καὶ εἰ. and if. [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.9) before a Participle, to represent either καὶ εἰ, or εἰ καί, although, albeit, Ἕκτορα κ. μεμαῶτα μάχης σχήσεσθαι ὀΐω, for ἢν κ. μεμάῃ, how much soever he rage, although he rage, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C) Position: καί and, is by Poets sometimes put after another word, ἔγνωκα, τοῖσδε κοὐδὲν ἀντειπεῖν ἔχω, for καὶ τοῖσδε οὐδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) καί also, sometimes goes between a preposition and its case, ἐν κ. θαλάσσᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.3) very seldom at the end of a verse, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) crasis: with ᾰ, as κἄν, κἀγαθοί, etc; with ε, as κἀγώ, κἄπειτα, etc, Doric dialect κἠγώ, κἤπειτα, etc; with η, as Χἠ, Χἠμέρη, Χἠμεῖς, etc; with ῐ in Χἰκετεύετε, Χἰλαρ; with ο, as Χὠ, Χὤστις, etc; with υ in Χὐμεῖς, Χὐποχείριον, etc; with ω in the pronoun ᾧ, Χ; with αι, as κᾀσχρῶ; with αυ, as καὐτό; with ει, as κεἰ, κεἰς (but also κἀς), κᾆτ; with εὐ, as κεὐγένεια, κεὐσταλή; with οι in Χοἰ (Χᾠ [Refs]; with ου in Χοὖτος, κοὐ, κοὐδέ, and the like.
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words; and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet; apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force

Next word
relating it to another person or thing
Identical in all sources
Greek Preposition
περί, prep. with genitive, accusative (in cl. also with dative; cf. M, Pr., 105f.), with radical sense round about (as distinct from ἀμφί, on both sides). I. C. genitive, 1) of place, about (poët.). 2) Causal, about, on account of, concerning, in reference to: Mat.2:8, Mrk.1:44, Luk.4:38, Jhn.16:26, Act.28:21, al. mult; τὰ περί, with genitive, the things concerning one, one's state or case: Mrk.5:27, Act.1:3 28:15, Eph.6:22, al; at the beginning of a sentence, περί, regarding, as to, 1Co.7:1, al; in the sense on account of (Mat.26:28, 1Co.1:13, al.), often with ὑπέρ as variant (cf. M, Pr., 105). II. C. accusative, 1) of place, about, around: Mat.3:4, Mrk.1:6, Luk.13:8, Act.22:6, al; οἱ περί, with accusative of person(s), of one's associates, friends, etc, Mrk.4:10, Luk.22:49, Jhn.11:19, Act.13:13; οἱ περὶ τ. τοιαῦτα ἐργάται, Act.19:25; metaphorically, about, as to, concerning: 1Ti.1:19 6:4 2Ti.2:18 3:8, Tit.2:7; τὰ περὶ ἐμέ, Php.2:23; αἱ περὶ τ. λοιπὰ ἐπιθυμίαι, Mrk.4:19. 2) Of time, in a loose reckoning, about, near: Mat.20:3, 5 6, 9 27:46, Mrk.6:48, Act.10:3, 9 22:6. III. In composition: round about (περιβάλλω, περίκειμαι), beyond, over and above (περιποιέω, περιλείπω), to excess (περιεργάζομαι, περισσεύω). (AS)
Greek Preposition
περί, Thess, Delph. περ [Refs 5th c.BC+], also Aeolic dialect, see below [Refs 4th c.BC+] V; Elean παρ [Refs]: preposition with genitive, dative, and accusative:—round about, all round (properly different from ἀμφί, on both sides). (Cogn. with Sanskrit pári 'round about'.) A) WITH GENITIVE, A.I) of Place, sometimes in Poets, round about, around, τετάνυστο π. σπείους ἡμερίς [Refs 8th c.BC+], on both sides, see at {περιβαίνω} [Refs] A.I.2) about near, π. σοῦ πάντα γένοιτο ῥόδα [Refs] A.II) to denote the object about or for which one does something: A.II.1) with Verbs of fighting or contending, π. τινός for an object—from the notion of the thing's lying in the middle to be fought about, π. τῶνδε for these prizes, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόλους καὶ μῆτιν ὕφαινον, ὥς τε π. ψυχῆς since it was for my life, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; in Prose, τρέχειν π. ἑωυτοῦ, π. τῆς ψυχῆς, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and without a Verb, π. γῆς ὅρων διαφοραί [Refs 8th c.BC+]; but ἐρίσσαι π. μύθων contend about speaking, i. e. who can speak best, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.II.2) with words which denote care or anxiety, about, on account of, π. Τρώων. μερμηρίζειν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κρίνειν, διαγιγνώσκειν π. τ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τ. ψηφίζεσθαι, διαψηφίζεσθαι, ψῆφον φέρειν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; διανοεῖσθαι, σκοπεῖν π. τινός, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. πότου γοῦν ἐστί σο; so with you it is a question of drink? [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) with Verbs of hearing, knowing, speaking, etc, about, concerning, π. νόστου ἄκουσα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. τινὸς ἐρέειν, λέγειν, λόγον ποιήσασθαι, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τινὸς ἀγγεῖλαι, κηρῦξαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τινὸς διελθεῖν, διεξελθεῖν, διηγεῖσθαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) of impulse or motive rather than object, ἐμαρνάσθην ἔριδος πέρι fought for very enmity, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.II.5) about, in regard to, μεμηνυμένος π. τινός [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in Prose frequently without a Verb, ἡ π. τῶν Μαντινικῶν πρᾶξις [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ π. τινός the circumstances of, [Refs]; οὕτω δὴ καὶ π. τῶν ἀρετῶν (i.e. ἔχει) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τοῦ καταλειφθῆναι τὸν σῖτον as for reserving the corn, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] as to number, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; χρηστηρίων δὲ πέρι. [Refs] A.III) before, above, beyond, of superiority, chiefly in Epic dialect, π. πάντων ἔμμεναι ἄλλων [Refs 8th c.BC+] in understanding to be beyond them, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —In this sense π. is sometimes adverbial, and the genitive is absent, see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) in [Refs 5th c.BC+] it is of much consequence, worth much, to us, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. πολλοῦ ποιεῖσθαί τινας to reckon them for, i.e. worth, much, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. πλείονος, π. πλείστου ποιεῖσθαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἐλάττονος ἡγούμενοι, π. οὐδενὸς ἡγήσασθαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) Aeolic dialect περί and περ ={ὑπέρ, στροῦθοι περὶ γᾶς. δίννεντες πτέρα} [Refs 7th c.BC+]; περ κεφάλας probably in [Refs 7th c.BC+]; also Hellenistic, ὃ διέγραψε Προῖτος περί μου paid on my behalf, PCair. Zen.[Refs 3rd c.BC+] B) WITH DATIVE (in Attic dialect Prose mostly in signification [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I) of Place, round about, around, of close-fitting dresses, armour, etc, ἔνδυνε π. στήθεσσι χιτῶνα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἱ στρεπτοὶ οἱ π. τῇ δέρῃ καὶ τὰ ψέλια π. ταῖς χερσί[Refs 8th c.BC+]; in other relations, π. δ᾽ ἔγχεϊ χεῖρα καμεῖται will grow weary by grasping the spear,[Refs]: rarely in Trag, π. βρέτει πλεχθείς [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.2) in Poets, also, around a weapon, i. e. spitted upon it, transfixed by it, π. δουρὶ πεπαρμένη [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.3) of a warrior standing over a dead comrade so as to defend him, ἀμφὶ δ᾽ ἄρ᾽ αὐτῷ βαῖν᾽, ὥς τις π. πόρτακι μήτηρ [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) of an object for or about which one struggles (compare above [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II.2) with Verbs denoting care, anxiety, or the opposite (compare above [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II.3) generally, of the cause or occasion, on account of, by reason of, ἀτύζεσθαι π. καπνῷ, variant for{ὑπὸ καπνοῦ} in [Refs 8th c.BC+] for fear, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τιμᾷ in honour or praise, [Refs]; π. τάρβει, π. φόβῳ, [Refs 4th c.BC+] —but π. θυμῷ is falsa lectio in [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) WITH ACCUSATIVE, C.I) of Place, properly of the object round about which motion takes place, π. βόθρον ἐφοίτων came flocking round the pit, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐρύσας π. σῆμα [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also of extension round, ἑστάμεναι π. τοῖχον, π. βωμόν, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. τὴν κρήνην εὕδειν somewhere near it, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. λίθον πεσών upon it, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. αὑτὰ καταρρεῖν collapse upon themselves, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πλεῦνες π. ἕνα many to one, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τὸν ἄρξαντα. τὸ ἀδίκημά ἐστι is imputable to him who, [Refs 5th c.BC+] substantive only, ἡ π. Λέσβον ναυμαχία the sea-fight off Lesbos, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.I.2) of persons who are about one, ἔχειν τινὰ π. αὑτόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially οἱ π. τινά a person's attendants, connexions, associates, or colleagues, οἱ π. τὸν Πείσανδρον πρέσβεις [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ π. Ἡράκλειτον his school, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ π. Ἀρχίαν πολέμαρχοι Archias and his colleagues, [Refs]; οἱ π. τινά so-and-so and his family, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; later οἱ π. τινά, periphrastic for the person himself, οἱ π. Φαβρίκιον Fabricius, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; compare ἀμφί C. 1.3. C.I.3) of the object about which one is occupied or concerned, π. δόρπα πονεῖσθαι, π. δεῖπνον πένεσθαι, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; later mostly εἶναι π. τι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. γυναῖκας γενέσθαι Vett.[Refs 5th c.BC+]; in periphrastic phrases, οἱ π. τὴν ποίησιν καὶ τοὺς λόγους ὄντες poets and orators, [Refs 5th c.BC+] ministers of the mysteries, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ π. τὸν ἵππον the groom, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.I.4) round or about a place, and so in, π. νῆσον ἀλώμενοι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἃν π. ψυχὰν γάθησεν in his heart, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ π. Φωκίδα τόποι [Refs 2nd c.BC+] C.I.5) about, in the case of, τὰ π. τὴν Αἴγυπτον γεγονότα, τὰ π. Μίλητον γενόμενα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ποιέειν or πράττειν τι π. τινά, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; σπουδάζειν π. τινά promote his cause, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: without a Verb, αἱ π. τοὺς παῖδας συμφοραί [Refs 5th c.BC+]: generally, of all relations, about, concerning, in respect of, π. μὲν τοὺς ἰχθύας οὕτως ἔχει [Refs 5th c.BC+]; as to [Refs 5th c.BC+] adjective, ὄργανα ὅσα π. γεωργίαν, i.e. γεωργικά[Refs]; also in place of a genitive, οἱ π. Αυσίαν λόγοι the speeches of L, [Refs]; ἡ π. Φίλιππον τυραννίς the despotism of P, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in Prose, to denote circumstances connected with any person or thing, τὰ π. Κῦρον, τὰ π. Ἑλένην, τὰ π. Βάττον, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ π. τὸν Ἄθων the works at Mount Athos, [Refs]; τὰ π. τὰς ναῦς naval affairs, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ π. τὴν ναυμαχίαν (variant for{τῆς ναυμαχίας}) the events of, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II) of Time, π. λύχνων ἁφάς about the time of lamp-lighting, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. μέσας νύκτας about midnight, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἡλίου δυσμάς[Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.2) of round numbers, π. ἑβδομήκοντα about seventy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) Position: π. may follow its substantive, when it suffers anastrophe, ἄστυ πέρι [Refs 8th c.BC+] only once uses it before its genitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+] E) περί absolutely, as adverb, around, about, also, near, by, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+]round about, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] E.II) before or above others [Refs 4th c.BC+], exceedingly, only Epic dialect, in which case it commonly suffers anastrophe, Τυδεΐδη, πέρι μέν σε τίον Δαναοί [Refs 8th c.BC+]; σε χρὴ πέρι μὲν φάσθαι ἔπος ἠδ᾽ ἐπακοῦσαι[Refs 8th c.BC+] E.II.2) π. does not suffer anastrophe in the Epic dialect phrase π. κῆρι right heartily, π. κῆρι φίλησε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; π. κῆρι τιέσκετο[Refs 8th c.BC+] E.II.3) for περὶ πρό, see at {περιπρό}. E.II.4) περὶ κάτω bottom upwards, δῖνος π. κάτω τετραμμένος [Refs 5th c.BC+] F) IN COMPOSITION (joined with other words), all its chief senses recur, especially F.I) extension in all directions as from a centre, all round, as in περιβάλλω, περιβλέπω, περιέχω. F.II) completion of an orbit and return to the same point, about, as in περιάγω, περιβαίνω, περίειμι (εἶμι ibo), περιέρχομαι, περιστρέφω. F.III) a going over or beyond, above, before, as in περιβαίνω III, περιβάλλω see, περιγίγνομαι, περιεργάζομαι, περιτοξεύω. F.IV) generally, a strengthening of the simple notion, beyond measure, very, exceedingly, as in περικαλλής, περίκηλος, περιδείδω, like Latin per. F.V) the notion of double-ness which belongs to ἀμφί is found in only one poetic compound, περιδέξιος (which see). G) PROSODY: περί never suffers elision in [Refs 8th c.BC+] near the end; περ᾽ ἰγνύῃσι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in Comedy texts and codices of Prose writers only in participle of περίειμι (εἶμι ibo) (which see):—π. stands before a word beginning with a vowel in Comedy texts, περὶ Ἀθηνῶν, περὶ ἐμοῦ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] {περιαγαπάζομαι}:—Aeolic dialect περρ for the sake of meter, see [Refs 4th c.BC+]
properly, through (all over), i.e. around; figuratively with respect to; used in various applications, of place, cause or time (with the genitive case denoting the subject or occasion or superlative point; with the accusative case the locality, circuit, matter, circumstance or general period); (there-)about, above, against, at, on behalf of, X and his company, which concern, (as) concerning, for, X how it will go with, ((there-, where-)) of, on, over, pertaining (to), for sake, X (e-)state, (as) touching, (where-)by (in), with; from the base of g4008 (πέραν)

these things
Next word
Demonstrative pronoun Genitive Plural Neuter
a reference to SPECIFIC neuter people or things that something belongs to
Identical in all sources
of these
Greek Demonstrative Pronoun
οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο, genitive, τούτου, ταύτης, τούτου, [in LXX chiefly for זֹאת,זֶה;] demonstr. pron. (related to ἐκεῖνος as hic to ille), this; 1) as subst, this one, he; (a) absol: Mat.3:17, Mrk.9:7, Luk.7:44, 45, Jhn.1:15, Act.2:15, al; expressing contempt (cl.), Mat.13:55, 56, Mrk.6:2, 3, Jhn.6:42, al; εἰς τοῦτο, Mrk.1:38, Rom.14:9; μετὰ τοῦτο (ταῦτα; V. Westc. on Jhn.5:1), Jhn.2:12 11:7, al; (b) epanaleptic (referring to what precedes): Mat.5:19, Mrk.3:35, Luk.9:48, Jhn.6:46, Rom.7:10, al; (with) proleptic (referring to what follows): before ἵνα (Bl, §69, 6), Luk.1:43, Jhn.3:19 (and freq.) 15:8, Rom.14:9, al; before ὅτι, Luk.10:11, Jhn.9:3 o, Act.24:14, Rom.2:3, al; ὅπως, Rom.9:17; ἐάν, Jhn.13:35; (d) special idioms: τοῦτο μὲν. τ. δέ (cl), partly. partly. Heb.10:33; καὶ τοῦτο (τοῦτον, ταῦτα), and that (him) too, Rom.13:11, 1Co.2:2, Heb.11:12; τοῦτ᾽ ἐστιν, Mat.27:46. 2) As adj, with subst; (a) with art. (α) before the art: Mat.12:32, Mrk.9:29, Luk.7:44, Jhn.4:15, Rom.11:24, Rev.19:9, al; (β) after the noun: Mat.3:9, Mrk.12:16, Luk.11:31, Jhn.4:13, Act.6:13, Rom.15:28, 1Co.1:20, Rev.2:24, al; (b) with subst. anarth. (with predicative force; Bl, §49, 4): Luk.1:36 2:2 24:21, Jhn.2:11 4:54 21:14, 2Co.13:1. (AS)
Greek Demonstrative Pronoun
οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο, genitive τούτου, ταύτης, τούτου, etc: the dual feminine never in Attic dialect, see ὁ, ἡ, τό, [near the start]:—demonstrative pronoun, this, common from [Refs 8th c.BC+] A) ORIGIN and FORMS: οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο probably arose from a reduplication of the demonstrative ὁ, ἡ, τό with insertion of -υ- (= Sanskrit Particle u), e.g. ταῦτα from τα-υ-τα: Doric dialect genitive singular feminine τούτας [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc, the latter is uncertain in [Refs 5th c.BC+], as genitive singular neuter οὕτω [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; accusative singular feminine οὕταν [Refs 6th c.BC+] —In _Attic dialect_ οὗτος was frequently strengthened by the _demonstrative_ -ί, οὑτοσί, αὑτηί, τουτί, _genitive_ τουτουί, _dative_ τουτῳί, _accusative_ τουτονί; plural nominative οὑτοιί, neuter ταυτί, etc, this man here: sometimes a Particle is inserted between the pronoun and -ί, as αὑτηγί for αὑτηί γε, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τουτογί for τουτί γε, [Refs]; ταυταγί for ταυτί γε, [Refs]; τουτοδί for τουτὶ δέ, [Refs]; τουτουμενί for τουτουὶ μέν, [Refs] —In codices the ν ἐφελκυστικόν is sometimes added in the forms οὑτοσίν, οὑτωσίν, and οὑτοσίν is said to be Attic dialect by [Refs 2nd c.AD+]. [This ι is always long, and a long vowel or diphthong before it becomes short, as αὑτη?~Xί, τουτω?~Xί, οὑτοῐί, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) USAGE in regard to CONCOR[Refs 4th c.BC+] is frequently used as a pronoun substantive: hence neuter is followed by genitive, κατὰ τοῦτο τῆς ἀκροπόλιος [Refs 5th c.BC+] adjective, in which case its substantive commonly takes the Article, οὗτος ὁ ἀνήρ or ὁ ἀνὴρ οὗτος.—But the Article is absent, B.1) always in Epic dialect Poets (except [Refs 8th c.BC+]: sometimes also in Trag, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) sometimes when the Noun is so specified that the Article is not needed, ἐς γῆν ταύτην, ἥντινα νῦν Σκύθαι νέμονται [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.3) when οὗτος is used in local sense, here, see below with [Refs] B.4) when the Noun with which οὗτος agrees stands as its Predicate, αὕτη γὰρ ἦν σοι πρόφασις [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δικαστοῦ αὕτη ἀρετή [ἐστι] [Refs 5th c.BC+] these were the grievances which already existed, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ταύτην φήμην παρέδοσαν this was the report which, [Refs 5th c.BC+] this was notably the greatest movement which, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.5) when 3rd pers. is used for 2nd pers. to express contempt, οὗτος ἀνήρ, οὑτοσὶ ἀνήρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) though οὗτος usually agrees with the Noun that serves as Predicate, it is not rare to find it in the neuter, μανία δὲ καὶ τοῦτ᾽ ἐστί [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and in plural, οὐκ ἔστι ταῦτα ἀρχή [Refs 4th c.BC+]: so with an explanatory clause added, τοῦτο γάρ ἐστιν ὁ συκοφάντης, αἰτιᾶσθαι μὲν πάντα ἐξελέγξαι δὲ μηδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.II.2) so also with a Noun in apposition, τούτοισιν μὲν ταῦτα μέλει, κίθαρις καὶ ἀοιδή [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II.3) the neuter also may refer to a masculine or feminine Noun, καρπὸν φορέει κυάμῳ ἴσον: τοῦτο ἐπεὰν γένηται πέπον κτλ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.4) the neuter is also used of classes of persons, μελιτοπῶλαι καὶ τυροπῶλαι: τοῦτο δ᾽ εἰς ἕν ἐστι συγκεκυφός [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or of an abstract fact, οὐκ Ἰοφῶν ζ;—τοῦτο γάρ τοι καὶ μόνον ἔτ᾽ ἐστὶ λοιπὸν ἀγαθόν [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.III) with Prons, B.III.1) personal, οὗτος σύ, in local sense, see below B.III.2) interrogative, τί τοῦτ᾽ ἔλεξα; what is this that? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ποίοισι τούτοι; for ποῖά ἐστι ταῦτα οἷς [ἔχεις ἐλπίδα]; [Refs]; Νέστορ᾽ ἔρειο ὅν τινα τοῦτον ἄγει whom he brings here, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.III.3) with οἷος, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.III.4) possessive, πατὴρ σὸς οὗτος this father of thine, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.III.5) demonstrative, οὗτος ἐκεῖνος, τὸν σὺ ζητέεις, where ἐκεῖνος is the Predicate, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοῦτον τὸν αὐτὸν ἄνδρα this same man, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.III.5.b) exceptionally, Διφίλου οὗτος ὅδ᾽ ἐστὶ τύπος [Refs] B.III.6) ἄλλος τις οὗτος ἀνέστη another man here, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.IV) with Numerals, τέθνηκε ταῦτα τρία ἔτη these three years, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [στρατείαν] ἑνδέκατον μῆνα τουτονὶ ποιεῖται for these eleven months, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) SIGNIFICATION AND SPECIAL IDIOMS: C.I) this, to designate the nearer, opposed to ἐκεῖνος, that, the more remote, ταῦτα, like τὰ ἐνταῦθα, things round and about us, earthly things, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare ὅδε [near the start]: but οὗτος sometimes indicates that which is not really nearest, but most important, δεῖ. τὸ βέλτιστον ἀεί, μὴ τὸ ῥᾷστον λέγειν: ἐπὶ ἐκεῖνο μὲν γὰρ ἡ φύσις αὐτὴ βαδιεῖται, ἐπὶ τοῦτο δὲ κτλ. [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.2) when, of two things, one precedes and the other follows, ὅδε properly refers to what follows, οὗτος to what precedes, οὐκ ἔστι σοι ταῦτ᾽, ἀλλά σοι τάδ᾽ ἔστι [Refs 5th c.BC+] refers to what follows, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὔκουν. τοῦτο γιγνώσκεις, ὅτι; [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.3) οὗτος is used emphatic, generally in contempt, while ἐκεῖνος denotes praise, ὁ πάντ᾽ ἄναλκις οὗτος, i.e. Aegisthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+] of Philip; but οὗτος is used of Philip, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.3.b) of what is familiar, τούτους τοὺς πολυτελεῖς χιτῶνας, of the Persians, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ θυλακῶδες τοῦτο the familiar bag-like thing, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.4) in Attic dialect law-language, οὗτος is commonly applied to the opponent, whether plaintiff (as in [Refs 4th c.BC+] or defendant (as in [Refs]; so, in the political speeches of [Refs 4th c.BC+] are the opposite party, [Refs], etc; but in the forensic speeches, οὗτοι frequently means the judges, the court, [Refs] C.I.5) much like an adverb, in local sense (compare ὅδε [near the start]), τίς δ᾽ οὗτος κατὰ νῆας. ἔρχεα; who art thou here that comest? [Refs 8th c.BC+]; frequently in Attic dialect, τίς οὑτοσ; who's this here? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πολλὰ ὁρῶ ταῦτα πρόβατα I see many sheep here, [Refs 5th c.BC+] ho you! you there! [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with a proper name, ὦ οὗτος, Αἴας [Refs 5th c.BC+] —This phrase mostly implies anger, impatience, or scorn. C.II) simply as antecedent to ὅς, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.III) = τοιοῦτος, οὗτος ἐγὼ ταχυτᾶτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV) after a parenthesis, the Subject, though already named, is frequently emphatic repeated by οὗτος, οὐδὲ γὰρ οὐδὲ Ἀριστέης, οὐδὲ οὗτος προσωτέρω. ἔφησε ἀπικέσθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.V) καὶ οὗτος is added to heighten the force of a previous word, ξυνεστῶτες. ναυτικῷ ἀγῶνι, καὶ τούτῳ πρὸς Ἀθηναίους [Refs 5th c.BC+]; see infr. VIII.2. C.VI) repeated, where for the second we should merely say he or it, τοῖσιν τούτου τοῦτον μέλεσιν. κελαδοῦντες [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VII) ταῦτα is used in some special phrases, C.VII.1) ταῦτ᾽, ὦ δέσποτα yes Sir (i. e. ἔστι ταῦτα, ταῦτα δράσω, etc.), [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so also ἦν ταῦτα even so, true, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VII.2) ταῦτα μὲν δὴ ὑπάρξει so it shall be, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VII.3) καὶ ταῦτα μὲν δὴ ταῦτα so much for that, frequently in Attic dialect, as [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VII.4) ταῦτα at end of a formula in epitaphs, etc, probably short for ταῦτα οὕτως ἔχει or ὁ βίος ταῦτά ἐστιν, e.g. οὐδὶς (= -εὶς) ἀθάνατος: ταῦτα [Refs 2nd c.AD+] C.VIII) Adverbial usages: C.VIII.1) ταῦταabsolutely, therefore, that is why, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αὐτὰ ταῦτα ἥκω, ἵνα. [Refs 5th c.BC+] is rare in this sense, τοῦτ᾽ ἀφικόμην, ὅπως. εὖ πράξαιμί τι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὸ γὰρ τοῦτο just because of this, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.1.b) πρὸς ταῦτα so then, therefore, properly used in indignant defiance, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.2) καὶ ταῦτα, adding a circumstance heightening the force of what has been said, and that, ἄνδρα γενναῖον θανεῖν, καὶ ταῦτα πρὸς γυναικός [Refs 4th c.BC+]: but mostly with a participle, ὅς γ᾽ ἐξέλυσας ἄστυ, καὶ ταῦθ᾽ ὑφ᾽ ἡμῶν οὐδὲν ἐξειδὼς πλέον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or with a participle omitted, ἥτις. τὴν τεκοῦσαν ὕβρισεν, καὶ ταῦτα τηλικοῦτος (i.e. οὖσα) [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.2.b) καὶ ταῦτα anyhow, no matter what happens (or happened), ἐπεχείρησας, οὐδὲν ὢν καὶ ταῦτα you tried, but were no good anyhow, i.e. try as you might, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.VIII.3) τοῦτο μέν, τοῦτο δέ. on the one hand, on the other, partly, partly, very frequently in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοῦτο μέν is sometimes answered by δέ only,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; by δὲ αὖ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; by ἔπειτα δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; by ἀλλά, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; by εἶτα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; by τοῦτ᾽ αὖθις, [Refs] C.VIII.4) dative feminine ταύτῃ, C.VIII.4.a) on this spot, here, ταύτῃ μὲν, τῇδε δ᾽ αὖ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.4.b) in this point, herein, μηδὲν ταύτῃ γε κομήσῃς [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.4.c) in this way, thus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to ὅπῃ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ταύτῃ καλεῖσθαι, etc, like οὕτω κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.5) ἐκ τούτου or τούτων thereupon, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; therefore, [Refs] C.VIII.6) ἐν τούτῳ in that case, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.6.b) in the meantime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.7) πρὸς τούτοις (-οισι) besides, [Refs 5th c.BC+]
the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated); he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who; from the article g3588 (ὁ) and g846 (αὐτός)

I want
Next word
to plan
Verb Present Middle or Passive Deponent Indicative 1st Singular
an ACTION that happens - by a person or thing that is speaking or writing
Identical in all sources
to plan
Greek Verb
βούλομαι, [in LXX for חפץ, אבה, יעץ, etc;] to will, wish, desire, purpose, be minded, implying more strongly than θέλω (which see), the deliberate exercise of volition (see Hort on Jas.1:18): with inf. (M, Pr., 205; Bl, §69, 4), Mrk.15:15, Act.5:28, 33 12:4 15:37 17:20 18:15, 27 19:30 22:30 23:28 27:43 28:18, 2Co.1:15, 1Ti.6:9, Heb.6:17, II Jhn.12, 3Jo.10, Ju 5; with accusative, 2Co.1:17; with accusative and inf, Php.1:12, 1Ti.2:8 5:14, Tit.3:8, 2Pe.3:9; of the will making choice between alternatives, Mat.1:19 11:27, Luk.10:22, Act.25:20, 1Co.12:11, Jas.3:4 4:4; εἰ βούλει (cl, a courteous phrase = θέλεις, colloq; Bl, §21, 8; LS, see word), Luk.22:42; with subjc, adding force to a question of deliberation (Bl, §64, 6), Jhn.18:39; βουληθείς, of set purpose (see Hort, in l.), Jas.1:18; impf, ἐβουλόμην (= cl. βουλοίμην ἄν; Bl, §63, 5; Lft, Phm. 13), Act.25:22, Phm 13 (see also Cremer, 143). (AS)
to plan
Greek Verb
βούλομαι (Epic dialect also βόλομαι, which see), Doric dialect βώλ- (which see), Aeolic dialect βόλλ- (see. βόλομαι), Thess. βέλλ- [Refs], Boeotian dialect βείλ- [Refs]βήλ- [Refs 3rd c.BC+], Locrian dialectand Delph. δείλ- [Refs], Coan, etc. δήλ- (which see), Ionic dialect 2nd pers. singular βούλεαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]: imperfect ἐβουλόμην [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Ionic dialect 3rd.pers. plural ἐβουλέατο codices in [Refs 5th c.BC+]: future βουλήσομαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later future βουληθήσομαι variant in [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 13.636: aorist ἐβουλήθην, also ἠβ- (see. below), βουληθείς [Refs 5th c.BC+], but Epic dialect aorist subjunctive 3rd.pers. singular βούλεται (from *βόλσ-ε-ται) [Refs 8th c.BC+]: perfect βεβούλημαι [Refs 4th c.BC+]; also βέβουλα (προ-) [Refs 8th c.BC+] uncertain in epigram in [Refs] — forms with augment ἠ- are found in Attic dialect Inscrr. from [Refs 5th c.BC+]; said to be Ionic in [Refs] — An active βούλητε (={βούλησθε}) Mitteis [Refs 4th c.AD+]:—will, wish, be willing, [Refs 8th c.BC+] 'consent', εἰ βούλει, ἐγὼ ἐθέλω [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but ἐθέλω is also used = 'wish', λέξαι θέλω σοι, πρὶν θανεῖν, ἃ βούλομαι, [Refs 8th c.BC+] in the case of the gods, for with them wish is will: ἐθέλω is more general, and is sometimes used where βούλομαι might have stood, e.g. [Refs 8th c.BC+]—Construct: mostly with infinitive, Τρώεσσιν ἐβούλετο κῦδος ὀρέξαι [Refs]; sometimes with infinitive future, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; with accusative et infinitive, [Refs 8th c.BC+]infinitive may generally be supplied, as καί κε τὸ βουλοίμην (i.e. γενέσθαι) [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔτυχεν ὧν ἐβούλετο (i.e. τυχεῖν) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πλακοῦντα β. (i.e. σε λέγειν) [Refs]; καὶ εἰ μάλα βούλεται ἄλλῃ [Ποσειδάων] (i.e. τοῦτο γενέσθαι) [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so εἰς τὸ βαλανεῖον βούλομαι (i.e. ἰέναι) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; βουλοίμην ἄν (i.e. τόδε γενέσθαι) [Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) in [Refs 8th c.BC+] he willed victory to the Trojans, [Refs 8th c.BC+] that supports the constitution, [Refs 4th c.BC+] II) Attic dialect usages: II.1) βούλει or βούλεσθε followed by Verb in subjunctive, βούλει λάβωμα; would you have me take hold? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; βούλει φράσ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ποῦ δὴ βούλει ἀναγνῶμε; [Refs] II.2) εἰ βούλει if you please, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also εἰ δὲ βούλει, ἐὰν δὲ βούλῃ, to express a concession, or if you like, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.3) ὁ βουλόμενος any one who likes, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ β. the 'common in former', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅστις βούλει who or which ever you like, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.4) βουλομένῳ μοί ἐστι, with infinitive, it is according to my wish that, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ κεἰνου βουλόμενον his wish, [Refs]; but with passive sense, τὸ β. the object of desire, [Refs 1st c.AD+] II.5) τί βουλόμενο; with what purpose? [Refs 5th c.BC+] III) mean, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί ἡμῖν βούλεται οὗτος ὁ μῦθος; (followed by β. λέγειν ὡς.) [Refs 1st c.BC+]; βούλεται εἶναι professes or pretends to be, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; tend to be, ἡ τοῦ ὕδατος φύσις β. εἶναι ἄχυμος [Refs]; β. ἤδη τότε εἶναι πόλις ὅταν. [Refs]; ἡ φύσις β. μὲν τοῦτο ποιεῖν πολλάκις, οὐ μέντοι δύναται[Refs] III.2) to be wont, [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV) followed by ἤ, prefer, for βούλομαι μᾶλλον (which is more usually in Prose), βούλομ᾽ ἐγὼ λαὸν σόον ἔμμεναι ἢ ἀπολέσθαι I had rather, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; β. παρθενεύεσθαι πλέω χρόνον ἢ πατρὸς ἐστερῆσθαι (for πολὺν χρόνον, μᾶλλον ἤ[Refs 5th c.BC+]; less frequently without ἤ, πολὺ βούλομαι αὐτὴν οἴκοι ἔχειν I much prefer, [Refs 8th c.BC+]. (g[uglide]el-g[uglide]ol-, compare the dialectic forms.)
to "will," i.e. (reflexively) be willing; be disposed, minded, intend, list, (be, of own) will (-ing); middle voice of a primary verb

Next word
Personal pronoun 2nd Accusative Singular
a reference to a recently mentioned person being spoken or written to that is having something done to them
Identical in all sources
Greek Personal Pronoun (2nd person)
σύ, pron. of 2nd of person(s), thou, you, genitive, σοῦ, dative, σοί, accusative, σέ, pl, ὑμεῖς, -ῶν, -ῖν, -ᾶς (enclitic in oblique cases sing, except after prep. (BL, §48, 3), though πρὸς σέ occurs in Mat.25:39). Nom. for emphasis or contrast: Jhn.1:30, 4:10, 5:33, 39, 44, Act.4:7, Eph.5:32; so also perhaps σὺ εἶπας, Mat.26:64, al. (M, Pr., 86); before voc, Mat.2:6, Luk.1:76, Jhn.17:5, al; sometimes without emphasis (M, Pr., 85f.), as also in cl, but esp. as rendering of Heb. phrase, e.g. υἱός μου εἶ σύ (בְּנִי־אַתָּה, Psa.2:7), Act.13:33. The genitive (σοῦ, ὑμῶν) is sometimes placed bef. the noun: Luk.7:48, 12:30, al; so also the enclitic σοῦ, Mat.9:6; on τί ἐμοὶ κ. σοί, see: ἐγώ. (AS)
Greek Personal Pronoun (2nd person)
σύ [ῠ], thou: pronoun of the second person:—Epic dialect nominative τύνη [ῡ] [Refs 8th c.BC+] (Laconian dialect τούνη [Refs 5th c.AD+]; Aeolic dialect σύ [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Doric dialect τύ [ῠ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Boeotian dialect τού [short syllable] [Refs 6th c.BC+] (also τούν [Refs]σύ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]—Gen. σοῦ, [Refs], elsewhere only Attic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; enclitic σου, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (also in Lyric poetry, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (which also occurs in Lyric poetry, [Refs 7th c.BC+], and as enclitic σευ, [Refs 8th c.BC+], σεο (enclitic) [Refs] σευ (enclitic) [Refs]:—Doric dialect τεῦ, τευ, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; rarely τέο, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Boeotian dialect τεῦς [Refs 6th c.BC+]; Doric dialect τεοῦς [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοι variant in [Refs]; enclitic τεος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; other Doric dialect forms are τίω, τίως, both [Refs 3rd c.BC+]—Dat. σοί, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; Doric dialect τοί [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Doric dialect, Lesb, and Ionic dialect enclitic τοι[Refs 8th c.BC+], Lesbian Lyric poetry, and Ionic dialect Lyric poetry and Prose τοι is always enclitic, σοί never enclitic (τοί and σοι are not found except σοι [Refs 8th c.BC+], and in codices of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; rarer than τοι in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in Attic dialect both σοί and σοι (enclitic) are used (σοί [Refs 5th c.BC+], τοί and τοι are not used; σοι is never elided except in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Epic dialect and Lyric poetry also τεΐν, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τίν [ῐ], [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τίν [ῑ], [Refs 3rd c.BC+] before a consonant, [Refs 7th c.BC+]—Acc. σέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; enclitic σε,[Refs 7th c.BC+]; in late Gr. σέν, [Refs]; Doric dialect τέ [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τ᾽ variant (codex R) in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τρέ (to be read τϝέ) [Refs 5th c.AD+]; or (enclitic) τυ [Refs 6th c.BC+] 2) in combination with γε, σύ γε, σέ γε, etc. (compare ἔγωγε), thou at least, for thy part, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] and Attic dialect; Doric dialect τύγε [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Boeotian dialect τούγα [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: dative σοί γε [Refs 8th c.BC+]: accusative σέ γε [Refs], etc:—also σύ περ [Refs] 3) σύ with infinitive (as imperative), [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) Dual nominative and accusative σφῶϊ, [Refs 8th c.BC+], you two, both of you; σφώ (not σφῴ,[Refs 8th c.BC+]—Gen. and Dat. σφῶϊν, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; contraction σφῷν once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]. None of these forms are enclitic, [Refs 5th c.BC+] enclitic; Ζεὺς σφὼ is prescribed in [Refs 8th c.BC+] —σφῶϊ is never dative; in [Refs 8th c.BC+] it is the accusative depending on κελεύ; σφῶϊν is never accusative; in [Refs 8th c.BC+] III) Plur. nominative ὑμεῖς, [Refs 8th c.BC+], ye, you; Aeolic dialect and Epic dialect ὔμμες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect ὑμές [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Boeotian dialect οὐμές [Refs 6th c.BC+]; a resolved form ὑμέες, [Refs 1st c.BC+] rather than genuine Ionic [Refs 5th c.BC+]— Gen. ὑμῶν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὑμέων (disyllable) [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὑμέων also [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect ὑμέων [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also ὑμῶν, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; Aeolic dialect ὑμμέων [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Boeotian dialect οὐμίων [Refs 6th c.BC+]—Dat. ὑμῖν, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Ionic dialect enclitic ὗμῐν [Refs 2nd c.AD+] also Doric dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Doric dialect (not enclitic) ὑμίν [ῐ] [Refs]; ὑμίν [ῐ] also in [Refs 5th c.BC+] should perhaps be restored where the sense needs an enclitic on the principle stated by [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; ὕμιν[Refs 8th c.BC+]—Acc. ὑμᾶς, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc. ( [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὗμας or (more probably) ὕμας is required by the metre in [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; Ionic dialect ὑμέας (disyllable) [Refs 8th c.BC+]; enclitic ὕμεας (disyllable) [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ὑμέας also [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Aeolic dialect and Epic dialect ὔμμε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect ὑμέ [Refs 7th c.BC+]—The plural is sometimes used in addressing one person, when others are included in the speaker's thought, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] cf. Latin tu, Gothic pu; with τοι Sanskrit genitive and dative te; the origin of σφῶϊ is doubtful; with ὑμεῖς cf. Sanskrit accusative plural yusmān.)
thou; thou; the personal pronoun of the second person singular

to affirm strongly
Next word
to insist
Verb Present Middle or Passive Deponent Infinitive
an ACTION that is to happen
Identical in all sources
to insist
Greek Verb
δια-βεβαιόομαι, -οῦμαι to affirm confidently: Tit.3:8; before περί, 1Ti.1:7 (Cremer, 140). (AS)
to insist
Greek Verb
διαβεβαι-όω, confirm, ὑπόληψιν [Refs 3rd c.AD+]:—usually middle διαβεβαι-όομαι, maintain strongly, affirm, confirm, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; to be positive, περί τινος [Refs 2nd c.BC+]:—passive, [Refs 1st c.BC+]
to confirm thoroughly (by words), i.e. asseverate; affirm constantly; middle voice of a compound of g1223 (διά) and g950 (βεβαιόω)

so that
Next word
in order that/to
Identical in all sources
in order that/to
Greek Conjunction
ἵνα, I. adverb (poët, Hom, al.), 1) of place, where, whither. 2) of circumstance, when. II. Conjunction, 1) prop, final, denoting purpose or end (cl.), that, in order that, usually the first word in the clause, but sometimes (cl. also) preceded by an emphatic word (Act.19:4, Rom.11:31, Gal.2:10, al.); (a) with optative (so in cl. after historic tenses): after a pres, Eph.1:17 (but WH, mg, subjc; see Burton, §225, Rem, 2); (b) with subjc: after a pres, Mrk.4:21, Luk.6:34, Jhn.3:15, Act.2:25, Rom.1:11, al; after a pf, Mat.1:22, Jhn.5:23 1Co.9:22, al; after an imperat. (present or aor.), Mat.7:1, Mrk.11:25, Jhn.10:38, 1Co.7:5, al; after a delib. subjc, Mrk.1:38, al; after a fut, Luk.16:4, Jhn.14:3, 1Co.15:28, al; after historic tenses (where optative in cl; WM, 359f; M, Pr., 196f.), Mrk.6:41 (impf.), Jhn.4:8 (plpf.), Mrk.3:14 (aor.), al; (with) in late writers (M, Pr., 35; Burton, §§198, 199), with indic, fut: Luk.20:10, 1Pe.3:1, al; (d) as often in eccl. writers (Thayer, see word), with indic. pres: 1Co.4:6, Gal.4:17, al. (; but V. Burton, §198, Rem.); (e) εἰς (διὰ) τοῦτο, ἵνα: Jhn.18:37, 1Ti.1:16, al; τούτου χάριν, Tit.1:5; (f) elliptical constructions: omission of the principal verb, Jhn.1:8, 2Th.3:9, 1Jn.2:19, al; of the final verb, Rom.4:16, 2Co.8:13, al. 2) In late writers, definitive, = inf. (WM, 420; Bl, §69, 1), that; (a) after verbs of wishing, caring, striving, etc: θέλω, Mat.7:12, al; ζητῶ, 1Co.4:2 14:12; ζηλόω, 1Co.14:1, al; (b) after verbs of saying, asking, exhorting: εἰπεῖν, Mat.4:3, al; ἐρωτῶ, Mrk.7:26, al; παρακαλῶ, Mat.14:36, 1Co.1:10, al, etc; (with) after words expressing expediency, etc: συμφέρει, Mat.18:6, Jhn.11:50, al; ἱκανός, Mat.8:8, Luk.7:6; χρείαν ἔχω, Jhn.2:25, al, etc; (d) after substantives, adding further definition: ὥρα, Jhn.12:23 13:1; χρόνος, Rev.2:21; συνήθεια, Jhn.18:39; μισθός, 1Co.9:18. 3) In late writers, ecbatic, denoting the result, = ὥστε, that, so that (M, Pr., 206ff; WM, 572; Bl, §69, 3; Burton, §223): Rom.11:11, 1Co.7:29, 1Th.5:4, al. (but see Thayer, see word); so with the formula referring to the fulfilment of prophecy, ἵνα πληρωθῇ, Mat.1:22 2:14, Jhn.13:18, al. (AS)
in order that/to
Greek Conjunction
ἵνα, adverb, I) of Place, I.1) in that place, there, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+] I.2) elsewhere relative, in which place, where,[Refs 8th c.BC+]: rarely in Attic dialect Prose, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵ. ἡ Νίκη (i.e. ἐστίν) [Refs 8th c.BC+] [same place]; ἵν᾽ ἄν with subjunctive, wherever, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; as indirect interrogative, [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2.b) after [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔμαθε ἵ. ἦν κακοῦ in what a calamity, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵν᾽ ἕσταμεν χρείας[Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2.c) with Verbs of motion, whither, [Refs 8th c.BC+] II) of circumstance, γάμος, ἵ. χρή at which, when, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἵ. μὲν ἐξῆν αὐτοῖς, ἐνταῦθα. when it was in their power, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) ={ἐάν}, uncertain in [Refs 8th c.BC+] B) Final conjunction, that, in order that, from [Refs 8th c.BC+] downwards, mostly first word in the clause, but sometimes preceded by an emphatic word, [Refs 8th c.BC+] or κε (if found, these particles belong to the Verb, as in [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I) general usage: B.I.1) with subjunctive, B.I.1.a) after primary tenses of indicative, also subjunctive and imperative: present indicative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: perfect indicative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: future, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; subjunctive, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.1.b) after historical tenses, in similes, where the aorist is gnomic, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; where aorist is treated as equivalent to perfect, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: when the purpose is regarded from the point of view of the speaker's present, σὲ παῖδα ποιεύμην ἵ. μοι. λοιγὸν ἀμύνῃς [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.1.c) after optative and ἄν, when optative with οὐκ ἄν is used with sense of imperative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; after βουλοίμην ἄν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.d) after imperfect with ἄν, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.2) with optative, B.I.2.a) after historical tenses, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: after the historical present, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes both moods, subjunctive and optative, follow in consecutive clauses, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) after optative, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.c) rarely after primary tenses, by a shifting of the point of view, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.3) with past tenses of indicative, B.I.3.a) after unfulfilled wishes, [Refs] B.I.3.b) after indicative with ἄν, to express a consequence which has not followed or cannot follow, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3.c) after such Verbs as ἐχρῆν, ἔδει, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀντὶ τοῦ κοσμεῖν (={δέον κοσμεῖν}). ἵ. [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.3.d) after present indicative in general statements (including the past), οὐδὲ γὰρ τὸ εἶναι ἔχει ἡ ὕλη, ἱ. ἀγαθοῦ ταύτῃ μετεῖχεν [Refs 3rd c.AD+] B.I.4) ἵ. μή as the negative of ἵνα, that not, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II) special usages: B.II.1) like{ὅπως}, after Verbs of command and entreaty, is common only in later Gr. (but[NT+8th c.BC+]; also for ὥστε, [LXX+1st c.AD+] B.II.2) because, ἵ. ἀναγνῶ ἐτιμήθην I was honoured because I read, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; not found in literature. B.II.3) elliptical usages, B.II.3.a) where the purpose of the utterance is stated, Ζεὺς ἔσθ᾽, ἵν᾽ εἰδῇς 'tis Zeus,— [I tell thee this] that thou may'st know it, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵ. δῶμεν. granted that. , [Refs 2nd c.AD+] B.II.3.b) in commands, introducing a principal sentence, ἵ. συντάξῃς order him, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ἵ. λαλήσῃς [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ἵ. ἐλθὼν ἐπιθῇς τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῇ [LXX+NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3.c) ἵ. τί (i.e. γένηται); to what end? either absolutely or as a question, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or with a Verb following, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵ. δὴ τ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.3.d) in indignant exclamations, to think that! Σωκράτης ἵ. πάθῃ ταῦτα [Refs 2nd c.AD+] B.III) in later Gr. with indicative, [LXX+NT]
compare g3588 (ὁ)); in order that (denoting the purpose or the result); albeit, because, to the intent (that), lest, so as, (so) that, (for) to; probably from the same as the former part of g1438 (ἑαυτοῦ) (through the demonstrative idea

may take care
Next word
be careful
Verb Present Active Subjunctive 3rd Plural
an ACTION that maybe happens - by people or things being discussed
Identical in all sources
be careful
Greek Verb
φροντίζω (φροντίς, thought), [in LXX: 1Ki.9:5 (דָּאַג), Psa.40:17 (חָשַׁב), al;] to give heed, take thought (in cl. usually absol, with accusative, with genitive), with inf, Tit.3:8 (see Bl, § 69, 4; M, Pr., 206 f.). (AS)
be careful
Greek Verb
φροντ-ίζω, future Attic dialect ιῶ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: aorist ἐφρόντισα [Refs 4th c.BC+], etc: perfect πεφρόντικα [Refs 5th c.BC+] —middle, future φροντιοῦμαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]:— passive, see infr. IV: (φροντίς): I) absolutely, consider, reflect, take thought, φροντίζων εὑρίσκω [Refs 5th c.BC+]; give heed, pay attention, [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2) to be thoughtful or anxious, πεφροντικὸς βλέπεις you look careworn, [Refs 5th c.BC+] Comedy texts 21; τὸ πεφροντικός, as substantive, care, thought, [Refs 1st c.AD+] II) with an object, II.1) with accusative of things, consider, ponder, ἔχθος ἐμόν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; [ὀνείρατα] [Refs 5th c.BC+].; devise, μηχανήν [Refs] (nisi to be read τοῦτον); ἐκεῖνο δ᾽ οὐ πεφροντίκαμεν, ὅτῳ τρόπῳ. μνημονεύσομεν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also directly followed by a relative clause, φ. ἥντιν᾽ [ὁδὸν] ἴω προτέρην [Refs 6th c.BC+]; φ. τί ποτε τοῦτ᾽ ἔστι [Refs]; take thought that, see to it that, ὅπως. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς. [Refs 2nd c.BC+]: with infinitive, [NT+3rd c.AD+] with subjunctive, φ. μὴ ἄριστον ᾖ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐδὲν φ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; φ. εἴτε, εἴτε. [Refs]: with infinitive, [Refs 1st c.AD+]: with participle, φροντίζεθ᾽ ὡς μαχούμενοι [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) with genitive, take thought for, give heed to a thing, regard it, mostly with a negative expressed or implied, σοὶ δ᾽ ἔμεθεν μὲν ἀπήχθετο φροντίσδην [Refs 7th c.BC+]; μησενὸς ἄλλου φ, πλὴν ὅπως. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; conversely, τοὺς θεοὺς φ. οὐδὲν τῶν ἀνθρωπίνων[Refs 4th c.BC+]: so with adverbs implying a negative, σμικρὰ φ. ὄχλου [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also without negative, οὗπερ δεῖ μάλιστα φ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later, to be steward or bailiff, τῶν ὑπαρχόντων τινός [Refs 2nd c.AD+] to be concerned or anxious about, σφέων αὐτῶν πέρι [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2.b) later, see to, provide for, furnish, σιτάριον, χρήσιμα, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; τὰ ἐπιβάλλοντα τῇ ἑορτῇ [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; μηδὲν φροντίσας [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2.c) with accusative et participle, οὐ φροντίζει σκληρῶς σε καθήμενον [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.3) the object is frequently unexpressed, ἐφρόντιζε ἱστορέων, i. e. inquired carefully, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἲ τοὺς φίλους βλάπτοντες οὐ φροντίζετε who though ye do mischief to your friends reck not of it, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μὴ φροντίσῃς heed it not [Refs 5th c.BC+]; with participle, τοιαῦτα. γιγνόμενα. ὁρῶντες οὐδὲν φροντίζετε [Refs 5th c.BC+] III) middle in signification [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV) later in passive, to be an object of thought or care, πεφροντισμένος carefully thought out; λόγος [Refs 1st c.BC+]; of a ward, ἡ-ομένη ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ θυγατριδῆ [Refs 2nd c.AD+]
to exercise thought, i.e. be anxious; be careful; from a derivative of g5424 (φρήν)

to good
Strongs extended:
Next word
Adjective Genitive Plural Neuter
DESCRIBING neuter people or things that something belongs to
Identical in all sources
Greek Adjective
καλός, -ή, -όν, [in LXX chiefly for טוֹבָה,טוֹב, also for יָפֶה, etc;] 1) primarily, of outward form ("related to. ἀγαθός as the appearance to the essence," Cremer, 339), fair, beautiful: λίθοι (BV, goodly), Luk.21:5. 2) In reference to use, of that which is well adapted to its ends, good, excellent: of fish, τ. καλά (opposite to σαπρά), Mat.13:48; σπέρμα, Mat.13:24, 27, 37, 38; καρπός, Mat.3:10 7:17-19 12:33, Luk.3:9 [WH] 6:43; δένδρον (opposite to σαρπόν), Mat.12:33, Luk.6:43; γῆ, Mat.13:8, 23 Mrk.4:8, 20 Luk.8:15; τ. ἅλας, Mrk.9:50, Luk.14:34; ὁ νόμος, Rom.7:16, 1Ti.1:8; διδασκαλία, 1Ti.4:6; καρδία κ. καὶ ἀγαθή, Luk.8:15; παραθήκη, 2Ti.1:14; μέτρον, Luk.6:38; βαθμός, 1Ti.3:13; θεμέλιος, 1Ti.6:19; τὸ κ, 1Th.5:21; μαργαρίται, Mat.13:45; οἶνος, Jhn.2:10; ποιμήν, Jhn.10:11, 14; διάκονος, 1Ti.4:6; οἰκονόμος, 1Pe.4:10; στρατιώτης, 2Ti.2:3; στρατεία, 1Ti.1:18; ἀγών, 1Ti.6:12, 2Ti.4:7; ὁμολογία, 1Ti.6:12, 13; ἔργον, Mat.26:10, Mrk.14:6, Jhn.10:33, 1Ti.3:1; pl, Jhn.10:32; καλόν, with inf. and dative, Mat.18:8, 9 1Co.7:1, 26 9:15; id. with accusative and inf, Mat.17:4, Mrk.9:5, 43, 45, 47, Luk.9:33, Heb.13:9; before εἰ, Mat.26:24, Mrk.9:42 14:21; ἐάν, 1Co.7:8. 3) Ethically, good, in the sense of right, fair, noble, honourable: Gal.4:18, Heb.5:14; ἔργα, Mat.5:16, 1Ti.5:10, 25 6:18, Tit.2:7, 14 3:8, 14 (Field, Notes, 223f.), Heb.10:24, 1Pe.2:12; ἀναστροφή, Jas.3:13, 1Pe.2:12; συνείδησις, Heb.13:18; before ἐνώπιον, Rom.12:17, 2Co.8:21, 1Ti.2:3; το] κ. ποιεῖν (κατεργάζεσθαι), Rom.7:18, 21 2Co.13:7, Gal.6:9, Jas.4:17; καλόν ἐστιν, with inf, Mat.15:26 (T, ἔξεστιν), Mrk.7:27, Rom.14:21, Gal.4:18; μαρτυρία, 1Ti.3:7; ὄνομα, Jas.2:7; καύχημα, 1Co.5:6 (neg.); θεοῦ ῥῆμα, Heb.6:5. κ. does not occur in Re. SYN.: see: ἀγαθός. (AS)
Greek Adjective
καλός, ή, όν, Aeolic dialect κάλος (see. below), α, ον, Boeotian dialect καλϝός [Refs 6th c.BC+]:— A) beautiful, of outward form, frequently of persons, κάλλιστος ἀνὴρ ὑπὸ Ἴλιον ἦλθεν [Refs 8th c.BC+] usually in the phrase κ. τε μέγας τε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; μέγας καὶ κ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καλὸς δέμας beautiful of form,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; Χορῷ καλή beauteous in the dance, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: with infinitive, καλλίονες καὶ μείζονες εἰσοράασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐσορᾶν κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently of parts of the body, fair, shapely, κ. πρόσωπα, ὅμματα, παρήϊα, σφυρά, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of clothes, εἵματα, φάρεα, Χιτών, Χλαῖνα, πέδιλα, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of arms and armour, κνημῖδες, ἀσπίς, σάκος, κόρυς, φάσγανα, ἔντεα, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of buildings, manufactured articles, etc, αὐλὴ κ. τε μεγάλη τε [Refs]; κ. δώματα, τεῖχος, πόλιες,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τέμενος, ἀγρός, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐέρσα κ. ead.[Refs] A.2) in Attic dialect added to a name in token of love or admiration, as Ἀρίσημος κ. [Refs]; ἐν τοῖσι τοίχοις ἔγραφ᾽ Ἀθηναῖοι καλοί” [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀλκιβιάδης ὁ καλός, Σαπφὼ ἡ καλή, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.2.b) ἡ Καλή or Καλλίστη, as epithet, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.2.c) Καλοί, οἱ, divinities worshipped in childbirth, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] A.3) τὸ καλόν beauty, [Refs 7th c.BC+], etc; τὰ καλά the proprieties or elegancies of life, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) with reference to use, good, of fine quality, κ. λιμήν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Βορέῃ ἀνέμῳ. καλῷ fair, [Refs]; κ. ἀργύριον, opposed to κίβδηλον, genuine silver, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; opposed to ἀποτετριμμένον, good silver currency, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ἐλαῖαι [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; γῆ [NT+4th c.AD+]; στρατόπεδον κάλλιστον [LXX+5th c.BC+]: with infinitive, λόφος κάλλιστος τρέχειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν καλῷ [τόπῳ] in a good place, καθίζεσθαι, ὁρμεῖν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν καλῷ under favourable circumstances, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν κ. (i.e. Χρόνῳ) in good time, in season, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν οὐ κ. [Refs]; ἐν καλῷ [ἐστι] with infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+] with infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί γὰρ ἐμοὶ ζῆν καλό; what is the good of life to me? [Refs 1st c.AD+]; καλῇ πίστει, = Latin bona fide, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] A.II.2) of sacrifices, auspicious, σφάγια [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with infinitive, ἰέναι. κ. ἡμῖν τὰ ἱερὰ ἦν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) in a moral sense, beautiful, noble, honourable, in [Refs 8th c.BC+] only in neuter, οὐ καλὸν ἔειπες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; frequently καλόν [ἐστι] with infinitive, κ. τοι σὺν ἐμοὶ τὸν κήδειν ὅς κ᾽ ἐμὲ κήδῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐ γὰρ ἔμοιγε κ. (i.e. ἄρχειν)[Refs 8th c.BC+]; so in Trag, καλόν μοι τοῦτο ποιούσῃ θανεῖν [LXX+5th c.BC+]: comparative, οὐ μέν τοι τόδε κάλλιον οὐδὲ ἔοικε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. ἔργματα noble deeds, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀναστροφὴ κ. [NT]: in plural, excellences, πλῆθος καλῶν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ παιδὸς κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) τὸ κ. moral beauty, virtue, honour, opposed to τὸ αἰσχρόν, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; τοὐμὸν κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) of persons, in early writers coupled with ἀγαθός, see at {καλοκἀγαθός}; later κ. ποιμήν [NT]; κ. στρατιώτης [NT] A.IV) in Attic dialect and Trag. frequently ironically, fine, specious, γέρας κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) Degrees of comparative: comparative καλλίων, ον, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: superlative κάλλιστος, η, ον, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; late καλλιώτερος or -ότερος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) adverb:—Poets frequently use neuter καλόν as adverb, κ. ἀείδειν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; later τὸ κ. [Refs 3rd c.BC+] C.II) regular adverb καλῶς (Doric dialect καλώς [Refs 5th c.BC+], well, rightly, οὐδ᾽ ἔτι κ. οἶκος ἐμὸς διόλωλε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. ζῆν, τεθνηκέναι, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. φρονεῖν to be in one's right mind, [Refs]; κ. ἀγωνιεῖσθαι fairly, on the merits of the case, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Χρήματα δατῆθθαι κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.2) of good fortune, well, happily, κ. πράσσειν, ={εὖ π}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ἔχειν to be well, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ἔχει with infinitive, 'tis well to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] to be well off in respect to a thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.3) καλῶς, ={πάνυ}, thoroughly, altogether, τὸν κ. εὐδαίμονα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: comparative, κάλλιον εἰδέναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κάλλιον ἐοικέναι to be just like, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.4) κ. ἀκούειν to be well spoken of, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.II.5) κ. ποιῶν rightly, deservedly, κ. ποιῶν ἀπόλλυται [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in requests, κ. ποιήσεις πριάμενος, etc, [Refs 3rd c.BC+], etc; also with infinitive, κ. π. γράψαι [Refs 1st c.BC+] C.II.6) in answers, to approve the words of the former speaker, well said! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also, to decline an offer courteously, no, thank you! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πάνυ κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.7) ironically, finely, καλῶς ἐρήμης γ᾽ ἂν σὺ γῆς ἄρχοις μόνος [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.8) κ. ὁ ἱερεύς hurrah for the priest! [Refs 2nd c.AD+] C.II.9) repeated with the adjective, καλὴ καλῶς [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.10) comparative καλλιόνως [Refs 5th c.BC+]: superlative καλλίστως [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) for compounds, see at {καλλι, καλο-}. E) Quantity: ᾱ in Epic dialect and early [Refs 8th c.BC+]: ᾰ in Lyric poetry (except κᾱλῶς [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ μὴ κᾰλὰ κᾱλὰ πέφανται [Refs 3rd c.BC+].--In comparative, ῐ in [Refs 8th c.BC+]
Strongs > g2570
X better, fair, good(-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy; of uncertain affinity; properly, beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), i.e. valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use, and thus distinguished from g18 (ἀγαθός), which is properly intrinsic)

Next word
Noun Genitive Plural Neuter
neuter PEOPLE OR THINGS that something belongs to
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Neuter
ἔργον, -ου, τό (originally Ϝέργον, work), [very frequently in LXX, chiefly for מַשֶׂה, מְלָאכָה, also for עֲבֹדָה, פֹּעַל, etc;] 1) work, task, employment: Mrk.13:34, Jhn.4:34 17:4, Act.13:2, Php.1:22 2:30, 1Th.5:13, al; of an enterprise or undertaking (Deu.15:10, Wis.2:12), Act.5:38. 2) a deed, action: Tit.1:16, Jas.1:25. listing, from λόγος, Luk.24:19, Rom.15:18, 2Th.2:17, 1Jn.3:18; ἐν λόγοις κ. ἔ, Act.7:22; of acts of God, Jhn.9:3, Act.13:41 " (LXX), Heb.4:10, Rev.15:3; of Christ, Mat.11:2; esp. in Jo, e.g. 5:20, 36 7:3 10:38 14:11, 12 15:24; in ethical sense, of human actions (AR, Eph., 190), bad or good, Mat.23:3, Luk.11:48, Jhn.3:20, 21 Jas.2:14 ff. 3:13, Rev.2:5 3:8; τὸ ἔ, collectively, Gal.6:4, Jas.1:4, 1Pe.1:17, Rev.22:12; τὸ ἔ. τ. νόμου, Rom.2:15; ἔ. ἀγαθόν, Rom.2:7, Col.1:10, 2Th.2:17, Tit.1:16, al; καλόν, Mat.26:10, Mrk.14:6; pl. (as frequently in cl.), Mat.5:16, 1Ti.5:10, 25 Heb.10:24; ἔ. πίστεως, 1Th.1:3, 2Th.1:11; ἔ. πονηρά, Col.1:21, 2Jo.11; νέκρα, Heb.6:1 9:14; ἄκαρπα, Eph.5:11; ἔ. ἀσεβείας, Ju 15; τ. σκότους, Rom.13:12, Eph.5:11; ἔ. νόμου, Rom.3:20, 28 Gal.2:16 3:2, 5 10. 3) that which is wrought or made, a work: 1Co.3:13-15; τ. χειρῶν, Act.7:41; of the works of God, Heb.1:10; γῆ κ. τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ ἔ, 2Pe.3:10; τὸ ἔ. τ. θεοῦ, Rom.14:20. (AS)
Greek Noun Neuter
ἔργον, Doric dialect ϝέργον [Refs 6th c.BC+], Elean ϝάργον [Refs 6th c.BC+] weorc (neuter) 'work', Avest. var[schwa]za-):— work, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; especially in plural, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὰ σ᾽ αὐτῆς ἔργα κόμιζε see to thine own tasks, [Refs 8th c.BC+] 1) in [Refs 8th c.BC+]works or deeds of war, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐν τῷ ἔ. during the action, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἔργου ἔχεσθαι to engage in battle, [Refs] 2) of peaceful contests, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also ἔργα θῆκε κάλλιστ᾽ ἀμφὶ κόμαις placed [the reward of] noble deeds about his hair, [Refs] 3) of works of industry, 3.a) of tillage, tilled lands, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὔτε βοῶν οὔτ᾽ ἀνδρῶν φαίνετο ἔργα [Refs] —the title of Hesiod's work; πατρώϊα ἔ. their father's lands, [Refs 8th c.BC+] will neither go to our farms, [Refs] the tilled lands of Ithaca, [Refs] inhabited lands, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: generally, property, wealth, possessions, [Refs 8th c.BC+] 3.b) of women's work, weaving, [Refs 8th c.BC+]. 3.c) of other occupations, θαλάσσια ἔ. fishing, [Refs 8th c.BC+] works of feasting, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: absolutely, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; φίλα ἔργα μελίσσαις, of flowers, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; of mines, etc, [Refs 6th c.BC+] 4) deed, action, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καρτερά, ἀεικέα ἔ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] deed, not word (see. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; opposed to ῥήματα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ μὲν ἐνθύμημα χαρίεν, τὸ δὲ ἔ. ἀδύνατον its execution, [Refs 5th c.BC+] ready for action, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. II) thing, matter, πᾶν ἔ.ὑπείξομαι in every point, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; in bad sense, mischief, trouble, of disease, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; μέγα ἔ. a serious matter, [Refs 8th c.BC+] II.2) μέγα ἔ, like{μέγα χρῆμα}, χερμάδιον λάβε χειρὶ Τυδεΐδης, μέγα ἔ. a monstrous thing, [Refs 8th c.BC+] a mighty call to arms, [Refs] III) passive, that which is wrought or made, work, οἷ᾽ ἐπιεικὲς ἔργ᾽ ἔμεν ἀθανάτων, of the arms of Achilles, [Refs 8th c.BC+] metal-work, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of a wall, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of a statue, [Refs 5th c.BC+], of siege-works, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; of a machine, [Refs 2nd c.BC+], +others; of public buildings, [Refs]; of an author's works, [Refs 1st c.BC+] III.2) result of work, profit or interest, ἔργον [χρημάτων] interest or profit on money, [Refs 4th c.BC+] IV) special phrases: IV.1) ἔργον ἐστί, IV.1.a) with genitive person, it is his business, his proper work, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; of things, φραδέος νόου ἔργα τέτυκται it is a matter (which calls) for a wary mind, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; function, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; τοῦτο ἑκάστου ἔ. ὃ ἂν ἢ μόνον τι ἢ κάλλιστα τῶν ἄλλων ἀπεργάζηται [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: with dative person, [Refs 6th c.BC+] with infinitive, [Refs 6th c.BC+]: with Article, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. IV.1.b) with genitive of things, there is need of, [Refs 6th c.BC+]: especially with negative, [Refs 6th c.BC+]: with Article, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with a participle added, [Refs 1st c.AD+]: also with infinitive, οὐδὲν ἔ. ἑστάναι there is no use in standing still, [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV.1.c) with infinitive, it is hard work, difficult to do, [Refs 6th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry): also in genitive, [Refs 6th c.BC+]: rarely with a participle, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ἔ. [ἐστί] with accusative et infinitive, it can scarcely happen that, [Refs 4th c.BC+]. IV.2) ἔργον παρασχεῖν τινί give one trouble, [Refs 5th c.BC+] take trouble, with participle, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; with infinitive, [Refs] IV.3) ἔ. γίγνεσθαι τῆς νόσου to be its victim, [Refs 1st c.AD+]. IV.4) ἔ. ποιεῖσθαί τι to make a matter one's business, attend to it, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. V) ={ἐργασία} III, [Refs]
Noun Neuter
toil (as an effort or occupation); by implication, an act; deed, doing, labour, work; from a primary (but obsolete) (to work)

to be devoted
Next word
to set before
Verb Present Middle Infinitive
an ACTION that is to be done
Identical in all sources
to set before
Greek Verb
προ-ΐστημι [in LXX: 2Ki.13:17, Pro.23:5 26:17, Isa.43:24, Amo.6:10 (no proper Heb. equiv.), Dan LXX Bel 1:7, 1Ma.5:19, 4Ma.11:27 *;] 1) trans. in fut, 1 aor, and mid. 1 aor, to put before, set over (Plat, al.). 2) Intrans, in pf, plpf, 2 aor. and mid. Pres. and impf; (a) to preside, rule, govern: Rom.12:8, 1Ti.5:17; with genitive, 1Th.5:12, 1Ti.3:4-5 3:12; (b) to direct, maintain: with genitive of thing(s), καλῶν ἔργων, Tit.3:8, 14 (on R, mg, profess honest occupations, see CGT, in l; Field, Notes, 223 f.). (AS)
to set before
Greek Verb
προΐστημι, future -στήσω: aorist 1 προὔστησα, participle προστήσας, infinitive προστῆσαι. Causal in these tenses, as also in present and aorist 1 middle, set before, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+] put his body in the way, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) set over, ὃν ἡ πόλις ἀξιοῖ αὑτῆς προϊστάναι, variant for{-εστάναι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 3) exhibit publicly, prostitute, π. ἐπ᾽ οἰκημάτων [Refs 1st c.AD+] II) middle, mostly aorist 1, put another before oneself, choose as one's leader, [Refs 5th c.BC+]take as one's guardian, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) put before one, put in front, σκίπωνα προστήσασθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν χεῖρα, so as to shade the eyes, [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.3) metaphorically, put forward as an excuse or pretence, use as a screen, τί τάδε προὐστήσω λόγ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.4) προστησώμεθα Τύρταιον put him forward, cite him as an authority, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.5) prefer, value above, ὦτα τοῦ νοῦ προστησάμενοι [Refs] II.6) establish a thing before another, τοὺς ἀριθμοὺς τῆς ὑποστάσεως αὐτῶν (i.e. τῶν ὄντων) [Refs 3rd c.AD+] II.7) manifest, [Refs] B) passive, with aorist 2 active προὔστην: perfect προέστηκα, 2nd pers. plural προέστατε [Refs 5th c.BC+]; infinitive προεστάναι, participle προεστώς (see. below): future perfect προεστήξομαι, see below [Refs]:—aorist passive προεστάθην, see below[Refs]:—come forward, variant for{προσ-} in [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.2) c.accusative, approach as a suppliant, ἥ σε. λιπαρεῖ προὔστην χερί [Refs 5th c.BC+]; προστῆναι μέσην τράπεζαν uncertain in [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.3) with dative, stand so as to face another, σοὶ γὰρ αἴας πολέμιος προὔστη ποτέ [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.4) stand in public, be a prostitute, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.II) with genitive, to be set over, be at the head of, τῆς Ἑλλάδος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially to be chief or leader of a party, τῶν παράλων, τῶν ἐκ τοῦ πεδίου, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. αὐτῶν to be their ringleader, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. χοροῦ, στρατεύματος, [Refs]; π. τῶν πολιτειῶν head the respective parties in the state, [Refs 5th c.BC+] absolutely, οἱ προεστῶτες, _Ionic dialect_ -εῶτες, the leading men, τῶν σκυθέων [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐν ταῖς πόλεσι προστάντες [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) in various relations, govern, direct, οὐκ ὀρθῶς σεωυτοῦ προέστηκας you do not manage yourself well, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐργασίας, τέχνης, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] B.II.3) stand before so as to guard, οἱ δορυφόροι Μασίστεω προέστησαν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: hence, support, succour, πρόστητ᾽ ἀναγκαίας τύχης [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ προστὰς τῆς εἰρήνης the champion of peace, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πάντων προστᾶσα [δύναμις] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. τινός to be his protector, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; τῆς ἐναντίας π. γνώμης [Refs 2nd c.BC+]were the authors of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. [νόσου] [Refs 5th c.BC+]
to stand before, i.e. (in rank) to preside, or (by implication) to practise; maintain, be over, rule; from g4253 (πρό) and g2476 (ἵστημι)

Next word
Definite article Nominative Plural Masculine
SPECIFIC male people or things that are doing something
Identical in all sources
[those] which
Greek Article
, ἡ, τό, the prepositive article (ἄρθρον προτακτικόν), originally a demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the Eng. definite article. I. As demonstr. pron. 1) As frequently in Hom, absol, he (she, it), his (etc.): Act.17:28 (quoted from the poet Aratus). 2) Distributive, ὁ μὲν. ὁ δέ, the one. the other: 1Co.7:7, Gal.4:22; pl, Act.14:4, 17:32, Php.1:16, al; οἱ μὲν. ἄλλοι δέ, Mat.16:14, Jhn.7:12; οἱ μεν̀. ὁδέ, Heb.7:21, 23. 3) In narration (without ὁ μὲν preceding), ὁ δέ, but he: Mat.2:14, Mrk.1:45, Luk.8:21, Jhn.9:38, al. mult. II. As prepositive article, the, prefixed, 1) to nouns unmodified: ὁ θεός, τὸ φῶς, etc; to abstract nouns, ἡ σοφία, etc, to pl. nouns which indicate a class, οἱ ἀλώπεκες, foxes, Mat.8:20, al; to an individual as representing a class, ὁ ἐργάτης, Luk.10:7; with nom. = voc. in addresses, Mat.11:26, Jhn.19:3, Jas.5:1, al; to things which pertain to one, ἡ χεῖρ, his hand, Mrk.3:1; to names of persons well known or already mentioned; usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), ἡ Ἰουδαία, etc. 2) To modified nouns: with of person(s) pron. genitive, μοῦ, σοῦ, etc; with poss. pron, ἐμός, σός, etc; with adj. between the art. and the noun, ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος, Mat.12:35; the noun foll, by adj, both with art, ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, Jhn.10:11 (on ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, Jhn.12:9, see M, Pr., 84); before adjectival phrases, ἡ κατ᾽ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις, Rom.9:11. 3) To Other parts of speech used as substantives; (a) neuter adjectives: τ. ἀγαθόν, etc; (b) cardinal numerals: ὁ εἶς, οἷ δύο, etc; (with) participles: ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ Βαπτιστής, Mat.14:2), Mrk.6:14; πᾶς ὁ, with ptcp, every one who, etc; (d) adverbs: τὸ πέραν, τὰ νῦν, ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος; (e) infinitives: nom, τὸ θέλειν, Rom.7:18, al; genitive, τοῦ, after adjectives, ἄξιον τοῦ πορεύεσθαι, 1Co.16:4; verbs, ἐλαχεν τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι, Luk.1:9; and frequently in a final sense, ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρειν, Mat.13:3 (on the artic. inf, see Bl, §71). 4) In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a quotation: τὸ Ἐι δύνῃ, Mrk.9:23; τὸ ἔτι ἅπαξ, Heb.12:27; τὸ ἀνέβη, Eph.4:9, al. 5) To prepositional phrases: οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας, Heb.13:24; οἱ ἐκ νόμου, Rom.4:14; neut. accusative absol, in adverbial phrases, τὸ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, daily, Luk.11:3; τὸ κατὰ σάρκα, as regards the flesh, Rom.9:5. 6) To nouns in the genitive, denoting kinship, association, etc: ὁ τοῦ, the son of (unless context indicates a different relationship), Mat.10:2, al; τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things that pertain to God, Mat.16:23; τὰ τῆς εἰρήνης, Rom.14:19 (cf. M, Pr., 81ff; Bl, §§46, 47). (AS)
Greek Article
, , τό, is, when thus written, A) demonstrative Pronoun. B ) in Attic dialect, definite or prepositive Article. C ) in Epic dialect, the so-called postpositive Article, = relative Pronoun, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.—The nominative masculine and feminine singular and plural, ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ, have no accent in codices and most printed books, except when used as the relative; but ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ differ only in writing from ὃ, ἣ, οἳ, α; the nominative forms of the article are said by Hdn.Gr.1.474 to be oxytone, and by [Refs 2nd c.AD+] in Aeolic dialect accusative to [Refs 8th c.BC+] genitive and dative dual τοῖιν [Refs 8th c.BC+]— In Doric dialect and all other dialects except Attic dialect and Ionic dialect the feminine forms preserve the old ᾱ instead of changing it to η, hence Doric dialect etc. ἁ, τάν, τᾶ; the genitive plural τάων contracts in many dialects to τᾶ; the genitive singular is in many places τῶ, accusative plural τώς, but Cretan dialect, etc, τόνς [Refs]; in Lesbian Aeolic dialect the accusative plural forms are τοὶς, ταὶς, [Refs]; dative plural τοῖς, ταῖς (or τοὶς, ταὶς, see above), [Refs]; ταῖσι as demonstrative, [Refs 7th c.BC+] Poets also used the Ionic dialect and _Epic dialect_ forms τοῖσι, ταῖσ; and in Trag. we find τοὶ μέν, τοὶ δέ, for οἱ μέν, οἱ δέ, not only in Lyric poetry, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but even in a trimeter, [Refs 5th c.BC+] {ὅ}; τὼ πόλεε Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in [Refs 4th c.AD+] functions as genitive dual feminine, μεσακόθεν τοῖς κράναιυν [Refs 4th c.BC+] —in Elean and _Boeotian dialect_ ὁ, ἡ (ἁ), τό, with the addition of -ί, ={ὅδε}, ἥδε, τόδε, _nominative_ _plural_ _masculine_ τυΐ the following men, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] cf. Sanskrit demonstrative pronoun sa, sā, Gothic sa, sō, ONorse sá, sú, Old Latin accusative sum, sam (Enn.): —with τό [from *τόδ] cf. Sanskrit tat (tad), Latin is-tud, Gothic pata: —with τοί cf. Sanskrit te, Lithuanian tĩe, O[Refs 5th c.BC+] pá, etc:—with τάων cf. Sanskrit tāsām, Latin is-tarum:— the origin of the relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (which see) is different.) A) ὁ, ἡ, τό, DEMONSTR. PRONOUN, that, the oldest and in [Refs 8th c.BC+] the commonest sense: frequently also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], and sometimes in Trag. (mostly in Lyric poetry, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῶν γάρ, τῆς γάρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; seldom in Attic dialect Prose, except in special phrases, see infr. VI, VII): A.I) joined with a substantive, to call attention to it, ὁ Τυδεΐδης he—Tydeus' famous son, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸν Χρύσην that venerable man Chryses, I.II: and so with appellative, Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων N.—thataged man, [Refs]; αἰετοῦ. τοῦ θηρητῆρος the eagle, that which is called hunter, [Refs]; also to define and give emphasis, τιμῆς τῆς Πριάμου for honour, namely that of Priam, [Refs]; οἴχετ᾽ ἀνὴρ ὤριστος a man is gone, and he the best, [Refs]:—different from this are cases [Refs 8th c.BC+] if he would help the Trojans, but drive those back to the ships—I mean the Achaeans, where Ἀχ. is only added to explain τούς, compare [Refs] A.II) frequently without a substantive, he, she, it, ὁ γὰρ ἦλθε [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.III) placed after its Noun, before the Relat. Prons, ἐφάμην σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, τῶν ὅσσοι Λυκίην ναιετάουσι far above the rest, above those to wit who, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷ᾽ οὔ πώ τιν᾽ ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν, τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν. Ἀχαιαί such as we have not heard tell of yet even among the women of old, those women to wit who, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —for the _Attic dialect_ usage see below A.IV) before a Possessive pronoun its demonstrative force is sometimes very manifest, φθίσει σε τὸ σὸν μένος that spirit of thine, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.V) for cases in which the Homeric usage approaches most nearly to the Attic, see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ. without a substantive, in all cases, genders, and numbers, [Refs 8th c.BC+] properly refers to the former, ὁ δέ to the latter; more rarely ὁ μέν the latter, ὁ δέ the former, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in Partition, the one, the other, etc.—The Noun with it is regularly in genitive plural, being divided by the ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ, into parts, ἠΐθεοι καὶ παρθένοι, τῶν δ᾽ αἱ μὲν λεπτὰς ὀθόνας ἔχον, οἱ δὲ χιτῶνας εἵατο [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but frequently the Noun is in the same case, by a kind of apposition, ἴδον υἷε Δάρητος, τὸν μὲν ἀλευάμενον τὸν δὲ κτάμενον [Refs 8th c.BC+]: so in Trag. and Attic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; if the Noun be collective, it is in the genitive singular, ὁ μὲν πεπραμένος ἦν τοῦ σίτου, ὁ δὲ ἔνδον ἀποκείμενος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.2) when a negative accompanies ὁ δέ, it follows δέ, e.g. τὰς γοῦν Ἀθήνας οἶδα τὸν δὲ χῶρον οὔ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.3) ὁ μέν τις, ὁ δέ τις. is used in Prose, when the Noun to which ὁ refers is left indefinite, ἔλεγον ὁ μέν τις τὴν σοφίαν, ὁ δὲ τὴν καρτερίαν, ὁ δέ τις καὶ τὸ κάλλος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.4) on τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, or τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs] A.VI.5) ὁ μέν is frequently used without a corresponding ὁ δέ, οἱ μὲν ἄρ᾽ ἐσκίδναντο, Μυρμιδόνας δ᾽ οὐκ εἴα ἀποσκίδνασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; by ἄλλος δέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.6) ὁ δέ following μέν sometimes refers to the subject of the preceding clause, τοῦ μὲν ἅμαρθ᾽, ὁ δὲ Λεῦκον. βεβλήκει [Refs 8th c.BC+]: rare in Attic dialect Prose, ἐπεψήφιζεν αὐτὸς ἔφορος ὤν· ὁ δὲ οὐκ ἔφη διαγιγνώσκειν τὴν βοήν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.7) ὁ δέ is frequently used simply in continuing a narrative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also used by [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.8) the opposition may be expressed otherwise than by μέν and δέ, οὔθ᾽ ὁ. οὔθ᾽ ὁ [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VII) the following usages prevailed in Attic dialect Prose, A.VII.1) in dialogue, after καί, it was usual to say in nominative singular masculine καὶ ὅ; in the other cases the usual forms of the Article were used (see. ὅς [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.I and cf. Sanskrit sas, alternatative form of sa); so, in accusative, καὶ τὸν εἰπεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VII.2) ὁ καὶ ὁ such and such, τῇ καὶ τῇ ἀτιμίᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: but mostly in accusative, καί μοι κάλει τὸν καὶ τόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνάγκη ἄρα τὸ καὶ τό it must then be so and so, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but τὰ καὶ τά now one thing, now another, of good and bad, τὸν δ᾽ ἀγαθὸν τολμᾶν χρὴ τά τε καὶ τὰ φέρειν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; so πάντα τοῦ μετρίου μεταβαλλόμενα ἐπὶ τὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τά, of excess and defect, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII) absolutely usages of single cases, A.VIII.1) feminine dative τῇ, of Place, there, on that spot, here, this way, that way, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also in Prose, τὸ μὲν τῇ, τὸ δὲ τῇ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.b) with a notion of motion towards, that way, in that direction, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —only poetry A.VIII.1.c) of Manner, τῇ περ τελευτήσεσθαι ἔμελλεν in this way, thus, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.d) repeated, τῇ μέν, τῇ δέ, in one way, in another, or partly, partly, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.e) relative, where, by which way, only Epic dialect, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2) neuter dative τῷ, therefore, on this account, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2.b) thus, so, [Refs 8th c.BC+] precedes, be translated, then, if this be so, on this condition, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.3) neuter accusative τό, wherefore, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τὸ δέ absolutely, but the fact is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even when the τό refers to what precedes, the contrast may lie not in the thing referred to, but in another part of the sentence (compare above[Refs 5th c.BC+]; φασὶ δέ τινες αὐτὸν καὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν γεγονέναι· τὸ δὲ οὐκ ἦν but he was not, [Refs 1st c.BC+] A.VIII.4) τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, partly, partly, or on the one hand, on the other, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; more frequently τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the first clause, τὸ δέ τι [Refs] several times. and finally, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5) of Time, sometimes that time, sometimes this (present) time, συνμαχία κ᾽ ἔα ἑκατὸν ϝέτεα, ἄρχοι δέ κα τοΐ (where it is possible, but not necessary, to supply ϝέτος) [Refs 6th c.BC+] from that time, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.b) πρὸ τοῦ, sometimes written προτοῦ, before this, aforetime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.c) in Thess. Prose, ὑππρὸ τᾶς yesterday, τὰ ψαφίσματα τό τε ὑππρὸ τᾶς γενόμενον καὶ τὸ τᾶμον the decree which was passed yesterday (literal before this [day]), and to-day's, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.VIII.6) ἐν τοῖς is frequently used in Prose with Superlatives, ἐν τοῖσι θειότατον a most marvellous thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖς πρῶτοι the very first, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖσι πρῶτος (πρώτοις codices) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [Ζεὺς] Ἔρωτά τε καὶ Ἀνάγκην ἐν τοῖς πρῶτα ἐγέννησεν first of all, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] the greatest number of ships, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with adverbs, ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in late Prose, also with Positives, ἐν τοῖς παράδοξον [Refs 1st c.BC+] B) ὁ, ἡ, τό, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, the, to specify individuals: rare in this signification in the earliest Gr, becoming commoner later. In [Refs 8th c.BC+] the demonstrative force can generally be traced, [Refs 4th c.BC+] I, but the definite Article must be recognized in places [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also when joined to an adjective to make it a substantive, αἰὲν ἀποκτείνων τὸν ὀπίστατον the hindmost man, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in τῶν ἄλλων [Refs]; also τὸ τρίτον[Refs]; τὸ μὲν ἄλλο for the rest,[Refs]—The true Article, however, is first fully established in 5th C Attic dialect, whilst the demonstrative usage disappears, except in a few cases, V. [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Chief usages, especially in _Attic dialect_ B.I) not only with common Appellats, adjectives, and Parts, to specify them as present to sense or mind, but also frequently where we use the Possessive pronoun, τὸ κέαρ ηὐφράνθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν κεφαλὴν κατεάγην my head was broken, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς φίλους ποιούμεθα we make our friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰς πόλεις ἔκτιζον they began founding their cities, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.b) omitted with proper nounsand frequently with Appellats. which require no specification, as θεός, βασιλεύς, see at {θεός} [Refs] III; ἐμ πόλει in the Acropolis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare Θράσυλος in [Refs]; or when the person spoken of is to be specially distinguished, Ζεύς, ὅστις ὁ Ζεύς whoever this Zeus is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and therefore properly omitted when a special designation follows, as Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος: seldom in Trag. with proper nouns, save to give peculiar emphasis, like Latin ille, ὁ Λάϊος, ὁ Φοῖβος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.c) Aristotle says Σωκράτης meaning the historical Socrates, as in [Refs] when he means the Platonic Socrates, as [Refs] B.I.d) for Σαῦλος ὁ καὶ Παῦλος, etc, see at {καί} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.2) in a generic sense, where the individual is treated as a type, οἷς ὁ γέρων μετέῃσιν. λεύσσει [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) frequently with abstract Nouns, ἥ τε ἐλπὶς καὶ ὁ ἔρως [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3) of outstanding members of a class, ὁ γεωγράφος, ὁ κωμικός, ὁ ποιητής, ὁ τεχνικός, see at {γεωγράφος}, κωμικός, ποιητής, τεχνικός. B.I.4) with infinitives, which thereby become Substantives, τὸ εἴργειν prevention, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ φρονεῖν good sense, [Refs 5th c.BC+]infinitive, τὸ θεοὺς εἶναι the existence of gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ μηδένα εἶναι ὄλβιον the fact or statement that no one is happy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.5) in neuter before any word or expression which itself is made the object of thought, τὸ ἄνθρωπος the word or notion man; τὸ λέγω the word λέγ; τὸ μηδὲν ἄγαν the sentiment 'ne quid nimis', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τῇ αὐτῇ the phrase τῇ αὐτῇ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the opinion about the question 'who ought to rule', [Refs]; τὸ ἐὰν μένητε παρ᾽ ἐμοί, ἀποδώσω the phrase 'I will give back, if. ', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὀλίγοι the term few, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.6) before relative clauses, when the Article serves to combine the whole relative clause into one notion, τῇ ᾗ φὴς σὺ σκληρότητι the harshness you speak of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἥμερον καρπόν, καὶ τὸν ὅσος ξύλινος (i.e. καὶ τὸν καρπὸν ὅσος ἂν ᾖ ξύλινος) [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.7) before Prons, B.I.7.a) before the person Prons, giving them greater emphasis, but only in accusative, τὸν ἐμέ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν. σὲ καὶ ἐμέ[Refs] B.I.7.b) before the interrogative pronoun (both τίς and ποῖος), referring to something before, which needs to be more distinctly specified, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῆς ποίας μερίδο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τοῖς ποίοις; [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.7.c) with τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, τηλικοῦτος, etc, the Article either makes the pronoun into a substantive, ὁ τοιοῦτος that sort of person, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or subjoins it to a substantive which already has an Article, τὴν ἀπολογίαν τὴν τοιαύτην [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.8) before ἅπας, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὸν ἕνα, τὸν ἕνα τοῦτον, [Refs 4th c.BC+] see entry; and on οἱ ἄλλοι, οἱ πολλοί, etc, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs] B.I.9) the Article with the comparative is rare, if ἤ follows, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) elliptic expressions: B.II.1) before the genitive of a proper name, to express descent, son or daughter, Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου (i.e. υἱός) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἑλένη ἡ τοῦ Διός (i.e. θυγάτηρ) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also to denote other relationships, e.g. brother, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ Σμικυθίωνος Μελιστίχη M.the wife of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Κλέαρχος καὶ οἱ ἐκείνου Cl. and his men, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τοῦ Ἀντιγένεος the slave of [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) generally, before a genitive it indicates a wider relation, as τὸ τῶν νεῶν, τὸ τῶν Ἑρμῶν, the matter of the ships, the affair of the Hermae, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου πράσσειν to promote the interests of Arrhibaeus, [Refs]; τὸ τῆς τύχης,=ἡ τύχη, [Refs]; τὰ τῆς τύχης accidents, chance events, [Refs]; τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος performance of the rites due to the dead befits the living, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τῶν θεῶν that which is destined by the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+] what regards me or thee, my or thy business or interests, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and with genitive of [Refs 5th c.BC+] is frequently also, a man's word or saying, as τὸ τοῦ Σόλωνος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου as Homer says, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τά τινος so-and-so's house, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3) very frequently with cases governed by Preps. αἱ ἐκ τῆς Ζακύνθου νῆες the ships from Zacynthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὰ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης the Thrace-ward district, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καταστρώματος matters on deck, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπ᾽ Ἀλκιβιάδου the proposals of Alcibiades, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης the incidents of fortune, [Refs] B.II.4) on μὰ τόν, μὰ τήν, etc, see at {μά} IV. B.II.5) in elliptical phrases, ἐπορευόμην τὴν ἔξω τείχους (i.e. ὁδόν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ αὔριον (i.e. ἡμέρα), see at {αὔριον}; ἡ Λυδιστί (i.e. ἁρμονία) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ οἴκαδε πλοῦς [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; but τό stands absolutely with Advs. of time and place, when one cannot (as in the preceding instances) supply a substantive, as κἀκεῖσε καὶ τὸ δεῦρο [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ μὲν τὸ κεῖθεν, ὁ δὲ τὸ κεῖθεν [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) as RELATIVE PRONOUN in many dialects; both in nominative singular masculine ὅ, as κλῦθί μοι, ὃ χθιζὸς θεὸς ἤλυθες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὃ ἐξορύξη he who banishes him, [Refs]; and in the forms beginning with τ, especially in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also in Ionic dialect Poets, ἐν τῷ κάθημαι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τό [Refs]; τῶν[Refs]—Never in Comedy texts or Attic dialect Prose:—Epic dialect genitive singular τεῦ [Refs 8th c.BC+] D) CRASIS OF ARTICLE: D.a) Attic dialect ὁ, ἡ, τό, with ᾰ make ᾱ, as ἁνήρ, ἁλήθεια, τἀγαθόν, τᾄτιο; so οἱ, αἱ, τά, as ἅνδρες, τἀγαθ; also τοῦ, τῷ, as τἀγαθοῦ, τἀγαθῷ: ὁ, τό, οἱ, before e gives ου, οὑξ, οὑπί, οὑμός, τοὔργον, οὑπιχώριοι, etc; also τοῦ, as τοὐμοῦ, τοὐπιόντο; but ἅτερος, θάτερον ([musical notation]), Ionic dialect οὕτερος, τοὔτερον (see. ἕτερος), Attic dialect feminine ἡτέρα, dative θητέρᾳ (see. ἕτερος); τῷ loses the iota, τὠμῷ, τὠπιόντι: ὁ, τό, before ο gives ου, as Οὁδυσσεύς, Οὑλύμπιος, τοὔνομα: ὁ, τό, etc, before αυ gives ᾱυ, αὑτός, ταὐτό, ταὐτῷ (frequently written ἁτός, etc. in Inscrr. and Papyrus); so τὰ αὐτά=ταὐτά, αἱ αὐταί=αὑταί: ἡ before εὐ gives ηὑ, as ηὑλάβεια: τῇ before ἡ gives θη, as θἠμέρᾳ: τὸ before ὑ gives θου, as θοὔδωρ for τὸ ὕδωρ. D.b) other dialects: in their treatment of crasis these follow the local laws of contraction, hence, e.g, Doric dialect ὡξ from ὁ ἐξ [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect ᾡσυμνήτης from ὁ αἰς-[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡυτή from ἡ αὐτή [Refs 1st c.AD+]
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom); the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc; the definite article

already believing
Next word
to trust (in)
Verb Perfect Active Participle Nominative Plural Masculine
an ACTION that was happening - done by male people or things that are doing something
Identical in all sources
to trust (in)
to trust (in)
Greek Verb
πιστεύω, [in LXX chiefly for אמן hi;] 1) intrans, to have faith (in), to believe; in cl, with accusative, dative, in NT also with prep, (on the significance of the various constructions, see M, Pr., 67f; Vau. on Rom.4:5; Ellic. on 1Ti.1:16; Abbott, JV, 19-80): absol, Mat.24:23, 26 Mrk.13:21, 1Co.11:18; with accusative of thing(s), Act.13:41, 1Co.13:7; with dative of person(s) (to believe what one says), Mrk.16:[13, 14], 1Jn.4:1; τ. ψεύδει, 2Th.2:11; περί. ὅτι, Jhn.9:18; esp. and most frequently with reference to religious belief: absol, Mat.8:13, Mrk.5:36, Luk.8:50, Jhn.11:40, al; before ὅτι, Mat.9:28, al; with dative (see supr, and cf. DB, i, 829a), Jhn.3:12 5:24 6:30 8:31, Act.16:34, Gal.3:6 " (LXX), 2Ti.1:12, 1Jn.5:10, al; with prep, (expressing personal trust and reliance as distinct from mere credence or belief; see M, Pr., l.with; DB, i, 829b), to believe in or on: ἐν (Psa.77 (78):22, al.), Mrk.1:15 (see Swete, in l.); εἰς, Mat.18:6, Jhn.2:11 (see Westc, in l.), and freq, Act.10:43 19:4, Rom.10:14, Gal.2:16, Php.1:29, I Jhn.5:10, 1Pe.1:8; εἰς τ. ὄνομα, Jhn.1:12 2:23 3:18, 1Jn.5:13; ἐπί, with accusative, Mat.27:42, Act.9:42 11:17 16:31 22:19, Rom.4:5; ἐπί, with dative, Rom.9:33 (LXX) 10:11 (ib.), 1Ti.1:16, 1Pe.2:6 " (LXX); ptcp. pres, οἱ π, as subst, Act.2:44, Rom.3:22, 1Co.1:21, al; aor, Mrk.16:[16], Act.4:32; pf, Act.19:18 21:20 (on Johannine use of the tenses of π, see Westc, Epp. Jo., 120). 2) Trans, to entrust: with accusative and dative, Luk.16:11, Jhn.2:24; pass, to be entrusted with: with accusative, Rom.3:2, 1Co.9:17, Gal.2:7, 1Th.2:4 (see Lft, Notes, 21f.), 1Ti.1:11, Tit.1:3. (AS)
to trust (in)
Greek Verb
πιστ-εύω, future -εύσω: pluperfect πεπιστεύκειν [NT]: (πίστις):—trust, put faith in, rely on a person, thing, or statement, τινι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [σημείοις] [Refs 5th c.BC+] adjective or pronoun, λόγοις ἐμοῖσι πίστευσον τάδε believe my words herein, [NT+5th c.BC+]; εἰς τὸ ὄνομά τινος[NT]: absolutely, believe, περὶ μὲν τούτου. οὔτε ἀπιστέω οὔτε ὦν π. τι λίην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; χαλεπὰ παντὶ ἑξῆς τεκμηρίῳ πιστεῦσαι although it is hard to believe every single bit of evidence about them, [Refs 5th c.BC+] entertain a confident opinion, [Refs]:—passive, to be trusted or believed, ἄνδρες ἄξιοι πιστεύεσθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πιστευθῆναι ὑπό τινος enjoy his confidence,[Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὡς πιστευθησόμενος as if he would be believed, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πιστεύονται [οἱ λόγοι] [Refs]; ἐπιστεύοντο ἃ ἔλεγον they were believed in what they said, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πρόγνωσιν ἐπεπίστευντο were believed to possess foreknowledge, [Refs 1st c.AD+] 2) comply, ὡς οὐχ ὑπείξων οὐδὲ πιστεύσων λέγει; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; opposed to ἀπιστέω, [Refs] 3) with infinitive, believe that, feel confident that a thing is, will be, has been, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ὡς, ὅτι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]infinitive is sometimes omitted, τὰ μὲν οὐ πιστεύουσιν οἱ νέοι (i.e. εἶναι or γεγονέναι) [Refs]:—passive, παρὰ Διὸς. οἱ νόμοι πεπιστευμένοι ἦσαν γεγονέναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πιστευθεὶς ἀληθεύσειν believed sure to, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: without infinitive, πιστευθείσης εἱμαρμένης αἴρεται πᾶσα νουθεσία [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 4) with dative et infinitive, τοῖσι ἐπίστευε σιγᾶν to whom he trusted that they would keep silence, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 5) have faith, [NT] II) π. τινί τι entrust something to another, τινὶ ἡγεμονίαν, χρήματα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]:—middle, have entrusted to one, ἀρχήν Berichte der russ. Akad. fuür Gesch. der materiellen Kultur [Refs 2nd c.AD+] —passive, πιστεύεσθαί τι to be entrusted with a thing, have it committed to one, παρά or ὑπό τινος, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]: with infinitive, πιστευθέντας τοῖς ἐχθροῖς διαφθείρειν [Refs 4th c.BC+]: with genitive, πιστευθεὶς τῆς Κύπρου [Refs 2nd c.BC+]
to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ); believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with; from g4102 (πίστις)

Next word
Definite article Dative Singular Masculine
a specific male person or thing that something is done for‚ or in relation to
Minor difference in King James sources, absent in Nestle/Aland and other sources
Greek Article
, ἡ, τό, the prepositive article (ἄρθρον προτακτικόν), originally a demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the Eng. definite article. I. As demonstr. pron. 1) As frequently in Hom, absol, he (she, it), his (etc.): Act.17:28 (quoted from the poet Aratus). 2) Distributive, ὁ μὲν. ὁ δέ, the one. the other: 1Co.7:7, Gal.4:22; pl, Act.14:4, 17:32, Php.1:16, al; οἱ μὲν. ἄλλοι δέ, Mat.16:14, Jhn.7:12; οἱ μεν̀. ὁδέ, Heb.7:21, 23. 3) In narration (without ὁ μὲν preceding), ὁ δέ, but he: Mat.2:14, Mrk.1:45, Luk.8:21, Jhn.9:38, al. mult. II. As prepositive article, the, prefixed, 1) to nouns unmodified: ὁ θεός, τὸ φῶς, etc; to abstract nouns, ἡ σοφία, etc, to pl. nouns which indicate a class, οἱ ἀλώπεκες, foxes, Mat.8:20, al; to an individual as representing a class, ὁ ἐργάτης, Luk.10:7; with nom. = voc. in addresses, Mat.11:26, Jhn.19:3, Jas.5:1, al; to things which pertain to one, ἡ χεῖρ, his hand, Mrk.3:1; to names of persons well known or already mentioned; usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), ἡ Ἰουδαία, etc. 2) To modified nouns: with of person(s) pron. genitive, μοῦ, σοῦ, etc; with poss. pron, ἐμός, σός, etc; with adj. between the art. and the noun, ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος, Mat.12:35; the noun foll, by adj, both with art, ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, Jhn.10:11 (on ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, Jhn.12:9, see M, Pr., 84); before adjectival phrases, ἡ κατ᾽ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις, Rom.9:11. 3) To Other parts of speech used as substantives; (a) neuter adjectives: τ. ἀγαθόν, etc; (b) cardinal numerals: ὁ εἶς, οἷ δύο, etc; (with) participles: ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ Βαπτιστής, Mat.14:2), Mrk.6:14; πᾶς ὁ, with ptcp, every one who, etc; (d) adverbs: τὸ πέραν, τὰ νῦν, ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος; (e) infinitives: nom, τὸ θέλειν, Rom.7:18, al; genitive, τοῦ, after adjectives, ἄξιον τοῦ πορεύεσθαι, 1Co.16:4; verbs, ἐλαχεν τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι, Luk.1:9; and frequently in a final sense, ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρειν, Mat.13:3 (on the artic. inf, see Bl, §71). 4) In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a quotation: τὸ Ἐι δύνῃ, Mrk.9:23; τὸ ἔτι ἅπαξ, Heb.12:27; τὸ ἀνέβη, Eph.4:9, al. 5) To prepositional phrases: οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας, Heb.13:24; οἱ ἐκ νόμου, Rom.4:14; neut. accusative absol, in adverbial phrases, τὸ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, daily, Luk.11:3; τὸ κατὰ σάρκα, as regards the flesh, Rom.9:5. 6) To nouns in the genitive, denoting kinship, association, etc: ὁ τοῦ, the son of (unless context indicates a different relationship), Mat.10:2, al; τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things that pertain to God, Mat.16:23; τὰ τῆς εἰρήνης, Rom.14:19 (cf. M, Pr., 81ff; Bl, §§46, 47). (AS)
Greek Article
, , τό, is, when thus written, A) demonstrative Pronoun. B ) in Attic dialect, definite or prepositive Article. C ) in Epic dialect, the so-called postpositive Article, = relative Pronoun, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.—The nominative masculine and feminine singular and plural, ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ, have no accent in codices and most printed books, except when used as the relative; but ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ differ only in writing from ὃ, ἣ, οἳ, α; the nominative forms of the article are said by Hdn.Gr.1.474 to be oxytone, and by [Refs 2nd c.AD+] in Aeolic dialect accusative to [Refs 8th c.BC+] genitive and dative dual τοῖιν [Refs 8th c.BC+]— In Doric dialect and all other dialects except Attic dialect and Ionic dialect the feminine forms preserve the old ᾱ instead of changing it to η, hence Doric dialect etc. ἁ, τάν, τᾶ; the genitive plural τάων contracts in many dialects to τᾶ; the genitive singular is in many places τῶ, accusative plural τώς, but Cretan dialect, etc, τόνς [Refs]; in Lesbian Aeolic dialect the accusative plural forms are τοὶς, ταὶς, [Refs]; dative plural τοῖς, ταῖς (or τοὶς, ταὶς, see above), [Refs]; ταῖσι as demonstrative, [Refs 7th c.BC+] Poets also used the Ionic dialect and _Epic dialect_ forms τοῖσι, ταῖσ; and in Trag. we find τοὶ μέν, τοὶ δέ, for οἱ μέν, οἱ δέ, not only in Lyric poetry, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but even in a trimeter, [Refs 5th c.BC+] {ὅ}; τὼ πόλεε Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in [Refs 4th c.AD+] functions as genitive dual feminine, μεσακόθεν τοῖς κράναιυν [Refs 4th c.BC+] —in Elean and _Boeotian dialect_ ὁ, ἡ (ἁ), τό, with the addition of -ί, ={ὅδε}, ἥδε, τόδε, _nominative_ _plural_ _masculine_ τυΐ the following men, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] cf. Sanskrit demonstrative pronoun sa, sā, Gothic sa, sō, ONorse sá, sú, Old Latin accusative sum, sam (Enn.): —with τό [from *τόδ] cf. Sanskrit tat (tad), Latin is-tud, Gothic pata: —with τοί cf. Sanskrit te, Lithuanian tĩe, O[Refs 5th c.BC+] pá, etc:—with τάων cf. Sanskrit tāsām, Latin is-tarum:— the origin of the relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (which see) is different.) A) ὁ, ἡ, τό, DEMONSTR. PRONOUN, that, the oldest and in [Refs 8th c.BC+] the commonest sense: frequently also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], and sometimes in Trag. (mostly in Lyric poetry, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῶν γάρ, τῆς γάρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; seldom in Attic dialect Prose, except in special phrases, see infr. VI, VII): A.I) joined with a substantive, to call attention to it, ὁ Τυδεΐδης he—Tydeus' famous son, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸν Χρύσην that venerable man Chryses, I.II: and so with appellative, Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων N.—thataged man, [Refs]; αἰετοῦ. τοῦ θηρητῆρος the eagle, that which is called hunter, [Refs]; also to define and give emphasis, τιμῆς τῆς Πριάμου for honour, namely that of Priam, [Refs]; οἴχετ᾽ ἀνὴρ ὤριστος a man is gone, and he the best, [Refs]:—different from this are cases [Refs 8th c.BC+] if he would help the Trojans, but drive those back to the ships—I mean the Achaeans, where Ἀχ. is only added to explain τούς, compare [Refs] A.II) frequently without a substantive, he, she, it, ὁ γὰρ ἦλθε [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.III) placed after its Noun, before the Relat. Prons, ἐφάμην σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, τῶν ὅσσοι Λυκίην ναιετάουσι far above the rest, above those to wit who, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷ᾽ οὔ πώ τιν᾽ ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν, τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν. Ἀχαιαί such as we have not heard tell of yet even among the women of old, those women to wit who, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —for the _Attic dialect_ usage see below A.IV) before a Possessive pronoun its demonstrative force is sometimes very manifest, φθίσει σε τὸ σὸν μένος that spirit of thine, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.V) for cases in which the Homeric usage approaches most nearly to the Attic, see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ. without a substantive, in all cases, genders, and numbers, [Refs 8th c.BC+] properly refers to the former, ὁ δέ to the latter; more rarely ὁ μέν the latter, ὁ δέ the former, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in Partition, the one, the other, etc.—The Noun with it is regularly in genitive plural, being divided by the ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ, into parts, ἠΐθεοι καὶ παρθένοι, τῶν δ᾽ αἱ μὲν λεπτὰς ὀθόνας ἔχον, οἱ δὲ χιτῶνας εἵατο [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but frequently the Noun is in the same case, by a kind of apposition, ἴδον υἷε Δάρητος, τὸν μὲν ἀλευάμενον τὸν δὲ κτάμενον [Refs 8th c.BC+]: so in Trag. and Attic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; if the Noun be collective, it is in the genitive singular, ὁ μὲν πεπραμένος ἦν τοῦ σίτου, ὁ δὲ ἔνδον ἀποκείμενος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.2) when a negative accompanies ὁ δέ, it follows δέ, e.g. τὰς γοῦν Ἀθήνας οἶδα τὸν δὲ χῶρον οὔ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.3) ὁ μέν τις, ὁ δέ τις. is used in Prose, when the Noun to which ὁ refers is left indefinite, ἔλεγον ὁ μέν τις τὴν σοφίαν, ὁ δὲ τὴν καρτερίαν, ὁ δέ τις καὶ τὸ κάλλος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.4) on τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, or τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs] A.VI.5) ὁ μέν is frequently used without a corresponding ὁ δέ, οἱ μὲν ἄρ᾽ ἐσκίδναντο, Μυρμιδόνας δ᾽ οὐκ εἴα ἀποσκίδνασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; by ἄλλος δέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.6) ὁ δέ following μέν sometimes refers to the subject of the preceding clause, τοῦ μὲν ἅμαρθ᾽, ὁ δὲ Λεῦκον. βεβλήκει [Refs 8th c.BC+]: rare in Attic dialect Prose, ἐπεψήφιζεν αὐτὸς ἔφορος ὤν· ὁ δὲ οὐκ ἔφη διαγιγνώσκειν τὴν βοήν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.7) ὁ δέ is frequently used simply in continuing a narrative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also used by [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.8) the opposition may be expressed otherwise than by μέν and δέ, οὔθ᾽ ὁ. οὔθ᾽ ὁ [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VII) the following usages prevailed in Attic dialect Prose, A.VII.1) in dialogue, after καί, it was usual to say in nominative singular masculine καὶ ὅ; in the other cases the usual forms of the Article were used (see. ὅς [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.I and cf. Sanskrit sas, alternatative form of sa); so, in accusative, καὶ τὸν εἰπεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VII.2) ὁ καὶ ὁ such and such, τῇ καὶ τῇ ἀτιμίᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: but mostly in accusative, καί μοι κάλει τὸν καὶ τόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνάγκη ἄρα τὸ καὶ τό it must then be so and so, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but τὰ καὶ τά now one thing, now another, of good and bad, τὸν δ᾽ ἀγαθὸν τολμᾶν χρὴ τά τε καὶ τὰ φέρειν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; so πάντα τοῦ μετρίου μεταβαλλόμενα ἐπὶ τὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τά, of excess and defect, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII) absolutely usages of single cases, A.VIII.1) feminine dative τῇ, of Place, there, on that spot, here, this way, that way, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also in Prose, τὸ μὲν τῇ, τὸ δὲ τῇ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.b) with a notion of motion towards, that way, in that direction, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —only poetry A.VIII.1.c) of Manner, τῇ περ τελευτήσεσθαι ἔμελλεν in this way, thus, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.d) repeated, τῇ μέν, τῇ δέ, in one way, in another, or partly, partly, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.e) relative, where, by which way, only Epic dialect, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2) neuter dative τῷ, therefore, on this account, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2.b) thus, so, [Refs 8th c.BC+] precedes, be translated, then, if this be so, on this condition, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.3) neuter accusative τό, wherefore, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τὸ δέ absolutely, but the fact is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even when the τό refers to what precedes, the contrast may lie not in the thing referred to, but in another part of the sentence (compare above[Refs 5th c.BC+]; φασὶ δέ τινες αὐτὸν καὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν γεγονέναι· τὸ δὲ οὐκ ἦν but he was not, [Refs 1st c.BC+] A.VIII.4) τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, partly, partly, or on the one hand, on the other, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; more frequently τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the first clause, τὸ δέ τι [Refs] several times. and finally, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5) of Time, sometimes that time, sometimes this (present) time, συνμαχία κ᾽ ἔα ἑκατὸν ϝέτεα, ἄρχοι δέ κα τοΐ (where it is possible, but not necessary, to supply ϝέτος) [Refs 6th c.BC+] from that time, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.b) πρὸ τοῦ, sometimes written προτοῦ, before this, aforetime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.c) in Thess. Prose, ὑππρὸ τᾶς yesterday, τὰ ψαφίσματα τό τε ὑππρὸ τᾶς γενόμενον καὶ τὸ τᾶμον the decree which was passed yesterday (literal before this [day]), and to-day's, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.VIII.6) ἐν τοῖς is frequently used in Prose with Superlatives, ἐν τοῖσι θειότατον a most marvellous thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖς πρῶτοι the very first, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖσι πρῶτος (πρώτοις codices) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [Ζεὺς] Ἔρωτά τε καὶ Ἀνάγκην ἐν τοῖς πρῶτα ἐγέννησεν first of all, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] the greatest number of ships, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with adverbs, ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in late Prose, also with Positives, ἐν τοῖς παράδοξον [Refs 1st c.BC+] B) ὁ, ἡ, τό, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, the, to specify individuals: rare in this signification in the earliest Gr, becoming commoner later. In [Refs 8th c.BC+] the demonstrative force can generally be traced, [Refs 4th c.BC+] I, but the definite Article must be recognized in places [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also when joined to an adjective to make it a substantive, αἰὲν ἀποκτείνων τὸν ὀπίστατον the hindmost man, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in τῶν ἄλλων [Refs]; also τὸ τρίτον[Refs]; τὸ μὲν ἄλλο for the rest,[Refs]—The true Article, however, is first fully established in 5th C Attic dialect, whilst the demonstrative usage disappears, except in a few cases, V. [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Chief usages, especially in _Attic dialect_ B.I) not only with common Appellats, adjectives, and Parts, to specify them as present to sense or mind, but also frequently where we use the Possessive pronoun, τὸ κέαρ ηὐφράνθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν κεφαλὴν κατεάγην my head was broken, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς φίλους ποιούμεθα we make our friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰς πόλεις ἔκτιζον they began founding their cities, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.b) omitted with proper nounsand frequently with Appellats. which require no specification, as θεός, βασιλεύς, see at {θεός} [Refs] III; ἐμ πόλει in the Acropolis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare Θράσυλος in [Refs]; or when the person spoken of is to be specially distinguished, Ζεύς, ὅστις ὁ Ζεύς whoever this Zeus is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and therefore properly omitted when a special designation follows, as Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος: seldom in Trag. with proper nouns, save to give peculiar emphasis, like Latin ille, ὁ Λάϊος, ὁ Φοῖβος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.c) Aristotle says Σωκράτης meaning the historical Socrates, as in [Refs] when he means the Platonic Socrates, as [Refs] B.I.d) for Σαῦλος ὁ καὶ Παῦλος, etc, see at {καί} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.2) in a generic sense, where the individual is treated as a type, οἷς ὁ γέρων μετέῃσιν. λεύσσει [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) frequently with abstract Nouns, ἥ τε ἐλπὶς καὶ ὁ ἔρως [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3) of outstanding members of a class, ὁ γεωγράφος, ὁ κωμικός, ὁ ποιητής, ὁ τεχνικός, see at {γεωγράφος}, κωμικός, ποιητής, τεχνικός. B.I.4) with infinitives, which thereby become Substantives, τὸ εἴργειν prevention, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ φρονεῖν good sense, [Refs 5th c.BC+]infinitive, τὸ θεοὺς εἶναι the existence of gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ μηδένα εἶναι ὄλβιον the fact or statement that no one is happy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.5) in neuter before any word or expression which itself is made the object of thought, τὸ ἄνθρωπος the word or notion man; τὸ λέγω the word λέγ; τὸ μηδὲν ἄγαν the sentiment 'ne quid nimis', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τῇ αὐτῇ the phrase τῇ αὐτῇ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the opinion about the question 'who ought to rule', [Refs]; τὸ ἐὰν μένητε παρ᾽ ἐμοί, ἀποδώσω the phrase 'I will give back, if. ', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὀλίγοι the term few, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.6) before relative clauses, when the Article serves to combine the whole relative clause into one notion, τῇ ᾗ φὴς σὺ σκληρότητι the harshness you speak of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἥμερον καρπόν, καὶ τὸν ὅσος ξύλινος (i.e. καὶ τὸν καρπὸν ὅσος ἂν ᾖ ξύλινος) [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.7) before Prons, B.I.7.a) before the person Prons, giving them greater emphasis, but only in accusative, τὸν ἐμέ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν. σὲ καὶ ἐμέ[Refs] B.I.7.b) before the interrogative pronoun (both τίς and ποῖος), referring to something before, which needs to be more distinctly specified, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῆς ποίας μερίδο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τοῖς ποίοις; [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.7.c) with τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, τηλικοῦτος, etc, the Article either makes the pronoun into a substantive, ὁ τοιοῦτος that sort of person, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or subjoins it to a substantive which already has an Article, τὴν ἀπολογίαν τὴν τοιαύτην [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.8) before ἅπας, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὸν ἕνα, τὸν ἕνα τοῦτον, [Refs 4th c.BC+] see entry; and on οἱ ἄλλοι, οἱ πολλοί, etc, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs] B.I.9) the Article with the comparative is rare, if ἤ follows, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) elliptic expressions: B.II.1) before the genitive of a proper name, to express descent, son or daughter, Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου (i.e. υἱός) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἑλένη ἡ τοῦ Διός (i.e. θυγάτηρ) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also to denote other relationships, e.g. brother, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ Σμικυθίωνος Μελιστίχη M.the wife of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Κλέαρχος καὶ οἱ ἐκείνου Cl. and his men, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τοῦ Ἀντιγένεος the slave of [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) generally, before a genitive it indicates a wider relation, as τὸ τῶν νεῶν, τὸ τῶν Ἑρμῶν, the matter of the ships, the affair of the Hermae, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου πράσσειν to promote the interests of Arrhibaeus, [Refs]; τὸ τῆς τύχης,=ἡ τύχη, [Refs]; τὰ τῆς τύχης accidents, chance events, [Refs]; τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος performance of the rites due to the dead befits the living, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τῶν θεῶν that which is destined by the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+] what regards me or thee, my or thy business or interests, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and with genitive of [Refs 5th c.BC+] is frequently also, a man's word or saying, as τὸ τοῦ Σόλωνος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου as Homer says, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τά τινος so-and-so's house, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3) very frequently with cases governed by Preps. αἱ ἐκ τῆς Ζακύνθου νῆες the ships from Zacynthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὰ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης the Thrace-ward district, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καταστρώματος matters on deck, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπ᾽ Ἀλκιβιάδου the proposals of Alcibiades, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης the incidents of fortune, [Refs] B.II.4) on μὰ τόν, μὰ τήν, etc, see at {μά} IV. B.II.5) in elliptical phrases, ἐπορευόμην τὴν ἔξω τείχους (i.e. ὁδόν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ αὔριον (i.e. ἡμέρα), see at {αὔριον}; ἡ Λυδιστί (i.e. ἁρμονία) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ οἴκαδε πλοῦς [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; but τό stands absolutely with Advs. of time and place, when one cannot (as in the preceding instances) supply a substantive, as κἀκεῖσε καὶ τὸ δεῦρο [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ μὲν τὸ κεῖθεν, ὁ δὲ τὸ κεῖθεν [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) as RELATIVE PRONOUN in many dialects; both in nominative singular masculine ὅ, as κλῦθί μοι, ὃ χθιζὸς θεὸς ἤλυθες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὃ ἐξορύξη he who banishes him, [Refs]; and in the forms beginning with τ, especially in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also in Ionic dialect Poets, ἐν τῷ κάθημαι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τό [Refs]; τῶν[Refs]—Never in Comedy texts or Attic dialect Prose:—Epic dialect genitive singular τεῦ [Refs 8th c.BC+] D) CRASIS OF ARTICLE: D.a) Attic dialect ὁ, ἡ, τό, with ᾰ make ᾱ, as ἁνήρ, ἁλήθεια, τἀγαθόν, τᾄτιο; so οἱ, αἱ, τά, as ἅνδρες, τἀγαθ; also τοῦ, τῷ, as τἀγαθοῦ, τἀγαθῷ: ὁ, τό, οἱ, before e gives ου, οὑξ, οὑπί, οὑμός, τοὔργον, οὑπιχώριοι, etc; also τοῦ, as τοὐμοῦ, τοὐπιόντο; but ἅτερος, θάτερον ([musical notation]), Ionic dialect οὕτερος, τοὔτερον (see. ἕτερος), Attic dialect feminine ἡτέρα, dative θητέρᾳ (see. ἕτερος); τῷ loses the iota, τὠμῷ, τὠπιόντι: ὁ, τό, before ο gives ου, as Οὁδυσσεύς, Οὑλύμπιος, τοὔνομα: ὁ, τό, etc, before αυ gives ᾱυ, αὑτός, ταὐτό, ταὐτῷ (frequently written ἁτός, etc. in Inscrr. and Papyrus); so τὰ αὐτά=ταὐτά, αἱ αὐταί=αὑταί: ἡ before εὐ gives ηὑ, as ηὑλάβεια: τῇ before ἡ gives θη, as θἠμέρᾳ: τὸ before ὑ gives θου, as θοὔδωρ for τὸ ὕδωρ. D.b) other dialects: in their treatment of crasis these follow the local laws of contraction, hence, e.g, Doric dialect ὡξ from ὁ ἐξ [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect ᾡσυμνήτης from ὁ αἰς-[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡυτή from ἡ αὐτή [Refs 1st c.AD+]
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom); the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc; the definite article

in God;
Next word
Noun Dative Singular Masculine Title
a proper name of a male PERSON OR THING that something is done for‚ or in relation to
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Male/Female
θεός, -οῦ, ὁ, ἡ (Act.19:37 only; see M, Pr., 60, 244), late voc, θεέ (Mat.27:46; cf. Deu.3:24, al.), [in LXX chiefly for אֱלֹהִים, also for אֵל and other cognate forms, יהוה, etc;] a god or deity, God. 1) In polytheistic sense, a god or deity: Act.28:6, 1Co.8:4, 2Th.2:4, al; pl, Ac. 14:11 19:26, Gal.4:8, al. 2) Of the one true God; (a) anarthrous: Mat.6:24, Luk.20:38, al; esp. with prep. (Kühner 3, iii, 605), ἀπὸ θ, Jhn.3:2; ἐκ, Act.5:39, 2Co.5:1, Php.3:9; ὑπό, Rom.13:1; παρὰ θεοῦ, Jhn.1:6; παρὰ θεῷ, 2Th.1:6, 1Pe.2:4; κατὰ θεόν, Rom.8:27, 2Co.7:9, 10; also when in genitive dependent on an anarth. noun (Bl, §46, 6), Mat.27:43, Luk.3:2, Rom.1:17, 1Th.2:13; as pred, Lk 20:38, Jhn.1:1, and when the nature and character rather than the person of God is meant, Act.5:29, Gal.2:6, al. (M, Th., 14); (b) more freq, with art: Mat.1:23, Mrk.2:7, al. mult; with prep, ἀπὸ τ. θ, Luk.1:26; ἐκ, Jhn.8:42, al; παρὰ τοῦ θ, Jhn.8:40; π. τῷ θ, Rom.9:14; ἐν, Col.3:3; ἐπὶ τῷ θ, Luk.1:47; ἐπὶ τὸν θ, Act.15:19; εἰς τ. θ, Act.24:15; πρὸς τ. θ, Jhn.1:2; with genitive of person(s), Mat.22:32, Mrk.12:26, 27, Luk.20:37, Jhn.20:17, al; ὁ θ. μου, Rom.1:8, Php 1:3, al; ὁ θ. καὶ πατήρ κ. τ. λ, Rom.15:6, Eph.1:3, Phi 4:20, al; with genitive of thing(s), Rom.15:5, 13, 33, 2Co.1:3, 1Th.5:23; τὰ τ. θεοῦ, Mat.16:23, Mrk.12:17, 1Co.2:11; τὰ πρὸς τὸν θ, Rom.15:17, Heb.2:17 5:1; τ. θεῷ, as a superl. (LXX, Jos.3:3), Act.7:20, 2Co.10:4; Hebraistically, of judges (Psa.81(82):6), Jhn.10:34 " (LXX), 35. (AS)
Greek Noun Male/Female
θεός, ὁ, Boeotian dialect θιός, Laconian dialect σιός (see. below), [Refs 5th c.AD+], Cretan dialect θιός [Refs], Doric dialect also θεύς [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; vocative (only late) θεός, also θεέ [LXX+NT]; but classical in compound names, Ἀμφίθεε, Τιμόθεε:—God, the Deity, in general sense, both singular and plural (εἰ καὶ ἐπὶ θεοὺς καὶ ἔτι μᾶλλον ἐπὶ θεὸν ἁρμόζει μεταφέρειν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; σὺν θ. εἰρημένον [Refs 5th c.BC+]: so in plural, σύν γε θεοῖσιν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐ θεῶν ἄτερ pi.[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὑπὲρ θεόν against his will,[Refs 4th c.BC+]; θεῶν συνεθελόντων, βουλομένων, [Refs 5th c.BC+]bless you! good heavens! for heaven's sake! [Refs 8th c.BC+]: doubled in poets, θεὸν θεόν τις ἀγλαϊζέτω [Refs 5th c.BC+]; θεοί (Cretan dialect θιοί) as an opening formula in Inscrr. (i.e. τύχην ἀγαθὴν διδοῖεν), [Refs].1, etc: in Prose also with the Article, ὁ θ. πάντων ἂν εἴη αἴτιος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ πρὸς τοὺς θ, τὰ παρὰ τῶν θ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] b) θεοί, opposed to ἄνδρες, πατὴρ ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in singular, θεῷ ἐναλίγκιος αὐδήν [Refs 8th c.BC+], of an 'angel's visit', [Refs 3rd c.BC+] c) of special divinities, νέρτεροι θ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐνέρτεροι θ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἱ κάτωθεν θ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ δώδεκα θ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μὰ τοὺς δώδεκα θ. [Refs 4th c.BC+]; in dual, τὼ σιώ (Laconian dialect), of Castor and Pollux, ναὶ τὼ σ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] d) ὁ θ, of natural phenomena, ὁ θ. ὕει (i.e. Ζεύς) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔσεισεν ὁ θ. (i.e. Ποσειδῶν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of the sun, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δύνοντος τοῦ θ. [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; the weather, τί δοκεῖ τὰ τοῦ θεο; [Refs 4th c.BC+] e) Astrology texts, θεοί,= ἀστέρες, [Refs 4th c.AD+] f) θεός (i.e. Ἥλιος), name of the 9th τόπος, Rhetor.[Refs] 2) metaphorically, of abstract things, τὸ δ᾽ εὐτυχεῖν τόδ᾽ ἐν βροτοῖς θεός τε καὶ θεοῦ πλέον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ πλοῦτος τοῖς σοφοῖς θ. [Refs]; φθόνος κάκιστος θ. [Refs] 3) as title of rulers, θεῶν ἀδελφῶν (i.e. Ptolemy Il and Arsinoe), [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Ἀντίοχος ὅτῳ θεὸς ἐπώνυμον γίγνεται [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; θεὸς ἐκ θεοῦ, of Augustus, [Refs 1st c.BC+] 3.b) = Latin Divus, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; οἱ ἐν θεοῖς αὐτοκράτορες,= divi Imperatores, [Refs] 3.c) generally of the dead, καὶ ζῶντός σου καὶ εἰς θεοὺς ἀπελθόντος [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; θεοῖς χθονίοις,= Latin Dis Manibus, [Refs] 4) one set in authority, judge, τὸ κριτήριον τοῦ θ, ἐνώπιον τοῦ θ, [LXX] II) θεός feminine, goddess, μήτε θήλεια θεός, μήτε τις ἄρσην [Refs 8th c.BC+]; especially at Athens, of Athena, Decrees cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἁ Διὸς θεός, Ζηνὸς ἡ θ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of other goddesses, ποντία θεός [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ νερτέρα θ,= Περσεφόνη, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of Thetis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of Niobe, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in dual, of Demeter and Persephone, τὰ τοῖν θεοῖν ψηφίσματα [Refs 5th c.BC+] III) as adjective in comparative θεώτερος, divine, θύραι θ, opposed to καταιβαταὶ ἀνθρώποισιν, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; χορὸς θ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] (κόσμῳ θέντες τὰ πρήγματα), by [Refs 5th c.BC+] [In Epic dialect (twice in [Refs 8th c.BC+], as monosyllable by synizesis, θεοί [Refs 8th c.BC+]
Noun Masculine
figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very; X exceeding, God, god(-ly, -ward); of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with g3588 (ὁ)) the supreme Divinity

These things
Next word
Demonstrative pronoun Nominative Plural Neuter
a reference to SPECIFIC neuter people or things that are doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Demonstrative Pronoun
οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο, genitive, τούτου, ταύτης, τούτου, [in LXX chiefly for זֹאת,זֶה;] demonstr. pron. (related to ἐκεῖνος as hic to ille), this; 1) as subst, this one, he; (a) absol: Mat.3:17, Mrk.9:7, Luk.7:44, 45, Jhn.1:15, Act.2:15, al; expressing contempt (cl.), Mat.13:55, 56, Mrk.6:2, 3, Jhn.6:42, al; εἰς τοῦτο, Mrk.1:38, Rom.14:9; μετὰ τοῦτο (ταῦτα; V. Westc. on Jhn.5:1), Jhn.2:12 11:7, al; (b) epanaleptic (referring to what precedes): Mat.5:19, Mrk.3:35, Luk.9:48, Jhn.6:46, Rom.7:10, al; (with) proleptic (referring to what follows): before ἵνα (Bl, §69, 6), Luk.1:43, Jhn.3:19 (and freq.) 15:8, Rom.14:9, al; before ὅτι, Luk.10:11, Jhn.9:3 o, Act.24:14, Rom.2:3, al; ὅπως, Rom.9:17; ἐάν, Jhn.13:35; (d) special idioms: τοῦτο μὲν. τ. δέ (cl), partly. partly. Heb.10:33; καὶ τοῦτο (τοῦτον, ταῦτα), and that (him) too, Rom.13:11, 1Co.2:2, Heb.11:12; τοῦτ᾽ ἐστιν, Mat.27:46. 2) As adj, with subst; (a) with art. (α) before the art: Mat.12:32, Mrk.9:29, Luk.7:44, Jhn.4:15, Rom.11:24, Rev.19:9, al; (β) after the noun: Mat.3:9, Mrk.12:16, Luk.11:31, Jhn.4:13, Act.6:13, Rom.15:28, 1Co.1:20, Rev.2:24, al; (b) with subst. anarth. (with predicative force; Bl, §49, 4): Luk.1:36 2:2 24:21, Jhn.2:11 4:54 21:14, 2Co.13:1. (AS)
Greek Demonstrative Pronoun
οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο, genitive τούτου, ταύτης, τούτου, etc: the dual feminine never in Attic dialect, see ὁ, ἡ, τό, [near the start]:—demonstrative pronoun, this, common from [Refs 8th c.BC+] A) ORIGIN and FORMS: οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο probably arose from a reduplication of the demonstrative ὁ, ἡ, τό with insertion of -υ- (= Sanskrit Particle u), e.g. ταῦτα from τα-υ-τα: Doric dialect genitive singular feminine τούτας [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc, the latter is uncertain in [Refs 5th c.BC+], as genitive singular neuter οὕτω [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; accusative singular feminine οὕταν [Refs 6th c.BC+] —In _Attic dialect_ οὗτος was frequently strengthened by the _demonstrative_ -ί, οὑτοσί, αὑτηί, τουτί, _genitive_ τουτουί, _dative_ τουτῳί, _accusative_ τουτονί; plural nominative οὑτοιί, neuter ταυτί, etc, this man here: sometimes a Particle is inserted between the pronoun and -ί, as αὑτηγί for αὑτηί γε, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τουτογί for τουτί γε, [Refs]; ταυταγί for ταυτί γε, [Refs]; τουτοδί for τουτὶ δέ, [Refs]; τουτουμενί for τουτουὶ μέν, [Refs] —In codices the ν ἐφελκυστικόν is sometimes added in the forms οὑτοσίν, οὑτωσίν, and οὑτοσίν is said to be Attic dialect by [Refs 2nd c.AD+]. [This ι is always long, and a long vowel or diphthong before it becomes short, as αὑτη?~Xί, τουτω?~Xί, οὑτοῐί, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) USAGE in regard to CONCOR[Refs 4th c.BC+] is frequently used as a pronoun substantive: hence neuter is followed by genitive, κατὰ τοῦτο τῆς ἀκροπόλιος [Refs 5th c.BC+] adjective, in which case its substantive commonly takes the Article, οὗτος ὁ ἀνήρ or ὁ ἀνὴρ οὗτος.—But the Article is absent, B.1) always in Epic dialect Poets (except [Refs 8th c.BC+]: sometimes also in Trag, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) sometimes when the Noun is so specified that the Article is not needed, ἐς γῆν ταύτην, ἥντινα νῦν Σκύθαι νέμονται [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.3) when οὗτος is used in local sense, here, see below with [Refs] B.4) when the Noun with which οὗτος agrees stands as its Predicate, αὕτη γὰρ ἦν σοι πρόφασις [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δικαστοῦ αὕτη ἀρετή [ἐστι] [Refs 5th c.BC+] these were the grievances which already existed, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ταύτην φήμην παρέδοσαν this was the report which, [Refs 5th c.BC+] this was notably the greatest movement which, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.5) when 3rd pers. is used for 2nd pers. to express contempt, οὗτος ἀνήρ, οὑτοσὶ ἀνήρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) though οὗτος usually agrees with the Noun that serves as Predicate, it is not rare to find it in the neuter, μανία δὲ καὶ τοῦτ᾽ ἐστί [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and in plural, οὐκ ἔστι ταῦτα ἀρχή [Refs 4th c.BC+]: so with an explanatory clause added, τοῦτο γάρ ἐστιν ὁ συκοφάντης, αἰτιᾶσθαι μὲν πάντα ἐξελέγξαι δὲ μηδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.II.2) so also with a Noun in apposition, τούτοισιν μὲν ταῦτα μέλει, κίθαρις καὶ ἀοιδή [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II.3) the neuter also may refer to a masculine or feminine Noun, καρπὸν φορέει κυάμῳ ἴσον: τοῦτο ἐπεὰν γένηται πέπον κτλ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.4) the neuter is also used of classes of persons, μελιτοπῶλαι καὶ τυροπῶλαι: τοῦτο δ᾽ εἰς ἕν ἐστι συγκεκυφός [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or of an abstract fact, οὐκ Ἰοφῶν ζ;—τοῦτο γάρ τοι καὶ μόνον ἔτ᾽ ἐστὶ λοιπὸν ἀγαθόν [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.III) with Prons, B.III.1) personal, οὗτος σύ, in local sense, see below B.III.2) interrogative, τί τοῦτ᾽ ἔλεξα; what is this that? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ποίοισι τούτοι; for ποῖά ἐστι ταῦτα οἷς [ἔχεις ἐλπίδα]; [Refs]; Νέστορ᾽ ἔρειο ὅν τινα τοῦτον ἄγει whom he brings here, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.III.3) with οἷος, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.III.4) possessive, πατὴρ σὸς οὗτος this father of thine, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.III.5) demonstrative, οὗτος ἐκεῖνος, τὸν σὺ ζητέεις, where ἐκεῖνος is the Predicate, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοῦτον τὸν αὐτὸν ἄνδρα this same man, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.III.5.b) exceptionally, Διφίλου οὗτος ὅδ᾽ ἐστὶ τύπος [Refs] B.III.6) ἄλλος τις οὗτος ἀνέστη another man here, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.IV) with Numerals, τέθνηκε ταῦτα τρία ἔτη these three years, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [στρατείαν] ἑνδέκατον μῆνα τουτονὶ ποιεῖται for these eleven months, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) SIGNIFICATION AND SPECIAL IDIOMS: C.I) this, to designate the nearer, opposed to ἐκεῖνος, that, the more remote, ταῦτα, like τὰ ἐνταῦθα, things round and about us, earthly things, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare ὅδε [near the start]: but οὗτος sometimes indicates that which is not really nearest, but most important, δεῖ. τὸ βέλτιστον ἀεί, μὴ τὸ ῥᾷστον λέγειν: ἐπὶ ἐκεῖνο μὲν γὰρ ἡ φύσις αὐτὴ βαδιεῖται, ἐπὶ τοῦτο δὲ κτλ. [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.2) when, of two things, one precedes and the other follows, ὅδε properly refers to what follows, οὗτος to what precedes, οὐκ ἔστι σοι ταῦτ᾽, ἀλλά σοι τάδ᾽ ἔστι [Refs 5th c.BC+] refers to what follows, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὔκουν. τοῦτο γιγνώσκεις, ὅτι; [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.3) οὗτος is used emphatic, generally in contempt, while ἐκεῖνος denotes praise, ὁ πάντ᾽ ἄναλκις οὗτος, i.e. Aegisthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+] of Philip; but οὗτος is used of Philip, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.3.b) of what is familiar, τούτους τοὺς πολυτελεῖς χιτῶνας, of the Persians, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ θυλακῶδες τοῦτο the familiar bag-like thing, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.4) in Attic dialect law-language, οὗτος is commonly applied to the opponent, whether plaintiff (as in [Refs 4th c.BC+] or defendant (as in [Refs]; so, in the political speeches of [Refs 4th c.BC+] are the opposite party, [Refs], etc; but in the forensic speeches, οὗτοι frequently means the judges, the court, [Refs] C.I.5) much like an adverb, in local sense (compare ὅδε [near the start]), τίς δ᾽ οὗτος κατὰ νῆας. ἔρχεα; who art thou here that comest? [Refs 8th c.BC+]; frequently in Attic dialect, τίς οὑτοσ; who's this here? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πολλὰ ὁρῶ ταῦτα πρόβατα I see many sheep here, [Refs 5th c.BC+] ho you! you there! [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with a proper name, ὦ οὗτος, Αἴας [Refs 5th c.BC+] —This phrase mostly implies anger, impatience, or scorn. C.II) simply as antecedent to ὅς, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.III) = τοιοῦτος, οὗτος ἐγὼ ταχυτᾶτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV) after a parenthesis, the Subject, though already named, is frequently emphatic repeated by οὗτος, οὐδὲ γὰρ οὐδὲ Ἀριστέης, οὐδὲ οὗτος προσωτέρω. ἔφησε ἀπικέσθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.V) καὶ οὗτος is added to heighten the force of a previous word, ξυνεστῶτες. ναυτικῷ ἀγῶνι, καὶ τούτῳ πρὸς Ἀθηναίους [Refs 5th c.BC+]; see infr. VIII.2. C.VI) repeated, where for the second we should merely say he or it, τοῖσιν τούτου τοῦτον μέλεσιν. κελαδοῦντες [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VII) ταῦτα is used in some special phrases, C.VII.1) ταῦτ᾽, ὦ δέσποτα yes Sir (i. e. ἔστι ταῦτα, ταῦτα δράσω, etc.), [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so also ἦν ταῦτα even so, true, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VII.2) ταῦτα μὲν δὴ ὑπάρξει so it shall be, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VII.3) καὶ ταῦτα μὲν δὴ ταῦτα so much for that, frequently in Attic dialect, as [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VII.4) ταῦτα at end of a formula in epitaphs, etc, probably short for ταῦτα οὕτως ἔχει or ὁ βίος ταῦτά ἐστιν, e.g. οὐδὶς (= -εὶς) ἀθάνατος: ταῦτα [Refs 2nd c.AD+] C.VIII) Adverbial usages: C.VIII.1) ταῦταabsolutely, therefore, that is why, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αὐτὰ ταῦτα ἥκω, ἵνα. [Refs 5th c.BC+] is rare in this sense, τοῦτ᾽ ἀφικόμην, ὅπως. εὖ πράξαιμί τι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὸ γὰρ τοῦτο just because of this, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.1.b) πρὸς ταῦτα so then, therefore, properly used in indignant defiance, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.2) καὶ ταῦτα, adding a circumstance heightening the force of what has been said, and that, ἄνδρα γενναῖον θανεῖν, καὶ ταῦτα πρὸς γυναικός [Refs 4th c.BC+]: but mostly with a participle, ὅς γ᾽ ἐξέλυσας ἄστυ, καὶ ταῦθ᾽ ὑφ᾽ ἡμῶν οὐδὲν ἐξειδὼς πλέον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or with a participle omitted, ἥτις. τὴν τεκοῦσαν ὕβρισεν, καὶ ταῦτα τηλικοῦτος (i.e. οὖσα) [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.2.b) καὶ ταῦτα anyhow, no matter what happens (or happened), ἐπεχείρησας, οὐδὲν ὢν καὶ ταῦτα you tried, but were no good anyhow, i.e. try as you might, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.VIII.3) τοῦτο μέν, τοῦτο δέ. on the one hand, on the other, partly, partly, very frequently in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοῦτο μέν is sometimes answered by δέ only,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; by δὲ αὖ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; by ἔπειτα δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; by ἀλλά, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; by εἶτα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; by τοῦτ᾽ αὖθις, [Refs] C.VIII.4) dative feminine ταύτῃ, C.VIII.4.a) on this spot, here, ταύτῃ μὲν, τῇδε δ᾽ αὖ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.4.b) in this point, herein, μηδὲν ταύτῃ γε κομήσῃς [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.4.c) in this way, thus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to ὅπῃ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ταύτῃ καλεῖσθαι, etc, like οὕτω κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.5) ἐκ τούτου or τούτων thereupon, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; therefore, [Refs] C.VIII.6) ἐν τούτῳ in that case, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.6.b) in the meantime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.VIII.7) πρὸς τούτοις (-οισι) besides, [Refs 5th c.BC+]
the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated); he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who; from the article g3588 (ὁ) and g846 (αὐτός)

Next word
to be
Verb Present Active Indicative 3rd Singular
an ACTION that happens - by a person or thing being discussed
Identical in all sources
to be
Greek Verb
εἰμί, with various uses and significations, like the English verb to be. I. As substantive verb. 1) Of persons and things, to be, exist: Act.17:28, Jhn.1:1, 8:58, 17:5, al; ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν (for past ptcp.), Rev.1:4, 8, 4:8, 11:17, 16:5 (see Swete, Ap., 5; M, Pr., 228); τὰ (μὴ) ὄντα, Rom.4:17, 1Co.1:28. 2) Of times, events, etc, to be, happen, take place: Mat.24:3, Mrk.14:2, 15:42, Luk.21:23, Jhn.4:6, 23, 5:10, al. 3) to be present, be in a place, have come: Mat.2:13, 15, Mrk.1:45, 5:21, 15:40, Luk.1:80, 5:29, Jhn.7:30, al; before εἰς, Mrk.2:1; before ἐκ, (ἐξ), Mat.1:20, 21:25, Mrk.11:30, Jhn.3:31, al. 4) Impers, ἔστι, ἦν, etc; (a) there is (Fr. il y a), was, etc: Mat.16:28, Luk.16:19, Jhn.3:1, 5:2, Rom.3:10, al; with dative (of the possessor; Bl, §37, 3), Mat.16:22, Luk.1:7, Jhn.18.10, Rom.9:2, al; ἔστιν ὅς, ὅστις (chiefly in pl), Mat.16:28, 19:2, Mrk.9:1, al; (b) with inf, = ἔξεστιν (which see), it is possible: Heb.9:5, 1Co.11:20, RV (but see ICC, in l.). II. As copula uniting subject and predicate. 1) Expressing simply identity or equivalence: Mat.5:13, 14:15, Luk.1:18, 19, Jhn.1:1, 4:19, Rev.3:9, al. mult. 2) Explicative, as in parable, figure, type, etc: Mat.13:19, 1Co.9:2, 10:4, 11:25, Gal.4:24, Rev.17:15, al; ταῦτ᾽ ἔστιν, Mat.27:46, Mrk.7:2, Rom.7:18 al; ὅ ἐστιν, Mrk.3:17, Col.1:24, Heb.7:2, al; akin to this is the sacramental usage: Mat.26:26-28, Mrk.14:22, 24, Luk.22:19, 1Co.11:24 (see ICC on Mk, I Co, ll. with; DB, iii, 148 f.). 3) C. genitive: qual, etc, Mrk.5:42, Luk.3:23, 1Co.14:33, Heb.12:11, al; part, 1Ti.1:20, 2Ti.1:15; poss, Mat.5:3, 10, Mrk.12:7, Luk.4:7; of service or partisanship, Rom.8:9, 1Co.1:12, 2Co.10:7, 2Ti.2:19. 4) C. dative (BL, §37, 3): Act.1:8, 9:15, Rom.4:12, 1Co.1:18, 2:14, Rev.21:7, al. 5) C. ptcp, as a periphrasis for the simple verb (Bl, §62, 1, 2; M, Pr., 225 ff.); (a) with ptcp. pf. (cl.): Mat.10:30, Luk.9:32, Jhn.3:24, Act.21:35, 1Co.15:19, al; (b) with ptcp. pr. (esp. in impf, as in Heb. and Aram; Dalman, Words, 35 f.), Mat.7:29, Mrk.1:22, Luk.4:31, 14:1, Act.1:10, al. mult, id. for imper. (M, Pr., 180f, 182f.), with ellipsis of εἰμί, Rom.12:9, 10, Heb.13:5, al; (with) with ptcp. aor. (cl), Luk.23:9. 6) Seq. εἰς (cf. Heb. הָיָה לְ), a vernac. usage (M, Pr., 71): Mat.19:5, Mrk.10:8, Heb.8:10, al. 7) C. adv: Mat.19:20, Mrk.4:26, Luk.18:11, al. 8) Ellipses; (a) of the copula (Bl, §30, 3): Mat.8:29, 24:32, Jhn.21:22, 23, Heb.6:4, al; (b) of the predicate: ἐγώ εἰμί, Mat.14:27, Mrk.6:50, al; absol. (cf. Deu.32:39; אֲנִי הוּא), Mrk.13:6, Jhn.4:26, al. (cf. ἄπ, ἔν, πάρ, συμ-πάρ, σύν-ειμι). (AS)
to be
Greek Verb
εἰμί (sum), Aeolic dialect ἔμμι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Cretan dialect ἠμί [Refs]; 2nd pers. singular εἶ, Epic dialect and Ionic dialect εἰς [Refs 8th c.BC+], Epic dialect and Doric dialect ἐσσί [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἐστί, Doric dialect ἐντί [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. dual ἐστόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 1st pers. plural ἐσμέν, Epic dialect and Ionic dialect εἰμέν (also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], Doric dialect εἰμές [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἰσί (-ίν), Epic dialect and Ionic dialect ἔασι (-ιν) [Refs 8th c.BC+], Doric dialect ἐντί [Refs 5th c.BC+], Epic dialect and Lyric poetry also in middle form ἔσσο [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἔστω (ἤτω [LXX+5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural ἔστωσαν, but ἔστων [Refs 8th c.BC+], and early Attic dialect Inscrr, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]subjunctive ὦ, ᾖς, ᾖ, Epic dialect ἔω [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἔῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+], also Boeotian dialect ἔνθω [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect 3rd.pers. plural ὦντι [Refs], Boeotian dialect ἴωνθι [Refs 6th c.BC+], -η, also ἔοις, ἔοι, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἴοισαν Ἀρχ. Ἐφ. [Refs]; 3rd.pers. dual εἴτην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 1st pers. plural εἶμεν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 2nd pers. plural εἶτε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἶεν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Elean ἔα, ={εἴη}, [Refs 6th c.BC+]infinitive εἶναι, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; Epic dialect ἔμμεναι (also Aeolic dialect ἔμμεν᾽ [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Doric dialect εἶμεν Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]participle ὤν, Epic dialect ἐών, ἐοῦσα, ἐόν, [Refs 5th c.AD+]; Boeotian dialect feminine ἰῶσα [Refs], Aeolic dialect and Doric dialect feminine ἔσσα [Refs 7th c.BC+] (also Ionic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative singular εἴς in [Refs 7th c.BC+]: imperfect ἦν [Refs 8th c.BC+] (also Aeolic dialect, [Refs 7th c.BC+] (uncertain in Aeolic dialect, [Refs 7th c.BC+] is required by metre in [Refs 8th c.BC+], whence Hom.and later Ionic dialect ἔᾱ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Epic dialect 3rd.pers. singular ἦεν, always with ν in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔην as 1st pers. singular, only [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 2nd pers. singular ἦσθα, later ἦς (which is variant in [NT+5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἦν, Epic dialect ἔην, ἤην, ἦεν (see. above), Doric dialect and Aeolic dialect ἦς [Refs 7th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. dual ἤστην [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect 1st pers. plural ἦμες [Refs 1st c.AD+]; 2nd pers. plural ἦτε [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural ἦσαν, Ionic dialect and poetical ἔσαν (in [Refs 8th c.BC+], but is rather a peculiarity of syntax, see below see, but is 3rd.pers. plural in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Aeolic dialect ἔον [NT+5th c.BC+], 2nd pers. singular ἦσο [Refs], 3rd.pers. singular ἦστο [Refs], 1st pers. plural ἤμεθα [NT+3rd c.BC+]; subjunctive ὦμαι [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect and Epic dialect also ἔσκον, used by [Refs 4th c.BC+]future ἔσομαι, ἔσται, Epic dialect and Aeolic dialect also ἔσσομαι, ἔσεται, ἔσσετα; Aeolic dialect 2nd pers. singular ἔσσῃ probably in [Refs 8th c.BC+], infinitive ἐσσεῖσθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+] —All forms of the present indicative are enclitic (except 2nd pers. singular εἶ and 3rd.pers. plural ἔασι); but 3rd.pers. singular is written ἔστι when it begins a sentence or verse, or when it immediately follows οὐκ, καί, εἰ, ὡς, ἀλλά, or τοῦτ᾽, Hdn.Gr.[Refs]; later Grammars wrote ἔστι as substantive Verb, [Refs 9th c.AD+] A) as the substantive Verb, A.I) of persons, exist, οὐκ ἔσθ᾽ οὗτος ἀνήρ, οὐδ᾽ ἔσσεται [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔτ᾽ εἰσί they are still in being,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐκέτ᾽ ἐστί he is no more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐδὲ δὴν ἦν he was not long-lived, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁ οὐκ ὤν, οἱ οὐκ ὄντες, of those who are no more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ὄντες the living, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; ὁ ὤν the [LXX+8th c.BC+]; ἐσσόμενοι posterity,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς ἂν εἶεν ἅνθρωποι might continue in being, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of things, εἰ ἔστι ἀληθέως [ἡ τράπεζα] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of cities, ὄλωλεν, οὐδ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἐστὶ Τροία [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δοκεῖ μοι Καρχηδόνα μὴ εἶναι censeo Carthaginem esse delendam, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; ἂν ᾖ τὸ στράτευμα be in existence, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; of money, to be in hand, τῶν ὄντων χρημάτων καὶ τῶν προσιόντων [Refs]; τὰ ὄντα property, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐσόμενον ἐκ. future revenue from, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; of place, τὴν οὖσαν ἐκκλησίαν the local church, [NT]; of time, τοῦ ὄντος μηνός in the current month, [Refs]; in office, ἱερέων τῶν ὄντων [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; αἱ οὖσαι [ἐξουσίαι] the powers that be, Ep. Rom.[Refs] A.II) of the real world, be, opposed to become, γίγνεται πάντα ἃ δή φαμεν εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὄν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; opposed to τὸ μὴ ὄν, [LXX+5th c.BC+]; τὰ ὄντα the world of things, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὄνindeclinable, τῶν ὂν εἰδῶν species of Being, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] A.II.2) of circumstances, events, etc, to happen, τά τ᾽ ἐόντα, τά τ᾽ ἐσσόμενα, πρό τ᾽ ἐόντα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τῆς προδοσίας οὔσης since treachery was there, [Refs]; ἕως ἂν ὁ πόλεμος ᾖ so long as it last, [Refs]; τί ἐστι; what is it? what's the matter? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί οὖν ἦν τοῦτ; how came it to pass? [Refs 5th c.BC+] things are as they are, i.e. are ill, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.III) be the fact or the case, διπλασίαν ἂν τὴν δύναμιν εἰκάζεσθαι ἤ ἐστιν twice as large as it really is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὸ ὅ ἐστι καλόν beauty in its essence, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in participle, τὸν ἐόντα λόγον λέγειν or φαίνειν the true story, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ ἐόντι χρήσασθαι tell the truth,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; σκῆψιν οὐκ οὖσαν, λόγον οὐκ ὄντα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ ὄντι in reality, in fact, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to apply a quotation to a case in point, τῷ ὄντι κλαυσίγελως real 'smiles through tears' (with allusion to [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κατὰ τὸ ἐόν according to the fact, rightly, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πᾶν τὸ ἐόν the whole truth, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) followed by the relative, οὐκ ἔστιν ὅς or ὅστις no one, οὐκ ἔσθ᾽ ὃς. ἀπαλάλκοι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐκ ἔ. ὅτῳ, ={οὐδενί}, [Refs 4th c.BC+], = Latin sunt qui, used exactly like{ἔνιοι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστὶν ἃ χωρία, πολίσματα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; the singular Verb is used even with masculine and feminine plural, ἐστὶν οἵ, αἵ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; more frequently in oblique cases, ποταμῶν ἐστὶ ὧν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστὶ παρ᾽ οἷς, ἐστὶν ἐν οἷς, [Refs 5th c.BC+], = Latin est ubi, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. ὅπῃ, ἔσθ᾽ ὅπου, somehow, somewhere, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in questions expecting a negative answer, ἐ. ὁπόθεν, ὅπω; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐκ ἔ. ὅπως οὐ in any case, necessarily, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. ὅτε, ἔσθ᾽ ὅτε, sometimes, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) ἦν is sometimes used with plural masculine and feminine, usually at the beginning of a sentence, there was, τῆς δ᾽ ἦν τρεῖς κεφαλαί [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἦν δ᾽ ἀμφίπλεκτοι κλίμακες [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἦν ἄρα κἀκεῖνοι ταλακάρδιοι epigram cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; before dual Nouns, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ἔστι impersonal, with infinitive, it is possible, ἔστι γὰρ ἀμφοτέροισιν ὀνείδεα μυθήσασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἴ τί πού ἐστι (i.e. πιθέσθαι)[Refs 5th c.BC+]; so in imperative, optative, and subjunctive, ἔστω ἀποφέρεσθαι τῷ βουλομένῳ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; followed by ὥστε with infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with accusative et infinitive, ἁδόντα δ᾽ εἴη με τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς ὁμιλεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes not impersonal in this sense, θάλασσα δ᾽ οὐκέτ᾽ ἦν ἰδεῖν [Refs] A.VI.b) ἔστω in argument, let it be granted, ἔστω τοῦτο ἀληθὲς εἶναι [Refs 4th c.BC+] B) most frequently, to be, the Copula connecting the predicate with the Subject, both being in the same case: hence, signify, import, τὸ γὰρ εἴρειν λέγειν ἐστίν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially in the phrase τοῦτ᾽ ἔστι, hoc est; Σκαιόλαν, ὅπερ ἐστὶ Λαϊόν [Refs 1st c.AD+] twice five are ten, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναί τις or τι, to be somebody, something, be of some consequence, see at {τι; οὐδὲν εἶναι} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) periphrastic with the Participle to represent the finite Verb: with perfect participle once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so in Trag. and Attic dialect, ἦν τεθνηκώς, for ἐτεθνήκει, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἔσται δεδορκώς[Refs 5th c.BC+]: with aorist participle, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so προδείσας εἰμί, οὐ σιωπήσας ἔσε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with present participle, ἦν προκείμενον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί δ᾽ ἐστί. φέρο; [Refs 5th c.BC+] — if the _Article_ is joined with the Part, the noun is made emphatic, Κᾶρές εἰσι οἱ καταδέξαντες the persons who showed her were Carians, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) εἶναι is frequently modified in sense by the addition of adverbs, or the cases of Nouns without or with Preps: C.I) εἶναι with adverbs, where the adverb often merely represents a Noun and stands as the predicate, ἅλις δέ οἱ ἦσαν ἄρουραι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀκέων, ἀκήν εἶναι, to be silent,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀσφαλέως ἡ κομιδὴ ἔσται will go on safely, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐγγύς, πόρρω εἶναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] it fared ill with them, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.II) with genitive, to express descent or extraction, πατρὸς δ᾽ εἴμ᾽ ἀγαθοῖο [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.II.b) to express the material of which a thing is made, ἡ κρηπίς ἐστι λίθων μεγάλων consists of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοιούτων ἔργων ἐστὶ ἡ τυραννίς is made up of, [Refs].ή, etc. C.II.c) to express the class to which a person or thing belongs, εἶ γὰρ τῶν φίλων you are one of them, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔστι τῶν αἰσχρῶν it is in the class of disgraceful things, i. e. it is disgraceful, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.II.d) to express that a thing belongs to another, Τροίαν Ἀχαιῶν οὖσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: hence, to be of the party of, ἦσαν. τινὲς μὲν φιλίππου, τινὲς δὲ τοῦ βελτίστου [Refs 4th c.BC+]; to be de pendent upon, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to be at the mercy of, ἔστι τοῦ λέγοντος, ἢν φόβους λέγῃ [Refs] C.II.e) to express one's duty, business, custom, nature, and the like, οὔτοι γυναικός ἐστι 'tis not a woman's part, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὸ δὲ ναυτικὸν τέχνης ἐστίν is matter of art, requires art, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.f) in LXX, to be occupied about, ἦσαν τοῦ θύειν [LXX]; ἔσεσθαι, with genitive, to be about to, ἐσόμεθα τοῦ σῶσαί σε [LXX] C.III) with the dative, ἐστί μοι I have, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.III.2) with two datives, σφίσι τε καὶ Ἀθηναίοισι εἶναι οὐδὲν πρῆγμα that they and the Athenians have nothing to do one with another, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; more shortly, σοί τε καὶ τούτοισι πρήγμασι τί ἐστ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί τῷ νόμῳ καὶ τῇ βασάν; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σο; Latin quid tecum est mihi? [NT]; also ἐμοὶ οὐδὲν πρὸς τοὺς τοιούτους (i.e. ἐστίν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔσται αὐτῳ πρὸς τὸν θεόν, in tomb inscriptions, [Refs] C.III.3) with ἄσμενος, βουλόμενος, etc, added, ἐμοὶ δέ κεν ἀσμένῳ εἴη 'twould be to my delight, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.IV) with Preps, εἶναι ἀπό τινος, ={εἶναί τινος}[Refs 5th c.BC+]; but εἶναι ἀπ᾽ οἴκου to be away from, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.2) εἶναι ἔκ τινος to be sprung from, εἴμ᾽ ἐκ Παιονίης, Μυρμιδόνων ἔξ εἰμι, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔστιν ἐξ ἀνάγκης it is of necessity, i. e. necessary, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.3) εἶναι ἐν. to be in a certain state, ἐν εὐπαθείῃσι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἀθυμία, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐν ἀξιώματι to be in esteem, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐν τέλεϊ ἐόντες those in office, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but εἶναι ἐν τέχνῃ, ἐν φιλοσοφία to be engaged in, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.3.b) ἐν σοί ἐστι it depends on thee, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.4) εἶναι διά, much like{εἶναι ἐν}, εἶναι διὰ φόβου, ={φοβεῖσθαι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι δι᾽ ὄχλου, ={ὀχληρὸν εἶναι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι δι᾽ αἰτίας, ={αἰτιᾶσθαι}, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; Geometry texts, pass through, διὰ τᾶς ἑτέρας διαμέτρου ἐόντος τοῦ ἐπιπέδου [Refs 3rd c.BC+] C.IV.5) εἶναι ἐφ᾽ ἑαυτῆς to be by oneself, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐπὶ ὀνόματος to bear a name, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐπὶ τοῖς πράγμασιν to be engaged in, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐπί τινα to be against him, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐφ᾽ ἑξήκοντα στάδια to reach sixty stadia, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐπὶ τὰς ἁφάς pass through the points of contact, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; εἶναι ἐπί τινι, see above 3 b. C.IV.6) εἶναι πρός τινος to be in one's favour, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to suit, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι πρός τινι engaged in, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸς τοῖς ἰδίοις mind one's own affairs, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πρὸς τὸ πονεῖν[Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.7) εἶναι παρά τινι or τινα, = παρειναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (assuming variant). C.IV.8) εἶναι ὑπό τινα or τινι to be subject to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.9) περὶ τούτων ἐστίν that is the question, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.IV.10) εἶναι ἀπό, in Geometry texts, to be constructed upon, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] D) ἐστί is very frequently omitted, mostly in the present indicative before certain predicates, as ἀνάγκη, ἄξιον, δυνατόν, εἰκός, ἕτοιμον, οἷόν τε, ῥᾴδιον, χρεών, etc, and after the neuter of Verbals in -τέος, and such forms as θαυμαστὸν ὅσον: less frequently with other persons and moods, εἰμί omitted, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐσμέν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰσί, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; subjunctive ᾖ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; optative εἴη, [Refs]; imperfect ἦν, [Refs]; future ἔσονται, [Refs 8th c.BC+] E) the Inf. frequently seems redundant, E.1) in phrases implying power or will to do a thing, ἑκὼν εἶναι (see. ἑκών) κατὰ δύναμιν εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐπ᾽ ἐκείνοις εἶναι, quantum in illis esset, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τήμερον, τὸ νῦν εἶναι, [Refs 4th c.BC+] E.2) after Verbs of naming or choosing, σοφιστὴν ὀνομάζουσι τὸν ἄνδρα εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of giving, δῶκε ξεινήϊον εἶναι [Refs 8th c.BC+] F) imperfect ἦνissts. used where other languages take the present, F.1) after ἄρα, to express a fact which is and has always been the same, δέρμα δὲ ἀνθρώπου. ἦν ἄρα σχεδὸν δερμάτων πάντων λαμπρότατον human skin then it appears is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς ἄρ᾽ ἦσθ᾽ ἐμὸς πατὴρ ὀρθῶς[Refs 3rd c.BC+]; so also when there is reference to a past thought, τουτὶ τί ἦ; what is this? [Refs 5th c.BC+], used to express the essential nature of a thing, where τί ἦν (for ἐστί) takes the place of the dative in such phrases as τὸ ἀγαθῷ εἶναι, τὸ μεγέθει εἶναι, [Refs] G) ἐγώ εἰμι, in [LXX]
I exist (used only when emphatic); am, have been, X it is I, was; the first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb

Next word
Definite article Nominative Plural Neuter
SPECIFIC neuter people or things that are doing something
Minor difference in King James sources, absent in Nestle/Aland and other sources
Greek Article
, ἡ, τό, the prepositive article (ἄρθρον προτακτικόν), originally a demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the Eng. definite article. I. As demonstr. pron. 1) As frequently in Hom, absol, he (she, it), his (etc.): Act.17:28 (quoted from the poet Aratus). 2) Distributive, ὁ μὲν. ὁ δέ, the one. the other: 1Co.7:7, Gal.4:22; pl, Act.14:4, 17:32, Php.1:16, al; οἱ μὲν. ἄλλοι δέ, Mat.16:14, Jhn.7:12; οἱ μεν̀. ὁδέ, Heb.7:21, 23. 3) In narration (without ὁ μὲν preceding), ὁ δέ, but he: Mat.2:14, Mrk.1:45, Luk.8:21, Jhn.9:38, al. mult. II. As prepositive article, the, prefixed, 1) to nouns unmodified: ὁ θεός, τὸ φῶς, etc; to abstract nouns, ἡ σοφία, etc, to pl. nouns which indicate a class, οἱ ἀλώπεκες, foxes, Mat.8:20, al; to an individual as representing a class, ὁ ἐργάτης, Luk.10:7; with nom. = voc. in addresses, Mat.11:26, Jhn.19:3, Jas.5:1, al; to things which pertain to one, ἡ χεῖρ, his hand, Mrk.3:1; to names of persons well known or already mentioned; usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), ἡ Ἰουδαία, etc. 2) To modified nouns: with of person(s) pron. genitive, μοῦ, σοῦ, etc; with poss. pron, ἐμός, σός, etc; with adj. between the art. and the noun, ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος, Mat.12:35; the noun foll, by adj, both with art, ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, Jhn.10:11 (on ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, Jhn.12:9, see M, Pr., 84); before adjectival phrases, ἡ κατ᾽ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις, Rom.9:11. 3) To Other parts of speech used as substantives; (a) neuter adjectives: τ. ἀγαθόν, etc; (b) cardinal numerals: ὁ εἶς, οἷ δύο, etc; (with) participles: ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ Βαπτιστής, Mat.14:2), Mrk.6:14; πᾶς ὁ, with ptcp, every one who, etc; (d) adverbs: τὸ πέραν, τὰ νῦν, ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος; (e) infinitives: nom, τὸ θέλειν, Rom.7:18, al; genitive, τοῦ, after adjectives, ἄξιον τοῦ πορεύεσθαι, 1Co.16:4; verbs, ἐλαχεν τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι, Luk.1:9; and frequently in a final sense, ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρειν, Mat.13:3 (on the artic. inf, see Bl, §71). 4) In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a quotation: τὸ Ἐι δύνῃ, Mrk.9:23; τὸ ἔτι ἅπαξ, Heb.12:27; τὸ ἀνέβη, Eph.4:9, al. 5) To prepositional phrases: οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας, Heb.13:24; οἱ ἐκ νόμου, Rom.4:14; neut. accusative absol, in adverbial phrases, τὸ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, daily, Luk.11:3; τὸ κατὰ σάρκα, as regards the flesh, Rom.9:5. 6) To nouns in the genitive, denoting kinship, association, etc: ὁ τοῦ, the son of (unless context indicates a different relationship), Mat.10:2, al; τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things that pertain to God, Mat.16:23; τὰ τῆς εἰρήνης, Rom.14:19 (cf. M, Pr., 81ff; Bl, §§46, 47). (AS)
Greek Article
, , τό, is, when thus written, A) demonstrative Pronoun. B ) in Attic dialect, definite or prepositive Article. C ) in Epic dialect, the so-called postpositive Article, = relative Pronoun, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.—The nominative masculine and feminine singular and plural, ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ, have no accent in codices and most printed books, except when used as the relative; but ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ differ only in writing from ὃ, ἣ, οἳ, α; the nominative forms of the article are said by Hdn.Gr.1.474 to be oxytone, and by [Refs 2nd c.AD+] in Aeolic dialect accusative to [Refs 8th c.BC+] genitive and dative dual τοῖιν [Refs 8th c.BC+]— In Doric dialect and all other dialects except Attic dialect and Ionic dialect the feminine forms preserve the old ᾱ instead of changing it to η, hence Doric dialect etc. ἁ, τάν, τᾶ; the genitive plural τάων contracts in many dialects to τᾶ; the genitive singular is in many places τῶ, accusative plural τώς, but Cretan dialect, etc, τόνς [Refs]; in Lesbian Aeolic dialect the accusative plural forms are τοὶς, ταὶς, [Refs]; dative plural τοῖς, ταῖς (or τοὶς, ταὶς, see above), [Refs]; ταῖσι as demonstrative, [Refs 7th c.BC+] Poets also used the Ionic dialect and _Epic dialect_ forms τοῖσι, ταῖσ; and in Trag. we find τοὶ μέν, τοὶ δέ, for οἱ μέν, οἱ δέ, not only in Lyric poetry, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but even in a trimeter, [Refs 5th c.BC+] {ὅ}; τὼ πόλεε Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in [Refs 4th c.AD+] functions as genitive dual feminine, μεσακόθεν τοῖς κράναιυν [Refs 4th c.BC+] —in Elean and _Boeotian dialect_ ὁ, ἡ (ἁ), τό, with the addition of -ί, ={ὅδε}, ἥδε, τόδε, _nominative_ _plural_ _masculine_ τυΐ the following men, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] cf. Sanskrit demonstrative pronoun sa, sā, Gothic sa, sō, ONorse sá, sú, Old Latin accusative sum, sam (Enn.): —with τό [from *τόδ] cf. Sanskrit tat (tad), Latin is-tud, Gothic pata: —with τοί cf. Sanskrit te, Lithuanian tĩe, O[Refs 5th c.BC+] pá, etc:—with τάων cf. Sanskrit tāsām, Latin is-tarum:— the origin of the relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (which see) is different.) A) ὁ, ἡ, τό, DEMONSTR. PRONOUN, that, the oldest and in [Refs 8th c.BC+] the commonest sense: frequently also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], and sometimes in Trag. (mostly in Lyric poetry, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῶν γάρ, τῆς γάρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; seldom in Attic dialect Prose, except in special phrases, see infr. VI, VII): A.I) joined with a substantive, to call attention to it, ὁ Τυδεΐδης he—Tydeus' famous son, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸν Χρύσην that venerable man Chryses, I.II: and so with appellative, Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων N.—thataged man, [Refs]; αἰετοῦ. τοῦ θηρητῆρος the eagle, that which is called hunter, [Refs]; also to define and give emphasis, τιμῆς τῆς Πριάμου for honour, namely that of Priam, [Refs]; οἴχετ᾽ ἀνὴρ ὤριστος a man is gone, and he the best, [Refs]:—different from this are cases [Refs 8th c.BC+] if he would help the Trojans, but drive those back to the ships—I mean the Achaeans, where Ἀχ. is only added to explain τούς, compare [Refs] A.II) frequently without a substantive, he, she, it, ὁ γὰρ ἦλθε [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.III) placed after its Noun, before the Relat. Prons, ἐφάμην σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, τῶν ὅσσοι Λυκίην ναιετάουσι far above the rest, above those to wit who, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷ᾽ οὔ πώ τιν᾽ ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν, τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν. Ἀχαιαί such as we have not heard tell of yet even among the women of old, those women to wit who, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —for the _Attic dialect_ usage see below A.IV) before a Possessive pronoun its demonstrative force is sometimes very manifest, φθίσει σε τὸ σὸν μένος that spirit of thine, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.V) for cases in which the Homeric usage approaches most nearly to the Attic, see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ. without a substantive, in all cases, genders, and numbers, [Refs 8th c.BC+] properly refers to the former, ὁ δέ to the latter; more rarely ὁ μέν the latter, ὁ δέ the former, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in Partition, the one, the other, etc.—The Noun with it is regularly in genitive plural, being divided by the ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ, into parts, ἠΐθεοι καὶ παρθένοι, τῶν δ᾽ αἱ μὲν λεπτὰς ὀθόνας ἔχον, οἱ δὲ χιτῶνας εἵατο [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but frequently the Noun is in the same case, by a kind of apposition, ἴδον υἷε Δάρητος, τὸν μὲν ἀλευάμενον τὸν δὲ κτάμενον [Refs 8th c.BC+]: so in Trag. and Attic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; if the Noun be collective, it is in the genitive singular, ὁ μὲν πεπραμένος ἦν τοῦ σίτου, ὁ δὲ ἔνδον ἀποκείμενος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.2) when a negative accompanies ὁ δέ, it follows δέ, e.g. τὰς γοῦν Ἀθήνας οἶδα τὸν δὲ χῶρον οὔ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.3) ὁ μέν τις, ὁ δέ τις. is used in Prose, when the Noun to which ὁ refers is left indefinite, ἔλεγον ὁ μέν τις τὴν σοφίαν, ὁ δὲ τὴν καρτερίαν, ὁ δέ τις καὶ τὸ κάλλος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.4) on τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, or τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs] A.VI.5) ὁ μέν is frequently used without a corresponding ὁ δέ, οἱ μὲν ἄρ᾽ ἐσκίδναντο, Μυρμιδόνας δ᾽ οὐκ εἴα ἀποσκίδνασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; by ἄλλος δέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.6) ὁ δέ following μέν sometimes refers to the subject of the preceding clause, τοῦ μὲν ἅμαρθ᾽, ὁ δὲ Λεῦκον. βεβλήκει [Refs 8th c.BC+]: rare in Attic dialect Prose, ἐπεψήφιζεν αὐτὸς ἔφορος ὤν· ὁ δὲ οὐκ ἔφη διαγιγνώσκειν τὴν βοήν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.7) ὁ δέ is frequently used simply in continuing a narrative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also used by [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.8) the opposition may be expressed otherwise than by μέν and δέ, οὔθ᾽ ὁ. οὔθ᾽ ὁ [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VII) the following usages prevailed in Attic dialect Prose, A.VII.1) in dialogue, after καί, it was usual to say in nominative singular masculine καὶ ὅ; in the other cases the usual forms of the Article were used (see. ὅς [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.I and cf. Sanskrit sas, alternatative form of sa); so, in accusative, καὶ τὸν εἰπεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VII.2) ὁ καὶ ὁ such and such, τῇ καὶ τῇ ἀτιμίᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: but mostly in accusative, καί μοι κάλει τὸν καὶ τόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνάγκη ἄρα τὸ καὶ τό it must then be so and so, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but τὰ καὶ τά now one thing, now another, of good and bad, τὸν δ᾽ ἀγαθὸν τολμᾶν χρὴ τά τε καὶ τὰ φέρειν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; so πάντα τοῦ μετρίου μεταβαλλόμενα ἐπὶ τὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τά, of excess and defect, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII) absolutely usages of single cases, A.VIII.1) feminine dative τῇ, of Place, there, on that spot, here, this way, that way, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also in Prose, τὸ μὲν τῇ, τὸ δὲ τῇ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.b) with a notion of motion towards, that way, in that direction, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —only poetry A.VIII.1.c) of Manner, τῇ περ τελευτήσεσθαι ἔμελλεν in this way, thus, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.d) repeated, τῇ μέν, τῇ δέ, in one way, in another, or partly, partly, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.e) relative, where, by which way, only Epic dialect, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2) neuter dative τῷ, therefore, on this account, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2.b) thus, so, [Refs 8th c.BC+] precedes, be translated, then, if this be so, on this condition, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.3) neuter accusative τό, wherefore, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τὸ δέ absolutely, but the fact is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even when the τό refers to what precedes, the contrast may lie not in the thing referred to, but in another part of the sentence (compare above[Refs 5th c.BC+]; φασὶ δέ τινες αὐτὸν καὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν γεγονέναι· τὸ δὲ οὐκ ἦν but he was not, [Refs 1st c.BC+] A.VIII.4) τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, partly, partly, or on the one hand, on the other, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; more frequently τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the first clause, τὸ δέ τι [Refs] several times. and finally, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5) of Time, sometimes that time, sometimes this (present) time, συνμαχία κ᾽ ἔα ἑκατὸν ϝέτεα, ἄρχοι δέ κα τοΐ (where it is possible, but not necessary, to supply ϝέτος) [Refs 6th c.BC+] from that time, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.b) πρὸ τοῦ, sometimes written προτοῦ, before this, aforetime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.c) in Thess. Prose, ὑππρὸ τᾶς yesterday, τὰ ψαφίσματα τό τε ὑππρὸ τᾶς γενόμενον καὶ τὸ τᾶμον the decree which was passed yesterday (literal before this [day]), and to-day's, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.VIII.6) ἐν τοῖς is frequently used in Prose with Superlatives, ἐν τοῖσι θειότατον a most marvellous thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖς πρῶτοι the very first, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖσι πρῶτος (πρώτοις codices) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [Ζεὺς] Ἔρωτά τε καὶ Ἀνάγκην ἐν τοῖς πρῶτα ἐγέννησεν first of all, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] the greatest number of ships, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with adverbs, ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in late Prose, also with Positives, ἐν τοῖς παράδοξον [Refs 1st c.BC+] B) ὁ, ἡ, τό, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, the, to specify individuals: rare in this signification in the earliest Gr, becoming commoner later. In [Refs 8th c.BC+] the demonstrative force can generally be traced, [Refs 4th c.BC+] I, but the definite Article must be recognized in places [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also when joined to an adjective to make it a substantive, αἰὲν ἀποκτείνων τὸν ὀπίστατον the hindmost man, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in τῶν ἄλλων [Refs]; also τὸ τρίτον[Refs]; τὸ μὲν ἄλλο for the rest,[Refs]—The true Article, however, is first fully established in 5th C Attic dialect, whilst the demonstrative usage disappears, except in a few cases, V. [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Chief usages, especially in _Attic dialect_ B.I) not only with common Appellats, adjectives, and Parts, to specify them as present to sense or mind, but also frequently where we use the Possessive pronoun, τὸ κέαρ ηὐφράνθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν κεφαλὴν κατεάγην my head was broken, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς φίλους ποιούμεθα we make our friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰς πόλεις ἔκτιζον they began founding their cities, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.b) omitted with proper nounsand frequently with Appellats. which require no specification, as θεός, βασιλεύς, see at {θεός} [Refs] III; ἐμ πόλει in the Acropolis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare Θράσυλος in [Refs]; or when the person spoken of is to be specially distinguished, Ζεύς, ὅστις ὁ Ζεύς whoever this Zeus is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and therefore properly omitted when a special designation follows, as Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος: seldom in Trag. with proper nouns, save to give peculiar emphasis, like Latin ille, ὁ Λάϊος, ὁ Φοῖβος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.c) Aristotle says Σωκράτης meaning the historical Socrates, as in [Refs] when he means the Platonic Socrates, as [Refs] B.I.d) for Σαῦλος ὁ καὶ Παῦλος, etc, see at {καί} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.2) in a generic sense, where the individual is treated as a type, οἷς ὁ γέρων μετέῃσιν. λεύσσει [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) frequently with abstract Nouns, ἥ τε ἐλπὶς καὶ ὁ ἔρως [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3) of outstanding members of a class, ὁ γεωγράφος, ὁ κωμικός, ὁ ποιητής, ὁ τεχνικός, see at {γεωγράφος}, κωμικός, ποιητής, τεχνικός. B.I.4) with infinitives, which thereby become Substantives, τὸ εἴργειν prevention, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ φρονεῖν good sense, [Refs 5th c.BC+]infinitive, τὸ θεοὺς εἶναι the existence of gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ μηδένα εἶναι ὄλβιον the fact or statement that no one is happy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.5) in neuter before any word or expression which itself is made the object of thought, τὸ ἄνθρωπος the word or notion man; τὸ λέγω the word λέγ; τὸ μηδὲν ἄγαν the sentiment 'ne quid nimis', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τῇ αὐτῇ the phrase τῇ αὐτῇ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the opinion about the question 'who ought to rule', [Refs]; τὸ ἐὰν μένητε παρ᾽ ἐμοί, ἀποδώσω the phrase 'I will give back, if. ', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὀλίγοι the term few, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.6) before relative clauses, when the Article serves to combine the whole relative clause into one notion, τῇ ᾗ φὴς σὺ σκληρότητι the harshness you speak of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἥμερον καρπόν, καὶ τὸν ὅσος ξύλινος (i.e. καὶ τὸν καρπὸν ὅσος ἂν ᾖ ξύλινος) [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.7) before Prons, B.I.7.a) before the person Prons, giving them greater emphasis, but only in accusative, τὸν ἐμέ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν. σὲ καὶ ἐμέ[Refs] B.I.7.b) before the interrogative pronoun (both τίς and ποῖος), referring to something before, which needs to be more distinctly specified, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῆς ποίας μερίδο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τοῖς ποίοις; [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.7.c) with τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, τηλικοῦτος, etc, the Article either makes the pronoun into a substantive, ὁ τοιοῦτος that sort of person, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or subjoins it to a substantive which already has an Article, τὴν ἀπολογίαν τὴν τοιαύτην [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.8) before ἅπας, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὸν ἕνα, τὸν ἕνα τοῦτον, [Refs 4th c.BC+] see entry; and on οἱ ἄλλοι, οἱ πολλοί, etc, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs] B.I.9) the Article with the comparative is rare, if ἤ follows, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) elliptic expressions: B.II.1) before the genitive of a proper name, to express descent, son or daughter, Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου (i.e. υἱός) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἑλένη ἡ τοῦ Διός (i.e. θυγάτηρ) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also to denote other relationships, e.g. brother, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ Σμικυθίωνος Μελιστίχη M.the wife of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Κλέαρχος καὶ οἱ ἐκείνου Cl. and his men, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τοῦ Ἀντιγένεος the slave of [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) generally, before a genitive it indicates a wider relation, as τὸ τῶν νεῶν, τὸ τῶν Ἑρμῶν, the matter of the ships, the affair of the Hermae, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου πράσσειν to promote the interests of Arrhibaeus, [Refs]; τὸ τῆς τύχης,=ἡ τύχη, [Refs]; τὰ τῆς τύχης accidents, chance events, [Refs]; τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος performance of the rites due to the dead befits the living, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τῶν θεῶν that which is destined by the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+] what regards me or thee, my or thy business or interests, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and with genitive of [Refs 5th c.BC+] is frequently also, a man's word or saying, as τὸ τοῦ Σόλωνος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου as Homer says, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τά τινος so-and-so's house, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3) very frequently with cases governed by Preps. αἱ ἐκ τῆς Ζακύνθου νῆες the ships from Zacynthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὰ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης the Thrace-ward district, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καταστρώματος matters on deck, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπ᾽ Ἀλκιβιάδου the proposals of Alcibiades, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης the incidents of fortune, [Refs] B.II.4) on μὰ τόν, μὰ τήν, etc, see at {μά} IV. B.II.5) in elliptical phrases, ἐπορευόμην τὴν ἔξω τείχους (i.e. ὁδόν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ αὔριον (i.e. ἡμέρα), see at {αὔριον}; ἡ Λυδιστί (i.e. ἁρμονία) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ οἴκαδε πλοῦς [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; but τό stands absolutely with Advs. of time and place, when one cannot (as in the preceding instances) supply a substantive, as κἀκεῖσε καὶ τὸ δεῦρο [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ μὲν τὸ κεῖθεν, ὁ δὲ τὸ κεῖθεν [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) as RELATIVE PRONOUN in many dialects; both in nominative singular masculine ὅ, as κλῦθί μοι, ὃ χθιζὸς θεὸς ἤλυθες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὃ ἐξορύξη he who banishes him, [Refs]; and in the forms beginning with τ, especially in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also in Ionic dialect Poets, ἐν τῷ κάθημαι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τό [Refs]; τῶν[Refs]—Never in Comedy texts or Attic dialect Prose:—Epic dialect genitive singular τεῦ [Refs 8th c.BC+] D) CRASIS OF ARTICLE: D.a) Attic dialect ὁ, ἡ, τό, with ᾰ make ᾱ, as ἁνήρ, ἁλήθεια, τἀγαθόν, τᾄτιο; so οἱ, αἱ, τά, as ἅνδρες, τἀγαθ; also τοῦ, τῷ, as τἀγαθοῦ, τἀγαθῷ: ὁ, τό, οἱ, before e gives ου, οὑξ, οὑπί, οὑμός, τοὔργον, οὑπιχώριοι, etc; also τοῦ, as τοὐμοῦ, τοὐπιόντο; but ἅτερος, θάτερον ([musical notation]), Ionic dialect οὕτερος, τοὔτερον (see. ἕτερος), Attic dialect feminine ἡτέρα, dative θητέρᾳ (see. ἕτερος); τῷ loses the iota, τὠμῷ, τὠπιόντι: ὁ, τό, before ο gives ου, as Οὁδυσσεύς, Οὑλύμπιος, τοὔνομα: ὁ, τό, etc, before αυ gives ᾱυ, αὑτός, ταὐτό, ταὐτῷ (frequently written ἁτός, etc. in Inscrr. and Papyrus); so τὰ αὐτά=ταὐτά, αἱ αὐταί=αὑταί: ἡ before εὐ gives ηὑ, as ηὑλάβεια: τῇ before ἡ gives θη, as θἠμέρᾳ: τὸ before ὑ gives θου, as θοὔδωρ for τὸ ὕδωρ. D.b) other dialects: in their treatment of crasis these follow the local laws of contraction, hence, e.g, Doric dialect ὡξ from ὁ ἐξ [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect ᾡσυμνήτης from ὁ αἰς-[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡυτή from ἡ αὐτή [Refs 1st c.AD+]
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom); the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc; the definite article

Strongs extended:
Next word
Adjective Nominative Plural Neuter
DESCRIBING neuter people or things that are doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Adjective
καλός, -ή, -όν, [in LXX chiefly for טוֹבָה,טוֹב, also for יָפֶה, etc;] 1) primarily, of outward form ("related to. ἀγαθός as the appearance to the essence," Cremer, 339), fair, beautiful: λίθοι (BV, goodly), Luk.21:5. 2) In reference to use, of that which is well adapted to its ends, good, excellent: of fish, τ. καλά (opposite to σαπρά), Mat.13:48; σπέρμα, Mat.13:24, 27, 37, 38; καρπός, Mat.3:10 7:17-19 12:33, Luk.3:9 [WH] 6:43; δένδρον (opposite to σαρπόν), Mat.12:33, Luk.6:43; γῆ, Mat.13:8, 23 Mrk.4:8, 20 Luk.8:15; τ. ἅλας, Mrk.9:50, Luk.14:34; ὁ νόμος, Rom.7:16, 1Ti.1:8; διδασκαλία, 1Ti.4:6; καρδία κ. καὶ ἀγαθή, Luk.8:15; παραθήκη, 2Ti.1:14; μέτρον, Luk.6:38; βαθμός, 1Ti.3:13; θεμέλιος, 1Ti.6:19; τὸ κ, 1Th.5:21; μαργαρίται, Mat.13:45; οἶνος, Jhn.2:10; ποιμήν, Jhn.10:11, 14; διάκονος, 1Ti.4:6; οἰκονόμος, 1Pe.4:10; στρατιώτης, 2Ti.2:3; στρατεία, 1Ti.1:18; ἀγών, 1Ti.6:12, 2Ti.4:7; ὁμολογία, 1Ti.6:12, 13; ἔργον, Mat.26:10, Mrk.14:6, Jhn.10:33, 1Ti.3:1; pl, Jhn.10:32; καλόν, with inf. and dative, Mat.18:8, 9 1Co.7:1, 26 9:15; id. with accusative and inf, Mat.17:4, Mrk.9:5, 43, 45, 47, Luk.9:33, Heb.13:9; before εἰ, Mat.26:24, Mrk.9:42 14:21; ἐάν, 1Co.7:8. 3) Ethically, good, in the sense of right, fair, noble, honourable: Gal.4:18, Heb.5:14; ἔργα, Mat.5:16, 1Ti.5:10, 25 6:18, Tit.2:7, 14 3:8, 14 (Field, Notes, 223f.), Heb.10:24, 1Pe.2:12; ἀναστροφή, Jas.3:13, 1Pe.2:12; συνείδησις, Heb.13:18; before ἐνώπιον, Rom.12:17, 2Co.8:21, 1Ti.2:3; το] κ. ποιεῖν (κατεργάζεσθαι), Rom.7:18, 21 2Co.13:7, Gal.6:9, Jas.4:17; καλόν ἐστιν, with inf, Mat.15:26 (T, ἔξεστιν), Mrk.7:27, Rom.14:21, Gal.4:18; μαρτυρία, 1Ti.3:7; ὄνομα, Jas.2:7; καύχημα, 1Co.5:6 (neg.); θεοῦ ῥῆμα, Heb.6:5. κ. does not occur in Re. SYN.: see: ἀγαθός. (AS)
Greek Adjective
καλός, ή, όν, Aeolic dialect κάλος (see. below), α, ον, Boeotian dialect καλϝός [Refs 6th c.BC+]:— A) beautiful, of outward form, frequently of persons, κάλλιστος ἀνὴρ ὑπὸ Ἴλιον ἦλθεν [Refs 8th c.BC+] usually in the phrase κ. τε μέγας τε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; μέγας καὶ κ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καλὸς δέμας beautiful of form,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; Χορῷ καλή beauteous in the dance, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: with infinitive, καλλίονες καὶ μείζονες εἰσοράασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐσορᾶν κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently of parts of the body, fair, shapely, κ. πρόσωπα, ὅμματα, παρήϊα, σφυρά, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of clothes, εἵματα, φάρεα, Χιτών, Χλαῖνα, πέδιλα, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of arms and armour, κνημῖδες, ἀσπίς, σάκος, κόρυς, φάσγανα, ἔντεα, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of buildings, manufactured articles, etc, αὐλὴ κ. τε μεγάλη τε [Refs]; κ. δώματα, τεῖχος, πόλιες,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τέμενος, ἀγρός, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐέρσα κ. ead.[Refs] A.2) in Attic dialect added to a name in token of love or admiration, as Ἀρίσημος κ. [Refs]; ἐν τοῖσι τοίχοις ἔγραφ᾽ Ἀθηναῖοι καλοί” [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀλκιβιάδης ὁ καλός, Σαπφὼ ἡ καλή, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.2.b) ἡ Καλή or Καλλίστη, as epithet, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.2.c) Καλοί, οἱ, divinities worshipped in childbirth, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] A.3) τὸ καλόν beauty, [Refs 7th c.BC+], etc; τὰ καλά the proprieties or elegancies of life, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) with reference to use, good, of fine quality, κ. λιμήν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Βορέῃ ἀνέμῳ. καλῷ fair, [Refs]; κ. ἀργύριον, opposed to κίβδηλον, genuine silver, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; opposed to ἀποτετριμμένον, good silver currency, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ἐλαῖαι [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; γῆ [NT+4th c.AD+]; στρατόπεδον κάλλιστον [LXX+5th c.BC+]: with infinitive, λόφος κάλλιστος τρέχειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν καλῷ [τόπῳ] in a good place, καθίζεσθαι, ὁρμεῖν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν καλῷ under favourable circumstances, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν κ. (i.e. Χρόνῳ) in good time, in season, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν οὐ κ. [Refs]; ἐν καλῷ [ἐστι] with infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+] with infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί γὰρ ἐμοὶ ζῆν καλό; what is the good of life to me? [Refs 1st c.AD+]; καλῇ πίστει, = Latin bona fide, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] A.II.2) of sacrifices, auspicious, σφάγια [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with infinitive, ἰέναι. κ. ἡμῖν τὰ ἱερὰ ἦν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) in a moral sense, beautiful, noble, honourable, in [Refs 8th c.BC+] only in neuter, οὐ καλὸν ἔειπες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; frequently καλόν [ἐστι] with infinitive, κ. τοι σὺν ἐμοὶ τὸν κήδειν ὅς κ᾽ ἐμὲ κήδῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐ γὰρ ἔμοιγε κ. (i.e. ἄρχειν)[Refs 8th c.BC+]; so in Trag, καλόν μοι τοῦτο ποιούσῃ θανεῖν [LXX+5th c.BC+]: comparative, οὐ μέν τοι τόδε κάλλιον οὐδὲ ἔοικε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. ἔργματα noble deeds, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀναστροφὴ κ. [NT]: in plural, excellences, πλῆθος καλῶν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ παιδὸς κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) τὸ κ. moral beauty, virtue, honour, opposed to τὸ αἰσχρόν, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; τοὐμὸν κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) of persons, in early writers coupled with ἀγαθός, see at {καλοκἀγαθός}; later κ. ποιμήν [NT]; κ. στρατιώτης [NT] A.IV) in Attic dialect and Trag. frequently ironically, fine, specious, γέρας κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) Degrees of comparative: comparative καλλίων, ον, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: superlative κάλλιστος, η, ον, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; late καλλιώτερος or -ότερος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) adverb:—Poets frequently use neuter καλόν as adverb, κ. ἀείδειν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; later τὸ κ. [Refs 3rd c.BC+] C.II) regular adverb καλῶς (Doric dialect καλώς [Refs 5th c.BC+], well, rightly, οὐδ᾽ ἔτι κ. οἶκος ἐμὸς διόλωλε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. ζῆν, τεθνηκέναι, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. φρονεῖν to be in one's right mind, [Refs]; κ. ἀγωνιεῖσθαι fairly, on the merits of the case, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Χρήματα δατῆθθαι κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.2) of good fortune, well, happily, κ. πράσσειν, ={εὖ π}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ἔχειν to be well, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ἔχει with infinitive, 'tis well to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] to be well off in respect to a thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.3) καλῶς, ={πάνυ}, thoroughly, altogether, τὸν κ. εὐδαίμονα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: comparative, κάλλιον εἰδέναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κάλλιον ἐοικέναι to be just like, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.4) κ. ἀκούειν to be well spoken of, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.II.5) κ. ποιῶν rightly, deservedly, κ. ποιῶν ἀπόλλυται [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in requests, κ. ποιήσεις πριάμενος, etc, [Refs 3rd c.BC+], etc; also with infinitive, κ. π. γράψαι [Refs 1st c.BC+] C.II.6) in answers, to approve the words of the former speaker, well said! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also, to decline an offer courteously, no, thank you! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πάνυ κ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.7) ironically, finely, καλῶς ἐρήμης γ᾽ ἂν σὺ γῆς ἄρχοις μόνος [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.8) κ. ὁ ἱερεύς hurrah for the priest! [Refs 2nd c.AD+] C.II.9) repeated with the adjective, καλὴ καλῶς [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.10) comparative καλλιόνως [Refs 5th c.BC+]: superlative καλλίστως [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) for compounds, see at {καλλι, καλο-}. E) Quantity: ᾱ in Epic dialect and early [Refs 8th c.BC+]: ᾰ in Lyric poetry (except κᾱλῶς [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ μὴ κᾰλὰ κᾱλὰ πέφανται [Refs 3rd c.BC+].--In comparative, ῐ in [Refs 8th c.BC+]
Strongs > g2570
X better, fair, good(-ly), honest, meet, well, worthy; of uncertain affinity; properly, beautiful, but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally), i.e. valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use, and thus distinguished from g18 (ἀγαθός), which is properly intrinsic)

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Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
καί, conj., and I. Copulative. 1) Connecting single words; (a) in general: Mat.2:18, 16:1, Mrk.2:15, Luk.8:15, Heb.1:1, al. mult; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mat.23:23, Luk.14:21, Rom.7:12, 9:4, al. (b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jhn.2:20, Act.13:20; (with) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mat.8:33, 26:59, Mrk.16:17, Act.5:29, al. 2) Connecting clauses and sentences: Mat.3:12, Act.5:21, al. mult; esp. (a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss, LAE, 128ff.): Mat.1:21, 7:25, Mrk.9:5, Jhn.10:3, al; (b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Luk.3:14, Jhn.4:11, IIIJhn.10; (with) consecutive, and so: Mat.5:1, 23:32, Heb.3:19, al; after imperatives, Mat.4:19, Luk.7:7, al; (d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mat.3:14, 6:26, Mrk.12:12, Luk.18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), 1Co.5:2, al; (e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Luk.2:21, 7:12, Act.1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mrk.10:26, Luk.10:29, Jhn.9:36. 3) Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Luk.3:18, Jhn.1:16, Act.23:6, Rom.1:5, 1Co.3:5, al. 4) In transition: Mat.4:23, Mrk.5:1, 21, Jhn.1:19, al; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mrk.1:9 (cf. Luk.5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16). 5) καὶ. καί, both. and (for τε. καί, see: τε); (a) connecting single words: Mat.10:28, Mrk.4:41, Rom.11:33, al; (b) clauses and sentences: Mrk.9:13, Jhn.7:28, 1Co.1:22, al. II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mat.5:39, 40; Mrk.2:28, al. mult; esp. with pron, adv, etc, Mat.20:4, Jhn.7:47, al; ὡς κ, Act.11:17; καθὼς κ, Rom.15:7; οὑτω κ, Rom.6:11; διὸ κ, Luk.1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss, BS, 313ff.), Act.13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ. (Bl, §77, 7; Deiss, BS, 265f,), Php.4:3; τί κ, 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ, Luk.14:22, Jhn.5:18, al; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Act.17:27; καίπερ, Heb.5:8; κ. ἐάν, see: ἐάν. ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle, representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ with ind. (Bl, §65, 4; cf. Jhn.13:17, 1Co.7:36), if haply, if; 1) with subjc. (cl.); (a) pres: Mat.6:22, Luk.10:6, Jhn.7:17, Rom.2:25, 26 al; { (b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mat.4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Luk.9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mrk.3:24, Luk.14:34, Jhn.5:43, Rom.7:2, al; = cl. εἰ, with opt, Jhn.9:22 11:57, Act.9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jhn.12:32 14:3, I Jhn.2:28 3:2, Heb.3:7 " (LXX). 2) C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; see WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss, BS, 201f, LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl, §65, 4); (a) fut: Mat.18:19 T, Luk.19:40, Act.7:7; (b) pres: 1Th.3:8 (see Milligan, in l.). 3) With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl, §65, 6), Gal.6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl, l.with), with subjc. pres, Mat.10:13, 1Co.8:8, Jas.2:17, 1Jn.3:21; aor, Mat.6:15, Mrk.3:27, Jhn.3:3, Rom.10:15, Gal.1:8 2:16 (see Lft, Ellic, in ll.); ἐ. τε. ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם. אִם, Est.19:13, al,] Rom.14:8. 4) = cl. ἄν (which see) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf, Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f; Bl, §26, 4; Mayser, 152f; Deiss, BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ, Mat.5:19, Mrk.6:22, 23 Luk.17:32, 1Co.6:18, al; ὅπου ἐ, Mat.8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ, Rev.11:6; οὗ ἐ, 1Co.16:6; καθὸ ἐ, 2Co.8:12; ὅστις ἐ, Gal.5:10. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
καί, conjunction, copulative, joining words and sentences, A) and; also adverb, even, also, just, frequently expressing emphatic assertion or assent, corresponding as positive to the negative οὐ (μή) or οὐδέ (μηδέ). copulative, and, A.I) joining words or sentences to those preceding, ἦ, καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύσινεῦσε Κρονίων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: repeated with two or more Nouns, αἱ δὲ ἔλαφοι κ. δορκάδες κ. οἱ ἄγριοι οἶες κ. οἱ ὄνοι οἱ ἄγριοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; joining only the last pair, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ὄχλος πλείων κ. πλείων ἐπέρρει more and more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to add epithets after πολύς, πολλὰ κ. ἐσθλά [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) to addalimiting or defining expression, πρὸς μακρὸν ὄρος κ. Κύνθιον ὄχθον to the mountain and specially to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (sometimes in reverse order, πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς κ. μακρὸν Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; to add by way of climax, θεῶν. κ. Ποσειδῶνος all the gods, and above all. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently ἄλλοι τε καί, ἄλλως τε καί, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs]; ὀλίγου τινὸς ἄξια κ. οὐδενός little or nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταῦτα and this too. , γελᾶν ἀναπείθειν, κ. ταῦθ᾽ οὕτω πολέμιον ὄντα τῷ γέλωτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) at the beginning of a sentence, A.II.1) in appeals or requests, καί μοι δὸς τὴν Χεῖρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καί μοι λέγε, καί μοι ἀπόκριναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in Oratt, καί μοι λέγε. τὸ ψήφισμα, καί μοι ἀνάγνωθι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) in questions, to introduce an objection or express surprise, κ. τίς τόδ᾽ ἐξίκοιτ᾽ ἂν ἀγγέλων τάχο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. πῶς; pray how? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δὴ τί; but then what? [Refs]; κ. ποῖον; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς εἶδε πώποτε βοῦς κριβανίτα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κἄπειτ᾽ ἔκανε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς πώποτε Χαριζόμενος ἑτέρῳ τοῦτο εἰργάσατ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) ={καίτοι}, and yet, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) at the beginning of a speech, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) after words implying sameness or like ness, as, γνώμῃσι ἐχρέωντο ὁμοίῃσι κ. σύ they had the same opinion as you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἴσον or ἴσα κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἴσῳ (i.e. ἐστὶ) κ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) after words implying comparison or opposition, αἱ δαπάναι οὐχ ὁμοίως κ. πρίν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) to express simultaneity, ἦν ἦμαρ δεύτερον, κἀγὼ κατηγόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρέρχονταί τε μέσαι νύκτες κ. ψύχεται [τὸ ὕδωρ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι] οὐκ ἔφθασαν τὴν ἀρχὴν κατασχόντες κ. Θηβαίοις εὐθὺς ἐπεβούλευσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) joining an affirmative clause with a negative, ἀλλ᾽ ὥς τι δράσων εἷρπε κοὐ θανούμενος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) καί, καί. correlative, not only, but also. , κ. ἀεὶ κ. νῦν, κ. τότε κ. νῦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) by anacoluthon, ὣς φαμένη κ. κερδοσύνῃ ἡγήσατ᾽ Ἀθήνη, for ὣς ἔφη κ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔρχεται δὲ αὐτή τε. κ. τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, for κ. ὁ υἱός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) even, also, just, B.1) τάχα κεν κ. ἀναίτιον αἰτιόῳτο even the innocent, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόμεναι κ. μεῖζον ἄεθλον an even greater prize, [Refs]full five,[Refs 5th c.BC+] two or three, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) also, κ. ἐγώ I also, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. αὐτοί they also, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀγίας καὶ Σωκράτης κ. τούτω ἀπεθανέτην likewise died, [Refs]; in adding surnames, etc, Ὦχος ὁ κ. Δαρειαῖος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative ὁ κ. first in [Refs 1st c.BC+], frequently later, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; Ἰούδας ὁ κ. Μακκαβαῖος [NT+8th c.BC+]; εἴπερ τι κ. ἄλλο, ὥς τις κ. ἄλλος, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not only, but also. , see at {μόνος}; οὐδὲν μᾶλλον. ἢ οὐ καὶ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2.b) frequently used both in the antecedent and relative clause, where we put also in the antecedent only, εἰ μὲν κ. σὺ εἶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὧνπερ κ. ἐγώ [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.3) frequently in apodosi, after temporal Conjs, ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥα, κ. τότε δή. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also after εἰ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: as a Hebraism, κ. ἐγένετο. κ. [LXX+NT] B.4) with Advs, to give emphasis, κ. κάρτα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. λίην full surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πάλαι, κ. πάνυ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μάλα, κ. σφόδρα, in answers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5) with words expressing a minimum, even so much as, were it but, just, ἱέμενος κ. καπνὸν ἀποθρῴσκοντα νοῆσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷς ἡδὺ κ. λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίς δὲ κ. προσβλέψετα; who will so much as look at you? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) just, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ κ. νοσοῦμεν 'tis just that that ails me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with a relative, τὸ κ. κλαίουσα τέτηκα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and how long ago was the city sacked? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ποῦ καί σφε θάπτε; where is he burying her? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) even, just, implying assent, ἔπειτά με κ. λίποι αἰών thereafter let life e'en leave me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8) κ. εἰ even if, of a whole condition represented as an extreme case, opposed to εἰ κ. although, notwithstanding that, of a condition represented as immaterial even if fulfilled,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰ κ. ἠπιστάμην if I had been able, [Refs 5th c.BC+] each exert their force separtely, as εἴ περ ἀδειής τ᾽ ἐστί, καὶ εἰ. and if. [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.9) before a Participle, to represent either καὶ εἰ, or εἰ καί, although, albeit, Ἕκτορα κ. μεμαῶτα μάχης σχήσεσθαι ὀΐω, for ἢν κ. μεμάῃ, how much soever he rage, although he rage, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C) Position: καί and, is by Poets sometimes put after another word, ἔγνωκα, τοῖσδε κοὐδὲν ἀντειπεῖν ἔχω, for καὶ τοῖσδε οὐδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) καί also, sometimes goes between a preposition and its case, ἐν κ. θαλάσσᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.3) very seldom at the end of a verse, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) crasis: with ᾰ, as κἄν, κἀγαθοί, etc; with ε, as κἀγώ, κἄπειτα, etc, Doric dialect κἠγώ, κἤπειτα, etc; with η, as Χἠ, Χἠμέρη, Χἠμεῖς, etc; with ῐ in Χἰκετεύετε, Χἰλαρ; with ο, as Χὠ, Χὤστις, etc; with υ in Χὐμεῖς, Χὐποχείριον, etc; with ω in the pronoun ᾧ, Χ; with αι, as κᾀσχρῶ; with αυ, as καὐτό; with ει, as κεἰ, κεἰς (but also κἀς), κᾆτ; with εὐ, as κεὐγένεια, κεὐσταλή; with οι in Χοἰ (Χᾠ [Refs]; with ου in Χοὖτος, κοὐ, κοὐδέ, and the like.
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words; and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet; apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force

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Adjective Nominative Plural Neuter
DESCRIBING neuter people or things that are doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Adjective
ὠφέλιμος, -ον (ὠφελέω), useful, serviceable, profitable: with dative commod, Tit.3:8; before πρός, with accusative, 1Ti.4:8, 2Ti.3:16. (AS)
Greek Adjective
ὠφέλ-ῐμος, ον, rarely η, ον, [Refs]:— helping, aiding, useful, serviceable, beneficial, sometimes of persons, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]: but more frequently of things, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τινι to one, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔς τι for a purpose, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὠ. as substantive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὑμῖν ὠ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]. adverb -μως [Refs 5th c.BC+]: superlative -ώτατα [Refs 5th c.BC+]
helpful or serviceable, i.e. advantageous; profit(-able); from a form of g3786 (ὄφελος)

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Definite article Dative Plural Masculine
specific male people or things that something is done for‚ or in relation to
Identical in all sources
Greek Article
, ἡ, τό, the prepositive article (ἄρθρον προτακτικόν), originally a demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the Eng. definite article. I. As demonstr. pron. 1) As frequently in Hom, absol, he (she, it), his (etc.): Act.17:28 (quoted from the poet Aratus). 2) Distributive, ὁ μὲν. ὁ δέ, the one. the other: 1Co.7:7, Gal.4:22; pl, Act.14:4, 17:32, Php.1:16, al; οἱ μὲν. ἄλλοι δέ, Mat.16:14, Jhn.7:12; οἱ μεν̀. ὁδέ, Heb.7:21, 23. 3) In narration (without ὁ μὲν preceding), ὁ δέ, but he: Mat.2:14, Mrk.1:45, Luk.8:21, Jhn.9:38, al. mult. II. As prepositive article, the, prefixed, 1) to nouns unmodified: ὁ θεός, τὸ φῶς, etc; to abstract nouns, ἡ σοφία, etc, to pl. nouns which indicate a class, οἱ ἀλώπεκες, foxes, Mat.8:20, al; to an individual as representing a class, ὁ ἐργάτης, Luk.10:7; with nom. = voc. in addresses, Mat.11:26, Jhn.19:3, Jas.5:1, al; to things which pertain to one, ἡ χεῖρ, his hand, Mrk.3:1; to names of persons well known or already mentioned; usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), ἡ Ἰουδαία, etc. 2) To modified nouns: with of person(s) pron. genitive, μοῦ, σοῦ, etc; with poss. pron, ἐμός, σός, etc; with adj. between the art. and the noun, ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος, Mat.12:35; the noun foll, by adj, both with art, ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, Jhn.10:11 (on ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, Jhn.12:9, see M, Pr., 84); before adjectival phrases, ἡ κατ᾽ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις, Rom.9:11. 3) To Other parts of speech used as substantives; (a) neuter adjectives: τ. ἀγαθόν, etc; (b) cardinal numerals: ὁ εἶς, οἷ δύο, etc; (with) participles: ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ Βαπτιστής, Mat.14:2), Mrk.6:14; πᾶς ὁ, with ptcp, every one who, etc; (d) adverbs: τὸ πέραν, τὰ νῦν, ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος; (e) infinitives: nom, τὸ θέλειν, Rom.7:18, al; genitive, τοῦ, after adjectives, ἄξιον τοῦ πορεύεσθαι, 1Co.16:4; verbs, ἐλαχεν τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι, Luk.1:9; and frequently in a final sense, ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρειν, Mat.13:3 (on the artic. inf, see Bl, §71). 4) In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a quotation: τὸ Ἐι δύνῃ, Mrk.9:23; τὸ ἔτι ἅπαξ, Heb.12:27; τὸ ἀνέβη, Eph.4:9, al. 5) To prepositional phrases: οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας, Heb.13:24; οἱ ἐκ νόμου, Rom.4:14; neut. accusative absol, in adverbial phrases, τὸ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, daily, Luk.11:3; τὸ κατὰ σάρκα, as regards the flesh, Rom.9:5. 6) To nouns in the genitive, denoting kinship, association, etc: ὁ τοῦ, the son of (unless context indicates a different relationship), Mat.10:2, al; τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things that pertain to God, Mat.16:23; τὰ τῆς εἰρήνης, Rom.14:19 (cf. M, Pr., 81ff; Bl, §§46, 47). (AS)
Greek Article
, , τό, is, when thus written, A) demonstrative Pronoun. B ) in Attic dialect, definite or prepositive Article. C ) in Epic dialect, the so-called postpositive Article, = relative Pronoun, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.—The nominative masculine and feminine singular and plural, ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ, have no accent in codices and most printed books, except when used as the relative; but ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ differ only in writing from ὃ, ἣ, οἳ, α; the nominative forms of the article are said by Hdn.Gr.1.474 to be oxytone, and by [Refs 2nd c.AD+] in Aeolic dialect accusative to [Refs 8th c.BC+] genitive and dative dual τοῖιν [Refs 8th c.BC+]— In Doric dialect and all other dialects except Attic dialect and Ionic dialect the feminine forms preserve the old ᾱ instead of changing it to η, hence Doric dialect etc. ἁ, τάν, τᾶ; the genitive plural τάων contracts in many dialects to τᾶ; the genitive singular is in many places τῶ, accusative plural τώς, but Cretan dialect, etc, τόνς [Refs]; in Lesbian Aeolic dialect the accusative plural forms are τοὶς, ταὶς, [Refs]; dative plural τοῖς, ταῖς (or τοὶς, ταὶς, see above), [Refs]; ταῖσι as demonstrative, [Refs 7th c.BC+] Poets also used the Ionic dialect and _Epic dialect_ forms τοῖσι, ταῖσ; and in Trag. we find τοὶ μέν, τοὶ δέ, for οἱ μέν, οἱ δέ, not only in Lyric poetry, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but even in a trimeter, [Refs 5th c.BC+] {ὅ}; τὼ πόλεε Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in [Refs 4th c.AD+] functions as genitive dual feminine, μεσακόθεν τοῖς κράναιυν [Refs 4th c.BC+] —in Elean and _Boeotian dialect_ ὁ, ἡ (ἁ), τό, with the addition of -ί, ={ὅδε}, ἥδε, τόδε, _nominative_ _plural_ _masculine_ τυΐ the following men, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] cf. Sanskrit demonstrative pronoun sa, sā, Gothic sa, sō, ONorse sá, sú, Old Latin accusative sum, sam (Enn.): —with τό [from *τόδ] cf. Sanskrit tat (tad), Latin is-tud, Gothic pata: —with τοί cf. Sanskrit te, Lithuanian tĩe, O[Refs 5th c.BC+] pá, etc:—with τάων cf. Sanskrit tāsām, Latin is-tarum:— the origin of the relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (which see) is different.) A) ὁ, ἡ, τό, DEMONSTR. PRONOUN, that, the oldest and in [Refs 8th c.BC+] the commonest sense: frequently also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], and sometimes in Trag. (mostly in Lyric poetry, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῶν γάρ, τῆς γάρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; seldom in Attic dialect Prose, except in special phrases, see infr. VI, VII): A.I) joined with a substantive, to call attention to it, ὁ Τυδεΐδης he—Tydeus' famous son, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸν Χρύσην that venerable man Chryses, I.II: and so with appellative, Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων N.—thataged man, [Refs]; αἰετοῦ. τοῦ θηρητῆρος the eagle, that which is called hunter, [Refs]; also to define and give emphasis, τιμῆς τῆς Πριάμου for honour, namely that of Priam, [Refs]; οἴχετ᾽ ἀνὴρ ὤριστος a man is gone, and he the best, [Refs]:—different from this are cases [Refs 8th c.BC+] if he would help the Trojans, but drive those back to the ships—I mean the Achaeans, where Ἀχ. is only added to explain τούς, compare [Refs] A.II) frequently without a substantive, he, she, it, ὁ γὰρ ἦλθε [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.III) placed after its Noun, before the Relat. Prons, ἐφάμην σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, τῶν ὅσσοι Λυκίην ναιετάουσι far above the rest, above those to wit who, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷ᾽ οὔ πώ τιν᾽ ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν, τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν. Ἀχαιαί such as we have not heard tell of yet even among the women of old, those women to wit who, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —for the _Attic dialect_ usage see below A.IV) before a Possessive pronoun its demonstrative force is sometimes very manifest, φθίσει σε τὸ σὸν μένος that spirit of thine, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.V) for cases in which the Homeric usage approaches most nearly to the Attic, see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ. without a substantive, in all cases, genders, and numbers, [Refs 8th c.BC+] properly refers to the former, ὁ δέ to the latter; more rarely ὁ μέν the latter, ὁ δέ the former, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in Partition, the one, the other, etc.—The Noun with it is regularly in genitive plural, being divided by the ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ, into parts, ἠΐθεοι καὶ παρθένοι, τῶν δ᾽ αἱ μὲν λεπτὰς ὀθόνας ἔχον, οἱ δὲ χιτῶνας εἵατο [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but frequently the Noun is in the same case, by a kind of apposition, ἴδον υἷε Δάρητος, τὸν μὲν ἀλευάμενον τὸν δὲ κτάμενον [Refs 8th c.BC+]: so in Trag. and Attic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; if the Noun be collective, it is in the genitive singular, ὁ μὲν πεπραμένος ἦν τοῦ σίτου, ὁ δὲ ἔνδον ἀποκείμενος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.2) when a negative accompanies ὁ δέ, it follows δέ, e.g. τὰς γοῦν Ἀθήνας οἶδα τὸν δὲ χῶρον οὔ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.3) ὁ μέν τις, ὁ δέ τις. is used in Prose, when the Noun to which ὁ refers is left indefinite, ἔλεγον ὁ μέν τις τὴν σοφίαν, ὁ δὲ τὴν καρτερίαν, ὁ δέ τις καὶ τὸ κάλλος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.4) on τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, or τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs] A.VI.5) ὁ μέν is frequently used without a corresponding ὁ δέ, οἱ μὲν ἄρ᾽ ἐσκίδναντο, Μυρμιδόνας δ᾽ οὐκ εἴα ἀποσκίδνασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; by ἄλλος δέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.6) ὁ δέ following μέν sometimes refers to the subject of the preceding clause, τοῦ μὲν ἅμαρθ᾽, ὁ δὲ Λεῦκον. βεβλήκει [Refs 8th c.BC+]: rare in Attic dialect Prose, ἐπεψήφιζεν αὐτὸς ἔφορος ὤν· ὁ δὲ οὐκ ἔφη διαγιγνώσκειν τὴν βοήν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.7) ὁ δέ is frequently used simply in continuing a narrative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also used by [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.8) the opposition may be expressed otherwise than by μέν and δέ, οὔθ᾽ ὁ. οὔθ᾽ ὁ [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VII) the following usages prevailed in Attic dialect Prose, A.VII.1) in dialogue, after καί, it was usual to say in nominative singular masculine καὶ ὅ; in the other cases the usual forms of the Article were used (see. ὅς [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.I and cf. Sanskrit sas, alternatative form of sa); so, in accusative, καὶ τὸν εἰπεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VII.2) ὁ καὶ ὁ such and such, τῇ καὶ τῇ ἀτιμίᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: but mostly in accusative, καί μοι κάλει τὸν καὶ τόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνάγκη ἄρα τὸ καὶ τό it must then be so and so, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but τὰ καὶ τά now one thing, now another, of good and bad, τὸν δ᾽ ἀγαθὸν τολμᾶν χρὴ τά τε καὶ τὰ φέρειν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; so πάντα τοῦ μετρίου μεταβαλλόμενα ἐπὶ τὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τά, of excess and defect, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII) absolutely usages of single cases, A.VIII.1) feminine dative τῇ, of Place, there, on that spot, here, this way, that way, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also in Prose, τὸ μὲν τῇ, τὸ δὲ τῇ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.b) with a notion of motion towards, that way, in that direction, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —only poetry A.VIII.1.c) of Manner, τῇ περ τελευτήσεσθαι ἔμελλεν in this way, thus, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.d) repeated, τῇ μέν, τῇ δέ, in one way, in another, or partly, partly, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.e) relative, where, by which way, only Epic dialect, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2) neuter dative τῷ, therefore, on this account, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2.b) thus, so, [Refs 8th c.BC+] precedes, be translated, then, if this be so, on this condition, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.3) neuter accusative τό, wherefore, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τὸ δέ absolutely, but the fact is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even when the τό refers to what precedes, the contrast may lie not in the thing referred to, but in another part of the sentence (compare above[Refs 5th c.BC+]; φασὶ δέ τινες αὐτὸν καὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν γεγονέναι· τὸ δὲ οὐκ ἦν but he was not, [Refs 1st c.BC+] A.VIII.4) τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, partly, partly, or on the one hand, on the other, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; more frequently τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the first clause, τὸ δέ τι [Refs] several times. and finally, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5) of Time, sometimes that time, sometimes this (present) time, συνμαχία κ᾽ ἔα ἑκατὸν ϝέτεα, ἄρχοι δέ κα τοΐ (where it is possible, but not necessary, to supply ϝέτος) [Refs 6th c.BC+] from that time, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.b) πρὸ τοῦ, sometimes written προτοῦ, before this, aforetime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.c) in Thess. Prose, ὑππρὸ τᾶς yesterday, τὰ ψαφίσματα τό τε ὑππρὸ τᾶς γενόμενον καὶ τὸ τᾶμον the decree which was passed yesterday (literal before this [day]), and to-day's, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.VIII.6) ἐν τοῖς is frequently used in Prose with Superlatives, ἐν τοῖσι θειότατον a most marvellous thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖς πρῶτοι the very first, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖσι πρῶτος (πρώτοις codices) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [Ζεὺς] Ἔρωτά τε καὶ Ἀνάγκην ἐν τοῖς πρῶτα ἐγέννησεν first of all, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] the greatest number of ships, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with adverbs, ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in late Prose, also with Positives, ἐν τοῖς παράδοξον [Refs 1st c.BC+] B) ὁ, ἡ, τό, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, the, to specify individuals: rare in this signification in the earliest Gr, becoming commoner later. In [Refs 8th c.BC+] the demonstrative force can generally be traced, [Refs 4th c.BC+] I, but the definite Article must be recognized in places [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also when joined to an adjective to make it a substantive, αἰὲν ἀποκτείνων τὸν ὀπίστατον the hindmost man, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in τῶν ἄλλων [Refs]; also τὸ τρίτον[Refs]; τὸ μὲν ἄλλο for the rest,[Refs]—The true Article, however, is first fully established in 5th C Attic dialect, whilst the demonstrative usage disappears, except in a few cases, V. [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Chief usages, especially in _Attic dialect_ B.I) not only with common Appellats, adjectives, and Parts, to specify them as present to sense or mind, but also frequently where we use the Possessive pronoun, τὸ κέαρ ηὐφράνθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν κεφαλὴν κατεάγην my head was broken, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς φίλους ποιούμεθα we make our friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰς πόλεις ἔκτιζον they began founding their cities, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.b) omitted with proper nounsand frequently with Appellats. which require no specification, as θεός, βασιλεύς, see at {θεός} [Refs] III; ἐμ πόλει in the Acropolis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare Θράσυλος in [Refs]; or when the person spoken of is to be specially distinguished, Ζεύς, ὅστις ὁ Ζεύς whoever this Zeus is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and therefore properly omitted when a special designation follows, as Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος: seldom in Trag. with proper nouns, save to give peculiar emphasis, like Latin ille, ὁ Λάϊος, ὁ Φοῖβος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.c) Aristotle says Σωκράτης meaning the historical Socrates, as in [Refs] when he means the Platonic Socrates, as [Refs] B.I.d) for Σαῦλος ὁ καὶ Παῦλος, etc, see at {καί} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.2) in a generic sense, where the individual is treated as a type, οἷς ὁ γέρων μετέῃσιν. λεύσσει [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) frequently with abstract Nouns, ἥ τε ἐλπὶς καὶ ὁ ἔρως [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3) of outstanding members of a class, ὁ γεωγράφος, ὁ κωμικός, ὁ ποιητής, ὁ τεχνικός, see at {γεωγράφος}, κωμικός, ποιητής, τεχνικός. B.I.4) with infinitives, which thereby become Substantives, τὸ εἴργειν prevention, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ φρονεῖν good sense, [Refs 5th c.BC+]infinitive, τὸ θεοὺς εἶναι the existence of gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ μηδένα εἶναι ὄλβιον the fact or statement that no one is happy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.5) in neuter before any word or expression which itself is made the object of thought, τὸ ἄνθρωπος the word or notion man; τὸ λέγω the word λέγ; τὸ μηδὲν ἄγαν the sentiment 'ne quid nimis', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τῇ αὐτῇ the phrase τῇ αὐτῇ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the opinion about the question 'who ought to rule', [Refs]; τὸ ἐὰν μένητε παρ᾽ ἐμοί, ἀποδώσω the phrase 'I will give back, if. ', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὀλίγοι the term few, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.6) before relative clauses, when the Article serves to combine the whole relative clause into one notion, τῇ ᾗ φὴς σὺ σκληρότητι the harshness you speak of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἥμερον καρπόν, καὶ τὸν ὅσος ξύλινος (i.e. καὶ τὸν καρπὸν ὅσος ἂν ᾖ ξύλινος) [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.7) before Prons, B.I.7.a) before the person Prons, giving them greater emphasis, but only in accusative, τὸν ἐμέ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν. σὲ καὶ ἐμέ[Refs] B.I.7.b) before the interrogative pronoun (both τίς and ποῖος), referring to something before, which needs to be more distinctly specified, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῆς ποίας μερίδο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τοῖς ποίοις; [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.7.c) with τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, τηλικοῦτος, etc, the Article either makes the pronoun into a substantive, ὁ τοιοῦτος that sort of person, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or subjoins it to a substantive which already has an Article, τὴν ἀπολογίαν τὴν τοιαύτην [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.8) before ἅπας, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὸν ἕνα, τὸν ἕνα τοῦτον, [Refs 4th c.BC+] see entry; and on οἱ ἄλλοι, οἱ πολλοί, etc, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs] B.I.9) the Article with the comparative is rare, if ἤ follows, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) elliptic expressions: B.II.1) before the genitive of a proper name, to express descent, son or daughter, Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου (i.e. υἱός) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἑλένη ἡ τοῦ Διός (i.e. θυγάτηρ) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also to denote other relationships, e.g. brother, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ Σμικυθίωνος Μελιστίχη M.the wife of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Κλέαρχος καὶ οἱ ἐκείνου Cl. and his men, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τοῦ Ἀντιγένεος the slave of [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) generally, before a genitive it indicates a wider relation, as τὸ τῶν νεῶν, τὸ τῶν Ἑρμῶν, the matter of the ships, the affair of the Hermae, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου πράσσειν to promote the interests of Arrhibaeus, [Refs]; τὸ τῆς τύχης,=ἡ τύχη, [Refs]; τὰ τῆς τύχης accidents, chance events, [Refs]; τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος performance of the rites due to the dead befits the living, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τῶν θεῶν that which is destined by the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+] what regards me or thee, my or thy business or interests, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and with genitive of [Refs 5th c.BC+] is frequently also, a man's word or saying, as τὸ τοῦ Σόλωνος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου as Homer says, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τά τινος so-and-so's house, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3) very frequently with cases governed by Preps. αἱ ἐκ τῆς Ζακύνθου νῆες the ships from Zacynthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὰ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης the Thrace-ward district, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καταστρώματος matters on deck, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπ᾽ Ἀλκιβιάδου the proposals of Alcibiades, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης the incidents of fortune, [Refs] B.II.4) on μὰ τόν, μὰ τήν, etc, see at {μά} IV. B.II.5) in elliptical phrases, ἐπορευόμην τὴν ἔξω τείχους (i.e. ὁδόν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ αὔριον (i.e. ἡμέρα), see at {αὔριον}; ἡ Λυδιστί (i.e. ἁρμονία) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ οἴκαδε πλοῦς [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; but τό stands absolutely with Advs. of time and place, when one cannot (as in the preceding instances) supply a substantive, as κἀκεῖσε καὶ τὸ δεῦρο [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ μὲν τὸ κεῖθεν, ὁ δὲ τὸ κεῖθεν [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) as RELATIVE PRONOUN in many dialects; both in nominative singular masculine ὅ, as κλῦθί μοι, ὃ χθιζὸς θεὸς ἤλυθες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὃ ἐξορύξη he who banishes him, [Refs]; and in the forms beginning with τ, especially in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also in Ionic dialect Poets, ἐν τῷ κάθημαι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τό [Refs]; τῶν[Refs]—Never in Comedy texts or Attic dialect Prose:—Epic dialect genitive singular τεῦ [Refs 8th c.BC+] D) CRASIS OF ARTICLE: D.a) Attic dialect ὁ, ἡ, τό, with ᾰ make ᾱ, as ἁνήρ, ἁλήθεια, τἀγαθόν, τᾄτιο; so οἱ, αἱ, τά, as ἅνδρες, τἀγαθ; also τοῦ, τῷ, as τἀγαθοῦ, τἀγαθῷ: ὁ, τό, οἱ, before e gives ου, οὑξ, οὑπί, οὑμός, τοὔργον, οὑπιχώριοι, etc; also τοῦ, as τοὐμοῦ, τοὐπιόντο; but ἅτερος, θάτερον ([musical notation]), Ionic dialect οὕτερος, τοὔτερον (see. ἕτερος), Attic dialect feminine ἡτέρα, dative θητέρᾳ (see. ἕτερος); τῷ loses the iota, τὠμῷ, τὠπιόντι: ὁ, τό, before ο gives ου, as Οὁδυσσεύς, Οὑλύμπιος, τοὔνομα: ὁ, τό, etc, before αυ gives ᾱυ, αὑτός, ταὐτό, ταὐτῷ (frequently written ἁτός, etc. in Inscrr. and Papyrus); so τὰ αὐτά=ταὐτά, αἱ αὐταί=αὑταί: ἡ before εὐ gives ηὑ, as ηὑλάβεια: τῇ before ἡ gives θη, as θἠμέρᾳ: τὸ before ὑ gives θου, as θοὔδωρ for τὸ ὕδωρ. D.b) other dialects: in their treatment of crasis these follow the local laws of contraction, hence, e.g, Doric dialect ὡξ from ὁ ἐξ [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect ᾡσυμνήτης from ὁ αἰς-[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡυτή from ἡ αὐτή [Refs 1st c.AD+]
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom); the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc; the definite article

to men.
Next word
a human
Noun Dative Plural Masculine
male PEOPLE OR THINGS that something is done for‚ or in relation to
Identical in all sources
a human
Greek Noun Male
ἄνθρωπος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for אִישׁ,אָדָם, also for אֱנוֹשׁ, etc;] man: 1) generically, a human being, male or female (Lat. homo): Jhn.16:21; with art, Mat.4:4 12:35, Mrk.2:27, Jhn.2:25, Rom.7:1, al; disting. from God, Mat.19:6, Jhn.10:33, Col.3:23, al; from animals, etc, Mat.4:19, Luk.5:10, Rev.9:4, al; implying human frailty and imperfection, 1Co.3:4; σοφία ἀνθρώπων, 1Co.2:5; ἀνθρώπων ἐπιθυμίαι, 1Pe.4:2; κατὰ ἄνθρωπον περιπατεῖν, 1Co.3:3; κατὰ ἄ. λέγειν (λαλεῖν), Rom.3:5, 1Co.9:8; κατὰ ἄ- λέγειν, Gal.3:15 (cf. 1Co.15:32, Gal.1:11); by meton, of man's nature or condition, ὁ ἔσω (ἔξω) ἄ, Rom.7:22, Eph.3:16, 2Co.4:16 (cf. 1Pe.3:4); ὁ παλαιὸς, καινὸς, νέος ἄ, Rom.6:6, Eph.2:15 4:22, 24 Col.3:9, 10; joined with another subst, ἄ. ἔμπορος, a merchant, Mat.13:45 (WH, txt. om. ἄ.); οἰκοδεσπότης, Mat.13:52; βασιλεύς, 18:23; φάγος, 11:19; with name of nation, Κυρηναῖος, Mat.27:32; Ἰουδαῖος, Act.21:39; Ῥωμαῖος, Act.16:37; pl. οἱ ἄ, men, people: Mat.5:13, 16 Mrk.8:24, Jhn.4:28; οὐδεὶς ἀνθρώπων, Mrk.11:2, 1Ti.6:16. 2) Indef, ἄ. = τις, some one, a man: Mat.17:14, Mrk.12:1, al; τις ἄ, Mat.18:12, Jhn.5:5, al; indef. one (Fr. on), Rom.3:28, Gal.2:16, al; opposite to women, servants, etc, Mat.10:36 19:10, Jhn.7:22, 23. 3) Definitely, with art, of some particular person; Mat.12:13, Mrk.3:5, al; οὗτος ὁ ἄ, Luk.14:30; ὁ ἄ οὗτος, ἐκεῖνος, Mrk.14:71, Mat.12:45; ὁ ἄ. τ. ἀνομίας, 2Th.2:3; ἄ τ. θεοῦ (of Heb. אִישׁ אֱלֹהִים), 1Ti.6:11, 2Ti.3:17, 2Pe.1:21; ὁ υἰὸς τοῦ ἀ, see: υἱός. SYN.: ἀνήρ, which see (and cf. MM, VGT, 44; Cremer, 103, 635). (AS)
a human
Greek Noun Male
ἄνθρωπος, ἡ, Attic dialect crasis ἅνθρωπος, Ionic dialect ὥνθρωπος, for ὁ ἄνθρ:— man, both as a generic term and of individuals, [Refs 8th c.BC+], opposed to gods, ἀθανάτων τε θεῶν χαμαὶ ἐρχομένων τ᾽ ἀνθρώπων[Refs 8th c.BC+]; πρὸς ἠοίων ἢ ἑσπερίων ἀνθρώπων the men of the east or of the west, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; even of the dead in the Isles of the Blest,[Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) [Refs 5th c.BC+] uses it both with and without the Article to denote man generically, ὁ ἄ. θείας μετέσχε μοίρας[Refs]; ὁ ἄ. the ideal man, humanity, ἀπώλεσας τὸν ἄ, οὐκ ἐπλήρωσας τὴν ἐπαγγελίαν[Refs 2nd c.AD+] 3) in plural, mankind, ἀνθρώπων. ἀνδρῶν ἠδὲ γυναικῶν[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐξἀνθρώπων γίγνεσθαι depart this life, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 3.b) joined with a superlative to increase its force, δεινότατον τῶν ἐν ἀνθρώποις ἁπάντων[Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ἄριστος ἐν ἀνθρώποις ὄρτυξ the best quail in the world, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently without a preposition, μάλιστα, ἥκιστα ἀνθρώπων, most or least of all, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἄριστά γ᾽ ἀ, ὀρθότατα ἀ, [Refs] 3.c) τὰ ἐξ ἀνθρώπων πράγματα 'all the trouble in the world',[Refs 5th c.BC+] 4) joined with another substantive, like{ἀνήρ}, ἄ. ὁδίτης [Refs 8th c.BC+]; with names of nations, πόλις Μερόπων ἀνθρώπων[Refs]; in Attic dialect frequently in a contemptuous sense, ἄ. ὑπογραμματεύς, ἄ. γόης, ἄ. συκοφάντης, [NT+5th c.BC+] 5) ἅνθρωπος or ὁ ἄνθρωπος alone, the man, the fellow, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; with a sense of pity, [Refs 4th c.BC+] 6) in the vocative frequently in a contemptuous sense, as when addressed to slaves, etc, ἄνθρωπε or ὤνθρωπε sirrah! you sir! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; simply, brother, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 7) slave, ἂν ἄ. ᾖ[Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ἄ. τῆς ἁμαρτίας or ἀνομίας[NT]; but τιθέναι τινὰ ἐν ἀνθρώποις make a man of, of a freed slave, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] 8) ἄ. ἄ. any one, Hebraism in [LXX]; ἄ. like [Refs 1st c.BC+] man 'one', [NT] 9) in Medicine texts, name of a plaster, ἡ διὰ σάνδυκος ἄ. καλουμένη[Refs 6th c.AD+] II) as feminine, woman, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; contemptuously, of female slaves, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; with a sense of pity, [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Prop. opposed to θηρίον, compare ἀνή; but opposed to γυνή, [LXX+4th c.BC+]
Noun Masculine
from g3700 (ὀπτάνομαι)); man-faced, i.e. a human being; certain, man; from g435 (ἀνήρ) and (the countenance

< Titus 3:8 >